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Caesar’s English Lesson 15

(Pages 139- 146)

Latin Stem Meaning Modern Vocabulary

ject throw dejection, interject, conjecture
dorm sleep dormant, dormitory, dormer
magn great magnate, magnificent, magnanimous
ver true verify, veracity, verdict
put think dispute, putative, reputation

Stem Lesson Choice Board - Choose 3 Activities

Banana-Grams Classification Math Magician ABC Rainbows

Cards Super Powers Illustrations Similes/Metaphors

Comics Headlines Personification Synthesis Story

Possible Point Values for Completing Each Activity

0 - Incomplete, incorrect or no effort demonstrated

1 - Partially complete, partially correct or some effort demonstrated
2 - Complete, correct and good effort demonstrated
3 - Complete, correct and exceptional effort demonstrated

Activity - ____ Activity - ____ Activity - ____ Total = _____

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