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Caesar’s English

Stem Choice Board Descriptions

Super Powers - Divide your page into quadrants. Choose 4 stems from the
lesson and develop 4 different super heroes or super villains around each stem’s
characteristic. Make sure that you write the stem and its meaning beside your
superhero. Ideas to include are: a special name, a costume, transportation,
power, personality. If you want your super hero or super villain to have a sidekick,
choose a sidekick from the stem that is left over.

Headlines – Write a least three “headlines” for pretend breaking news stories.
Use as many of the lesson’s advanced words or modern vocabulary as possible.
Your headlines must make sense! They can be funny, sad, serious, etc. but they
must be short phrases – no sentences. You may combine two or three words into
one headline but it should still make sense.

Math Magician - First, write all of the lesson’s stems from the left column and
modern words from right column on the lesson page into the margin of your
notebook page. Second, count the number of letters in each word/stem. Third,
use the words/stems in equations, number sentences, fractions, time, geometry,
measurement as if they were numbers. Fourth, write the number of letters
represented above each word. Be creative with math! Make up at least 3
different problems.
(3) + (3) = 6

Illustrations - Illustrate the meaning of the lesson’s 5 stems by drawing original

artwork or by gluing in appropriate images you find. Divide your page into 5
parts for 5 separate illustrations or create a collage, landscape, or scene
including all 5. Frame it if you wish. Write each stem and its meaning by the
appropriate illustrations.

ABC Rainbows -First, use a pencil to write all of the lesson’s stems/modern
words from the left and right hand columns in alphabetical order. Second, use 5
different colored pencils to trace over the alphabetical list. Say the spellings to

yourself as you write each stem/modern words. You may do a reverse ABC order
if you wish.

Similes/Metaphors - Similes are comparisons which use LIKE/AS. Metaphors are

comparisons which use IS. If you want to do this activity with a stem lesson,
choose 5 of the lesson’s modern vocabulary words instead. Please do not use
stems with this activity.

Personification - Personification is giving human characteristics to something

not human.
Choice 1 - Divide your page into quadrants and write in 4 of the lesson’s stems.
Imagine that each stem is a person whose entire life is dictated by his/her stem
name. Describe and illustrate your stem person in detail. Examples are
appearance, voice, movement/gestures, personality, attitude, likes/dislikes,
housing, transportation, clothing style.
Choice 2 - Follow all of the directions for Choice 1 but do not divide your page in
to quadrants. Instead, write a short story about an adventure that your 4 stem
people had together. Please do not include any dialogue.

Synthesis Story - Write a cohesive story, journal, diary entry or news article that
includes as many of your modern vocabulary or advanced words as possible.
Underline or circle each word used. You may use them more than once if
needed and you may use them in different tenses. You may also include words
from previous lessons.

Classification - To classify means to sort, order or organize. Classify the lesson

modern words, advanced words and stems in any logical way that you choose. Fill
your page with as many different classifications as possible. Ideas for
classification are part of speech, number of syllables, positive/negative
definitions, odd/even number of letters, familiar/unfamiliar, emotions/images,
happy/sad words, etc.

Banana-Grams – Use all of your left-hand and right-hand column stems/modern
words. Connect all of them by finding one matching letter that two words share.
Use as many words as you can. Fill up your page. You may use words/stems
more than once but do not write them backwards.

Cards – Divide your page into five rectangles resembling playing cards. Write
your five stems in the middle of each “card”. Write the stem’s definition under it.
In the middle of each card, draw a small picture or symbol to represent each
stem. In the 4 corners of each “card”, write T, S, V, and C.
T = total letters, S = total syllables, V = total vowels, C = total consonants.

Comics – Create a comic panel or strip using as many of your stems,

advanced words or modern vocabulary as you can. Cover your page and keep
content appropriate.

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