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SULIT 1119/2

Name :……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Class:……………………………….

Bahasa Inggeris
Kertas 1
1 jam 45 minit






1. This question paper consists of four sections.

2. Answer all sections.
2. Answer all sections in this question paper.
3. This question paper need to be submitted to the invigilator at the end of the examination.

Prepared By: Checked By: Verified By:

……………………………………………. ……………………………………………. …………………………………………….

(Muhammad Afiq Naim Bin (Ahmad Mustamir Bin Omar) (Rohani Binti Dahari)
Kamaruzaman) Head of English Language
Section A Head of Language
English Panel Panel Department
SM Sains Bagan Datoh SM Sains[ Bagan
15 marks ]
Datoh SM Sains Bagan Datoh

SULIT 1119/2

Questions 1 – 8
For each of the questions, read the question first, then study the information given to find the best answer.
Then circle the answer A, B, C or D on the answer sheet provided.


~ Shoes have to be comfortable.

~ Choose shoes that fit well.
~ Change into a different pair every day because wearing
one pair continuously wears it out.
~ Take care of your shoes by applying shoe cream or

1. You should change shoes daily in order to

A wear them comfortably
B make them last longer
C keep them shiny Johor 2008

PETALING JAYA: The public needs to be constantly reminded of the Social

Welfare Department’s hotline “Talian Nur” set up to offer assistance to the
poor, needy, and anyone in need of aid.
“The hotline is effective because it makes the department accessible to
the public,” said the department’s Director, Rashid Zainal.
More information can be obtained directly from the Social Welfare
Depatment’s website at
As Malaysians, this is how we can help each other. Inform us if you
know of those in need of help.

2. The aim of the hotline is to

A make the department within reach of the public

B help all Malaysians settle their financial problems
C remind the public of the Social Welfare Department’s needs through Talian Nur.
D obtain more information about the Social Welfare Department.

SULIT 1119/2

3. The phrase the poor, needy and anyone in need of aid most probably refers to
A social workers
B welfare officers
C private school children who are in need.
D unemployed single parents
Selangor 2009


4. The advertisement means that you should eat

A fruits and vegetables to have colourful lives.
B fruits and vegetables to stay healthy.
C colourful food to be healthy.
D food colouring to be healthy.
Johor 2008





5. Based on the bar graph above, we know that

A boys like rock music the most
B girls like classic music the least
C boys prefer country to rock music
D girls prefer country to classic music SBP 2013

SULIT 1119/2

How did you enjoy your It was raining cats and dogs there. I
holiday at Fraser’s Hill, could hardly go out. When I did, I got
Sam? wet, and now I’m having the flu.

6. From the dialogue above, we know that Sam had

A enjoyed his holiday
B an interesting time
C caught the flu before the holiday
D a miserable holiday Kelantan 2013

It is worrying to read reports in the newspaper stating how some students are depressed due to exam
pressure. Some students burn the midnight oil and tire themselves out so they can ace their examinations.
The constant pressure from parents and the society did not help to resolve the issue. I am worried that our
students will be just drones who produce strings of good results but lack soft skills and have inability to
socialize well. It shows the emphasis on the amount of competition that is now becoming unhealthy.

7. The writer believes that students

A need to work hard to score well in the examination

B are pressured to do extremely well in the examination
C are crazy to take too many subjects in the examination
D should burn the midnight oil to score well in their examination

SULIT 1119/2

Keep Clear

8. The purpose of this notice is to

A remind the public not to block the exit door
B encourage the public to use the exit door
C inform the public where the exit door is
D advise the public to keep the door open

SBP 2014

Questions 9 – 15 are based on the following passage.

Two teenagers from the Shelter Home for Children will climb Mount Kinabalu to raise funds for
the home and create awareness _ __9_ _ child protection. N.Regina, 17, and Seow Kok Meng, 14, said
that the home had provided ___10___ with care and protection since they were young. Now, they want
to give something back.
The 'Mount Kinabalu Shelter Home - A Climb of Hope" would be ___11___ from April 25th to
28th, in which the two would attempt to trek up the mountain with thirty others. They would also speak to
people about the ___12___ of children from broken homes. Regina said she had her schooling
interrupted when her father died. Faced with financial difficulty, her mother sent her to the home when
she ___13___ eleven. Since then, she had been able to attend school.
Seow said he wanted to raise RM15,000 for the Shelter Home. He was sent to the home when he
was seven, adding that the home had helped him with his studies. Meanwhile, Miss Malaysia / World
2009, Thanuja Ananthan and her twin sister, Anuja, ___14___ are among the twenty volunteers, have
pledged to take part. It is an uphill task, 15 the teens do not mind doing it for charity.
[Adapted from Tfte Star, 24 March 2012)
Kedah 2012

SULIT 1119/2

9 A on 13. A is
B. of B are
C at C was
D over D were

10 A they 14. A who

B them B which
C their C whom
D theirs D whose

11 A holding 15. A unless

B holds B and
C hold C but
D held D so

12 A needs
B demands
C properties
D necessities

SULIT 1119/2

Section B
(10 marks)
(Time suggested: 25 minutes)

Questions 16 to 25
Read the following text and answer the questions that follow.

The Leatherback Turtles

Terengganu is once again become one of the favourite tourist attractions since the leatherback
turtle has made a surprise return to nest in Rantau Abang Beach. During the recent nesting, workers from
the state’s Turtle and Marine Ecosystem Centre managed to recover 40 eggs.
The species have been around for the past 75 million years and have survived cycle of near
extinction. In the 1550s, up to 10,000 female turtles would lay their eggs in Rantau Abang Beach yearly.
However, by the 1980s, the number had fallen to 800. According to one of the Ecosystem Centre workers,
pollution and over-fishing have been the causes for the decrease in the number of female turtles coming to
this beach to nest.
Another problem is the general decrease in the population of the leatherbacks, causing them to be
classified as an endangered species. A lot of eggs are poached by the locals who sell them illegally in the
nearby markets. Therefore, the respective authorities have banned the sale of leatherback turtle eggs in the
state. Besides that, since year 2000 a lot of eggs did not hatch because they were infertile. This is because
very few male leatherbacks come to the beach so most of the eggs do not get fertilised.
To overcome this problem, Malaysian scientists are planning to use advanced reproductive
biotechnology to fertilise the eggs. They will use the semen from the green turtles and try to fertilise the
leatherback eggs in order to get new hatching. Another method being studied in the biotechnology
programme is cloning.
Terengganu’s beaches are also landing sites for the Olive Ridley and Hawksbill, both belonging
to the species of green turtles.

SULIT 1119/2

Questions 16 to 25
Using the information from the text, complete the table below.

Title 16)…………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………………………..(1 mark)

Leatherback’s 17)…………………………………………………………………………………
favourite nesting ……………………………………………………………………….…(1 mark)

Two reasons for 18)…………………………………………………………………………………

decrease in ……………………………………………………………………….…(1 mark)
female turtles
coming to Rantau
Abang Beach. 19)…………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………………..………(1 mark)

Two reasons for 20)…………………………………………………………………………………

decline in ………………………………………………………………………… (1 mark)
population. 21)…………………………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………….………(1 mark)

Two methods of 22)…………………………………………………………………………………

reproductive ……………………………………………………………………….…(1 mark)

…………………………………………………………………….……(1 mark)

Names of 24)…………………………………………………………………………………
Green turtles ……………………………………………………………………….…(1 mark)

………………………………………………………………….………(1 mark)

(10 marks)

SULIT 1119/2

Section C
[25 marks]
[Time suggested : 50 minutes]

Questions 26 – 31 are based on the following passage.

1 On my way home from school one day, I saw a student from my class walking ahead
of me. His name was Ken. He was one of those students who never mixed around and
was always being teased for his ‘nerdy’ appearance. It looked like he had emptied his
locker and was carrying all his books home. I thought to myself, ‘Why would anyone
bring home all his books on a Friday? He must really be a nerd.’ 5
2 As I continued walking, I saw a few students deliberately running towards him.
They knocked him over and sent his books scattering on the muddy ground. His
spectacles went flying, and when he looked up I saw this terrible sadness in his eyes.
My heart went out to him. So, I went over to him and as he crawled around looking
for his glasses, I saw a tear in his eye. 10
3 As I handed him his spectacles, I said, ‘Those guys are jerks. Let me help you.’
4 He looked at me and said, ‘Hey thanks!’ There was a big smile on his face.
5 It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude. I helped him pick up his
books, and asked him where he lived. As it turned out, he lived near me. We talked
all the way home, and I carried his books. He turned out to be a nice guy. We hung 15
out all weekend and the more I got to know Ken, the more I liked him.
6 Monday morning came, and there was Ken with the huge stack of books again. I
stopped him and said, ‘Are you planning to build some serious muscles by lugging
this pile of books every day?’ He just laughed and handed me half the books.
7 Over the next four years, Ken and I became best friends. When we finished 20
school, we both went on to different universities. When Ken completed his medical
studies, he invited me for his graduation. He had been selected to give a speech on
behalf of the students and he wanted me to be present.
8 On graduation day, I saw Ken. He looked great. He was one of those guys that
really found himself after high school. He seemed more confident and actually 25
looked good in glasses. And judging by the people around him, he had become one
of the most popular guys on campus.
9 As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began. ‘Graduation is a time
to thank those who helped you make it through those tough years - your parents,
your teachers, your siblings, but mostly your friends. I am here to tell all of you that 30
being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give them. I am going to tell you a
10 I just looked at my friend with incredulity as he told the story of the first day we
met. He had planned to kill himself over the weekend. He talked of how he had
cleaned out his locker so that no one would have to clean his clutter later. He also 35
related how he had secretly stashed his mother’s sleeping pills and how he had
planned to commit suicide.
11 I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told us all
about his weakest moment.
12 ‘But that afternoon I unexpectedly met Mark. We spent some time together 40
talking and laughing. I realised at that moment that if I had killed myself, I would

SULIT 1119/2

have missed out on many other similar occasions that might follow.’
13 Then he turned directly to me and said, ‘So you see, my friend, when you talked
to me that day, you actually did a lot more. You saved my life.’

(Adapted from

26 From paragraph 2:
(a) describe the unfortunate incident that happened to Ken
.........................................................................................................................................[1 mark]
(b) how did Mark react to this incident
.........................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

27 (a) From paragraph 5, describe how Mark felt about his new friendship with Ken.
..........................................................................................................................................[1 mark]
(b) From paragraph 7, what was Ken’s ambition?
.........................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

28 From paragraph 8, state two changes that Mark observed in his friend.
(i) ..........................................................................................................................................[1 mark]
(ii)...........................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

29 From paragraph 10,

(a) how was Ken planning to kill himself?
.........................................................................................................................................[1 mark]
(b) which word conveys the meaning of ‘disbelief’?
..........................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

30 What made Ken change his mind about committing suicide that day? Give a reason to support your
.....................................................................................................................................[2 marks]

SULIT 1119/2

31. Based on the passage given, write a summary on

• how Mark became Ken’s friend and
• how Mark saved Ken’s life without realising it

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original meaning.

Your summary must

• be in continuous writing form (not in note form)
• use material from line 6 to line 39
• not be longer than 130 words, including the ten words given below

Begin your summary as follows :

When Mark saw Ken being bullied he rushed over to help …...........

...................................................................................................................................................................... .........
......................................................................................................................................................... ......................
........................................................................................................................................... ....................................
.........................................................................................................................................[Lihat halaman sebelah)

SULIT 1119/2


....................................................................................................................................................................... ........
.......................................................................................................................................................... .....................
............................................................................................................................................ ...................................
.......................................................................................................................................................... [15 marks]

SULIT 1119/2

Section D
[20 marks]
[Time suggested : 35 minutes]
32 Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.
The Living Photograph
My small grandmother is tall there,
straight-back, white broderie anglaise shirt,
pleated skirt, flat shoes, grey bun,
a kind, old smile round her eyes.
Her big hand holds mine
white hand in black hand.
Her sharp blue eyes look her own death in the eye.

It was true after all, that look.

My tall grandmother became small.
Her back round and hunched
Her soup forgot to boil.
She went to the awful place grandmothers go
Somewhere unknown, unthinkable.

But there she is still,

In the photo with me at three,
The crinkled smile is still living, breathing.

Jackie Kay

(a) In stanza 1, which phrase shows that the grandmother is old?

……………………………………………………………………………………………………...[1 mark]

(b) In line 12, where did the grandmother go?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………….[1 mark]

(c) At what age was the persona when the photograph was taken?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………........[1 mark]

(d) What do you think the persona’s feeling when she looks at the photo? Give a reason for your answer.

Feeling : …………………………………………………………………………………………….[1 mark]

Reason : …………………………………………………………………………………...……….[1 mark]

SULIT 1119/2

Question 32 is based on the following passage. Choose the best answer to fill in each blank.

Tanjong Rhu is a simple (i)______ profound story about the relationship between Mr. T.W. Li, a rich
(ii)_________ in the shipping business and his mother (Ah Ma). Mr Li has his office at Shenton Way and
is modern in his ways and ideas. His mother is traditional with strong religious (iii)_______ and practices
ancestor worship religiously. They have a close relationship although Mr Li does not seem to realize it.
The day (iv)_________ Ah Ma’s funeral, Mr Li recalls the day he (v)_______ his mother about using
binoculars or see-far glasses. While he wants her to have (vi)________ vision with the binoculars, she
however, (vii)_________ to see her husband’s shipyard in Tanjung Rhu with the binoculars. She uses
them but does not see anything. (viii)_________, she tells Mr. Li she sees his childhood days when they
enjoyed (ix)________ on Tanjung Rhu beach in her mind’s eyes. Mr. Li cannot (x)_________ all these
details and wants to ask Ah Ma further. But , she (xi)________ very sick and is unable to talk much. She
manages to (xii)________ the urgency of a hidden key to the altar (xiii)______ she draws her last
(xiv)__________. He promises to (xv)__________ this last wish of hers. But, he is unable to find the key.

i. A. but vii. A. hoping

B. and B. hope
C. yet C. is hoping
D. or D. hopes

ii. A. businessman viii. A. How ever

B. fisherman B. Instead
C. apprentice C. Therefore
D. owner D. Thus

iii. A. believe ix. A. walking

B. beliefs B. walked
C. believing C. walks
D. belief D. have walked

iv. A. before x. A. remembered

B. during B. remembers
C. while C. remembering
D. after D. remember

v. A. tell xi. A. becoming

B. told B. becomes
C. has told C. has became
D. was telling D. became

vi. A. better xii. A. convey

B. good B. conveyed
C. best C. is conveying
D. bad D. conveys

SULIT 1119/2

xiii. A. before
B. after
C. during
D. when

xiv. A. wish
B. view
C. breath
D. death

xv. A. convey
B. deliver
C. guide
D. fulfill [15 marks]

SULIT 1119/2


1 A B C D 9 A B C D

2 A B C D 10 A B C D

3 A B C D 11 A B C D

4 A B C D 12 A B C D

5 A B C D 13 A B C D

6 A B C D 14 A B C D

7 A B C D 15 A B C D

8 A B C D Examiner’s

Section Marks

A 15

B 10

C 25

D 20

Total 70



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