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Wenika Kamolchanok Teeranut Akarawat #1102
The purpose of this lab is to verify the law of conservation of energy. The
law of conservation of energy states that in the system energy cannot be
gained or lost, but only transformed throughout the system, assuming there
are no external forces present. If conservation of energy is certainly true, it
is expected that the initial energy of a system will equal the final energy of a
system. In the case of this lab, which apply the energy from electricity
generator that power by the muscle power, our goal is to show that the
energy at the start of the muscle power would equal the energy at the end of
the ambulance car.
For Measurement and Design: - For Circuit: Motor
- Ruler - Tube
- Eraser - Wires
- Pencil - Handle (metal)
- Cardboard - Siren alarm
- Bottle cap - Resistor
- Stick - Capacitor
- Straw - LEDs
- Cutter - Transistor (?)
- Spray for coloring - Diode
- Black sticker for windows - Shrink Tubing
- Transparent red and blue stickers for - Soldering iron
the siren - Lead
- Rubber
- Screw
- Not
- Pliers
- Screwdriver (many types)
Set up
Background / Introduction
The term conservation refers to something which doesn’t change and
represents a conserved quantity that is constant over time. The conservation
of energy is a fundamental concept along with the conservation of mass and
the conservation of momentum. Conservation of energy; the amount of
energy remains constant and energy is neither created nor destroyed, but
energy can be converted from one form to another, potential energy can be
converted to kinetic energy but the total energy within the domain remains
the same. For example, human use energy concepts to liftoff airplanes and
propel rockets. We also experience a transfer of energy in our daily life
whenever we watch television, listen to the radio, or blow-dry our hair. The
concept of conservation of energy is the basis for this laboratory, which in
this case, the energy from the muscle power and transfer to the flashlight,
that energy is conserved as long as no external forces act on the system, and
the energy in the system cannot be lost or gain.
Discussion of Physics concept
Conservation of Energy (mechanical -> electrical and sound)
According to the Law of Conservation of Energy, the energy cannot be
created or destroyed, however, it may be transformed from one type of
energy to another type of energy. We considered our project as the
transformation of mechanical energy to electrical energy and sound as we
make the siren on the top of the ambulance which is considering as an
electrical and sound energy, works by the force we input to the motor when
we spin which is mechanical energy.
Discussion of Design (Step by Step)
For Measurement and Design of the Body:
- Firstly, we measure all of the parts of the ambulance car (The length,
height, and width can be found in data part)
- Then, we need to cut it according to the measurement data.
- After we got the body part, we use straw, stick, and bottle cap for making
the wheel part by using bottle cap attach on the top of it and the other side of
a stick, then put it inside the straw as a core.
- Attach all part together.

For Circuit:
- We use a motor as a generator for making all of the circuits work.
- Then, connect it with wires to the main circuits which are siren and
alternating LEDs.
- We put a resistor, capacitor, and LEDs into the circuit board, then we use
soldering iron to heat the lead up for making them fuse together.
- Then, take the LEDs of the main board and connect it with wires and put it
on the top of the car for making siren light.
- Put all circuits in a car and making a wire from the main board to our
- Finished
(measurement, way of constructing the ambulance )
The base’s length: 25 cm
The base’s width: 12.8 cm
The side’s length: 25 cm
The side’s height: 12.5 cm
The length of the car roof: 35.3 cm
The width of the car roof: 13.3 cm
The back door’s length: 13.5 cm
The back door’s width: 12.5 cm
Analysis of Data
For our ambulance’s measurement, we use these numbers so that it will go
well together and also that it’s not too big or too small. For the base length or
the side of the car, it’s 25cm and the width is 12.8cm. The side or the part
where there are the logos the length is also 25cm because it has to be stick
with the base and the width is 12.5cm and this measurement applies on both
sides. For the car’s roof, it had to be a little bit longer because it needed to be
bent into shape so the length is 35.3cm and the width is 13.3cm. And last but
not least is the back door, it’s where we close of everything and seal the deal,
the length is 13.5cm and te width is 12.5cm.
For our project we wanted to prove the energy conservation law which is that
energy cannot be create or destroy by converting mechanical energy into
electrical energy. First we turn the generator which turning is a mechanical
energy and then when we keep turning  the light went on and also the alarm
this shows that it have been change into electrical energy.
- When doing the circuit you want to be careful not to have any wire leaking
because it will be dangerous and can potentially blow up. Also when you are
putting the cardboard parts together I would recommend you to use a strong
glue so that it will stick and to patiently wait for the glue to dry before
moving it. Also when you are spraying the paint you want to find something
to cover your nose because the spray paint is very toxic.

- During soldering, we need to be concern about how long we use soldering

iron because it might burn the simple circuit that could not bear the heat of it
such as LEDs, or resistor. So, we need to recommend about soldering that we
should be concentrate and carefully all the time 
Work Log

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