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Murallon, Boac, Marinduque

First Periodical Test in Computer

Grade 7
SY: 2015-2016

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________________________

Year and Section: __________________________ Teacher: __________________________________

Direction: Identify the following. Write your answer on the blank space provided before the number. Choose your
answer on box below.
_______________1. It is an electronic hardware device that can accept and process data.
_______________2. These are the most important element of a computer system.
_______________3. These are programs or instructions that a computer must follow to do its task.
_______________4. These are the physical components that you can feel or touch.
_______________5. It includes texts and numbers, sounds, images, and video that we input into the computer for
_______________6. It means that a computer must be connected to other computers especially through the
_______________7. These are step by step instructions to follow when using hardware, software, and data.
_______________8. These are the programs that people use for their day to day tasks on the computer.
_______________9. It operates and functions under the control of instructions called programs.
_______________10. It is called the brain of the computer.

Computer Hardware Procedure Applications software

People Data Software CPU
Software Connectivity System Software Monitor


Direction: Match Column A to Column B. Write your answer on the blank space provided before the number.
_______1. Napier’s bones A. John Mauchly
_______2. Slide rule B. John Ambrose Fleming
_______3. Pascaline C. John Napier
_______4. Leibniz wheel D. William Oughtred
_______5. Difference Engine 1 E. Thomas Edison
_______6. The first programmer F. Joseph Marie Jacquard
_______7. Punched paper or wood G. Blaise Pascal
_______8. Light bulb H. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
_______9. Vacuum tube I. Ada Lovelace
_______10. ENIAC J. Charles Babbage
K. Steve Jobs

Direction: Enumerate the following.
1-5 Elements of a Computer System
6-8 Advantages of using the Computer
9-11 Disadvantages of using the Computer
12-15 Types of Computers
16-20 Components inside the CPU Box

Direction: Explain the following briefly. (5 points each)
1. Why does the CPU called the “brain of the computer”?
2. What are the uses of computer?

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Nikko M. Togado Maria Teresa M. Leal Jennifer R. Molbog

Instructor OIC Principal VP for Academic Affairs
Murallon, Boac, Marinduque

First Periodical Test in Computer

Grade 9
SY: 2015-2016

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________________________

Year and Section: __________________________ Teacher: __________________________________

Direction: Identify the following. Write your answer on the blank space provided before the number. Choose your
answer on the box below.
___________1. It is a telecommunications network which allows computers to exchange data.
___________2. These are network computer devices that originate, route and terminate the data.
___________3. It is the best known computer network.
___________4. It is the means of connecting one location to another for the purpose of transmitting and receiving
digital information.
___________5. It is widely used for cable television systems, office buildings, and other work-sites for local area
___________6. It is most widely used medium for all telecommunication.
___________7. It is an electronic device that receives a network signal, cleans it of unnecessary noise, and
regenerates it.
___________8. These are used to connect network nodes via wire not originally designed for digital network traffic,
or for wireless.
___________9. It is a network device for controlling network security and access rules.
___________10. It is a repeater with multiple ports is known.

Computer Network Data link Repeater Hub

Network Nodes Coaxial Cable Modems Switches
Internet Twisted pair wire Firewall Bridges

Direction: Enumerate the following.
1-5 Network Nodes
6-10 Network Topologies
11-15 Types of Network
16-18 Wired Technologies
19-20 Wireless Technologies


Direction: Match column A with column B. Write your answer on the blank space provided before the number.
______1. Semi-Automatic Ground Environment A. 1950
______2. Anatolii Ivanovich Kitov B. 1959
______3. Commercial airline reservation system C. 1960
______4. Create the first WAN D. 1965
______5. J.C.R. Licklider E. 1962
F. 1964

Direction: Do what is being asked. (10 pts.each)
1. Draw a diagram of a local area network.
2. Draw the fully connected network topology.
3. Write down the RJ45 color codes (Set A or Set B).

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Nikko M. Togado Maria Teresa M. Leal Jennifer R. Molbog

Instructor OIC Principal VP for Academic Affairs

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