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Date: 30th April 2018

My goal is to choose 5 topics that we are going to do as a group.

Today I have help my group choose topics about impact of farming and I also written some of
my group proposal. It is about the 5 topics that we are going to do. Including deforestation to
create grassland for grazing cows, overfishing in oceans, human health issues, agricultural
emission and water shortages. We are planning to finish the proposal next class.

Date: 1st May 2018

My goal is to finish my proposal.
Today I continue working on my proposal and I finished it with my friends. We wrote a 2
paragraph proposal about impact of farming. I did a very good job because I have done the
proposal and use my time well. Next class we are going to divide our topics for each person to
do research.

Date: 4th May 2018

My goal today is to do a little bit of research on my topic that I was assign.
We were planning on the materials we are going to use for our project. We have talk about the
layout of our product. I need to do research on methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide
released in farming and how it related to climate change. I have found a website about how
farming cause climate change from World Resources Institute.

Date: 7th May 2018

My goal today is to do some research about the impact of farming.
We have a lecture about industrial agriculture for more than half of class time so I didn’t have a
chance to do much research.
I found out that animal livestocks contribute 7100 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year.

Date: 8th May 2018

My goal today is to do more research about agricultural emission to understand the cause and
effects of the problems. I did a good job because I found out that Feed production and
processing, and enteric fermentation from ruminants are the two main sources of emissions. I
didn’t find a lot of information because we had a lecture about pesticides for 40 minutes so I
don’t have enough time.

Date: 11th May 2018

My goal today is to find more information about agricultural emission.
I have found out that farm-related emissions come in the form of methane and nitrous oxide.
Cattle belching and the addition of natural or synthetic fertilizers and wastes to soils represent
the largest sources, making up 65 percent of agricultural emissions globally. I have found some
important information.

Date: 15th May 2018

My goal today is to find some more information about human activity that cause climate
I found out that people burn fossil fuels and clear trees that absorb carbon dioxide,
sending heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere. My group decided that we are going
to work on our booklet on Thursday.

Date: 16th May 2018

My goal today is to find out which countries emitted most gases by agricultural
I found out that China and the United States produces the most carbon dioxide from
agriculture. We discussed about how we are going to do our booklet and decorate it
tomorrow. I did some updates on my learning record form.

Date 22nd May 2018

My goal today is to gather information about methane released from farming
I found out that methane are mostly released from agriculture and it is 23 times more
greenhouse effects of carbon dioxide over 100 years. Farming used a lot of fossil fuels
to produce food and it release a lot of greenhouse gases emissions. I did good job by
finding things that I want to find and combine information together. I will print out those
information later to put into booklet.

Date 23rd May 2018

My goal today is to arranged my information into booklets.
I have cutted out my papers that included information about agricultural emission and
meat production to put into my group booklet. There are pictures of farming, animal
waste, meat production and slaughterhouse. Later, I will arrange my information in the
booklet and decorate it to make it look interesting.
Date 28th May 2018
My goal today is to finish my learning record form
I have already finished my booklet so I will start doing my learning record form and write
my reflection. I have finished my learning record form but I have not start to write my
reflection. I did completed my goal and next class I will start writing my reflection.

Date 30th May 2018

My goal today is to start writing my reflection
I have finished everything including the mind map, learning record form and booklet
except for reflection. Today, I wrote a little bit of my reflection in my weebly website.
I will tried to finish my reflection by the end of this week and submitted everything to
Miss Charlene so I would be done with all of my work.

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