1,000 Day Action Plan

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Subject: 1,000 Day Action Plan
Blueprint for the next 2 ¾ years … 11 quarters … and 33 months!!! (Rule of 3!)

MAIN GOAL: 1,000 CALLBACKS in 1,000 days

Course of Action:

1. BRAINSTORM (with team)

o Picture Utopian organization upon 1,000 days
o List out goals that define above achievement


o Let creativity flow away post-brainstorm
o Write in the PRESENT TENSE! ("We are achieving our first RM1
million objective well before first quarter target, We have
acquired new vendors that increases productivity rate etc.”)
3. Transfer the specific goals to Quarterly Benchmark Sheet
o The first four quarters to be specific, containing some depth and detail
around THREE topline major accomplishments per quarter
o Benchmarks to reveal "big picture" as the quarters pass


1,000-Day Journey that begins with the single step of setting the scene.

It's all about the big, and seemingly “I’M-POSSIBLE” goals.

Start at the end and work backwards, measuring out strategic framework on a day-
by-day basis.


Strategic planning process that literally projects position in 1,000 days:

 Get stakeholders, board members, and senior leadership actively involved

 Create visual timeline for easier understanding
 Consider:
Home > Change the way you Think > Simplify. Simplify. Simplify > Nugget
Subject: 1,000 Day Action Plan
o What the BOARD looks like in 1,000 days.
o What the TEAM looks like in 1,000 days.
o What IMPACT is made in 1,000 days.
o What the "NUMBERS” look like, for both numerator and denominator
(revenue and expenses) in 1,000 days.


Impact that boils down to monetary and motivational value, for KPI purposes:

 Set financial goal for the development operation over the next 1,000 days
 Divide that 1,000-day goal into quarters, months and days

RM10 million in 1,000 days example:

o That's RM10,000 a day.

o RM 300,000 a month.
o RM 900,000 a quarter, etc.
 Divide numbers by development staff, key board members, development
committee, etc.

3 Essential Considerations

COMMIT to making a positive decision, and then CONNECT with team to implement
a visible process, in order to CREATE the magic of shared achievement.

1. Commit

The whole team needs to be prepared, and be on board, to pull together. After all,
we want to be the best at what we do, whether in sport or in business. This requires
genuine commitment to reach targets, and to ensure the 1000-day plan works.

2. Connect
Home > Change the way you Think > Simplify. Simplify. Simplify > Nugget
Subject: 1,000 Day Action Plan
Plan needs to speak to everyone on the team, requiring each member to be part of
the path to success. Every part of the company, should be aiming to be better than
the competition – every hour of each day counts, every piece of inventory has to
deliver to its maximum and if it does not, an alternative must be ready to replace.

Team members need to be clear of how to contribute and connect as a whole, in

order to curate a visible and transparent plan, which both encourages and inspire.

3. Create: The Magic of Shared Achievement

Disregard the impossible, get crazy, and brace to become the “Fosbury Flop long
jump” of business. Have fun along the way, and encourage creativity that sparks the
magic to keep everyone going for goal (gold). Continuously congratulate, celebrate,
and reward the team for their part of the success.

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