2010 April Prayer Letter

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World Mission Outreach

To proclaim the Gospel; equip the next generation; mobilize the church throughout the world

April 20, 2010

Shalom Dear Friends and Kingdom Builders,

We are back home in Jerusalem and excited about the upcoming outreach next month by the Sea of
Galilee and we have been preparing for this. The annual New Age Festival is canceled but we will be
going to the same place and camping and sharing for 3 days and nights, dates are May 18,19, 20. Please
pray for:
 The Lord's anointing
 Divine Appointments, with many good conversations and many seeds sown
 Salvation of souls
 Team unity - Teams coming from the States, Holland and Germany
 To walk in the love of God, reflecting Yeshua

We thank God for you and for supporting us through prayer and finances. The Thailand Jewish Outreach
at Purim was a huge success, with between 50-60 Israelis attending and 7 first time decisions for
Yeshua!! These Israelis are now getting follow-up here in Israel. Our Passover seders in Hawaii
and Germany last month were also very fruitful with many coming to faith in Yeshua and understanding
what HE did to redeem all of us from sin and death. We are excited about this new branch in Germany
that the Lord is blessing. For those of you that may not know, Naomi Ruth is a work the Lord called us to
establish in Holland in 2006 and in Germany (Nurenberg) in 2009 and also Jerusalem in 2010. Naomi
Ruth is a branch of World Mission Outreach. It's really exciting to see how the Lord is doing all of this! A
quick testimony - We were passing through Holland 2 weeks ago on our way back to Israel and we
stopped to pray with our team there. Hans was so excited to show us a photo that had come in the mail.
He shared that as he was praying and crying out to the Lord about the message he would be sharing at
the conference on evangelism to Jews and Muslims. His message was on Romans 11 and how the
Lord wants to use the Gentiles to bless the Jews. He sensed the Lord wanted him to speak on obedience
and he was asking the Lord if he should tie Luke chapter 5 about launching out into the deep, and letting
down your nets for a catch (Luke 5:4 ff) into his message. Shortly after he prayed, a photo was in his mail
from some advertising company. Please take a look at this! The Lord is amazing how he answers our

"Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a catch" Luke 5:4
You all know the story of Naomi (a Jew) and Ruth (a Moabite-Gentile). Please pray for the conference in
Holland this week. We are praying that many churches will come and be blessed. The dates for the
conference are April 23, 24, 25. We will be teaching on how to evangelize both Jews and Muslims and we
plan on taking a team on the streets of Amsterdam to witness. Please pray for:
 The Lord's wisdom and anointing upon the speakers
 Divine appointments
 Salvation of souls
 Protection and provision
 To hear and obey the Lord where He sends
 To walk in FAITH and not fear

"Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope,
through the power of the Holy Ghost" Romans 15:13.

May the Lord bless you and your family.

In His Service,

Henry and Darlene

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World Mission Outreach
Boeckmann & Associates C.P.A. (Accountant Office)
220 Lalo Street, Suite 2A
Kahului, Hawaii 96732

For all other correspondence and E-giving stewardship forms, send to:
World Mission Outreach
P.O. Box 10664
Lahaina, Hawaii 96761

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