Proclaim The Gospel Equip The Next Generation Mobilize The Church

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Proclaim the Gospel; Equip the next generation; Mobilize the church

August 2016

Dear Family, Partner and Friend; Shalom from Jerusalem via the road proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord is faithful in His divine ap-
pointments. July was a busy month at Bible Camp Shoshanah to study The Word. On Saturdays we were co-
leading a team of campers to Burlington, Vermont to do street evangelism and on Sundays we were speaking
in Churches as the guest speaker in New York, Vermont and Quebec proclaiming the Gospel of the Son of
God, and equipping the saints.

Apprehended by the Spirit

On July 20th we were pulled over by a New York State Trooper near the city of Plattsburgh. Henry did not see
the first sign of a work zone and the decrease of speed. By the time he came to the 2nd sign and began to
slow down it was too late. The Police pulled us over. The NY State Trooper came to Darlene's side of the win-
dow and said, "Sir, you broke the Law". Henry was so convicted. He began to apologize saying, "I am sorry sir
I broke the law". The trooper took the license and went to write the ticket. He came back and said, "I'm not go-
ing to give you what you deserve because I'm a good person". He said the Judge would make the decision on
the penalty. Darlene was immediately prompted by the Lord to share. As she held the ticket in her hand she
explained that just as Henry broke the law and would need to go before the Judge and the Judge would decide
on the penalty he deserves, you too will stand before the heavenly Judge one day and He will righteously
judge and the Bible says the penalty for sin is death. This really got his attention and he began to share that he
was a Catholic. We answered many of his questions and shared the Gospel of Jesus with him and that Jesus
is God's Grace to us. We deserve a higher penalty, but God gives us what we do not deserve. The Lord al-
lowed us to use earthly principles of breaking the law to share God's principals. The Lord turned the situation
around to explain the Gospel through something this State Trooper understood, "Law" and "Grace".

We perceived he understood the Gospel of grace by faith in Jesus alone. He had head knowledge but not sal-
vation knowledge of Jesus in his heart. Henry asked, "do you have a
personal relationship with Jesus?" He said, no. Henry gave an invi-
tation and he said, yes. We prayed together a prayer of repentance
of sins and surrender to Jesus, The Son of God. We noticed an im-
mediate change in his spirit and the peace of God was upon him.
We asked if anyone had ever shared this message with him. He said
yes he has a buddy that shares with him. We asked him to call his
buddy and let him know what he did. We explained that his friend
would be so blessed. We took Eric's follow-up info and said we
would be in touch. That evening we shared at Camp what had hap-
pened. A camper that lives in the area knows a State Trooper that
loves the Lord and would call him and see if he would do the follow-
Henry with Eric up. A few days later he did call and his friend Matt and he said,
"you're too late, my buddy Eric called me on July 20th and told me
he pulled over a couple from Jerusalem and they shared the Gospel with him and he gave his life to the Lord"!
Matt was so blessed. He had been praying for his friend for 7 years. He is doing the follow-up to disciple his
friend. God is good. We invited both Troopers to a special dinner at the Camp to share testimonies with the
campers who had come from all over the world. Matthew shared with tears in his eyes to never give up on
praying for friends and family. Thank you for praying for Eric and his family. For his wife to come to the saving
knowledge of Jesus. To God be all the Glory!
Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! His mercy endures forever – Psalm 118:1
Testimonies are powerful - A 20-year-old camper from Kazakhstan
heard the testimony of Eric on July 20th and came to us because she
didn't think she was saved. She came to Bible camp at the invitation of
a cousin. The Lord had a divine plan for Katia. She had struggled in her
faith and was hurting herself. We listened and shared with her the
Gospel and prayed. A few days later she prayed by faith to receive Je-
sus and we noticed a complete difference in her countenance. We were
blessed to witness her water baptism the following week at Camp. Here
are her words, "I did nothing, it was all Him that rescued me while I was
literally destroying myself and even though I gave up on everything, He
never gave up on me and literally gave me a new life and reason to
live." Katia shared she had no idea how to come to God or how to have
a relationship with Him. She wondered how it was possible for this State Trooper to come to saving faith and
not her. She wanted what he received. Please pray for Katia to grow in Jesus.

We thank God for all those that came out with us on Saturday's to do evangelism, from the young to the old. It
was a blessing to watch the kids give out tracts. In one afternoon the team gave out over 1200 tracts! We
thank God for the divine appointments. We look forward to this being an ongoing thing at Camp Shoshanah
each summer.

Romania - 8/25 through 9/4 - We are now heading to Romania for a Jewish Outreach in a mountain town
called Brasov to the many Israeli travelers. We appreciate your prayers for this outreach. Over 10 churches will
participate for the follow-up/discipleship of new believers. Pray for open doors and open hearts and that we will
boldly proclaim the Gospel. The Gospel is always the only hope for many living in critical and hopeless situa-
tions. This work will be foundational to develop a model to help churches in Eastern Europe. We are grateful to
the Son of God for His calling to bring His message to Jews and Gentiles, Romans 1:16. In addition, we will
also equip the churches on evangelism.

Tanzania - 9/7 through 9/30. The Lord gave us a team from Israel and Hawaii. Please pray for:
• The 3-day evangelistic outreach. One will be in the bush near the border with Malawi. Pastor Clement
and churches are underway preparing the ground for the follow-up of new believers. Provision for 100
Bibles in Swahili language to give to the new believers.
• 2 major evangelistic outreaches around our orphan center in a very poor area. We will be partnering
with a few churches in the area. Provision for at least donate 1 bag of rice for each home to meet
the physical needs of the poor as we do door to door evangelism. We will also be giving out a Gospel
of John and a CD of the Naomi Ruth children singing of Jesus.
• We will conduct 3 Pastors/leaders conferences in 3 different locations. Pray for provision to provide
lunch for these Pastors and leaders and for open hearts and minds to receive the Word of God.
• A training on Jewish evangelism to churches in Karatu in the north near one of the national parks. This
will be in preparation for the first outreach to Jewish people hosted by Tanzanians to fulfill Genesis
12:2 "I will bless those who bless thee". Thousands of Israeli visitors go to Tanzania each year to visit
the Safari parks and the famous Mount Kilimanjaro. Please pray the Lord will draw many.

We thank God for you and know To support WMO ministry, please mail checks to the following address. All gifts are
that your partnership is making an tax deductible and a tax receipt will be mailed to you at the end of the year.
impact for eternity. May the Lord
bless you and your family. We All support for tax receipts send to:
would like to invite you to join us World Mission Outreach
on our next evangelistic mission Boeckmann & Associates, C.P.A.
trip. It will be life changing! 360 Hoohana St., Ste. 201
Kahului, Hawaii 96732
Love in Him, Henry & Darlene You can also visit our website at

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