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World Mission Outreach

To proclaim the Gospel; equip the next generation; mobilize the church throughout the world

November 7, 2010

Shalom Dear Friends and Co-laborers,

Happy Thanksgiving from Jerusalem - We are thankful for the Messianic Mission of Jesus “To
bring the Kingdom of God to men”

We are happy to be home after 3 months on the road. October was busy in Germany and Romania.
Thank you for your prayers in establishing Naomi Ruth Deutschland, for the outreach in Romania and the
future Jewish Campaign in Bucharest. We praise the Lord for the fruit. We thank HIM for the strength He
gave us with the very long days (14 hours) we worked. We experienced the people of Bucharest through
street evangelism and many church meetings. We heard the stories of communism's anti-Christian
repression firsthand through a dear Romanian brother that worked alongside us. He was part of the
communist party and when he received Jesus as his Lord and Savior he was tortured severely to
renounce his faith. You can still see the vacuum in the spirit of people and yet so many are controlled by
Eastern Orthodoxy (not born again). So many people are confused about the Deity of Jesus. There is a
harvest field in Romania. It is going to take lots of prayers and laborers. Many are coming to Jesus, but
because of the strong past spirit of communism, many are still having a hard time believing the Divinity of

We preached the Gospel in several Christian churches. Believers brought unsaved ones to hear the
Gospel and several came to Jesus for the first time. Follow up is
now taking place. What a blessing to have seen many
Romanians coming to Jesus. Our local host Pastor Cornel, a
Romanian Gypsy believer in Jesus organized all the meetings.
This was a first time for us to minister to Gypsies. It was an
incredible experience. There is a revival taking place among the
Romanian Gypsies. Their worship is amazing! Sadly, we
witnessed so many needs. Many of these churches are filled
with children that cannot read or write. There is no place for
the children to have church, so they are in with the adults.
These churches want to expand and have a place for the many
children. They want to start a school for the children. Please
pray for them. Maybe the Lord will lead you to donate towards this or bring a team to build a place for the
children. We were reminded as we looked at their little faces of what Jesus said, “Permit little children to
come to Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God” Lk. 18:16.
On October 30 , we had the first gathering of many churches from Bucharest to equip them and introduce
the first city wide Jewish Outreach. Many leaders came from different churches to learn how the Lord will
use Gentile believers to bring the Gospel to Jews in light of Romans 11:11 and 11:30-31. Many Pastors
and leaders came away from these seminars with a desire to bless the House of Israel with the Gospel of
Jesus. Many churches do not do evangelism. The Lord used us to encourage the Romanian Church to
step out in faith and do it. We had some leaders that told us they had been praying for a long time for the
Lord to send a ministry to mobilize the Gentile churches to reach the Jews. Praise the Lord for this!

As we preached the Gospel in Eastern Europe, we thought and prayed for you all, and the freedom we
share in the United States of America. We thank God for His love to the USA and we pray now that USA
comes to Jesus even more. We thank God for your prayers and support under this freedom given by God
to us to support His Gospel and Kingdom to more people in the world.
We are preparing for a campaign on December 24 in Bethlehem to the Muslims and we are preaching in
Tanzania, Africa in January. Would you please consider a generous Thanksgiving gift and end of year
Christmas gift to finish strong in 2010, and to enter strong in 2011 with the Gospel of Jesus? There is
much work coming up, and we know that without the prayers and support of people like you, this ministry
would be fruitless.

In His Love,
Henry and Darlene

TESTIMONY TIME: Fruits of the branch of the Vine – John 15 (photo below of Phoebe with Jewish
Romanian team member Eddy and his wife Costina)

My name is Phoebe. I’m from an Arabic/Muslim background and

got to know Jesus as my God and Savior in Cairo in 1986.
Because of severe persecution I had to leave Egypt and my
people and have been living in Holland for 24 years.

I got to know Henry and Darlene in Holland 5 years ago. They

shared with me about their ministry and vision. Their vision
touched my heart in a marvelous way and I even dreamt about
it. They have the same vision to share the Gospel with both, the
Jews and nations worldwide, including Muslims. The Lord Jesus
touched my heart for the Jewish people to love them and to see
His love for them. When I met Henry and Darlene they invited me to come with them to Cairo for a 10-day
mission trip. I hadn’t been back there in 18 years. We had a marvelous time in Cairo and there was so
much fruit in the work I hadn’t seen in years.

Last summer they invited me to Jerusalem and the Lord provided the finances for the whole trip. It was
my first time to Israel and it was very special. Being an Arabic woman, I experienced the Jewish people
and the Lord gave me a deep love for them in my heart. It was a marvelous time to share with the Jews
that Jesus is the Messiah. One time when we stopped at a gas station there were two Palestinian boys,
about 10 and 14 years old, with their camel. I wanted to take a picture with the camel. The older boy
asked me for money. I signaled him to wait. He started to curse me in Arabic and he didn’t think I
understood him. After I finished taking pictures, I talked to him in Arabic and he was very surprised and
shocked. I told him about Jesus and how He teaches us to bless when people curse; also that this Jesus
wanted to have a relationship with them. After I had prayed for them, they were very quiet and through
God’s grace I wasn’t angry with them. I blessed them and I told them about God’s goodness to
everybody and that He loves everyone from all kinds of backgrounds.
The Lord also opened an amazing door for me to speak with Jews from Arabic countries, like Sharona,
whose grandmother, like many Jews immigrated to Israel from Iraq. I was thrilled to speak with these
Jewish people in my mother-tongue: Arabic! Israel has a special place in my heart. – Phoebe

Please pray for: All financial support for tax receipts

 Divine favor can be sent to:
 Provision and Protection World Mission Outreach
 Campaign in Bethlehem – Dec. 24 (to Muslims)
Boeckmann & Associates C.P.A.
 Africa outreach in January 2011 220 Lalo Street, Suite 2A
 Wisdom for helping the Gypsy churches in Romania Kahului, Hawaii 96732

You can also visit our website at All Other Correspondence, Send to:
World Mission Outreach
P.O. Box 10664
Lahaina, Hawaii 96761

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