Official October Prayer Letter 2014

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Proclaim the Gospel; equip the next generation; mobilize the church throughout the world

October 2014

Dear Partner,

Shalom from Jerusalem, Israel and blessings in Messiah our Lord to you.

During this time of the year Jerusalem celebrates the feast of Tabernacles called Sukkot. Thousands of people from around
the world visit Jerusalem for a pilgrimage prescribed by the Bible in Leviticus 23:33-44. People make booths of palm
branches outside their homes and for one week they have their meals in their temporary dwelling place. This is done in
remembrance of the Exodus out of Egypt and to commemorate God’s faithfulness in bringing them to the Land. Sukkot is
celebrated to remember the past, but we know that it points to the present and future. In John 7:2-39, Jesus began to disclose
Himself as The Messiah. He is God as John 1:1 said. God the Son became man to tabernacle with us as John 1:14-18
describes. He came to reveal the Father, and He is the way to the Father by the power of the Holy Spirit granted to us today.
Thus we have a great promise, and we should be encouraged in the midst of a troubled world. During these times the Lord is
still saving people, and we partner with Him to reach out to the world with His Gospel until He returns. The future is even
brighter with the fulfillment of the Tabernacle Feast described in Zechariah 14:16 when Jesus, the Son of God Himself will
rule the world from Jerusalem.

During this week, we had the privilege to share the Messiah and pray for Barbara; a Romanian Jew who escaped Hitler’s
army back in the 1940’s in Romania. She is married to a well known retired navy colonel. They are good friends of ours.
Please pray for this family to receive Jesus as their Messiah. We had the opportunity to explain to our good friends, Russian
Jews in Jerusalem, who Jesus the Messiah is from the Scriptures, and share His love for them. Please pray for them, too.
During the last three months the war with Gaza in which 71 Israeli soldiers, Israeli civilians and 2000 Palestinian were killed
has left a vacuum in people’s hearts to seek the meaning of life. There are many hearts open to hear the message. Please pray
many will come to Messiah Jesus.

Tanzania – East Africa

During the whole month of September we conducted 2 evangelistic

outreaches in 2 villages. Uyole town was a great outreach as many
churches from several denominations worked together. We thank God
for the salvation of those who surrendered their lives to the Son of God.
Today the churches are doing the follow up and discipleship of new

Katella village was more of a challenge. It is a village in the bush.

People work in the fields during the day so we had to do the outreach at
night from 8 to 10 PM. It was pitch black in the bush, and yet people came out from all over the villages. It was difficult to
see who was in the audience, but we thank God for 4 light bulbs in the center of the arena for people to come forward to meet
Jesus as Lord. A hundred yards away a gasoline generator provided power for the sound system and microphone. Surely
people from far away could hear the good news of the Gospel since it was a quiet night in the jungle. We are thankful for
those who came to Jesus. At that time a new church was born in the area, and Pastor Clement and his team will do the follow
up. They are meeting in the bush, sitting on bamboo mats in open air services. They pray God will build a small building in
His time. Pastor Clement planned this outreach to purposely plant a new church. There was no church in this area. Praise the
Lord, now there will be. We are thankful for those who partnered together to bring the Good News to this village.
Orphan program

We thank God in Jesus Name that the Tanzania Government recently approved Naomi Ruth Bread of Life Center, a ministry
of World Mission Outreach to sustain the orphan program being developed in Tanzania. This is a miracle we now have our
registration for this NGO (non- government organization or non-Profit organization). Maara from New Zealand has resigned
her full-time business and moved to Tanzania to run this ministry under the leading of Jesus our Lord. Because we have the
NGO, God willing, we are believing to get land on a mountain where we can build a orphan village and take in more
children. We want to have an agricultural program and workshops for
the children. We envision a beautiful loving place with volunteers from
the nations as well as Tanzania where these precious orphans can grow
and become future leaders. We are excited for this vision the Lord gave
us. It was such a blessing to see some of our 36 orphans come to the
Uyole Outreach. They are excited to come to future outreaches and sing
and share testimonies. It is amazing how the Lord works! They are really
growing in the Lord. They have seen the love of God demonstrated to
them. Thank you for your prayers and continued support of this blessed

We pray this orphan center will be a model for future work in the world.
Pray please for continued favor with the government, and the team the
Lord is building. If you are led by the Lord to minister to orphans, let us know. Get involved, and you will see The Lord’s
blessings on you – James 1:27. To learn more about the children you may visit

You can also be involved in many areas with World Mission Outreach either in prayers, support or personal participation,
please let us know as we prepare different evangelistic outreaches in different parts of the world by God’s grace. Thank you
for your prayer and support which is never too small. Thank you for making a difference in the world with the Gospel of
Jesus through World Mission Outreach. We thank God for you. The fields are truly white unto harvest. You are a co-laborer
with us as we trust the Lord and walk through the doors God is opening. May the Lord continue to shine His Face upon you.
Together we are making a difference. We are very grateful.

With much love and blessings in Him,

Henry and Darlene Matarrita

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes,
to the Jew first and also to the Greek” Romans 1:16

Germany Outreach updates in next month’s letter

To support WMO ministry, please mail checks to the following address. All gifts are tax deductible and a tax receipt will be
mailed to you at the end of the year.

All support for tax receipts send to: All other correspondence send to:
World Mission Outreach World Mission Outreach
Boeckmann & Associates, C.P.A. P.O. Box 10664
360 Hoohana St., Ste. 201 Lahaina, Hawaii 96761
Kahului, Hawaii 96732 702-953-0610

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