September Prayer Letter 2014

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Proclaim the Gospel; equip the next generation; mobilize the church throughout the world

September 2014

Dear Partner and Friend,

Shalom and blessings to you in our Lord Jesus The Messiah.

First of all, thank you for your prayers for Israel as a nation, for the salvation of Jews and Arabs during this time of war. Prayers for
peace in the region are important. Psalms 122:6 says to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Times are difficult for many here in Israel as well as for others living in different regions of the world. But the Gospel is the only
answer to change the hearts of men; then a society can change until The Lord returns.

Keeping the focus – These are exciting yet challenging times. May we continue to go about our Father's business in prayers and
obeying the Voice ( Matt 28:18-20) of our commander in Chief The Lord Jesus to proclaim, share, and testify of His Gospel to every
soul; to both Jews and Gentiles as The Lord said in Romans 1:16. The Gospel is the only power of God to save. Only inside the
Gospel of Jesus is the righteousness of God found. Outside the Gospel people find anything else on this earth; like tradition and
religion but not His righteousness. Jesus is the righteousness of God. Let us stay focused on Him. He must be exalted and The Father
will draw all men to Himself.

Tanzania - We are currently on our way to Tanzania for the month of September. We appreciate your prayers for us and the Tanzania
team for the following:
1) Uyole Village Evangelistic Outreach to the Tanzanian people - Sept 12-13-14
An evangelistic outreach to Muslims, secular and religious people attending the evangelistic outreach at the local park. Pray the Holy
Spirit empower the team to preach the Gospel. Pray for the local committee as they work with all the churches and the follow up
process for discipleship after the outreach.
The evangelistic outreaches will be conducted in the evenings. But during the mornings, our team will conduct seminars, conferences,
and teaching the Word of God to church members - equipping the believers.
2) Tenende Village Evangelistic Outreach to the Tanzanian people - Sept 19-20
An evangelistic outreach to Muslims, secular and religious people attending the evangelistic outreach at the local park to hear the
Gospel. The local committee is working with the local churches for the follow up and discipleship.
3) Kilimanjaro Jewish Outreach – Preparation stage - Sept 23- October 1
As many of you know for the last few years we have done some training to countless churches in Moshi City and Arusha City located
at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro to prepare the churches for a future Jewish Outreach. Preparation of the churches is important before
a major outreach. Each year thousands of Israelis visit Mount Kilimanjaro for hiking; others visit the safari national parks and tourist
areas. Our strategy is to mobilize the Tanzanian churches to share the Gospel to Jews as well as non Jews (Romans 11:30-31) and
many will be born again. Our prayers and hope is that many will go home to Israel with Jesus in their hearts and share with others.
Seeds will be sown and many will hear the Gospel and consider the message, and the churches will be blessed by God for stepping up
to give to Israel what Israel needs the most; The Son Of God, Messiah Jesus.
4) Orphan Program development – The month of September
With God's help, we will minister also to the needs of our precious 38 orphans in Mbeya, Tanzania. World Mission Outreach has been
developing an orphan program in Tanzania to be used elsewhere in the world in the future. At present we have 38 kids and 1 widow
and the program is growing thanks to your prayer and support. You may visit the Naomi Ruth Bread of Life Orphan Center website
at: to learn more about the children and how you help. We are truly blessed by what the Lord is doing in bringing
together Israel and Tanzania. Our long term vision for these orphans is to have a self
sustaining agricultural project and have Israelis volunteering. We believe this is an open
door for dialogue and evangelism. Even out of the mouth of a child to share The Messiah to
Jews in Africa. Please pray for Maara Heather (in photo left with kids). She has just moved
to Tanzania from New Zealand to serve full time with World Mission Outreach/Naomi
Ruth Orphan Centers this month. We are so excited and blessed to have Maara serving with
us and serving these precious orphans. Maara is a godly single lady and is stepping out in
faith to answer the call of God. Thank you for your prayers for her transition.
5) October 1- Return home to Jerusalem, Israel. Please pray for our re-entry and for our continued favor with the Israeli
government. Pray also for divine appointments and connections. This is a time when the people are open to hearing the Good

We give God all the glory for souls saved this summer and the many seeds sown. Thank you for being a part of this. We are very
grateful for the Lord’s provision. We ask you to pray please for a need we have regarding Tanzania. We need an additional $5000 to
cover the Tanzania evangelistic outreach expenses and printing material to equip the saints.
Thank you for your prayers for safety in serving Jesus on the road. We look forward to sharing with you next month updates of these
outreaches. We are believing the Lord for a harvest of souls saved.
Thank you for your prayers and support, it helps us to bring the Gospel to people. People need the Lord.

May the Lord bless you and your family. We thank God for you.

In His Love,

Henry and Darlene M.

“Looking unto Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the
cross, despising shame, and hath sat down at the right hand of the throne of God”
Hebrews 12:2

To support WMO ministry, please mail checks to the following address. All gifts are tax deductible and a tax receipt will be
mailed to you at the end of the year.

All support for tax receipts send to: All other correspondence send to:
World Mission Outreach World Mission Outreach
Boeckmann & Associates, C.P.A. P.O. Box 10664
360 Hoohana St., Ste. 201 Lahaina, Hawaii 96761 USA
Kahului, Hawaii 96732 USA 702-953-0610

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