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Proclaim the Gospel; Equip the next generation; Mobilize the church

July 2016

"to the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the One He loves" Ephesians 1:6

Shalom and Greetings Dear Friends from Israel via ministry on the road,

Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support! Your help enabled us to reach out here in
Israel with the team God put together to share the Good News with both Jews and Arabs. 

Israel Outreach
Our recent outreach with the team of 10 over “Shavuot” (Pentecost) was fruitful. We camped next to the
Sea of Galilee and were able to share with the Israelis vacationing there. Many seeds were sown.

Here are a few highlights:

❖ Two Arabs and one Jewish person that came to

faith! Follow-up is taking place by a local
❖ One of the Arab men that accepted the Lord we
had witnessed to with a team five years ago. He
remembered us and was still grateful for a pair of
glasses the team had bought for him. He was
excited to share with us how God had just saved
his life from a physical accident a few days
earlier, and wanted to pray to accept the Lord.
He is now receiving follow-up from the Arab
pastor that came with us.
❖ The Arab pastor that joined us was really
encouraged! He was so blessed to be with the
team and hear the testimonies of people who came to know the Lord.
❖ As part of our preparation for the outreach, an Arabic Pastor in Jerusalem shared his testimony
and how to witness to Muslims. The team was really blessed to hear him. We keep receiving
emails mentioning how great it was!
❖ Pray about joining us next year for a trip that is truly life-changing. Dates are 5/27-6/11/17

Closed Country
Henry was invited the last week of June to share in a University about Israel. He shared on the Eight
Covenants from the Hebrew Scriptures and how the Son of God fulfilled these covenants.
The students were so blessed. Henry was asked to speak a second time during his trip! He had brought
a poster of Israel as a gift, and the students lined up to have their picture taken with him.

Camp Shoshanah
We thank God for the blessing of coming to Bible Camp and studying His Word in depth. This was our
first week and the Lord opened a door for our granddaughter Faith to join us. She is 12. WMO partnered
with Ariel Ministries to take a team out on the street in Burlington, Vermont for evangelism. We had a total
of 18 for the first Saturday. Although the day turned very rainy, that didn't stop the team. Everyone was so
encouraged by the various testimonies. The team gave out about 800 tracts. Many conversations and one
salvation. We thank God. It was such a blessing to have 4 kids involved passing out tracts. This was a
first for us to have our granddaughter doing evangelism with us. Darlene had a wonderful divine
appointment with a Jewish man and his non-Jewish wife. She was able to share about the sacrificial
system that God made with Israel to reveal His Holiness
and the need for man's sin to be forgiven through a blood
sacrifice. A class here at camp this week was about
Messiah in the Temple. Darlene was encouraged by
using some of what she learned with this Jewish man. In
the Talmud (a Jewish commentary), there is a tractate
that speaks of God not accepting the Yom Kippur (Day of
atonement) sacrifice for 40 years up until the Temple was
destroyed in 70 AD. Of course we know that Jesus would
have been introduced in 30 AD as the Lamb of God who
takes away the sins of the world. HE is the ONE true
sacrifice. This was a beautiful transition to share the
Gospel from a Jewish perspective. Please pray for these
seeds sown. Pray for Richard and Carol. How exciting to
share the Good News and the Hope in Yeshua The
Messiah. To God be the Glory. God's love is so Great
and His Grace is amazing!

• Upcoming Events

Camp Shoshanah outreaches every Saturday through August 6 and sharing in churches in the
northeast US every Sunday through August 7.
• Romania - evangelistic outreach to Israelis in Brasov August 27-Sept 4
• Tanzania - Sept 8-30 - evangelistic outreach, seminars in churches and visiting Naomi Ruth Orphan
Center. Please pray for the team the Lord is putting together and for the provision. We have 8 so far.
We always have needs for the orphans and if you would like to donate towards these needs you may
do so through or

Thank you for continuing to support us financially and with your prayers. We are looking forward to
sharing more of what God is doing soon! We thank God for you. May the Lord bless you and your family.
Together, we are reaching both Jews and Gentiles according to Romans 1:16. To God be all the glory and
honor and praise.

Love in Him,

Henry and Darlene, Romans 1:16

Prayer Requests:

• Faithfulness to the calling • Walk in Love and fruit of the Spirit
• Traveling mercies • For our daughter Lisa to walk in obedience to
• All provision for upcoming outreaches Jesus
• Health for Henry and I and our teams • For a harvest of souls saved

• Boldness and courage to proclaim the Good

To support WMO ministry, please mail checks to the following address. All gifts are tax deductible and a
tax receipt will be mailed to you at the end of the year.

All support for tax receipts send to:

World Mission Outreach
Boeckmann & Associates, C.P.A.
360 Hoohana St., Ste. 201
Kahului, Hawaii 96732 You can also visit our website at

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