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The Wonder Post

Bangkok, Thailand - 1973 - 2 pages five cents

Additionally, North Vietnam agreed

THAI ARMY SHOOTS to release all American prisoners of
war. North Vietnamese troops
STUDENT overran Saigon on April 30, forcing
By  Woddy History South Vietnam to surrender and
14 Oct 1973  bring about an end to the war. In
In the morning of yesterday, the fact, Vietnam wars were derived
protesters were starting to dispersing from the consequence of the cold
back because the 13 people that wars. The cause of Vietnam wars
Thai army shoots protester in is because American want to stop
suspect to be the rebel and
Thammasat University the expanding of communism in
communism was released. The
One of the protestor in the event said south east Asian. The reason that
government promised that they will
that "We should help each other and USA signed a peace agreement
writing a new constitution within
flight for our right". This event might be with North Vietnam is because
October 1974.
the inspiration and the big starting point North Vietnam use the air force to
to change for the new constitution, bombing the South Vietnam for a
So, they start going back to their
democracy. This event might be lead to long period of time.
home by passing through the road in
more freedom of thought in the society.
front of Chitralada Villa Royal
Resisdense, but the soldiers didn't
This is one of the biggest movement of
allow them to pass. Because of the
the young generation of people who
miss communication, it is the starting
didn't want the country to stay with the
point of fighting and riot. When the
unfair policies of the government. Most
another group that are arrive at the
of the Thai people feeling about this
Thammasat University first heard the
movement of the protester that they are
news that the soldiers assault the
brave enough to fight against the unfair
people. The people getting angry and
policies of the government.
think that the government didn't do as
they promised. So, they getting back
END OF VIETNAM WAR The map of Vietnam Wars

to gather at Thammasat University. By Adam Gawin This event may be led to the pace to
The event was continuous to getting 23 Jan 1973   the Vietnam people. The Vietnam
bigger and bigger than everyone President Richard Nixon might become the communism
thought. Later on, soldier and police announced that the United States country soon. President of the
start using the weapons such as gun, and North Vietnam have concluded United State said that "We must
tank, and helicopters from the Panfa an agreement to end the longest recognize that ending the war is
Leelard cross to the Sanam Luang war in America's history and bring only the first step toward building
cross in the Radchadumnern road. "peace with honor" to Vietnam. The the peace. All parties must now see
The student and protester using peace agreement will be formally to it that this is a peace that lasts,
weapons such as gun to fright back signed by the U.S. and South and also a peace that heals—and a
the soldiers. At this time, the number Vietnam and North Vietnam and the peace that not only ends the war in
of the injured protester is continuous Viet Cong at Paris. Vietnamese Southeast Asia but contributes to
to increasing quickly approximately troops that would allow Americans the prospects of peace in the whole
about 800 people and about 73 died. troops to begin a 60-day world".
Thailand might have to face the wrath This event may create the big effect
of insurgents within its frontiers for on economics system especially in
years after war. factory because oil is the important
factors. In addition, it also effects the
OPEC states declare life of the people because people
have to save the use of the oil much
oil embargo more. But the most important effect
By choochana alushod that were cause by this event is the
17 Oct 1973  economics system. This event make The Contraception Poster
On yesterday, the Organization of the business can't plan for the future
because the interest rates have been Thai population birth rate was
the Petroleum Exporting Countries
change rapidly. Most of the Thai increasing exponentially and became
(OPEC) is a decision to stop
people thinking that this event one of the fastest rates in the world. If
exporting oil to the United States.
creates the big effect on their life the government didn't take care about
The twelve members of the
style and the economics system of this issue, it will becomes the biggest
Organization of Petroleum
the country. problem in the future. The CEO of
Exporting Countries agreed to the
increase the oil price. NEW CONTRACEPTION Population and Community
Development Association (PDA) said
POLICY that "Thai society was very
conservative. One didn't talk about
By Sut Subjeckt
sex, one didn't hold hands in public,
21 Nov 1973 but what I felt we needed to do was to
In 1973, Thai population was say we need family planning. We even
increasing at an exponential rate, changed terminology". This policy will
with a birth rate of 37 while the death lower the rate of birth (the new
rate stood at 10. At this time population) in the Thailand. It will also
The gas station in USA Thailand's population growth was make the Thai people including the
The last straw came when the United increasing at one of the fastest rates society understand how to protect
States supported Israel against Egypt in the world, prompting measures to prevent and disease during the sexual
in the Yom Kippur War. In addition, be taken to control the population activity. More Thai people will see the
Nixon also requested $2.2 billion from growth rate. important of using the contraceptive
Congress in emergency military aid
such as condom. Some of the Thai
for Israel. The Arab members of Population and Community people would didn't like this
OPEC responded by halting oil Development Association Contraception policy because this
exports to the United States and (PDA),non-government organisation policy seen to block their freedom.
other Israeli allies. As a result, the (NGO) run by Mechai Viravaidya, But, some group of people would like
price of a barrel of oil went up to recognised that family planning, this Contraception policy because this
$11.65. The oil price may be reproductive health and policy will help the whole society to
continued increase in the future. contraception were topics that decrease the birth rate.
people weren't comfortable about
One of the person who experienced talking about, but needed to be.
the effect of world oil crisis have been REFERENCE
saying that "The present oil crisis has They accompany the Royal Thai The oil value was increase rapidly because of the effect from the
world oil crisis Macalister, T. (2011, March 03). Background: What
not been produced by the oil Governments efforts in promoting caused the 1970s oil price shock? Retrieved from
companies. It is a result of family planning throughout price-shock 4.
government mismanagement Thailand, especially in rural areas
Contraception policy to lower the rate of the new population
Thailand Case Study - Population Change. (n.d.). Retrieved from
exacerbated by the Mideast war." where access to services were
case-study-1 3.
scarce. They create many policy US President Richard Nixon announces an accord has been
reached to end Vietnam War Nixon announces peace settlement
to decrease the rate of the birth reached in Paris. (n.d.). Retrieved from
such as, free contraception at peace-settlement-reached-in-paris 2. Soliders have been killed a
restaurants and bars, the poster, big group of Thammasat student in 6 October. Solomon, F. (2016,
October 06). Thailand Marks 40 Years Since the 1976 Thammasat
and family planning is offered. Massacre. Retrieved from
The gas station in USA

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