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Lethbridge A Faculty of Education 4 PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER ONE SUMMATIVE REPORT ‘Student Teachis:__Kylo Masson, School:_Mountain View Grados/Subjects Taught:_Math 6 Math 8, PE 4/5, Teachis Associate: __Mr. Jamie Quinton__ University Consultant:_Mrs Lorraine Beaudin, Dates of Practicum: __November 15 ~ December 15, 2016, Instructions: + This is a summative report of the student teachers performance at the ond of the PSI practicum, based on expectations for that stage of teacher development (ED 3500), + For each practicum outcome below, place a check mark in the appropriate box to Indicate the sludent teachers level of performance: ethics Not Meeting Expectations for the PSI level, Meeting Expectations, or Exceading Expectations. (Most students \ill fall into the Meeting Expeciations category, unless there Is clear evidence for Not Meeting Expectations or Exceeding Expectations.) For students within the Meeting Expectations category, please indicate level of performance. + At the end of each section, please provide comments in reference to the relevant KSAs and practicum outcomes. THE STUDENT TEACHIS: 1. PLANNING AND PREPARATION KSA #1 Teachers make reasoned decisions about teaching and learning based on their ongoing analysis of contextual variabies. KSA #3. Teachors use the programs of study fo inform and aiect planning nsrucion and assosement KSA #6 Teachers plan for insiuction, translating curieulum and outcomes info meaningful leaming actives. KSA #9 Teachers uso a tread range of nstructonal strategies. KSA #19 Teachers identify and use relevant leaming rosourcos. ae ee 2 2 es) ge | 8 HoH OB Bh) "a | aR 1. Demonstrates krowiedge and sls inthe outoe wale oftssore nog eho = aetna : corporates a val of appropriate osoreos and haluconalssoseriol satoion 5 ees | ee———_L 5 iropat lary bjs forte lessons bo ugh | [Taka no acount tad por aring, aig nods (dung sudo PA), 7 interests, and student variables such as age, gender, socio-economic status and culturalfinguistic background, Organizes content into appropriate components and sequences for instruction, I Plans appropriate content and activities for the time alloted, Prepares lesson plans forall lessons taught, using a well-defined structure which x includes learning objective(s), an introduction and closure, detailed procedures and instructions, key questions, teaching strategies, earning actvilies, and assessment of |__lesson objectives. Integrates information and communications technology into instruction where appropriate x [/9._Obtains and organizes equipment and materials for insiruation. x Comments: Kyle worked very hard in the area of mathematics and was confident in his delivery. Kyle spends time ‘making sure that his lessons follow the current curriculum outcomes. Although Kyle's major is not Mathematics he spent considerable time trying to understand the outcome and was comfortable enough to admit to me if he didn't understand and asked for help on how he should deliver the outcome if he wasn't sure. Kyle's lesson plans were ‘meticulous as he tried to plan for transitions within his lesson and anticipate any problems he might encounter. May 25, 2008—Summative Assessment 2. INSTRUCTION KSA #4 Teachers demonstrate knowledge ofthe content they teach. KSA#5 Teachers idently and respond fo lamer dferences. KSA#9_ Teachers uso a broad rango of instructional sratogies. KSA#10 Teachers apply a varoly of technologes (0 maet students leering needs. ‘Communication Not Meeting Expectations: Meeting Expectations Exceeding Expectations: “Uses clear, fluent, and grammatcaly corect spoken and written language. 2.__Uses vocabulary appropriate to students’ age, background and interests '3._ Modulates hisihis volo for audibly and expression. Lesson Introduction “4. Establishes sot: reviews prior learning, lentes lesson objective(s) and expectations, uses ‘motivating altention getters, provides overview, and relates the lesson to previous leaming as appropriate General Lesson Development '5. Incorporates stratogies for motivating students using relevant and interesting subject matter and activities. 6. Explaine and proceeds in small stops at an appropriate pace fo sult the activity and student response, 7. Demonstralas subject matter competence during instruction. x '&._ Organizes and directs learning for individuals, small groups, and whole classes. 9. Provides clear directions, instructions, and explanations. x 70._ Directs efficient transitions Between lessons and from one actly to the next, TT. Uses a varely of instructional strategies to address desired outcomes, subject matter, varied learning siyles and individual needs (including goals/bjecves of student IPP), 42, Uses appropriate materials and resources, 43, Damonsivates flexbilly and adaptability. @uestioning and Discussion “4. Asks clearly phrased, wall-sequenced questions ata varity of cognitive levels, 48. Provides appropriate ‘waittime® after posing questions, "18. Seeks clarification and elaboration of student responses, whise appropriate. 17. Leads and directs student participation in dass discussion effectively and distributes quostons | appropriately. Focus on Student Learning 18. ireulates in the classroom, intervening when necessary, checking on Indlvidual and group understanding of actviyicontent, 79,_ Recognizes and responds appropriately to individual differences and group learning needs, 20, Reinforces student learning, bulling on previous learning, reviewing, and re-teaching. Giosure 24, Achieves closure for lessons, consolidating eas or concepls through summaries, reviews, iscussions, and applications 25, Provides homework when appropriate and explains assignments fully ‘Comment: Kyle experienced teaching by outcomes instead of following the textbook. Kyle became efficient at formative assessment strategies during the lesson and making sure that students were assessed before moving on to next outcome. Kyle used our school based grading system and asked for clarification on using the system. Kyle seemed to ike, enjoy and understand this method of grading. May 25, 2006—Summative Assessment 3. CLASSROOM LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT KSAT Teacher eroate and maintain envronmants that are conducive fo student learning and understand student needs for physical, ‘social, cultural and psychological security KSAW8 — Eslabishes relationships with students that respect human dignity ee — Hou 2a a oer te i ona Ee on pea : Comments: Kyle is excited to become a teacher and this shows in his teaching. At fist Kyle was quite shy and reserved but with each lesson confidence was gained and classroom leadership was perfected. Kyie is willing to spend whatever time is needed to make effective lessons. Kyle Is a natural teacher and loves the siudents. As Kyle shows compassion and interest in each student there was less classtoom management issues to solve. Kyle had a goal of using different types of classroom management strategies and wasn't afraid to experiment with many types. He was effective in his administration of these strategies and evaluation of his implementation 4, ASSESSMENT KSA#11 Teachers gather and use information about students’ learning ngeds and progress and assess tho range of leaming objectives Assesemen a a 2 ze a & 28 i 3 aa 5 2 5 5 a5 1, Assesses student learning using a varity of appropiate assessment techniques and instrumonts (6.0, observations, conferences, questioning, checking daly work x perfomance-based and wien assessmens, quizzes, tess), Provides timely and effective foedback on learning fo students x ‘Modifies and adapts teaching based on assessment data (@.g., uses alternative teaching ] x straogies to e-teach where required). 7 Explains o students how leaming wil be assessed _ [x '._ Maintains accurato records of student progress. = ‘Comments: Kyle was able to use effective classroom assessments to help plan his lessons for the next day. Kyle was wiling and able to adjust his lesson plans to meet the needs of the students as they arose. Kyle learned how to grade not using percent so that student improvement was encouraged in assessments, May 25, 2006-—Summative Assessment 5, PROFESSIONAL ATTRIBUTES AND RESPONSIBILITIES KSA#2__Teachors understand th legislated, moral and ethical framework within which they work KSA #15 Teachers engage n assessing the qual af thal feaching KSA #16 Teachers are able fo communicate a personal vision of their own teaching. Professionalism i : “Presents a professional appearance and manner x 2._ Fulfs professional obligations (.e., punctuality, routine administrative duties). x '38.__Demonsirates maturity and professional judgment x “Demonstrates an ilorest and a commitment tothe teaching profession. x '5, Establishes professional relationships withthe school community. x Professional Growth 6. Accurately assesses and documents the effectivaness of lessons, identifies strengths and weaknesses, and x makes appropriate suggestions for improvement. 7. Uses the resuls of student assessment and feedback fo improve teaching practices and guide professional x growth '&._Responds appropriately fo feedback from olhers by listening, interpreting, and implementing suggestions. x {9._Devolops and communicates a personal vision of teaching x 10. Demonstrates wilingness to tke informed risks to beneft student leaming x “1. Develops a professional portfolio andlor growth plan Including goals, evidence of progress toward goals, x reflections on growth and future goals Ethical Conduct 12, Respects the dignity and rights of all persons without prejudice es fo race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, x sexta orientation, onder identity, physical characteris, disability, marta status, age, ancestry, place of ‘tigi, place of residence, socioeconomic background, or ngustic background. 13. Treats students with dignily and respect and is considerate of their cumstances x “4, Does not divuige information recaived in confidence orn the course of professional dutis about a student x ‘except as required by law oF where todo soi in the best interest ofthe student 16, Does not undermine the confidence of students in teacher or other student teachers. x 16. Does not etlcze the professional competence or professional reputation of teachers or other student teachers x Unless the etctsm is communicated in confidence to proper ofcials after fst informing the Individual concerned ofthe ctcism, “7. Aets in manner that maintains the honour and dignity ofthe profession. x 18. Does not speak on behalf ofthe Faculty of Education, the University of Lethbridge, the school, or the profession x Unless authorized to do so. Comments (Professional Attributes and Responsibilities): Kyle was very open and receptive to how he could improve his teaching skills. Kyle asked me daily i there was anything that he needed to improve or work on. If something was suggested, the next day It would be a focus to. improve. With that type of attitude Kyle will become a very effective teacher as he has more experience in teaching. Kyle took the responsibilty of the classroom very serious and was effective. Kyle is a very friendly person and as such the students all want to be friends with him. Just a reminder of professional responsibilty, be friendly but not friends. ‘There are times when being strict is necessary and Kyle has leatned this. Kyle is very good at reflecting on his teaching and looking at way to improve. May 25, 2006—Summative Assessment SUMMARY: Areas for further growth: As Kyle gains experience he will continue to grow in confidence. As Kyle becomes more comfortable within the classroom he will be able to become aware of appropriate use of grammar and the importance of modeling proper ‘grammar for students, Overall comments (Strongest aspects of student’s performance): Kyle Is a natural teacher and will do well in this subject area. Kyle leamed some very effective strategies that he used for assessment that he continues to develop. Kyle's strongest aspect teacher. his willingness to improve in all areas and do whatever it takes to become an effective have enjoyed having Kyle in my classroom and felt at ease with his taking complete control of the classroom. If| was. ever called out of the room on emergencies, Kyle was comfortable with the class. Kyle will take whatever time is required to improve on his teaching quality as well as perfecting his lessons that best fit student needs. Kyle had the opportunity to help out with our annual Christmas Program. Whoever gets Kyle as a PS I! student will be very lucky. Good luck Kyle and keep in touch, Recommendation:

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