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World History Final Match Study Guide 2018

Mao Tse-tung The Chinese Communist Leader from 1949-1976!

Kim Jung-Un He leads North Korea today!

Fidel Castro Cuban leader during the Cold War’s Cuban Missile Crisis.

Ban Ki-moon General Secretary of the United Nations.

Nikita Khrushchev Soviet leader after Stalin died in 1953.

Joseph Stalin He ruled the Soviet Union from 1924-1953.

Dwight Eisenhower Leader of the U.S. post WWII into Cold War.

Harry Truman The U.S. President who decided to drop the bomb.

Adolph Hitler Germany’s leader during WWII- he promoted Nazism.

Winston Churchill The British Prime Minister during WWII.

Franklin D. Roosevelt He was President for four terms! From 1933-1945!

Benito Mussolini The Italian fascist leader during WWII.

Hideki Tojo Japanese Military leader- who bombed Pearl Harbor.

Muhammad The last and final prophet according to many Muslims.

Abraham He was the father of two peoples and nations.

Ishmael Abraham’s son with Hagar- they built the Ka’aba together!

Vladiir Lenin He created the USSR- founder of the Soviet Union.

Theodore Roosevelt He was President while the U.S. was imperializing!

Woodrow Wilson President of the U.S. during WWI.

Tsar Nisholas II He was thrown from the throne in the Russian Revolution!

Franz Ferdinand He was killed, along with his wife and his death may have started WWI!

Gavrilo Princip He assassinated Franz- and triggered WWI!

Charles Darwin Survival of the Fittest!

Matthew Boulton He invested capital (money) into Industrial machines!

James Watt He invented and improved the Steam Engine!

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