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Gibberellins are growth hormones that stimulate cell elongation and cause plants to grow
taller. Gibberellins also have a role in other plant processes, such as stem elongation, germination,
flowering, and fruit ripening. Once a plant releases gibberellins, its cells begin a process of
elongation. Since plants are composed of single cells stacked on top of one another, this elongation
of thousands of individual cells results in the overall growth of the plant. Gibberellic Acid can
affect growth by its effect on cell growth and cell elongation. Such effects are often seen in stem
growth as well as root growth. Stems and inter nodal lengths can be increased and a better more
extensive root system develop. Increases in cell division can also sometimes be seen in the
production of larger leaves. GA leads to bigger plants with bigger shoots and leaves in many plants.
Many dwarf plants that are used in landscaping are short because the plant either cannot produce
gibberellins, or its cells are not receptive to the hormone. Dwarf trees, like the bonsai seen here,
have highly reduced amounts of gibberellin (Camara, 2015).

Camara, M. C. 2015. General Aspects and Applications of Gibberelins and Gibberellic Acid in Plants. In: Hardy,
J.. (Org.). Gibberellins and Gibberellic Acid: Biosynthesis, Regulation and Physiological Effects. 1ed.Hauppauge:
Nova Science Publishers, London. 2015, v. , p. 1-21.


Based on the stem elongation of entourage 1 lab activity after two weeks being observed are resulted
in various number of stem heights with most of them shows an significant increase in the stem elongation. Based
on those data, the anova table resulted is a non significant data results this is not in accordance to Prawiranata
et al. (1981) which stated, GA3 can stimulate stem growth, increase the enlargement and multiplication of cells
in plants, so that plants can achieve maximum height. And also According to Wattimena (1988), gibberellin (GA3)
is a growth regulator substance that has a physiological role in the elongation of stems (buds) and suppress the
aging process and plant organ threshing.

Prawiranata, W.S. Harran dan P. Tjondronegoro. 1981. Dasar – dasar Fisiologi Tumbuhan II . Fakultas
Pertanian IPB.Bogor.

Wattimena. 1988. Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Tanaman. PAU Bioteknologi IPB. Bogor

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