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Background of the Study

Reproductive health of the teenagers is the final result of a healthy,physically
prosperous, mentally and socially and is not only free from the disease or disability in all of
the matters related to systems, functions and processes of the reproduction (ICPD 1994
inMarmi, 2014). The problems of reproductive health are often found in the life cycle of
women, various problems of reproductive health in women starting from the menstruation
cycle, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhe, vaginal discharge and others. The issue of reproductive
health is a common concern and not just the individual concerned, because it has wide
impact on various aspects of life and the parameters of the state's ability to provide health
services to the community (Manuaba et al., 2009).
Vaginal discharge itself is something physiological in the life cycle of a woman, but
this physiological vaginal discharge can turn into pathological if the women’ organs are not
kept the cleanliness properly. This vaginal discharge is the second problem after
menstruation disorders. Vaginal discharge is an indication of fluid from the vagina besides
the blood of menstruation. Vaginal discharge is not a disease but an indication of disease, so
that a certain cause needs to be set (Manuaba et al, 2009).
Normally, every woman will secrete little fluid from vagina, which is clear. If the
secretion of this fluid does not causebe itchy, or does not have bad smell, this is not a
problem (Werner et al, 2010). Bacterial vaginosisis a major cause of pathological vaginal
discharge, with the prevalence up to 48%. Various populations in the world,Bacterial
vaginosis is found in the women without active indication sexually of 9-50.9%, in pregnant
women 4.9-52%, and in adolescents 13-31.9% (Kumar and Gupta, 2014).
The impact of pathological vaginal discharge is not handled for the teenagers will
continue throughout the pregnancy phase, childbirth and porturition. Vaginal discharge is a
sign or indication of infection in a woman’s reproductive tract that can have repercussions
seriously. Vaginal discharge which is not handled will be getting worse if it spreads to the
internal organs of uterus. Infection or pathologicalvaginal discharge on the outside part of it
on an ongoing basis can lead to the abdominal space in the form of membrane infections
(peritonitis) (Manuaba et al, 2009)
Vaginal discharge can be prevented by paying attention the Genital hygiene when
the woman does not getting menstruation or who is getting menstruation. At the time of
getting menstruation, woman always use sanitary napkins that absorbs the blood, the pads
are often replaced (at least every four to six hours), if using a cloth to be reused as a
dressing, then the cloth should be thoroughly washed and disinfected by drying in the sun.
In the routine activity, cleaning the genital organs, it is enough by using clean water,
cleaning Genital organ especially after defecating, the way is by cleaning it from the front
to the back to avoid infection, changing underwear regularly (at least once in a day) and
trying to avoid synthetic pants, washing underwear carefully that is to make sure that it has
cleaned from all of the detergents and dryingit under the sun, shearingthe genital hair with
clean scissors (Izhar, 2015).
Islamic School is an Islamic educational institution with boarding school system, so
thatit forms certain community whose members consist of the students, teachers or ustadz
and family to take care of Islamic School. In a mount of the student, for sure it is not
impossible that some of them less aware of the importance of the health. Therefore it is not
surprising that certain disease will spread to members of the community in Islamic School
quickly. Therefore every member of the community thereneeds to know and understand the
problems of the health, both to maintain individual health and health in a common.
Reproductive health of the teenagers is determined by how they take care of and maintain
the cleanliness of their genital devices (Marmi, 2014).
Bahram et al (2009) entitle Prevalence of Bacterial Vaginosis and Impact of Genital
Hygiene Practices in Non-Pregnant Women in Zanjan shows a significant relationship
between genetal hygiene and bacterial vaginosis (p <0.001), while in Sahin et al (2013) )
entitleAn Evaluation of the Relationship between Genital Hygiene Practices, Genital
Infection it is found that genital infection had no relationship with how often to change
underwear or how many times change sanitary napkins during menstruation period (p>
0.05) but, the frequency of genital infection is higher for whom uses a toilet seat or that
does not clean the toilet seat and that uses panty liner (p <0.05)
SMK AskhabulKahfi is a vocational school that all of the students have to live in
boarding school ofAskhabulKahfiGunungpati Semarang, the location can be reached by the
researcher, SMK AskhabulKahfi must stay in the lodge. Information about health obtained
at the school is gained from the local health center which is done with the KRR program,
the KRR program contains of checking ofthe school health and counseling or giving
information about the danger of drug and free sex, in the Islamic School itself there is no
special program or special organization invite health resources regularly to provide
information about health to the students, but local health centers usually provide counseling
about environmental cleanliness.
The researcher conducted the introduction study by interviewing 10 students of
SMK AskhabulKahfi and got data, 4 female students (40%) had normal vaginal discharge
and 6 female students (60%) experienced abnormal vaginal discharge such as excessive
amount of vaginal discharge, the itchy vaginal discharge, yellowish until greenish. 6 female
students (60%) who experienced abnormal vaginal diseases (pathological), 5 female
students (50%) did Genital hygiene badly, and 1 female (10%) did Genital hygiene well.
Researcher interested in conducting this research on Relationship between Genital
Hygiene with Pathological Vaginal Dischargeat the students at SMK
AshabulKahfiGunungpati Semarang Year 2016, based on the existing background.

This research usedthe method of correlation study with cross sectional approach, it
conducted in SMK of AskhabulKahfiGunungpati Semarang 5 and 6 August 2016. The
population in this research was all students of SMK of AskhabulKahfitotally86 students,
the samples taken were 86 female students who had been included in the inclusion criteria.
The sampling technique used was purposive sampling.The data collected were primary and
secondary data. Primary data obtained from data collection conducted by the researcher by
distributing questionnaires to the student of SMK AskhabulKahfitotally 86 female students.
While the secondary data obtained from the interview to the administrative officer of SMK
AskhabulKahfi and lodgers of AskhabulKahfi. This research used questionnaires collection
tool. The analysis used was univariate analysis with frequency distribution and bivariate
analysis usedChi square of statistic test.
1. Frequency Distribution of Genital Hygiene
Table 1.Frequency Distribution of Genital Hygiene OF Students at SMK
AskhabulKahfiGunungpati Year 2016
Genital Hygiene Frequency Percentage (%)
Not Hygiene 74 86
Hygiene 12 14
Total 86 100,0

Based on table 1.1 above, it can be seen that Genital hygiene at SMK
AskhabulKahfiGunungpati Year 2016, from 86 female students, there are 74 students
(86%), which is bigger than the students who has hygiene only 12 students (14%).

2. Frequency Distribution of Pathological Vaginal Discharge

Table 2.Frequency Distribution of Pathologcal Vaginal Discharge on Students at SMK
AskhabulKahfiGunungpati Year 2016
Phatological Vaginal Discharge Frequency Percentage (%)
Experience 62 72,1
Not experience 24 27,9
Total 86 100,0

Based on table 2 above, it can be seen that most of the students at SMK
AskhabulKahfiGunungpatiYear 2016 experience pathological vaginal discharge, totally 62
students (72.1%).

3. Bivariate Analysis of Genital Hygiene with Pathological Vaginal Discharge

Bivariat analysis aims to test whether there is a relationship between
genitalshygienewith pathological vaginal discharge of female students at SMK
AskhabulKahfiGunungpati Year 2016, then used data analysis by using Chi Square test
which is shown by crosstab analysis and get the following results:
Table 3. Cross tabulation The Relationship between Genital Hygiene with Pathological
Whiteness of Students at SMK AskhabulKahfiGunungpati Year 2016
Pathological vaginal
Genital Hygiene Not P-value
Experience OR
F % F % F %
No Hygiene 59 79,7 15 20,3 74 100 0,000 11,800
Hygiene 3 25 9 75 12 100
Total 62 72,1 24 27,9 86 100

Based on table 3, from the total respondents of 86 female students who do Genital
hygiene with no hygiene experience in pathologicalvaginal dischargetotally 59 students
(79.7%), but from those who do Genital hygiene with no hygiene there is no pathological
vaginal discharge totally 15 students (20, 3%), then the students who do Genital hygiene
with hygiene from 12 female students there are 3 female students (25%) who experienced
pathological vaginal discharge and the rest do not experience in pathological vaginal
dischargetotally 9 female students (75%).
The result of statistical test using Chi Square test (α = 0,05) gets p-value 0,000 (p
<α) which means there is a significant correlation between genital hygiene with
pathologicalvaginal discharge at female students at SMK AskhabulKahfiGunungpati
Semarang Year 2016.
From the analysis result, it is obtained OR = 11,800 mean student that
Genitalhygiene not hygiene have risk 11,8 times higher experience of pathological vaginal
discharge compared with hygiene student.

UnivariateAnalysis of Genital Hygiene
The result of this research shows that Genital hygiene behavior of SMK
AskhabulKahfiGunungpati student in 2016, from 86 students, there are 74 students (86%),
which is bigger than hygiene students (12 students) (14%) .
Genital Hygiene itself is a way to maintainthe cleanliness and protection of the
genetic area to avoid diseases. Genital hygiene behavior in students of SMK
AskhabulKahfiGunungpati Semarang mostly in the non hygiene category is seen from the
results of the research by using questionnaires, most of them do not know how genital
hygiene correctly including the use of sanitary napkins in menstruation period, how to clean
and dry the vagina, wearing pants and underwear, the use of vagina cleaners and bath soaps
and the use of penty liners and scissors of the pubic hair.
Genital hygienein most of the student at SMK AskhabulKahfinot hygiene, from 74
students who are not hygiene 52 students (60.5%) clean the genitals after defecating from
the back to the front or from the anus to the vagina and only some of them who clean the
vagina to the anus of 34 female students (39.5%). It seems like of a large number of the
female students clean the rest of defecating movements from the anus to the vagina may be
because they do not know that washing the genital from the anus to the vagina is wrong,
this is due to the lack of information they get about Genital hygiene, otherwise they are
unlikely to notice from which direction to wash the vagina, they clean the dirty part firstly
to the clean area, whereas there are a lot of bacteria in the rectum, which can carry into the
vagina and can cause problems that is pathological vagina discharge.
Widjaka and Jannah (2012), it is better getting used to wash the vagina with water
from the front to the back and do not vice versa. Water and hand movements from the
rectum will bring the microorganisms in the rectum area into the vagina and this can easily
cause infection. When someone cleansGenital especially after defecation (defecation), the
way is to clean from the vagina first, that is from the front to the back to avoid infection
(Izhar, 2015).
Students with genetic hygieneand who no hygiene are also many of them do not
change the pads during menstruation every 4 to 6 hours even if the blood is slightly
menstruating, which is totally 45 female students (52.3%). The possibility that it is due to
the fact that overseas children think not willing to replace the pads if it is not penetrated
yetor recently used, otherwise it is because many students do not know about the
importance of changing the pads at the time of menstruation every four to six hours.
Sanitary napkins are place of blood, where blood is one of the places favored by bad
Widjaka and Jannah (2012), blood is an excellent medium for the growth of
microorganisms, especially blood that settles in the pads. Sanitary napkins need to be
replaced frequently (at least every four to six hours) that is, to prevent unpleasant odors and
infections (Izhar, 2015). Women in the menstruation period use sanitary napkins or tampon
to absorb the blood that comes out. The sanitary napkins or tampon should be replaced
every few hours, and the genital area should be cleaned frequently. Tampons or pads that
are not replaced for too long can cause infection, vaginal discharge becomes more severe
and even very serious conditions, but it rarely happens that called as toxic shock
(Cavendish, 2010).
The answers of the questionnaire also showedthat from 74 female students, they
who are not hygieneare 41 female (47.7%), in cleaning the vagina used vaginacleaner or
bath soap. There are still many girls who use vagina cleaners or toilet soap in cleaning
theorgans,it is possibly because the students get the wrong information, especially about the
cleaning of femininity. This is because in the residence of the pupils that Islamic School
atAskhabulKahfi became the promotion of one of the cleaning products of femininity,
where the students are given information that vagina cleaners have many benefits, then the
students invited to the factory where vagina cleaner was produced, whereas the feminine
cleaner can actually cause an unfavorable reaction and may cause the pH to irritate the
The use of deodorant for the vagina can actually cause a bad reaction to some
women, so that aggravating the vaginal discharge, if the woman has a malodorous vagina
discharge, it should immediately consult a obstetrician instead of using deodorant
(Cavendish, 2010).
Most of the female students whose hygiene genitals are not hygieneis likely, due to
the lack of accurate information obtained by the students. The amount of information
obtained by a person will certainly affect a person's behavior and information obtained
must be with reliable sources. Information obtained from various sources will affect a
person's level of knowledge.
Benjamin Bloom (1908) in Notoatmodjo (2003) in Efendi (2009), knowledge is the
result of knowing, and this occurs after a person makes sense to a particular object. Sensing
through the human senses, namely the sense of sight, hearing, smell, feeling and touch, but
most of human knowledge is obtained through the eyes and ears. Knowledge or cognitive is
a domain that is very pending in shaping one's actions (overt behavior). A person receives a
lot of information then he or she tends to have a wider knowledge.
The behavior occurs because of the knowledge factor of course there are many other
factors that influence, such as Genital Hygiene behavior in female students may also be due
to environmental factors that support. Actually, at SMK AskhabulKahfi schools and
boarding schools there are health workers from health centers scheduled to provide health
education, but in the counseling never discuss about Genital hygiene or vaginal discharge,
so many students are not hygiene.
One's behavior is determined by three factors, they are predisposing, incentive and
amplifiers. Predisposing factors include knowledge, attitudes, reliance, beliefs, habits,
values, social norms, cultures and social demographics factors. Incentive factorincludes of
physical environments, health facilities or special sources that support, and affordability of
health facilities and resources. The reinforcing factors include attitudinal and behavioral
factors of community leaders, religious leaders and health workers (Green, 1980 in
Maulana, 2009).
Based on the results of the study also showed that, from 86 respondents who which
Genital hygiene in the category of hygiene amounted to 12 female students (14%). Hygiene
in the most students is 83 students (83%) This is probably due to environmental factors that
influence it well. Hygiene genital behavior is also strongly influenced by how the teenager
acceptance of the state of reproductive health, with sufficient capital knowledge and good
environmental influences, then good behavior will be formed. It takes much that will
happen that will not only determine the life of adulthood but also the quality of life of the
next generation so that this period as a critical period, all teenagers need support and
treatment during this critical period.
The closeness to the parents is something that affects teenager’s behavior. Parents
can also provide information early about maintaining reproductive health for a teenager
(Marmi, 2014). One's behavior is determined by three factors, namely predisposing,
incentive and amplifiers factors. Predisposing factors include knowledge, attitudes,
reliance, beliefs, habits, values, social norms, culture and social demographic factors.
Incentive factors, in the form of physical environments, health facilities or special sources
that support, and affordability of health facilities and resources. The reinforcing factors
include attitudinal and behavioral factors of community leaders, religious leaders and health
workers (Green, 1980 in Maulana, 2009).
UnivariateAnalysis Pathological whiteness
The result of the research shows that from 86 respondents, there are 62 female students
(72.1%), while those who do not have pathological vaginal discharge were only 24 students
Based on the research data above there are only a small proportion of respondents
who do not experience pathological vaginal discharge which means that the students
experience in physiologic vaginal dischargein total 24 female students (27.9%). This is
because physiological vaginal discharge is a normal one experienced by every woman in
her menstruation cycle. Certainty, all of the women have experience in vaginal discharge.
This condition serves to clean and protect the vagina from the infection. Pregnant women
will also usually experience in vaginal discharge related to the pregnancy. When someone
experience in vaginal discharge, one will remove mucus from her vagina. Mucus produced
by the cervix and glands in the vagina will come out with dead cells and bacteria.
Normally, every woman will secrete little fluid from vaginal, which is clear. If the
discharge of this fluid does not cause itching, or does not smell bad, this is not bea problem
(Werner et al, 2010). The defense system of the female genitals is quite good, starting from
the base acid. Another defense with mucus expenditure that always flows outwards causes
the bacteria to be removed and in the form of menstruation. Normal or physiological
vaginal discharge can occur in the period leading up to and after menstruation, around the
phase of secretion between the day of 10-16 menstruation, also it occurs through the sexual
stimulation (Manuaba et al, 2009).
Based on the research data also obtained from 86 respondents experiencing
pathological vaginal discharge of 62 female students (72.1%). This is probably because the
teenagers are largely unaware of how genital hygiene is good and correct in the care of vital
organs that can lead to pathological vaginal discharge. Reproductive health of the teenagers
is determined by how the teenager is in caring for and maintaining the cleanliness of her
genital devices. Female teenagers are more susceptible to genital infections if they do not
keep their genital in the clean condition because the vaginal organs are located close to the
Pathological vaginal discharge experienced by most students can also be caused by
the diseases, this is known by researcher because after taking data using questionnaires
researcher opens question and answers session and the results of the students are very
enthusiastic to ask various questions about the experienced in vaginal discharge, but there
are some of them are shy to ask about abnormal vaginal discharge. Most of them ask and
want to know what they experienced during the question and answer session that has been
closed the students just make a circle with the researcher and research assistants to ask the
vaginal discharge they experienced, there are some girl ask about vaginal discharge they
experience leads to the cause is a disease. For example, there are some girls who experience
withvaginal pathology when they have done genetal hygiene with hygiene, there are also
girls who experience pathological vaginal discharge and have been treated but also have not
healed and actually felt afraid because the doctor gave her a judge related difficult to have a
Vaginal discharge experienced by most students can also occur because of using a
towel in turn, so that the possibility of transmission or displacement of microorganisms
from towels that alternate to the genital area. However, the use of this towel is not asked on
the questionnaire made by researcher. Pathological vaginal discharge may also be caused
by insertion of a foreign object into the genital area, in other words masturbation, this can
cause pathological vaginal discharge due to the transfer of microorganisms from objects or
something used for masturbation to the vagina, but on screening, the researcher do not ask
about it.
Female genitals are directly related to the outside part through copulation, cervical
tract, cavity or uterine space, fallopian tubes that empty into the abdomen. This direct
relationship facilitates the occurrence of infection (Manuaba et al, 2009). Some conditions
with abnormal vaginal discharge, genital malignancy, in this condition sometimes
accompanied by blood color, exposure to foreign objects and the presence of benign
tumors, that is cervical polyps uterus, and other benign tumor (Manuaba et al, 2009).
Pathological vaginal discharge experienced by the students that is most of the
vaginal discharge with the liquid that have bad smells, fishy or foul smelling of 46 students
(53.5%), beside that, vaginal discharge experienced by the students is the fluid that causes
itching on the genitals. The odor and itchy poses felt by these students because of their lack
of replacement of the pads so that the blood settles longer than to cause more
microorganisms to develop, it is rarely replaced sanitary napkins that can also cause odors.
Izhar(2015), sanitary napkins need to be replaced frequently (at least every four to
six hours) that is to prevent unpleasant odors and infections. Vaginal discharge can become
an infection and spread to the internal reproductive organs such as uterus and fallopian
tubes that cause inflammation in the organ. Pathological infection or vaginal discharge on
the outside in a sustained way can travel to the abdominal space in the form of infection of
the membrane (peritonitis) (Manuaba et al, 2009).
Bivariate Analysis of Relationships between Genital Hygiene with Pathological
Vaginal Discharge
Based on table 4.3, of total respondents are 86 students who do Genital hygiene
with no hygiene experience in pathology vaginal dischargein total 59 female students
The result of statistical test using Chi Square test (α = 0,05) got p-value 0.000 (p
<α) which means there is a significant correlation between genital hygiene with
pathological vaginal dischargein female students at SMK AskhabulKahfiGunungpati
Semarang Year 2016. From the result the analysis obtained OR = 11,800 means the students
whose Genital hygieneis not hygiene had an 11.8 times higher risk of developing
pathological vaginal discharge compared to hygiene one.
The vagina is a female reproductive organ that is particularly susceptible to
infection. This is because the boundary between the urethra and the rectum is very close to
the vagina, so if someone doesgenital hygiene is not true germs such as fungi, bacteria,
parasites, and viruses easily enter the vagina. Infections also occur due to disruption of the
balance of the ecosystem in the vagina. Vaginal ecosystem is a cycle of life that is affected
by two main elements,they are estrogen and Lactobacillus bacteria or good bacteria.
Estrogen plays a role in determining the level of sugar substances as energy stores in body
cells (glycogen). Glycogen is a nutrient of Lactobacillus, which will be metabolized for
growth. The rest of the metabolism then produces lactic acid, which determines the acidic
atmosphere inside the vagina, with a pH in the range of 3.8 to 4.2. With this level of acidity,
Lactobacillus will be fertile and pathogenic bacteria will die.
The defense system of the female genitalia is quite good, starting from its base acid.
Another defense with mucus expenditure that always flowsto the outside part causes the
bacteria to be removed and in the form of menstruation (Manuaba et al., 2009).
Inside the vagina there are bacteria, 95% Lactobacillus, 5% pathogens. In a
balanced vaginal ecosystem condition, pathogenic bacteria will not interfere. When the
balance is disrupted, for example the level of acidity decreases, the natural defenses will go
down, and susceptible to infection. The imbalance of the vaginal ecosystem is caused by
many factors. One of them, it is because the use of Genital hygiene is wrong like the soap
or vaginal cleaner.
Geyer et al (2009), in his book of Million's manual of nursing says that, "Genital
area is a moist dark place where bacteria may thrive if proper hygiene of the area is not
maintained, which means Genital is a black spot where bacteria can multiply if cleanliness
is not kept or maintained.
This condition of imbalance leads to the fungi and other germs growth, whereas the
normal flora needed to suppress other plants to not thrive, if the acidity in the vagina is
changed then other germs will easily grow so that the consequences can occur infection that
eventually leads vaginal discharge, smell, itching, and make it discomfort.
The defense system of the female genitals is quite good, starting from the base acid.
Another defense with mucus expenditure that always flows outside part that causes the
bacteria to be removed and in the form of menstruation. Yet this defense system is quite
weak, so infections often can not be dammed and spread in all directions, causing sudden
and chronic infections with various complaints. One of the clinical complaints of infection
or abnormal circumstances of genitals is pathological vaginal discharge (Manuaba et al.,
This shows that if someone does Genital hygienethat is not with hygiene can make
leucorrhea that should physiological become pathological. Reproductive health of the
teenager is determined by how the teenager is in caring for and maintaining the cleanliness
of her genital devices. Continuous moist and wet reproduction tools facilitate mold growth.
Female teenagers are more susceptible to genital infections if they do not keep their
genitalia clean because the vaginal organs are located close to the rectum. The outside of
the genitals is a vulnerable place compared to other body parts. Genital hygiene is often
overlooked. Besides moist, in this area empties two sewer, the rectum and urinary tract.
This can lead to occurrence of pathological vaginal discharge indications.
Pathological vaginal discharge is white or clear fluid that exit from the burrow
intercourse is excessive (Manuaba et al, 2009). The results of this study is similar to
Bahram et al (2009), with entitlePrevalence of Bacterial Vaginosis and Impact of Genital
Hygiene Practices in Non-Pregnant Women in Zanjan shows a significant relationship
between genetal hygiene and bacterial vaginosis (p <0.001). The results of the same study
conducted by Rohmah et al (2012), entitled Relation of Maintaining Reproductive Health
(Vagina) with Whitish Incidence at grade XI and XII School of Science SMAN 1
SookoPonorogo, based on the findings of 33 respondents surveyed obtained most of 17
respondents 51.52%) are less concerned to maintain the health of reproductive organs
(vagina) and most also experience pathological discharge of 19 respondents (57.58%). ρ
value = 0,000 which means there is a relationship between maintaining the health of
reproductive organs (vagina) with the incidence of leucorrhoea.
The results also show that from those who doGenital hygiene with no hygiene there
were no pathological vaginal discharge totally 15 students (20.3%). Students who do
genetic hygiene with no hygiene have no pathological vaginal discharge, after seen the
questionnaire that has been distributed to the respondents, from 15 students who
genetalhygiene not hygiene but did not experience pathological vaginal discharge, from 15
students most not done by students who are not hygiene is due to shaved pubic hair with
scissors that is not clean as much as 7 female students (46,6%), after urinate and defecate
not drain vagina and do not replace pads four to six hourly each of 6 student (40% ).
The results also show the students who Genital hygiene performed with hygiene of
12 female students who did not experience pathological vaginal discharge totally 9 female
students (75%). This is because someone who does genetal hygiene well will avoid
pathological vaginal discharge. Reproductive health of the teenager is determined by how
the teenager is in caring for and maintaining the cleanliness of his genital devices. Female
teenagers are more susceptible to genital infections if they do not keep their genitalia clean
because the vaginal organs are located close to the rectum.
Female genitals are directly related to the outside part through copulation, cervical
tract, cavity or uterine space, fallopian tubes that empty into the abdomen. This direct
relationship facilitates the occurrence of infection (Manuaba et al, 2009).
The results also found there are 3 female students (25%) who experienced
pathological vaginal discharge, whereas the three girls have done genetal hygiene with
hygiene. The possibility of pathological vaginal discharge experienced by the students is
caused by other factors such as the students have the disease, this is known by the
researcher because after taking the data using questionnaires the researchers open the
question and answer session and the results of the students are very enthusiastic to ask
various questions about whiteness experienced, but there are also some who are shy to ask
about abnormal whitish. So many who ask and want to know what they experienced during
the question and answer session that was closed the students actually make a circle with
researchers and research assistants to ask the vaginal discharge they experienced, there are
students who ask about it because they experience leads to the cause is a disease. For
example, there are students who experience in pathological vaginal discharge when they
have done genetal hygiene with hygiene, there are also girls who have pathological vaginal
discharge and have been treated but also have not healed.
Hygiene students who experienced pathological vaginal discharge are seen from the
respondents were from three female students who experienced a vaginal discharge until
translucent if not using pantyliner, then from the three who experienced whitish smell of
two girls, and from three girls who experienced vaginal discharge yellowish to greenishish
one female students and no girls who hygiene but experienced vaginal discharge with
Some conditions with abnormal vaginal discharge, genital malignancy, in this
condition sometimes accompanied by blood color, exposure to foreign objects and the
presence of benign tumors, ie cervical or cervical polyps uterus, and other benign tumor
(Manuaba et al, 2009).

Based on the results of the research on Relationship between Genital Hygiene
andPathological Vaginal Discharge at the students at SMK AskhabulKahfiGunungpati
Semarang Year 2016, it can be concluded as follows:
a. Genital hygiene in the female students at SMK AskhabulKahfiGunungpati
Semarang in 2016, most of them is not hygiene,totally 74 female students (86%).
b. Pathological Vaginal Discharge that mostly experienced by female students in SMK
AskhabulKahfiGunungpati Semarang Year 2016, totally that is 62 students (72.1%).
c. There is a relationship between genital hygiene with pathological vaginal discharge
in female students at SMK AskhabulKahfiGunungpati Semarang Year 2016 where
p-value 0.000 (p <α = 0,05), OR = 11,800 it means that student whose Genital
hygiene is not hygiene have risk 11,8 times higher that experienced pathological
vaginal discharge if it is compared with the hygiene one.

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