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tions exactly knOWR.

But there must be other temples adorned

by the representations of the gods of direction, since some series
of statues of these gods in a similar style are found, like those
found at Candi Reja (Central Java) and Singasari (East Java)."
The eight guardians of the directions and their respective
positions are as follows:

Those guardians of the four cardinal and four intermediate

points of the compass as a group are called the Lo$apdi‹is or

Old Javanese sources also mention another group of deities

placed within the same directional diagram, but added by the
center porn(. It ls the group of the Navasanga deities. They are
aspects of Siva, the central one of which, or altogether consi-
dered as a whole is called Parama Siva. be positions of this
8•oup is as follows:

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