Cif & Casa

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CIF & CASA Prepared By L.


2.2.1 Creating a Customer

1. On Menu tab: go to Home>Customers>Operations>Customer Input or Type STDCIF

in the fastpath space and press ENTER

2. To create a Customer, click NEW

3. Click the P button

to generate Customer

The CIF maintenance screen (STDCIF) is divided into six tabs. They are, ‘Personal’,
‘Corporate’, and ‘Additional’, ‘Director’, ‘Auxiliary’ and ‘Check List’. EWF will use only
Personal, Additional, Auxiliary’ and ‘Check List’.

1. Personal – where in the personal details of a customer is captured. The details

captured in this tab include the address, country, nationality, mode of communication,
sex, language etc.
Customer creation User Manual

2. Additional – Additional details about a customer can be saved in this tab. Some of
the additional details include status of the customer (frozen, deceased, whereabouts
unknown), domicile address etc.

In this screen, pls check the flag “Auto Account Creation” & “Track Limits”.

3. Limits – Mention the Overall Limit applicable for the Customer. If it is not applicable
maintain as “0”. This field is amendable.
Customer creation User Manual

4. Account Details – Enter details in this screen for the account to be automatically
created without user intervention. Enter details like Account Class, Account
Description, Mode of Operation, Location & Pool code in the screen.
Customer creation User Manual

5. Check Lists – This includes the list of documents that are to be checked during the
time of creating a new customer. The list of documents mentioned needs to be
physically verified and collected by the teller. Once the physical verification is
completed, the ‘checked’ option is to be checked against each document.

Apart from these tabs there are few sub screens in the CIF maintenance screen. Some
of the important sub screens are as follows.

6. Joint – The details of the joint holder can be mentioned in this ‘Joint’ sub screen. The
details such as the name, date of birth, address, passport details etc can be
maintained here.

7. Image – The customer image and their signature image can be attached to the CIF
through this screen. The signature and the customer’s photograph are to be
uploaded to the system. Once uploaded, each of them will be assigned with a
signature id, which can be selected from this screen in CIF and attach it.
Customer creation User Manual

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