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zraTrIK 3Trkarrw a 'my 7-4-4r aftftrzr,

To-41-4-kfawr4fg- ergurr-igmeml,
'WM k(V)(ii) 1:1*6 cbc14-1 4l.9(XTW)
(TT) carol-6
- afIRT-ir

WR' faillIT
swilict) :- ft* / / Rokk9/-44-kk
tort :x00 oRk,
— 19 'WA •RoRG

olu : T11-49-A1' alfERTRT (R•1•11-ci-ll aTgrgRvi 'egg' cfrogio gig

4-toluv u\e-r-um .
q. tArS(
Trg- tiNa, 4461VIR:19'.
Tit 414.24001 446 qqix)
RT. 114q4A, f'd3TPT Tit* taw, ti

(k) 3Tri99; 7-4:14 446114111411Coebr

(R) 917 7-
49T, 4-161 or(,
Tr-4.1f4-4, Wzit *ixlicilco, T17 vr-1.-11, RTR %WIT fqt-TITT, itsM
(X) ticiicier), TR. vr4-11, 744
Cl) oticitziitict), =141,t15,1-4-4.
( fa4- co(ugio 114 111-o-d-4- zTPIRT-4r
aiRiVRIIT .0,314111 TIPT- 30:M. q, rei r aii Tral-41TT *TM %ITT
(r1 ?k), 1144 : Voo o'4R 97{ 1-4-4:10 zfriT
tildrolugld q104110.)
() TAT aftWth, ci71411-1 'NWT( NI-11144' etKuq1c1 *Rawl'
*011 f41-1TrirvIT datil fatTAM cfreutiNicil ardr:M* ml4c WU41).
(k9) (pfd Ax)
Maharashtra Regional 8s Town
Planning Act, 1966.
Sanctioned modification to Regulation
5(4)(ii) of DCR, 1991 for Gr. Mumbai
under Section 37(1AA) (c) of the Act.

Urban Development Department,
Mantralaya, Mumabi 400 032.
Dated :- 7th March, 2017.


No. TPB 4317/123 /CR-32/2017/UD-11 :-

Whereas, the Development Control Regulations for Greater Mumbai,

1991 (hereinafter referred to as "the said Regulations") have been sanctioned
by the Government in the Urban Development Department, under Section
31(1) of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 (hereinafter
referred to as "the said Act") vide Notification No. DCR 1090/ RDP/UD-11,
dated the 20th February, 1991 so as to come into force with effect from the
25th March, 1991;

And whereas, Regulation 5(4) of the said Regulations deals with

qualification and duties to be performed by licensed technical personnel,
which are specifically mentioned in the Appendix XII under the Regulation

And whereas, considering observations of World Bank in Doing

Business, 2017 Report, in respect of the criteria for ranking of the
construction permits, the World Bank marked high importance to the
provision of latent defect liability period in quality control index and in the
said Regulations, there is no provision regarding it;

And whereas, the Government in the Urban Development

Department was of opinion that the responsibility should be fixed on
licensed technical personnel in respect of structural flaws or defects in the

And whereas, after considering the above facts, in the public

interest it was necessary to urgently carry out suitable modification to
Appendix XII of Regulation 5(4) (ii) of the said Regulations, the State
Government, in exercise of the powers conferred under sub-Section (1AA) of
Section 37 of the said Act, had issued Notice of even No. dated 8th March
2017 for inviting suggestions/objections from the general public with
regard to the proposed modification in respect of Appendix XII of Regulation
5(4) (ii) of the said Regulations (hereinafter referred to as "the proposed
modification"), proposed in the Schedule appended to the said Notice
thereto and appointed the Deputy Director of Town Planning, Greater
Mumbai as the Officer (hereinafter referred to as "the said Officer") to submit
a Report on the suggestions/objections received in respect of the proposed
modification to the Govt. after giving hearing to the concerned persons and
the Planning Authority;

And whereas, the said Notice dated 8th March 2017 , was published
in the Maharashtra Government Gazette dated 9th March 2017 (hereinafter
referred to as "the Official Gazette ");

And whereas, the said Officer has submitted his Report vide letter dt.
18th November 2017, through the Director of Town Planning, Maharashtra
State, after completing the legal procedure stipulated under Section 37(1AA)
of the said Act;

And whereas, after considering the Report of the said Officer and
after consulting the Director of Town Planning, Maharashtra State, the
Government is of the opinion that the proposed modification is required to be
sanctioned with some changes;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred upon it under
Section 37(1AA)(c) of the said Act, the Government hereby:-

A) Sanctions the proposed modification as described more

specifically in the Schedule appended hereto

B) Fixes the date of publication of this Notification in the Official

Gazette as the date of coming into force of this modification.

C) Directs the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai that in the

Schedule of Modifications sanctioning the said Regulations,
after the last entry, the Schedule appended hereunder shall be

This Notification shall also be available on the Govt. of

Maharashtra website :

By order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra,

( Pradeep Gohil) 7 13 1 1$
Under Secretary to Government.

( Accompaniment to Notification No. TPB 4317/123 /CR-

32/2017/UD-11 dated 7th March 2018.)

The following new provision is inserted as clause C-6.4 in Appendix XII of

Regulation 5(4)(ii)

C-6.4 Latent Defect Liability :-

a) Any or all of the following shall be held liable for any structural flaws or defects in
the building with BUA 750 and above for period of Ten (10) years after
the date of grant of occupation cum building completion certificate, except in case
of natural calamities, damages, due to war, riots.
i. Architect/License Surveyor
ii. Structural Engineer
Site Supervision/Site Engineer
iv. Construction Company including contractor, sub-contractor
v. Consultants appointed for various activities involved in the construction

b) The above mentioned professional and the Construction Company including

I...Melia 4
'contractor and sub-contractor may take decennial professional liability insurance to
cover such liability.

( Pradeep Gohil 3
Under Secretary to Government

4-AT &Few?,
f4F444 (0)60 Triftm. 4Acicorcil cricroi
\9(cbct) (TT) wIFIR afv-foaT

917 `ac fdliTTT
11:41044, If0004R
k9 174 RokG.

et )C4Rk9/RR ALA: 4R/R0R1/49/

W312117-4-14 41-11t %WTI *NT ( rcil TAU

"detri " aTM cbVigici argr a*.), %WU fai-TrTEntm. afvfmr
ski 3TR' / to40/a1Rtrk 44-tX, f .'Ro *.c4R1- aT*I' 4-iwN AirRTW4'977
aff-tzfri, ( TAO' "dcli aiftftlIT" 311:1T cmuqici aiTMT aRk.)
4k(k) IgITAF turicei-rit 1 I c kaTIF fk. RtA.4.Mt A

aTifuT IT3-1211, dcttl rvv-wotit %ITN tA00 140 71-471447W tiCil I -ail
3T-0-41-4ffa ctiivii ctIciegiciictri tic,( fAzirt t(W) WAR LiRiite. XII rfv4
ciq trccii.) 4111ul tThr ;

alTruT Aiiirciet) Ow:1T Doing Business, Rokk9 SIT arrdrOPTiM

1441719T icmit AigTP:r TrT-4--ffr iiti/unuif
Riff &lob (11.1•) latent defect liability *13191F Trerff 311W91:1 4Wrei i1c4) 31
aTTRIT T4TifeizriTtrit4 tiieliGio W17 k(4-iircioe. Tef ;

31if43i waTiff, qtml RTR**-RT144TrTrr4 31.4.17 wr44 t.4* TR4FriTRW

WifTW AzirriTIR ttift4' fir7-49-
31110T Fifa* 7171-49' ,( (Lem 311FaT q"RirTerdl- cutiRm cr)ci fetzfriTgral
to icb *MR $1kciici co(u) alTEIFTWTITM ctillim 7MT
l'ITT11I4 3441 aiNNZPITT chc111 1ft cortii ( TT) 31- 43iTtRT AMR' aiTrut FR'
TiTtli4ff TTWINTal4t ch‹)-1, dchl tai-tail (Of) 'QOM* IIKUZ XII
ITO *TT<F ctKu t14-1S0411chlui1 kitW -41T4 R0 19 T-1-11 a r-Iltilactll
ITWIEZITral litreetti 4tqctiicit (zillit 7{17T 345 "Mtilicici *70WI aTi:IT**OT
Zit IrtchiTI-41 tici-11X1W4i ij1acq t;k441 aft T1171 tlx111/11-1. TiORM
oticti c1 fiz1179' TIOTTITITig 44,1 ql1t1-11ti 31-0TR tilc tilc3
d‘RimilCict), TR 1-4T, "Ter4 01111 NIT-II " Tiff ~" MIT *MT Zit) 411T4

33TirsT ZlT3 detrl fi* G R0 19 *011 ql1t1-1 7771Trrei

(El* zirAT "flitictaq Iv141" 312TT *AFT f-c4tw Tir4 R097-14- AFRK

aTrfur wraTeff deft! Nrcil awqm- 1-ctiw 914-4T R0 k9

titurict), 1-IMtl% VW, 7i9T chOli l9(M"-*") 111747 *Off chig41
1641tEat cbt)rt tiic*AFr

alfur rraTeff ds1-0 ~zrtgr 3IPTRfaw-ra.71-dr, tiximcb, 9TR 714t tri4t

x*nlizin %-7-4-q7 cfro) aITT4W 3TITFIT4
Tiff VITM 34;

arm Fir .3-4Tr ertTiffzrqr-Tr k9(m-w) (?T) ar-71-srrERT aftrwrz

arfurFirtp-in1F74-7481w cil4t ct7).1q1R1-11giAF511-11u):

3T) 34Cr v4ccii qtrilqI*1 ziRrigq 5c#'4.11 tirftVgral* 9TEc 1Itt ka.

-4) ITTT4' 3lftT-fp9T qimet, tampitzl TTftm wrftfc- 4tw 7-ler *-{4-cm. *miff
alTft i9tW *ff.

TO' TIFFZrigral
cid.u41 gim tffirrtz ,H4-1Ircite.TP).--Mvrkff

TM- aft1179T +iow% )11k1-11*-411 Gitilidcit ARM

cbtugici airA ant.
+i$ltl ltl tl‘Te441t1111Y-41 .

TrArr Tom )-) 0/13

s)TrfiRT4 aTaT
(3 M. c 1f4Rk9 / RRVTAN. 4R//oRk9/ 44-Rt rilep k9 TIT4 ioR4
latsitT4 4f 1i'

The following new provision is inserted as clause C-6.4 in Appendix XII of

Regulation 5(4)(ii)

C-6.4 Latent Defect Liability :-

a) Any or all of the following shall to held liable for any structural flaws or defects in
the building with BUA 750 and above for period of Ten (10) years
after the date of grant of occupation cum building completion certificate, except
in case of natural calamities, damages, due to war, riots.
vi. Architect/License Surveyor
vii. Structural Engineer
viii. Site Supervision/Site Engineer
ix. Construction Company including contractor, sub-contractor
x. Consultants appointed for various activities involved in the construction

b) The above mentioned professional and the Construction Company including

contractor and sub-contractor may take decennial professional liability insurance
to cover such liability.

( Pradeep Gohil )
Under Secretary to Government

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