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Environ Sci Pollut Res

DOI 10.1007/s11356-014-3055-9


A review on management of chrome-tanned leather

shavings: a holistic paradigm to combat the environmental issues
Anupama Pati & Rubina Chaudhary &
Saravanabhavan Subramani

Received: 5 February 2014 / Accepted: 16 May 2014

# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract Raw hide/skins come to the tanners as a by-product Keywords Leather Industry . Solid waste . Chromium .
of meat industry which is converted into value-added leather Recovery . Protein hydrolysate . Environment
as product for fashion market. Leather manufacturing is a
chemical process of natural biological matrix. It employs a
huge quantity of water and inorganic and organic chemicals Introduction
for processing and thereby discharges solid and liquid wastes
into the environment. One of the potential solid wastes gen- Leather industry and environment: two sides of the coin
erated from leather industry is chrome-tanned leather shavings
(CTLSs), and its disposal is increasingly becoming a huge Leather industry recycles an organic waste originated from the
challenge on disposal to tanners due to presence of heavy meat industry into leather. Raw hide/skin is transformed into
metal chromium. Hence, finding a sustainable solution to the leather by means of a series of chemical and mechanical
CTLS disposal problem is a prime challenge for global tanners operations. The series of operation involved in leather making
and researchers. This paper aims to the deeper review of generates substantial quantities of solid, liquid, and gaseous
various disposal methods on CTLS such as protein, chromi- wastes (Germann 1999). The quantum of solid wastes pro-
um, and energy recovery processes and its utilization meth- duced while processing 1 ton of raw hide/skins is given in
odologies. Sustainable technologies have been developed to Table 1 (Chakraborty 2003). The processing of 1 metric ton of
overcome CTLS solid wastes emanating from leather process- raw hide/skin provides 200 kg of a leather-final product, along
ing operations. Further, this review paper brings a broader with 250 kg of non-tanned waste, 200 kg of tanned waste, and
classification of developed methodologies for treatment of 50-m3 volume of wastewater. Thus, only 20 % of the raw
CTLSs. material weight is converted to leather (Kolomaznik et al.
2003). The World Bank reported that solid wastes can repre-
sent up to 70 % of the wet weight of the original hides (World
Bank 1999). Worldwide chromium-based tanning process is
Responsible editor: Vera Slaveykova predominantly followed (Stein and Schwedt 1994; Rajamani
1995; Agrawal et al. 2006) due to versatility of chromium.
A. Pati : R. Chaudhary (*)
School of Energy and Environmental Studies, Takshashila Campus,
Leather industry generates chromium-based waste such as
Devi Ahilya University, Khandwa Road, Indore 452001, Madhya chromium sludge, chrome-tanned leather shavings (CTLSs),
Pradesh, India and chrome leather trimmings. These wastes are unavoidable
e-mail: and possess a serious threat to the environment. It has been
A. Pati estimated that 0.02 million tons of chromium shaving is
e-mail: generated in India per annum. Nearly, 0.8 million tons of
A. Pati : S. Subramani
CTLSs could be generated per year globally (Sangeeth et al.
Research and Development, Tata International Limited, 2009). Most of these wastes are disposed of through landfill or
Dewas 455001, Madhya Pradesh, India incineration processes, although effective reutilization is
S. Subramani greatly desirable, as the methods of disposal involve economic
e-mail: and environmental losses. This creates serious environmental
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 1 Quantity of proteinous

solid wastes produced from pro- Solid wastes Quantity (kg/ton of raw hide processing) Present status on disposal
cessing 1 ton of raw hides/skins
Raw hide trimmings 120–150 kg Glue and gelatin manufacturing
Fleshings 70–230 kg Glue manufacturing
Tanned splits 115–140 kg Reused for making suede leathers
Tanned leather 100–120 kg Landfill (incineration banned)
trimmings and shavings
Buffing dust 2–5 kg Particle boards making
Finished leather trimmings 30–40 kg Used in manufacturing metal
polish brushes and leather articles

challenges in leather industry (Veeger 1993; Ramasami et al. cost, which is explained by the combination of the overall
1998; Popescu et al. 2008; Gaidau et al. 2009). In order to save high pollution emissions and low energy recovery. The avail-
the environment from further degradation or increases in the ability of landfill sites rapidly reaches their total capacity, and
accumulated amounts of hazardous waste in the future, most the authorization for a new site becomes challenging (Kirk
industrial operations should be designed based on “4Rs” et al. 2002). In the European state, the pressure over landfilling
(reduction, recycling, reuse, and recovery) concept. of wastes with high organic content and toxic substances is
continuously increasing (IPPC Report 2001). The improper
and the manual handling and transfer of CTLS waste in open
CTLS: physio-chemical nature and disposal issues vehicles create unhygienic conditions. Disposal of waste in
low-lying areas without proper liners allows the leachate to
CTLSs are small, thin pieces of leather formed during shaving mix with groundwater which leads to deterioration of water
operation, which is being done to achieve the desired thick- quality in neighbourhood areas. In indiscriminate landfills of
ness for various end uses of the leather. It accounts for 15– CTLSs, approximately 40–50 % methane gas liberates which
30 % of total proteinous waste generated from tannery. CLTS contributes significantly to global warming. Chromium also
is a chromium cross-linked protein collagen that contains leaching into the soil making it unfit for cultivation and other
higher amount of protein (Saravanabhavan et al. 2005). The uses. With increased environmental restrictions, landfill dis-
physical and chemical characteristics of CTLSs are presented posal method has been discouraged by environmental experts
in Table 2 by Pati et al. (2013b). CTLS is a fibrous matter and pressure on using clean technologies; their processing into
containing 30–40 % moisture content. Elemental analysis data secondary raw materials is one of the requirements for the
of CTLS is given in Table 3. The chromium oxide content in
CLTS is about 4.4 % (Tahiri et al. 2007).
Large quantities of CTLSs are disposed by landfill in many
Table 3 ICP-OES mul-
parts of the world (Brown et al. 1996). Distraction of land for tielement determination Element Concentration (g/kg)
waste disposal would be physically impossible since areas in CTLS
with the largest concentration of CTLSs would also be the Na 93.86
areas with serious scarcity of vacant land. Therefore, if the Ca 6.91
current methods of disposal persist, the waste would have to Mg 0.60
be carried over a long distance, which would require transport Fe 0.80
facilities and infrastructure. This would involve enormous Mo 0.008
additional finances. Landfilling scenario faces the highest Al 0.43
Zn 0.47
Ti 0.02
Table 2 Physical and V 0.02
chemical characteristics Parameters Values
% Moisture content 35.1±0.6 Co <LOD
% Cr2O3 3.12±0.12 Cu 0.05
% Inorganic ash 5.21±0.11 Li 0.05
% Nitrogen 16.4±0.1 Ni 0.008
% Oils and fat 1.5±0.05 Cr 30.10
pH (10 % aqueous leather) 3.4±0.2 Mn 0.008
Apparent density 0.91 g/mL Pb 0.05
Environ Sci Pollut Res

survival of the leather industry (Sekaran et al. 2007). Many decrease of reproductive health (Kanojia et al. 1998). The
countries have banned disposal of CTLSs through landfill and positive and negative effects of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) for humans
incineration due to the presence of chromium content (Lipsett are described by Bielicka et al. (2005). The occupational
1982; Mukherjee et al. 2005). In India, 90 % of tanneries safety and health administration (OSHA) has set limits of
engaged in the chrome tanning process (Rajamani 1995). 500-μg water-soluble Cr(III) compounds per cubic meter of
The consumption of basic chromium sulfate (BCS) has in- workplace air (500 μg L−1), 1,000 μg L−1 for metallic chro-
creased from 25,000 to 40,000 tons per annum (Agrawal et al. mium(0) and insoluble chromium compounds, and 52 μg L−1
2006). A major problem concerns the possibility of oxidation for chromium(VI) compounds for 8-h work shifts and 40-h
of Cr(III) into Cr(VI) in gentle conditions by air in a wide work weeks (Das and Singh 2011). The stringent enforcement
range of pH. Principally, oxidation can be realized after the of the environment protection has prompted industrialists and
following equations (Kolomaznik et al. 2008): scientists to re-look at the decontamination of wastes and
transform to valuable products.
2Cr2 O3 þ 8OH− þ 3O2 ¼ 4CrO4 − þ 4H2 O ðin alkali mediumÞ

Disposal of CTLSs attempted by researchers to combat

the problem
2Cr2 O3 þ 3O2 þ 2H2 O ¼ 2Cr2 O7 − þ 4Hþ ðin acid mediumÞ
Research studies have been carried out to investigate safe
ð2Þ disposal, recovery of chromium and protein, and their reuse
in various fields of industry. There are several treatment
methods or systems that have been attempted by researchers
The chromium present in CTLSs exists in the non-toxic +3 around the world, and they are broadly classified into (I) direct
oxidation state, but there is growing concern that chromium use, (II) different treatment processes, and (III) make value-
could possibly be converted to a toxic state +6. Cr(VI) is the added products and its application in different industries
most toxic form, being carcinogenic and mutagenic to living (Fig. 2) and reviewed in this article.
organisms. In addition, it leads to liver damage and pulmonary
congestion and causes skin irritation resulting in ulcer forma- Leather board/sheets
tion. Trivalent Cr(III) is about 300 times less toxic than
Cr(VI), and due to the fact that it has limited hydroxide CTLSs in combination with cotton and kraft pulp were used to
solubility, it is less mobile and less bioavailable. Cr (III) is manufacture leather boards, which are strong and flexible and
essential to animals and plants and plays an important role in have a high elongation at break (Okamura and Shirai 1972;
sugar and fat metabolism, although in excess can cause aller- Sykes 1997; Gish 1999; Crispim and Mota 2003; Vedaraman
gic skin reactions and cancer (IARC 1987; Cieslak-Golonka et al. 2002). The direct application of CTLSs is many folds
1996; Kotas and Stasicka 2000; Krishnani and Ayyappan such as the manufacture of bonded leather, leather boards,
2006; Miretzky and Fernandez Cirelli 2010). The US fibrous sheets grafted with acrylates, insulators, building ma-
Environmental Protection Agency (2004) has classified chro- terials after reacting with polyisocyanates, composites for
mium as a group “A” human carcinogen and is one of the footwear, soundproof roofing material, flexible composite
main pollutants based on data available for 976 National sheets using cellulose derivatives, filler for nitrile and butadi-
Priorities List (NPL) Sites with fiscal year 1982–2003 ene–acrylonitrile rubbers, portland cement clinker, ceramics
(Fig. 1; Dhal et al. 2013). The most mobile forms of chromium as pigment (Lollar 1981; Gyurko et al. 1985; Edmund et al.
in soils are CrO42− and HCrO4− ions. They can be taken up by 2003; Sastry et al. 2005; Rose et al. 2007; Przepiorkowska
plants and easily be leached out into the deeper soil layers, et al. 2007; Trezza and Scian 2007; Abreu and Toffoli 2009;
leading to ground and surface water pollution (Calder 1988). Ashokkumar et al. 2011; Chrońska-Olszewska and
Chromium is an essential micro-nutrient in the diet of animals Przepiórkowska 2011; Lakrafli et al. 2012).
and humans, and its deficiency in the diet causes alteration to
lipid and glucose metabolism in animals and humans Adsorbent
(Mordenti and Piva 1997). However, elevated levels of chro-
mium are always toxic, although the toxicity level is related to Direct use of CTLS as adsorbent
the oxidation state of chromium. Cr(VI) is not only highly
toxic to all forms of living organisms, mutagenic in bacteria, The CTLS has the potential to be used as a low-cost adsorbent
and mutagenic and carcinogenic in humans and animals (Losi for the removal of surfactants, dyes, and heavy metals (As(V)
et al. 1994) but is also involved in causing birth defects and the and Cr(VI)) from wastewater (Na et al. 2006; Oliveira et al.
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 1 The frequencies of most

common contaminants at NPL
sites (USEPA 2004; Dhal et al.

2007, 2008a). The removal of vegetable tannins from mixed Saravanabhavan et al. 2004, 2007; Piccin et al. 2012). The
effluents using CTLS has been attempted by Saravanabhavan preparation of ecological agent from CTLSs for removing
et al. (2007). Use of CTLSs for the removal of dyes from environmentally hazardous organic substances such as
wastewater has been studied, and the dye-adsorbed solid chromate and arsenate has been attempted by
wastes were used for the preparation of pigments (Sreeram Przepiorkowska et al. (2003) and Gammoun et al. (2007a,
et al. 2004). Many researchers have studied the possibility of b). Low-cost Fe(III) and Al(III) loaded adsorbent was pre-
dye removal from textile effluents by CTLSs. The ability of pared using CTLS as supporting matrix (Huang et al. 2009).
CTLSs to remove motor oils, oily wastes, and hydrocarbons Kantarli and Yanik (2010) have attempted to make activated
from contaminated water has been studied, and it was found carbon from CTLSs. Treatment and cleaning of water polluted
that they are capable of absorbing many times their weight in by oils, hydrocarbons (Gammoun et al. 2007b), and organic
oil or hydrocarbons due to low density and high buoyancy of dyes (Tahiri et al. 2003) using CTLSs have also been studied.
fibers and porosity (Tahiri et al. 2002; Sreeram et al. 2004; The use of chestnut and mimosa tannins immobilized on

Fig. 2 Critical appraisal of CTLS waste management methodologies

Environ Sci Pollut Res

CTLS matrices as adsorbents for the recovery of Cr (VI) from considered as the cheapest alternative and attractive method
polluted aqueous systems has been established by Chabaane for its simultaneous energy production and volume reduction
et al. (2011). Fathima et al. (2004) have studied the dye of solid waste. The thermal incineration of solid wastes from
removal behavior of CTLS after stabilization with tanneries needs a special attention on the issues such as release
glutaraldhyde. Marsal et al. (2013) have attempted of toxic chromium (VI), halogenated organic compounds, and
adsolubilization of 2-naphthol onto modified CTLSs. poly-aromatic hydrocarbons into the environment (IPPC re-
Sanjuán-Herráez et al. (2012) have demonstrated the capacity port 2001).
of CTLS to adsorb VOC in LDPE tubes. Adsorptive removal
process for removal of As(V) from aqueous solution by
Zr(IV)-loaded CTLSs has been studied by Jiao et al. (2009). Chrome recovery through incineration of CTLS

Activated carbon prepared from CTLS used as adsorbent Disposal of CTLS through direct incineration converts Cr
(III) to Cr (VI), which is highly carcinogenic in nature
Adsorption is the most versatile and widely used technology, (Zahid et al. 1989; Williams 1990; Oppelt 1990, Oppelt
and activated carbon is the most commonly used sorbent for and Dempsey 1993; Andre et al. 1998). The chromium
all kinds of wastewater treatment. However, the use of acti- recovery from this waste is necessary for environmental
vated carbon is expensive, so there has been increased interest protection and economic reasons. The major species
in the past years in the use of low-cost adsorbent materials. formed from Cr (III) during thermal incineration of solid
CTLS is used as raw material for activated carbon production waste are Cr2(SO4)3, CrOCl2, and Cr2O3 which later ac-
by physical and chemical activation methods. The CTLS after counts a path for the formation of Cr (VI) (Skrypski-
controlled pyrolysis under CO2 flow was transformed into Mantele and Bridle 1995; Chen et al. 2003). CTLS is
chromium-containing activated carbons. The chromium oxide subjected to starved air combustion to utilize its maximum
was nanodispersed on the activated carbon, and the particle calorific value as well as to inhibit the oxidation of Cr 3+ to
size increased with the activation time. The activated carbon Cr 6+. The process produces bottom ash 3+ containing
having the highest surface area (799.5 m2 g−1) was presented toxic heavy metals mainly Cr and partially burnt carbon.
as an adsorbent for the adsorption of dyes from aqueous The highly toxic properties of ash prohibit its direct land co-
solution (Langmaier et al. 1999; Yilmaz et al. 2007). disposal. An effective solidification and stabilization of
Chrome-containing activated carbon prepared from CTLS bottom ash were resorted to change potentially hazardous
was studied for removal of organic dyes in wastewater. solid wastes into less hazardous or non-hazardous solids
CTLS was pyrolyzed in a fixed bed reactor at temperatures before it is disposed off as landfill (Filibelix et al. 2000;
of 450 and 600 °C under N2 atmosphere. The carboneous Ioaninides and Zouboulis 2003). The bottom ash was so-
residue (chars) was activated by CO2 to obtain the activated lidified and stabilized using portland cement, fine aggre-
carbon. The collagen fiber, with hierarchical super molecular gate, coarse aggregate, and blue metal dust. Investigations
structures, can be used to prepare well-defined porous carbon were performed on the incinerating conditions of CTLS to
fiber, which has a large surface area, a high mesopore ratio, reduce the toxic gas compounds and on the effect of remov-
and a controllable pore size, which has great potential in ing them using the scrubber. The amount of the various
selective adsorption and as chemical sensors and catalyst. components of gas was within acceptable levels, and the
The controlled pyrolysis of CTLS is done to produce recovered ash could be used as a material in the process of
chromium-containing activated carbons with microporous preparing bichromate (Imai and Okamura 1991). Ashes
and mesoporous structure (Deng et al. 2008; Oliveira et al. contain meaningful amounts of chromium and some in
2008a, b, c). Activated carbon produced from CTLS had a hexavalent form and are used as a source of chromium for
high specific surface area and high capacity for removal various applications, including pigment for ceramic glazes.
organic substance in aqueous medium (Oliveira et al. 2011). Chromium recovered in the form of soluble chromate by
The potential applications of these activated carbons obtained oxidation has been reused in tanning by reduction with
from CTLS as adsorbent for removal of water pollutants have Na2SO3. It is desirable to recover chromium ashes and
been studied for phenol, methylene blue, and Cr (VI) (Kantarli reuse them in the leather tanning process, through a basic
and Yanik 2010; Oliveira et al. 2008a, b, c; Kong et al. 2013). chromium sulfate (Okamura and Shirai 1976; Poulopoulou
et al. 1998; Carneiro et al. 2003; Erdem 2006; Tahiri et al.
Thermal treatments of CTLS for energy recovery 2007). Swarnalatha et al. (2009) demonstrated that the
organic fractions of chrome shavings could be incinerated
The thermal treatment of wastes involves incineration, gasifi- without oxidizing trivalent chromium into hexavalent chro-
cation, and pyrolysis as a mean of disposal, while also recov- mium through starved air combustion and for better recov-
ering energy from waste. The thermal incineration is ery of energy.
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Recovery of energy from CTLSs: pyrolysis Chemical/biocatalytic treatment process of CTLSs

Pyrolysis is one of the alternative routes for the treatment of Green chemistry as a concept represents the chemical process-
solid wastes from tannery. Three different types of tannery es, where environmental pollutants can be replaced by eco-
wastes can be pyrolyzed, resulting in gas, oil, ammonium friendly alternatives. It involves designing newer routes for
carbonate, and carboneous residues. The gas can be used as chemical synthesis and products, which protect our environ-
fuel, and the oil can be used either as fuel or as raw material for ment through the entire life cycle process as well as product.
chemicals. The carbonaceous residue can be burned as fuel or The safe disposal of process wastes is also important while
safely disposed. In addition, this residue is also suitable for designing a new synthesis route. The impact of such disposal
production of activated carbon (Yilmaz et al. 2007). The on environment is often neglected. The enforcement of laws
elimination of the organic matter resulted in chromium-rich protecting the environment has prompted industrialists, envi-
material, which could be suitably used as a ceramic pigment ronmentalists, and scientists to re-look at the decontamination
(Lollar 1981; Abreu and Toffoli 2009). CTLS was treated with of wastes and transform chrome shavings in usable to valuable
NaOH before pyrolysis, and it was found that the volatile products. Significant research work has been carried out in
products obtained from NaOH-treated samples contain higher development of innovative methods of treatment and utiliza-
amounts of nitrogen compounds than those obtained from tion of wastes. Various efforts have been made to mitigate the
untreated samples (Marcilla et al. 2011). A double-pyrolysis problem of CTLS. Basically, removal of chromium from
(first pyrolysis (PI) followed by second pyrolysis (PII)) meth- CTLSs takes place after detanning of the waste. Depending
od was employed to dispose hazardous chrome-tanned leather on a kind of the applied detanning agent, three fundamental
solid waste by converting it into useful products. In this means of chromium removal are known chemical and enzy-
process, the three major products obtained were (i) energy- matic methods. Several investigations developed some
enriched combustible gas (32.01 %, PI; 42.45 %, PII), (ii) a methods of treatment generally based on the chemical hydro-
high fraction condensate (33.32 % (PI and PII)), and (iii) a lysis of waste (Holloway 1978; Maire and Lipsett 1980;
carbonaceous residual ash containing trivalent chromium Guardini 1983; Galatik et al. 1988; Berry et al. 2002; Tahiri
(34.67 %, PI; 24.23 %, PII). In addition, 2.73 % of liquid fuel, et al. 2001a, b, 2007; Wojciech et al. 1998a, b) or enzymatic
75.24 % of nitrogen-enriched liquid, and 22.03 % distillate tar hydrolysis (Parvathi et al. 1986a, 1986b; Taylor et al. 1990,
as sub-products from the high fraction condensate 1992; Pati et al. 2013).
(Sethuraman et al. 2013).
Acid hydrolysis

Gasification of CTLSs: energy generation The process for the removal of chromium from leathers and/or
leather wastes is based on contacting them with solutions of
Gasification technology has the potential to provide signifi- salts, indicating at least sufficiently good complexing proper-
cant cost benefits in terms of power generation and waste ties toward chromium cations, with addition of acids and/or
disposal, and increase sustainability within the leather indus- anhydrides of acids, being parent acids for the aforementioned
try. The gasification process converts any carbon-containing salts and/or at least moderately strong mineral acids. Process
material into a combustible gas comprised primarily of carbon results in recovering of the untanned collagen of contacted
monoxide, hydrogen, and methane, which can be used as a leather wastes with the possibility of preserving its fibrous
fuel to generate electricity and heat. A wide range of tannery structure, possessing a high degree of purity. Recovered col-
wastes can be macerated, flash dried, densified, and gas- lagen can be used. Solutions of chromium compounds are
ified to generate a clean syngas. As a result, up to 70 % another result of the process. They can be directed back to the
of the intrinsic energy value of the waste can be recovered technological process of tanning (Wojciech et al. 1998a, b).
as syngas, with up to 60 % of this being surplus to Ferreira et al. (2010) have attempted hydrolysis of CTLSs
process drying requirements that can be recovered for with sulfuric acid solutions at low temperature and aiming at
on-site boiler or thermal energy recovery uses. The tan- maximum chromium removal with minimum attack of the
nery wastes disposed contain more than half of the energy leather matrix. The effects of leather scrap dimension,
value of coal, and if recovered and converted into useful sulfuric acid, and sodium sulfate concentration in the
energy, it could satisfy all of a tannery’s own heat energy solutions, as well as extraction time and temperature on
requirements for leather processing. Bowden (2003) has chromium recovery, were studied. Recovery of chromium
made an attempt to combine drying and gasification to and protein from CLTS by organic salts and acids such as
eliminate tannery solid wastes while providing combustible potassium oxalate, potassium tartrate, and acetic and citric
gas as a renewable energy source that the tannery can acids has been attempted by Malek et al. (2009). The high-
directly reuse. protein content of chrome shavings has been utilized as a
Environ Sci Pollut Res

reductant in the preparation of chrome tanning agent, and products to get rid of residual chromium compounds. The
developed products exhibit more masking due to the hydro- process of alkaline detanning and chromium removal is car-
lysis of protein and formation of intermediate organic ried out in the aqueous medium at temperatures ranging from
oligopeptides (Rao et al. 2002, 2004; Sharaf et al. 2013). 90 to 100 °C by action of MgO as the moderately strong base.
As a result, collagen glue can be produced, but yield of the
Alkaline hydrolysis product does not exceed 56 % (based on the weight of the
starting material) and chromium recovery is less than 68 %
The alkaline digestion of CTLSs to recover protein products (Wojciech et al. 1998a, b). As a commercial perspective, the
uses three alkaline agents; calcium hydroxide, sodium hy- high value-added material (technical gelatin) having low con-
droxide, and sodium carbonate and organic bases like cyclo- tent of chromium, high bloom strength, and high yielding was
hexylamine, isopropylamine, and diisopropylamine were produced from chrome-tanned leather waste shaving by alka-
found to be effective (Kolomaznik et al. 2007). Alkaline agent line hydrolysis (Na2Co3). Mohamed et al. (2013) have studied
concentration and reaction time were main parameters, and the different parameters (pH, time of swelling, temperature,
the comparisons of various alkali and enzymatic hydrolysis extraction time) and examined their effects on gelatin extrac-
showed that calcium oxide had advantage over MgO, NaOH, tion from chrome-tanned leather with the required quality. It
and enzymes plus MgO pretreatment(Cantera et al. 1997; was found that the optimum conditions to obtain gelatin from
Basak and Vibhavari 2003; Mu et al. 2003; Saha et al. chrome shaving leather wastes are pH 9.5, 5-h extraction at
2003a; Martinelango and Shelly 2004; Tahiri et al. 2006; 80 °C, and 1 swelling day.
Zhao et al. 2009). The collagen hydrolysate obtained and
chrome cake had potential applications in the tanning industry. Recovery of chromium and protein through biocatalytic
Detanning can also be done using strong oxidizing agents hydrolysis of CTLS
such as hydrogen peroxide or chlorine under slightly alkaline
conditions to produce protein hydrolysates. This technology is Enzymatic hydrolysis of CTLS is a viable method and pro-
developed for production-scale hydrolysis for commercial vides a 50–60 % yield of hydrolysate, which shows low ash
applications, as the end product had many potential uses content and a low content of chromic compounds. The use of
(Heidemann 1991; Kosmac et al. 1995; Stockman 1996; commercially available proteolytic enzymes used at moderate
Amir et al. 2008). Cot et al. (1999) found that the presence temperatures and for short periods of time to give a chromium
of peroxochromates generated in situ during the oxidation, in product and a protein product that has potential use as a
alkaline conditions, can produce a partial hydrolysis to the fertilizer is a simple treatment that provides a practical and
fibers of collagen, accelerating the process of isolation of economical solution. Proteolytic enzymes, active at moderate
gelatin. With the oxidative dechroming using hydrogen per- temperatures, are effective in solubilizing the protein, and as
oxide augmented with ultrasound, the chrome removal rate the reaction takes place at an alkaline pH, the chromium
can be over 99 %, which would greatly favor wider utilization remains insoluble. The processes can be made cost-effective
of the collagen products obtained (Sun et al. 2003; Tahiri et al. by reduction in enzyme concentration and isolation of a
2004; Malek et al. 2009). However, the one-step hydrolysis of gelable protein. Taylor et al. (1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1998)
chrome shavings have some disadvantages, such as long have made extensive study on the enzymatic hydrolysis of
reaction time, a lot of energy consumed, and the secondary CTLS and developed a two-step process. In the two-step
pollution to the environment. Moreover, due to the low mo- process, the chrome shavings are treated with alkali to isolate
lecular weight and high ash content, the isolated protein gelatin, and in a second step, the enzyme is used to recover the
hydrolysate cannot be used for the manufacture of high remaining protein so that the chrome cake can be treated and
value-added product. Process of alkaline removal of chromi- recycled. Protein products with varying properties can be
um is performed in aqueous medium at elevated temperatures, obtained using alkaline protease with reproducibility. The
by means of strong or moderately strong metal hydroxides. effects of various alkaline salts on polypeptide size and the
This results in formation of collagen degradation products, stability of triple helical conformations were evaluated to
usually water-soluble, practically—solutions of a relatively reduce the amount of enzyme used in the recovery process
low viscosity, always contaminated to a certain extent by and increase the value of the protein product recovered.
chromium compounds. Processes of alkaline removal of chro- Pepsin behaved as a mild enzyme with a controllable effect
mium known so far reveal many drawbacks. They do not on leather wastes, trypsin gave a better yield, and isolated
allow recovering of the collagen with its original fibrous gelatin was of high quality and cost-effective. Gelatin prod-
structure and lead basically to preparation of sticky solutions. ucts can be deionized and the recovered chrome cake was
This is a serious limitation for the extent of application for purified in a chemical process. This was used in the chrome
chromium removal products of this kind; moreover, it makes tanning without decrease in the quality of the leather (Brown
necessary for further, troublesome purification of acquired et al. 1994, 1996; Cabeza et al. 1997, 1998a, b, 1999a, b, d, e;
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Taylor et al. 2000). Collagen hydrolysate was extracted from used in the production of enzyme (alkaline Proteases) by the
CTLSs using alkali and enzyme. CaO is 3 % (based on the solid-state fermentation. The enzyme extracted from the fungi
mass of CTLS), MgO is 3 %, H2O is 300 %, hydrolysis was used in the hydrolysis of leather protein present in the
temperature is 80 °C, and the reaction time is 4 h. The CTLS, and the recovered chromium was recycled and used in
extraction efficiency of the gelatin is more than 40 %; when the tanning process. To completely hydrolyze 1 g of leather
the quantity of the enzymes is 0.125 % and the hydrolysis wastes, 6 units of the enzyme protease is required. In the
temperature is 46 °C, the extraction efficiency of the protein optimization, the fungi maximum production shows at
polypeptide can reach to 20 %. The quantities of Cr2O3 in both 72 hrs, the nitrogenous source are the milk extract, and the
gelatin and protein polypeptide are lower than 50 mg/kg, and optimum temperature to hydrolyze is 55 °C and the pH is 9.5.
the content of ashes is lower than 2 % (Qiang and Feng 2011).
Pati et al. (2013b) have developed a biochemical method for Application of recovered chromium and protein hydrolysate
extraction and reuse of protein and chromium from CTLS. In from CLTS
this method, the combination of chemical and enzyme pro-
cesses have been employed to achieve the optimum extraction Chromium and protein hydrolysate extracted from CTLSs
of protein. It was found that there was a significant change in finds application in various industries. Chromium recovered
the protein extraction by protease in the presence of α- from CTLSs was used in leather processing, commercial
amylase. The protein extraction efficiency by conventional pigments for paints, and ceramic industries. Protein hydroly-
and biochemical method is found to be 60 and 80 %, respec- sate can be used in several applications such as leather, adhe-
tively. The potential utilization of chrome cake, aerobic bio- sive, polymer, fertilizer, animal feed, cosmetic, and medical
logical degradation in an aqueous environment was developed industries. Hence, recovery process can add value by using a
(Hrncirik et al. 2005; Kupec et al. 2002; Dvorackova et al. cleaner production pathway.
2007). Pillai and Archana (2012) have attempted using
Bacillus subtilis P13 for effective degradation and grow on In leather processing
CTLS as the protein source and produce in the spent medium
high levels of a keratinolytic serine protease that can be The use of protein hydrolysates leather tanning process is
proficiently applied for the pre-tanning processing step of hide proven to be a useful contributor to increase the chromium
dehairing. The bacterium was moderately chromium resistant oxide content of the leathers at the end of the chrome tanning
tolerating up to 35 and 350 ppm of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) salts, process (Narasimhan et al. 1980). Protein hydrolysate derived
respectively, and showed bioaccumulation and bio-sorption of from CTLS in post-tanning showed attractive properties by its
Cr(III) and Cr(VI). An efficient waste management process is cosmetic, lubricating, and restoring effects by developing a
described using solid substratum column reactor, leading to synergetic action with acrylic-retanning agents, oxazolidine,
the liquefaction of the proteinaceous waste and the recovery of by forming polyelectrolyte complexes by enhancing the leath-
dehairing protease as concentrated product as well as Cr er grain properties and providing softness and improved ten-
recovery for reuse in tanning. Chromium-tolerant bacteria sile strength. Protein hydrolysates are also used as dye exhaust
were isolated from tannery soil and screened for high proteo- aids in leather dyeing processes (Afsar et al. 2010; Aslan et al.
lytic activity by zone clearance assay and caseinolytic activity. 2006; Cantera et al. 1997, 1999, 2002, 2003; Munoz et al.
The most potent bacterium, with a high proteolytic and 2002). The hydrolysates of protein have potential to be chem-
chromium-tolerant ability, was found to degrade about 90 % ically modified to produce value-added leather finishing
of the chrome shavings in 120 h and was identified as agents. Glutaraldehyde-modified collagen hydrolysate was
Alcaligenes faecalis. The hydrolysates at various time inter- used in filling of veiny areas in chrome-tanned calfskin leath-
vals of proteolysis were collected; chromium was removed er. Modified protein hydrolysate products are also used in
and characterized. The hydrolysate was found to have 12 % leather processing, more specifically in preparation of coat-
ash and 80 % protein or peptide contents after 120 h of ings and fillers for leather (Cao et al. 2005; Chen et al. 2001;
proteolysis with 3.14±2.0 μg of chromium per gram of pro- Crispim and Mota 2003; Mu et al. 2003; Taylor et al. 2005).
tein (Shanthi et al. 2013). Sivaparvathy et al. (1986) have Utilize the recovered chromium from CTLS wastes via basic
explored the possibility of biodegradation of chrome shavings chromium sulfate production to be subsequently applied in a
using microbial enzymes (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) to min- hide tanning (Walawska and Kowalski 2001; Fengxia et al.
imize the time required for the hydrolysis. The enzyme 2005; Dettmer et al. 2012). Collagen hydrolysate extracted
Paecilomyces lilacinus was used, the efficient removal of from CTLS has been used as a finishing agent in leather
chrome and protein hydrolysate from CTLS (Sastry et al. making (Catalina et al. 2008, 2010). Collagen hydrolysate
1999; Chakraborty 2004). Enzymatic hydrolysis of CTLS recovered may contain a number of hydrophilic groups such
through Aspergillus tamerii has been attempted by Senthil as carboxylic, hydroxylic, amino, imino, and amid. The reac-
Kumar et al. (2012). The isolated fungi were optimized and tions between these collagen hydrolysate active groups and
Environ Sci Pollut Res

the urethane reactive groups (-NCO) resulted in the synthe- inhibitor was prepared by modified CTLS hydrolyzing colla-
sis of new polyurethane finishing agents which offered gen and had good ability on calcium carbonate scale inhibition
increased permeability. The modified polyurethane finishing (Qiang et al. 2013). Collagen hydrolysate was isolated from
agent has good elongation at break and extensibility, indi- CTLS and was used as a wall material with chitosan in
cating a potential application in leather sealing finishes microencapsulation (Ocak et al. 2011). The optical study on
(Tang et al. 2010) CTLSs show that it can be utilized as a possible source of
natural organic semiconductors with direct and indirect energy
Pigments gap (Nashy et al. 2012). Ashokkumar et al. 2010 have made
an attempt to utilize collagen hydrolysate and CTLSs to
The recovered chromium from CTLS showed the possibility prepare composite sheets employing polyvinylpyrrolidone
of producing commercial pigments for paints (Berry et al. (PVP). The PVP incorporation in composite sheets has
2001, 2002; Tahiri et al. 2001a, b). The possibility of enhanced physical characteristics and hence suitable for
thermoresistant pigments for the ceramic industry was ex- numerous applications in footwear, clothing, and related
plored, and the improvement of environment quality and industries (Ashokkumar et al. 2010). Protein hydrolysate
decrease in pigments cost were noticed (Lazau et al. 2007). reacted with dialdehyde starch produces hydrogels applicable
Chromium was recovered from CTLS by controlled closed as biodegradable packaging materials for food, cosmetic,
furnace incineration, and the protein matrix provides the ad- and pharmaceutical products (Langmaier et al. 2008).
vantage of reducing the chromium residues. Meanwhile, pro- Krummenauer and Andrade (2009) have investigated the
ducing chromite ore is ultimately useful in the preparation of usability of leather sawdust in asphalt micro-surface layer
pigmented coatings. The dry pigment obtained was green mixtures and found it to be technically and economically
colored and could be further processed and formulated as a feasible. The incorporation of 0.3 % of CTLS has increased
pigmented coating (paint). When the CTLSs were mixed with the engineering properties of asphalt mixtures and minimized
iron sulfate and then incinerated, a brown-colored paint coat- the cracking of pavement surface layer due to the fiber incor-
ing was achieved (Sreeram et al. 2011) poration in the asphalt micro-surface. Collagen hydrolysate of
CTLS waste reacted with diglycidyl ethers of bisphenol A
Adhesives which leads to form biodegradable polymers that might facil-
itate recycling of plastic parts in products of the automotive
Gels, adhesives, and films of high molecular weight gelable and/or aeronautics industry provided with protective films
protein fraction have been obtained from CTLS under mild (Langmaier et al. 2007). Protein hydrolysate produced by
alkaline conditions. However, characteristics of the products enzymatic hydrolysis of CTLS wastes reacted with polyvinyl
depend on composition of the original chromium waste prod- alcohol for producing biodegradable plastics; application in
uct and on the specific treatment conditions (Brown et al. agriculture requires management of the breakdown of modi-
1994, 1996). Urea-formaldehyde (UF) adhesives were modi- fied compounds of synthetic polymers which are used in
fied with glutaraldehyde (GA) and protein hydrolysate. The agriculture (Kresalkova et al. 2002).
results showed that presence of protein hydrolysate and GA in
the UF adhesive mixture increased the shear strength of glued Anaerobic digestion of protein hydrolysate for generation
joints. CTLS waste hydrolysate reacts with epichlorhydrin of biogas
used as a biodegradable packing material for agricultural
chemicals including herbicides, insecticides, pesticides, and Collagen hydrolysate recovered from CTLS through chemical
fertilizers. (Langmaier et al. 2004a, b, 2006). Innovative poly- process was fed to the anaerobic digester to generate biogas.
condensation adhesives for application in woodworking CTLSs were hydrolyzed by two different modes, i.e., using
industry is made from collagen hydrolysate extracted from lime and KOH followed by neutralization with HCl and
CTLS. Condensation adhesives based on urea-formaldehyde H3PO4 subsequently. COD reduction efficiencies of 34–
and phenol-formaldehyde were modified with protein hydro- 46 % and 45–54 % were observed in lime-HCl and KOH-
lysates to reduce the free formaldehyde content (Sedliacik H3PO4 digesters, respectively. Gas generation is increased
et al. 2011). 30 % in KOH-H3PO4 digester as compared to that in Lime-
HCl, and CO2 in KOH-H3PO4 digester was in the range of
Composites 19–20 % as compared to that in Lime-HCl were it was 30–
40 %. Hence, it shows that CO2 produced by the acidogens is
Brasack et al. (2000) have made biocomposite layers of silica effectively utilized by the methanogens in producing methane
from coatings of silica sols mixed with protein hydrolysate in gas and potassium and phosphates are the macronutrients for
water/dioxane and revealed that such coatings are highly the growth of microorganisms (Pati and Chaudhary 2013a).
biocompatible, with excellent mechanical properties. A scale Anaerobic biological degradation of protein hydrolysate
Environ Sci Pollut Res

recovered from CTLS has cross-linked with higher molecular Biofertilizer

weight diepoxides. Biodegradation of tested modified hydro-
lysate samples produced recorded quantities of biogas (CH4, The protein hydrolysate recovered from CTLSs was utilized
CO2). These modified hydrolysates were studied as materials as biofertilizer. Several plants can also take up and absorb
which have the potential to be used as good biodegradable amino acids; these amino acids are sometimes better nitrogen
films, e.g., for agricultural applications (Hrncirik et al. 2009). sources than ammonia or nitrate (Taylor et al. 1999; Ashmead
et al. 1986). Protein hydrolysate was recovered and channeled
Plastics/rubber/resin as an organic nitrogenous fertilizer to increase the yield of the
crop (Kolomaznik et al. 1999). The combination of enzymatic
Successful commercial applications for the protein hydro- and acid hydrolysis resulted in tailor-made, predefined molec-
lysate include its use in the manufacture of biodegradable ular weight products fitting the intended use. Low molecular
polymers for agriculture sowing tapes (Kolomaznik et al. weight products are used as the plant biostimulator
1999; Pearson 1982). There has been an increasing interest (Kasparkova et al. 2009). Protein hydrolysate was extracted
in the development of biodegradable polymers owing to from natural plants or animal in fertilizer composition; these
the growing problem of waste disposal of plastics. Protein represent substances with chelated micro-nutrient properties
hydrolysate is easily and uniformly blended with important for plant metabolism. With numerous products
metallocene-based linear low-density polyethylene containing phosphates, polyphosphates, potassium, and nitro-
(mLLDPE), and the obtained polymer film retains me- gen compounds, protein hydrolysates are used as fertilizers at
chanical strength properties and biodegradability behavior. both in high culture and in intensive greenhouses and solari-
The hydrolysate is also used to modify biodegradable ums. Micro-elements like iron, copper, zinc, calcium, magne-
plastics. The film based on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is sium, and manganese chelated with hydrolyzed proteins are
modified with protein hydrolysate to be used in agricul- more easily absorbed by both plant and animal organisms. It
tural applications (Kresalkova et al. 2002; Saha et al. also mentions use of protein hydrolysates in combination with
2003b; Shin et al. 2007). The utilization of collagen as a potassium polyphosphates to increase agricultural production
filler for isoprene and butadiene-acrylonitritle rubber mixes by increasing the absorption of phosphorus and potassium
was found to have good resistance to aging and also (Sirbu et al. 2008, 2009; Ashmed and Hsu 1985). Katsifas
provides increased recaptivities to microbiological decom- et al. (2004) reported an Aspergillus carbonarius which could
position. The leather powder mixed with zinc oxide is the perform biodegradation of CTLS in solid-state fermentation
best form of its addition to rubber mixes. The mechanical experiments, where 97 % liquefaction of the tannery waste
properties of collagen-added carboxylated butadiene- was achieved and the liquid obtained from long-term experi-
acrylonitrile rubber indicate an increase in tensile strength ments was used to recover chromium and proteinaceous liquid
and elongation at break (Przepiorkowska et al. 2003, fertilizer. Collagen hydrolysates obtained by chemical and
2004, 2005, 2006, 2007). The chrome wastes used as chemical-enzymatic processes under moderate reaction con-
filler in a polymer matrix and PVC–leather fiber compos- ditions were used in preparing foliar fertilizers (Gaidau et al.
ites were prepared due to their leather-like appearance. 2007, 2008). Hydrolysates of CTLSs are used as nitrogen
The leather-like sheets are flexible and exhibit sufficient source for growth of common bean plants (Lima et al.
water absorption to be suitable for several applications in 2010). Oliveira et al. (2008b) have studied the use of leather
the footwear and clothing industry (Santana et al. 1998). waste after chromium extraction (collagen) as a nitrogen
Further, the short leather fibers were modified by emulsion source to elephantgrass. CTLS wastes include the highest
polymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) in order to amount of nitrogen (64 %). Chrome in these shaving wastes
increase the compatibility of leather fibers with several may be removed to a great extent by treating the samples with
commodity polymers used in shoe industries. The treat- alkali or with the help of enzymes(Taylor et al. 1990, 1992,
ment significantly improved the thermal stability of fibers 1997b). Chrome content in the protein hydrolysates derived
and reduced water adsorption capacity, as a coating of from CTLS may be <5 ppm; hence, it can be used as a
PMMA is produced over the leather surface (Babanas fertilizer.
et al. 2001; Santana et al. 2002). By reacting hydrolysates
with glutaraldehyde, inexpensive UF adhesives were de- Protein hydrolysate for making animal feed/chicken feed
veloped with reduced formaldehyde emissions (Langmaier
et al. 2003, a, b). The application of collagen hydrolysates It is possible to transform recovered materials from
in the cross-linking of epoxide resins resulted in solvent- CTLS wastes into feed proteins. Hydrolyzed protein, be-
free biodegradable epoxide films. Cross-linking of hydro- cause of its high-nitrogen content, has potential applica-
lysate with epichlorhydrin is an advantage for applications tions as animal feed additive, which provides food supple-
such as degradable packing materials. ment amino acids (Bataille et al. 1983; Brown et al. 1996;
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Hauck 1974; Smith and Donovan 1982; Langmaier et al. hydrolysate represents a good mixture and a good source of
1999, 2001). It is possible to produce an almost chromium- amino acids as a carbon and nitrogen source (Aslan et al.
free leather meal (less than 0.1 ppm Cr), which is high in 2007).
protein with a high digestibility. Its amino acid pattern is of
a better quality than that in feather meal and is equal to Cosmetics/films
those in meat meal and soybean meal with regard to cost
competitiveness. Recovered protein was also used as food Cakl et al. (1998) have attempted to use high-purity and
supplement for Tilspia oreochromis niloticus (Boushy et al. demineralized protein hydrolysates in cosmetics (e.g.,
1991; Chakraborty and Sarkar 1999; Katsifas et al. 2004; moisturizing creams, lotions, and hair sprays) and bio-
Langmaier et al. 2002; Montoneri et al. 1994; Nogami et al. medical products (e.g., burn dressings and implant cov-
2000; Reis and Beleza 1991). The hydrolysates of CTLSs erings). The hydrolytic products from collagen, such as
were used as leather meal, which is hydrolyzed in a similar technical gelatin and animal glue, were used as eco-
manner to poultry feathers and used as a supplemental friendly adhesives, paints, encapsulating agents, floccu-
protein source for livestock (Taylor et al. 1999). Alkaline lating agents, and fireproofing agents. The gelatin was
protein hydrolysate is preferred to be neutralized with used in the application of microencapsulation to micro-
phosphoric acid because of the equivalence of calcium encapsulate drugs, essential oils, perfumes, and other
phosphates to bone meal. Riaz and Alam (2006) have materials. Depending on the application of the gelatin,
studied the growth performance of quail chicks with differ- different modifiers can be used to get the desired func-
ent levels of CTLS feeding. Enhanced body weight of the tional proper ties. Films were prepared from commercial
quail chicks were found at 2.5 and 5 % of CTLS feed. The gelatins by enzymatic treatment and glycerol as a plas-
protein content present in CTLS are often used in the ticizer to be used in the preparation of coatings, edible
manufacture of poultry feed along with corn flour. It was films, and packaging material. The addition of polyvinyl
found, after an analysis of the poultry feed collected from alcohol further improved the tensile strength and me-
different chicken shops, that the samples contained very chanical properties of films, which were biodegradable
high concentration of chromium. Chickens that ate the feed (Cabeza et al. 1998a, b, c, d, 1999a, b, c; Taylor et al.
were often found to have high levels of chromium in dif- 1995, 1997a, b, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003). Modified
ferent parts of the body. The use of the leather wastes as protein hydrolysates have potential to be used as good
chicken feed was a good alternative, provided that the biodegradable films, e.g., agriculture applications
chromium and other toxic substances were properly re- (Hrncirik et al. 2009). Gelatin was extracted from
moved (Sudha 2010). The hydrolysis of CTLS wastes un- chrome-tanned leather waste with the aim to produce a
der suitable conditions and in the presence of better hydro- durable coating or film. Cross-linking has shown to
lyzing agents can help us in recovering the value-added improve the physical performance of a film/coating
products which are used as ingredients in poultry feed (Catalina et al. 2011a). The hybrid biodegradable films
(Sudha et al. 2011; Alves and Beleza 1991a, b). are from collagenous wastes and natural polymers for
biomedical applications. Protein was extracted from skin
waste using acetic acid and blended with starch (ST)/
Biological uses: medical application soy protein (SP) to prepare C/ST/SP hybrid films. It
was envisaged that the promising mechanical, thermal,
High value-added, industrially reusable bioproducts whose swelling, biostability, and biocompatibility properties of
application areas could include veterinary medicine, medicine, the developed hybrid films suggest a beneficial role for
and pharmacology were isolated from CTLSs (Cot et al. the biomedical applications (Murali et al. 2011).
1986). Biopolymers were prepared from protein hydrolysates
of CTLS wastes and its application in tissue engineering
within fields such as cosmetics, medicine, or veterinary (Cot
et al. 2009; Catalina et al. 2011b). Composite films were made Conclusion
using sago starch (SG), soya protein (SY), and collagen (C)
and were cross-linked with glutaraldehyde (GA). The com- The leather industry is as such a sustainable solution provider
posite films prepared were used as wound dressing material on for the meat in terms of disposal of raw hides/skins. Most of
the experimental wounds of rats and revealed better wound the solid waste generated from tannery industries is presently
healing capacity (Ramnath et al. 2012). Shanthi and Shelly unutilized and wasted. Leather wastes can be processed at
(2003) established the usefulness of the collagen hydrolysate industrial scales to generate value-added products, which
from chrome shavings as a support matrix for immobilization can emerge as an important commercial activity on its own
of organophosphorus hydrolyze enzyme. The collagen while eliminating environmental concerns of the leather
Environ Sci Pollut Res

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