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MOUNTAIN OF FIRE AND MIRACLES MINISTRIES 4. Every spirit of mammon working in our church, we bind you, in Jesus’ name.

International Headquarters, Lagos, Nigeria.

5. You demon of ignorance working in our church, we bind you, lose you hold
QUENCHING THE RAGE and die, in the name of Jesus.
6. Every agenda of the enemy to embarrass the Mountain of Fire and Miracles
These prayers are to be prayed between 12:00 am and 12:15 am. Ministries, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
7. I soak my blood, bones and flesh in the wonder working power of the blood
Confessions: Psa 2:1-12: Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a
of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel
8. Every coffin prepared by the agent of death for my life, catch fire and roast
together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their
to ashes, in the name of Jesus.
bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens
shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them 9. Father, let every pit dug for my life by agents of death swallow them, in the
in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. Yet have I set my king upon my name of Jesus.
holy hill of Zion. I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art 10. I barricade my body from every invasion by disease germs, in the name of
my Son; this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I shall give thee the Jesus.
heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy 11. Holy Ghost fire, burn all disease deposits in my body to ashes, in the name of
possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in Jesus.
pieces like a potter's vessel. Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye 12. Blood of Jesus, laminate my life, in the name of Jesus.
judges of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss
13. I silence the voice of sickness speaking against my life, in the name of Jesus.
the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled
14. Every power oppressing my life through dreams of death, fall down and die,
but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.
in the name of Jesus.

June 7, 2018 - DAY 1

June 8, 2018 - DAY 2
Aggressive Praise Worship
Confessions: Psa 2:1-12
Prayer Points
Aggressive Praise Worship
1. O Lord, we thank You for the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries,
Prayer Points
Worldwide, in the name of Jesus.
15. O God, arise in the thunder of Your power, and scatter every warfare
2. Lord, make this church a citadel of holiness, wonders, miracles and glory
assigned against the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in Jesus’ name.
upon the earth, marked out by purity, power and progress, in Jesus’ name.
16. Every hidden enemy of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, be
3. Every rage of darkness against the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries,
disgraced, in the name of Jesus.
be quenched, in the name of Jesus.

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17. Lord, we pray that this church will follow its unique calling to fulfill God’s Miracles Ministries, be scattered, in the name of Jesus.
purpose for it as a church, in the name of Jesus. 31. O God, arise and envelope every member of Mountain of Fire and Miracles
18. You demon of disunity in our church, we come against you, be bound and die, Ministries with untouchable fire, in the name of Jesus.
in the name of Jesus. 32. We bring the judgement of God on every witchcraft power that is afflicting
19. Every occult demon present in our church, lose your hold, be bound and die, this church, in the name of Jesus.
in the name of Jesus. 33. The stronghold, the structure and the network of wicked men and women in
20. Every unconscious gift of death that I have received, receive the fire of God, MFM worldwide, collapse, in the name of Jesus.
in the name of Jesus. 34. Every snare of death set up for my life, catch your owners, in Jesus’ name.
21. Father, let every stubborn pursuer of my life turn back and perish in their own 35. Every satanic device to terminate my life, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
Red Sea, in the name of Jesus. 36. Every tree of untimely death in my family line, my life is not your candidate,
22. Father, let the blood of Jesus immunize me from every infirmity, in the name die, in the name of Jesus.
of Jesus. 37. Every power announcing my name for death, fall down and die, in the name
23. Anything I have eaten or swallowed, presently working against my health, be of Jesus.
dissolved by the power of God, in the name of Jesus. 38. I shall not die but live to declare the works of God, in the name of Jesus.
24. My body, resist and reject every killer disease, in the name of Jesus. 39. All arrows of infirmity, fired against me, go back to the sender, in the name
25. Father, let the teeth of the enemy over our nation break, in Jesus’ name. of Jesus.
26. Every evil altar erected against our country, be disgraced, in Jesus’ name. 40. Thou power of the wasters, my body is not your candidate, clear away, in the
27. Any organ in my body, performing below expectation, receive the name of Jesus.
resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus. 41. Any curse of infirmity, working against me, die, in the name of Jesus.
28. The vehicle of my transportation shall not become my coffin, in Jesus’ name. 42. Any ladder or pipe supplying evil current into my body, break away, in the
name of Jesus.
June 9, 2018 - DAY 3
Confessions: Psa 2:1-12 June 10, 2018 - DAY 4
Aggressive Praise Worship Confessions: Psa 2:1-12
Prayer Points Aggressive Praise Worship
29. We bind every attempt of satan to limit the growth of this church, Prayer Points
qualitatively and quantitatively, in the name of Jesus. 43. Every siege against the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, be dissolved
30. Every imagination of unfriendly friends against the Mountain of Fire and by fire, in the name of Jesus.

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44. Every battle from the bottom of the pit to injure the Mountain of Fire and June 11, 2018 DAY 5
Miracles Ministries, go back to your senders, in the name of Jesus. Confessions: Psa 2:1-12
45. Every force of Goliath boasting against the David of Mountain of Fire and Aggressive Praise Worship
Miracles Ministries, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. Prayer Points
46. According to all that is written in Isaiah 47, we fasten the judgements written 57. O Lord, anoint our ministers and pastors like warriors, in the name of Jesus.
therein on the queen of heaven that is responsible for idolatry in our church,
58. O Lord, deliver all our pastors, ministers and leaders from satanic
in the name of Jesus.
distractions, in the name of Jesus.
47. By the blood of Jesus, we break every demonic covenant made between any
59. O Lord, deliver the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, worldwide from
of our leaders and agents of satan against this church, in the name of Jesus.
distractions and stagnation, in the name of Jesus.
48. Every evil link between me and the spirit of untimely death, be cut off by the
60. O God, arise, rend the heavens, come down in Your fury and uproot every
blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
satanic altar that is speaking against this church, in the name of Jesus.
49. Every decree of untimely death hovering over my life, catch fire and die, in
61. O God, arise, come upon this church and overthrow every evil spirit that is
the name of Jesus.
afflicting this church, in the name of Jesus.
50. I shall not die but live. The number of my days shall be fulfilled, in the name
62. Any programme of the spirit of death for my body, be extinguished, in the
of Jesus.
name of Jesus.
51. I receive divine tonic and vitamins by the power in the blood of Jesus.
63. Witchcraft sponsored infirmity will not come close to my camp, in the name
52. Every arrow of untimely death fired at me in my dreams, come out and go of Jesus.
back to your senders, in the name of Jesus.
64. I speak woe unto every troubler of the Israel of my life, in the name of Jesus.
53. My immune system, become unchallengeable by any infirmity, in the name
65. By the power in the stripes of the Lord Jesus Christ, I chase every infirmity out
of Jesus.
of my body, in the name of Jesus.
54. Yokes and covenants of diseases, break, in the name of Jesus.
66. Every garment of infirmity, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
55. O wind of God, drive away every power of the ungodly rising against our
67. I drink the blood of Jesus and pass out from my body system, every demon
country, in the name of Jesus.
of infirmity, in the name of Jesus. (Do so prophetically)
56. Father, let the rage of the wicked against our country be rendered impotent,
68. I inhale the fire of God and pass out every deposit of infirmity from my body,
in the name of Jesus.
in the name of Jesus. (Do so prophetically)
69. Every anchor of wasters, vanish from my body, in the name of Jesus.
70. Father, let the power of the shadow of the Almighty overshadow me, in the
name of Jesus.

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June 12, 2018 - DAY 6 die, in the name of Jesus.
Confessions: Psa 2:1-12 84. Rain of divine immunity, envelope and soak me, in the name of Jesus.
Aggressive Praise Worship
Prayer Points June 13, 2018 - DAY 7
71. Lord, we pray today that love, unity and family love will not cease in our Confessions: Psa 2:1-12
midst, in the name of Jesus. Aggressive Praise Worship
72. We pray that, as a church and as individuals, none of our members will miss Prayer Points
God’s kingdom, in the name of Jesus. 85. Revive Thy work, O God in our midst, in the name of Jesus.
73. Blood of Jesus Christ, soak us as a church and make us whole, in Jesus’ name. 86. Anything in our lives as a church that is irritating God, be uprooted by fire, in
74. O God, arise and go forth as a mighty man of war, cry, roar and prevail over the name of Jesus.
the enemies, the strongmen, unclean spirits and agents of satan of this 87. Holy Spirit, fill our members and leaders with Your fire, in Jesus’ name.
church, in the name of Jesus.
88. O God, arise and shake this church. Dethrone those to be dethroned,
75. O God, arise and pass through this church in fury and anger and remove any incapacitate those to be incapacitated, humble those to be humbled,
person who has made a covenant with water spirits or satan to take the seat promote those to be promoted and exalt those to be exalted, in Jesus’ name.
of Almighty God in this church; let them die the death of the uncircumcised,
89. O God, arise and walk into this church. Whip the profane ministers, money-
in the name of Jesus.
changers, selfish ambitious men, and all that have turned this church to a
76. O Lord, make my body too hot for every demon of sickness, in the name of place of merchandising and showmanship, in the name of Jesus.
90. Holy Ghost fire, secure my defence against infirmity by fire, in the name of
77. My blood, be vaccinated by the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus. Jesus.
78. My Father, break the teeth of the ungodly in this nation, in Jesus’ name. 91. Every dark prophecy, every dark prayer, every dark wish against my well-
79. Father, let the enemies of our country fall by their own counsel, in the name being, I dash you to pieces, in the name of Jesus.
of Jesus. 92. I crush every serpent and scorpion of generational infirmity, in the name of
80. Diseases unto death, I am not your candidate, die, in the name of Jesus. Jesus.
81. I render my body undevourable to eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood, in the 93. Blood of Jesus, Holy Ghost fire, detoxify my body, in the name of Jesus.
name of Jesus. 94. Power drinking the blood of my wholeness, die, in the name of Jesus.
82. Anything that I have eaten or swallowed assigned to attack my health, die, 95. You enemies of this country, dig your hole and dig it well, because you will fall
in the name of Jesus. into it, in the name of Jesus.
83. Every witchcraft power assigned to my family for untimely death, scatter and 96. In the name of Jesus Christ, I command right now a total destruction of all

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yokes, burdens, fears, oppressions and terrors of any kind, possessions of any and separate myself from all of them, in the name of Jesus Christ.
kind organized by the enemy against me. I reject and cancel them, in Jesus’ 105. I command the total destruction of all enchantments, witchcraft,
name. divinations, spells, curses, all ordinances and hand writings done by the
97. In my mouth is the power of life and death. I speak life unto myself, and I enemy against me, a child of God, in the name of Jesus Christ.
speak destruction unto all my enemies and all their weapons against me, in 106. I declare that all the devilish acts of the enemy in my life are erased and
Jesus’ name. finished, in Jesus’ name.
98. In the authority of the name of Jesus Christ, I break, damage, destroy and 107. Every organ of my body, cooperate with the blood of Jesus, in the name of
command to be uprooted right now, all covenants, all agreements, all Jesus.
statements, names and requests of any kind, all promises of any kind and all 108. Revival power, resurrection power, rejuvenating power, come upon every
links of any type made with the kingdom of darkness, including everything organ of my body, in the name of Jesus.
that the enemy is holding against me. I break them, cast them down, cancel
109. Any organ of my body that has lost its function, resume your functions
and reject all of them, in Jesus’ name.
now, in the name of Jesus.
110. Blood of Jesus, speak life into my head, my heart, my liver, my kidney, my
June 14, 2018 - DAY 8 bladder, my womb, etc, in the name of Jesus.
Confessions: Psa 2:1-12 111. I reject every evil clinical prophecy, in the name of Jesus.
Aggressive Praise Worship 112. I pull down every satanic bewitchment upon any organ of my body, in the
Prayer Points name of Jesus.
99. Holy Spirit, take over the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries,
worldwide, in the name of Jesus. June 15, 2018 - DAY 9
100. Any power of darkness working against the glory of God in Mountain of Confessions: Psa 2:1-12
Fire and Miracles Ministries, worldwide, be destroyed by fire, in the name
Aggressive Praise Worship
of Jesus.
Prayer Points
101. Every seed and strength of sin in our lives, die now, in the name of Jesus.
113. Holy Ghost, touch all our youths and teenagers with Your fire, in the name
102. We prophesy terror and disgrace upon foolish pastors and prophets who
of Jesus.
are deceiving the flock in this church, in the name of Jesus.
114. Blood of Jesus Christ, flow through the Mountain of Fire and Miracles
103. Every Judas Iscariot around the ministry, family and divine assignment of
Ministries, in the name of Jesus.
Dr D. K. Olukoya, Father, expose and disgrace them, in Jesus’ name.
115. Father Lord, let every enemy believing they have grown beyond the reach
104. I damage any association with the kingdom of darkness done knowingly or
of destruction and judgment in this country be punished now, in the name
unknowingly, whether done in my sleep or when I was awake. I dissociate

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of Jesus. 129. We stand against every spirit of marital delay in the lives of our singles, in
116. O God, arise and let there be stormy wind upon the wicked in this church, the name of Jesus.
in the name of Jesus. 130. O God, arise and change any profane leader in this church, in Jesus’ name.
117. O Lord, deliver Your people in this church from the hands of false prophets 131. O God, arise and wake this church, open the eyes of our understanding, fill
and pastors, in the name of Jesus. us with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual
118. All hiding places of the stubborn enemies of this country, be exposed and understanding, in the name of Jesus.
shattered to pieces, in the name of Jesus. 132. Father, dispatch Your heavenly surgeons to work upon my life, and make
119. Every pronouncement of man about my health that is contrary to my life, the impossible possible, in the name of Jesus.
I cancel it by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. 133. By the power of the God of Elijah, let uncommon breakthroughs manifest
120. By the word of God, through which all things were created, let my life in my life, in the name of Jesus.
experience divine power, in the name of Jesus. 134. Father, let the Prince of Peace speak peace unto every storm in my life, in
121. Holy Ghost fire, renew my strength, in the name of Jesus. the name of Jesus.
122. Blood of Jesus, renew my strength, in the name of Jesus. 135. O God, arise with Your healing power and visit me, in the name of Jesus.
123. My Father, make me a mysterious wonder, in the name of Jesus. 136. I shall not die but live. The number of my days shall be fulfilled, in the name
124. Where is the Lord God of Elijah, arise and reorganize my organ for of Jesus.
uncommon testimonies, in the name of Jesus. 137. I cancel every activity of untimely death within, around and over my life, in
125. Every power speaking death and malfunctioning into any organ of my the name of Jesus.
body, die, in the name of Jesus. 138. Every altar of affliction of sickness, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
126. I receive fresh energy, fresh fire, fresh power into every organ of my body, 139. Every agent of the spirit of death monitoring my life day and night, receive
in the name of Jesus. blindness and die, in the name of Jesus.
140. Any curse or covenant, that is aiding sickness in my life, be broken by the
June 16, 2018 - DAY 10 power in the blood of Jesus.

Confessions: Psa 2:1-12

Aggressive Praise Worship June 17, 2018 - DAY 11

Prayer Points Confessions: Psa 2:1-12

127. Satanic pastors/ministers, be disgraced, in the name of Jesus. Aggressive Praise Worship

128. Rebellion against the destiny of this church, be crushed down, in the name Prayer Points
of Jesus. 141. O Lord, let Your anointing that produces solution to difficult situations

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increase upon the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in Jesus’ name. 156. You stronghold of evil thoughts and imagination against this church, be
142. Evil mountains challenging this church, be levelled, in the name of Jesus. pulled down, in the name of Jesus.
143. You strongman attached to any bad thing currently happening in MFM, be 157. O Lord, discharge and acquit this church from any accusation from the evil
bound and be paralysed in the name of Jesus. ones, in the name of Jesus.
144. O God, raise mighty men of valour, faithful pastors and faithful watchmen 158. Every water of affliction of sickness flowing into my life, be cut off, in the
in this church. Raise a formidable army of the Lord, that will stand in the gap name of Jesus.
until all cities of the world become a praise on earth, in Jesus’ name. 159. Any evil association against my health, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
145. O God, pour Your Spirit upon us and remove all spots, wrinkles, faults, 160. Any evil weapon fashioned against my health, die, in the name of Jesus.
imperfections, filthiness and idols, in the name of Jesus. 161. Every fire of sickness tormenting my life, East wind, blow them away, in the
146. Any sickness on my body, be shaken off by fire, in the name of Jesus. name of Jesus.
147. Every mountain of sickness, be rolled away by fire, in the name of Jesus. 162. Father, let the fire of the Holy Ghost melt away sicknesses in my body, in
148. I drink the blood of Jesus and I command the roots of sicknesses in my life the name of Jesus.
to dry up, in the name of Jesus. 163. Every arrow of untimely death fired at me in the dream, come out and go
149. Every plantation of sickness in my body, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. back to your senders, in Jesus’ name.
150. Every agent of sickness in my body, come out and die, in the name of Jesus. 164. Every satanic attack of untimely death in the dream, die, in Jesus’ name.
151. Every plantation of untimely death in my life, be uprooted by fire, in the 165. Every satanic bird crying for untimely death over my life, fall down and die,
name of Jesus. in the name of Jesus.
152. Father, let my body be redeemed from the power of sickness and diseases, 166. Every power of sickness and diseases in my body, die by fire, in the name of
in the name of Jesus. Jesus.
153. Father, let the power of death and hell behind any sickness in my body, lose 167. Every witchcraft caldron cooking my health, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
its hold and die, in the name of Jesus. 168. Father, let my light break forth and my health spring forth speedily, in the
154. I shall not die but live to declare the works of God, in the name of Jesus. name of Jesus.

June 18, 2018 - DAY 12 June 19, 2018 - DAY 13

Confessions: Psa 2:1-12 Confessions: Psa 2:1-12
Aggressive Praise Worship Aggressive Praise Worship
Prayer Points Prayer Points
155. You hindrance to prayer, we command your forces to break, in Jesus’ name. 169. Any power that says children of God in this church should not enjoy their

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lives, let the ground open and swallow them up, in the name of Jesus. June 20, 2018 - DAY 14
170. All you powers that suck the peace of this church, be bound, in Jesus’ name. Confessions: Psa 2:1-12
171. Whatever evil that has been agreed upon to be done to this church, we Aggressive Praise Worship
command the evil to be nullified, in the name of Jesus. Prayer Points
172. All the uncalled that are disturbing and oppressing the called, O God, let 183. O Lord, ordain terrifying noise in the camp of the enemy of this church, in
them see Your hand, in the name of Jesus. the name of Jesus.
173. I bear in my body the mark of the blood of Jesus, let sickness flee from my 184. We remove every cloth of shame in this church, in the name of Jesus.
habitation, in the name of Jesus. 185. O Lord, let the fire of God begin to cause havoc to any evil gathering or
174. Every witchcraft ordinance written against my health, die, in the name of association against this church, in the name of Jesus.
Jesus. 186. Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, hear the word of the Lord, you
175. O Lord, let judgement and shame pursue the stubborn pursuers of this shall not become history while still alive, in the name of Jesus.
country and sweep away their powers, in the name of Jesus. 187. You enemies of this country, hear the word of the Lord, you are setting a
176. Every door opened in my life for the attacks of untimely death, be closed by trap for yourselves, in the name of Jesus.
the blood of Jesus. 188. I paralyse all satanic oppressors delegated against me with the blood of
177. My Father, let my life become too hot for any agent of untimely death, in Jesus.
the name of Jesus. 189. I hold the blood of Jesus as a shield against any power of sickness in my life,
178. Every power meeting to decide untimely death for my life, scatter unto in Jesus’ name.
desolation, in the name of Jesus. 190. Every evil burial for my sake, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.
179. Every power that does not want to see me around, you time is up, fall down 191. I break the power of death over my life, in the name of Jesus.
and die, in the name of Jesus.
192. I paralyse the messenger of death on assignment, in the name of Jesus.
180. Every spirit eating me from inside, die, in the name of Jesus.
193. Father, let every door that I have opened to the enemy be closed forever
181. I apply the blood of Jesus to every hidden sickness in my life. with the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
182. I sprinkle the blood of Jesus upon my body - from the top of my head to the 194. Through the blood of Jesus, I have been redeemed out of every sickness, in
soles of my feet, in the name of Jesus. the name of Jesus.
195. Through the blood of Jesus, I am healed, in the name of Jesus.
196. Through the blood of Jesus, I have the life of God in me, in the name of

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June 21, 2018 - DAY 15 209. No spirit, power or personality shall be able to put any sickness on me
Confessions: Psa 2:1-12 because I am redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, in the name of Jesus.
Aggressive Praise Worship 210. Lord, let the blood of Jesus speak confusion into the camp of the enemy, in
Prayer Points the name of Jesus.

197. Father Lord, seal every miracle You've performed in this church, in the
name of Jesus. June 22, 2018 - DAY 16
198. We reject every evil arrangement concerning this church and receive the Confessions: Psa 2:1-12
arrangement of God, in the name of Jesus. Aggressive Praise Worship
199. Father, in the name of Jesus, let Your Power begin to knock down every Prayer Points
strange power within and without the church, in the name of Jesus. 211. That which the Lord has written concerning this church, you power that has
200. O God, arise and pass through Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries written impossibilities on it, receive the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
worldwide and root out every agent of defilement and pollution, in the 212. Father, let all the evil forces opposing this church begin to rise up against
name of Jesus. one another, in the name of Jesus.
201. I paralyse and cut off the head of my Goliath with the blood of Jesus, in the 213. Any where evil is being planned against this church, let the consultant and
name of Jesus. the one consulting receive the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
202. If there is anything in me that is not of God, I don’t want it. Depart, in the 214. Spirit of genuine repentance and revival, baptise every member of this
name of Jesus. church, in the name of Jesus.
203. Father, let the blood of Jesus stand between me and any sickness, in the 215. Father, let the blood of Jesus speak destruction unto every evil growth in
name of Jesus. my life, in the name of Jesus.
204. I curse every work of darkness in my life to dry to the roots by the blood of 216. Father, let the blood of Jesus speak disappearance unto every infirmity in
Jesus, in the name of Jesus. my life, in the name of Jesus.
205. Father, let the power of the blood of Jesus be released on my behalf and let 217. Father, let the blood of Jesus speak peace unto every organ in my body, in
it speak against every dead bone in my life, in the name of Jesus. the name of Jesus.
206. Father, let the power of the blood of Jesus be released on my behalf and let 218. Father, let the blood of Jesus speak healing unto every organ of my body,
it speak against every stubborn mountain in my life, in the name of Jesus. in the name of Jesus.
207. I draw a circle of the blood of Jesus around me against every arrow of 219. Father, let the blood of Jesus dry up every evil tree used against me, in the
infirmity, in the name of Jesus. name of Jesus.
208. I overcome every spirit of infirmity by the blood of the Lamb, in the name 220. I render every evil power militating against my health impotent by the
of Jesus..

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blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. 233. I hold the blood of Jesus against failure at the edge of success, in the name
221. Father, let the blood of Jesus minister defeat to every evil work in my life, of Jesus.
in the name of Jesus. 234. I hold the blood of Jesus against lack of good helpers, in the name of Jesus.
222. Father, let the blood of Jesus bring down to nothing any evil work in my life, 235. I hold the blood of Jesus against fruitless efforts in my life, in the name of
in the name of Jesus. Jesus.
223. I minister death unto the enemy of good health in my life by the blood of 236. I hold the blood of Jesus against occupying wrong positions, in the name of
Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Jesus.
224. I bind the staying power of any problem by the blood of Jesus, in the name 237. I hold the blood of Jesus against every delayed and denied promotion, in
of Jesus. the name of Jesus.
238. I hold the blood of Jesus against dead accounts, in the name of Jesus.
June 23, 2018 - DAY 17
Confessions: Psa 2:1-12 June 24, 2018 - DAY 18
Aggressive Praise Worship Confessions: Psa 2:1-12
Prayer Points Aggressive Praise Worship
225. Any power that will like to attack this church in the night or at anytime, let Prayer Points
the ground open up and swallow them, in the name of Jesus. 239. Father, let there be terror upon every enemy of this church, in Jesus’ name.
226. Father Lord, clothe this church with the garment of fire, in Jesus’ name. 240. We destroy every power source against MFM, in the name of Jesus.
227. You root of impossibilities, be uprooted from this church, in Jesus’ name. 241. Every anti-heaven spirit within the church, get out, in the name of Jesus.
228. Presence of the living God, overshadow Mountain of Fire and Miracles 242. Lord, increase in the lives of our members and pastors; help us to know You
Ministries worldwide afresh, in the name of Jesus. more, in the name of Jesus.
229. I hold the blood of Jesus against any evil spirit working against me, in the 243. Masquerade of death in my family line, die, in the name of Jesus.
name of Jesus. 244. I hold the blood of Jesus against evil diversion, in the name of Jesus,
230. I hold the blood of Jesus against you, you spirit of . . . (mention the 245. I hold the blood of Jesus against lost foreign benefits, in the name of Jesus,
sickness in your life). You have to flee, in the name of Jesus.
246. I hold the blood of Jesus against satanic prophecies, in the name of Jesus,
231. I hold the blood of Jesus against the spirit of stagnation in any area of my
247. I hold the blood of Jesus against vagabond anointing, in the name of Jesus,
life, in the name of Jesus.
248. I hold the blood of Jesus against profit starvation, in the name of Jesus,
232. I hold the blood of Jesus against demonic delay of my miracles, in the name
249. I hold the blood of Jesus against tortoise and snail anointing, in the name
of Jesus.
of Jesus,

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250. I am healed by the stripes of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, 265. Every power assigned to waste my life, be wasted, in the name of Jesus.
251. Any sin in my life that is bringing sickness to me, die, in the name of Jesus, 266. Father, let signs and wonders appear in my life, in the name of Jesus.
in the name of Jesus,
252. Holy Ghost fire, purge the foundation of my life, in the name of Jesus. June 26, 2018 - DAY 20
Confessions: Psa 2:1-12
June 25, 2018 - DAY 19 Aggressive Praise Worship
Confessions: Psa 2:1-12 Prayer Points
Aggressive Praise Worship 267. O Lord, cause it to happen that the failure of the devil should advance in this
Prayer Points church, in the name of Jesus.
253. Father Lord, convert the prayer of this church to fire and wherever it goes, 268. Father Lord, make the spiritual life of every member of MFM to be too hot
let it perform its purpose, in the name of Jesus. for the enemy to handle, in the name of Jesus.
254. Father, let every spiritual and physical blessing of this church be released, 269. Father, let the Angel of God hinder and stop all the works of darkness in
in the name of Jesus. this church, in the name of Jesus.
255. Every power boasting against the prayers of this church, we command such 270. Every physical and spiritual hindrance to my healing, be removed by fire, in
power to bow, in the name of Jesus. the name of Jesus.
256. Father, give all our members and pastors hunger for righteousness and 271. Every evil mark delaying my healing, die, in the name of Jesus.
godliness, in the name of Jesus. 272. Holy Ghost fire, visit me with Your signs and wonders, in the name of Jesus.
257. Father, let the power of revival fall upon my body, in the name of Jesus. 273. Every citadel of sickness in my life, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
258. By faith, I touch the hem of the garment of Jesus, and I receive my healing 274. Every agent of sickness in my body, die, in the name of Jesus.
now, in the name of Jesus. 275. I receive divine immunity against all sorts of sicknesses, in the name of
259. Every evil food causing sickness in my body, die, in the name of Jesus. Jesus.
260. Every curse of sickness, be broken by the blood of Jesus. 276. A thousand shall fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but it
261. Every root of infirmities in my life, dry up, in the name of Jesus. shall not come near me, in the name of Jesus.
262. Father, let the power of resurrection come upon my life now, in the name 277. All my enemies shall lick the dust, in the name of Jesus.
of Jesus. 278. All the horns of the wicked also shall be cut off, in the name of Jesus.
263. Every demonic connection monitoring sickness in my life, break, in the 279. All the assembly of violent men, be scattered, in the name of Jesus.
name of Jesus. 280. And now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies round about me, in
264. O Lord, heal me and I shall be healed, in the name of Jesus. the name of Jesus.

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June 27, 2018 - DAY 21 June 28, 2018 - DAY 22
Confessions: Psa 2:1-12 Confessions: Psa 2:1-12
Aggressive Praise Worship Aggressive Praise Worship
Prayer Points Prayer Points
281. O Lord, quench all foreign fire in this church and light Your own fire in it, in 295. We command all the demonic animals sent to any member of the
the name of Jesus. congregation by household enemy to receive thunder judgement of God,
282. We pull down all the strongholds of evil strangers in this church, in the in the name of Jesus.
name of Jesus. 296. We command all evil spiritual eyes that are looking into the lives and
283. We cancel all the effects of evil marks in the lives of the congregation, in the progress of the congregation to receive blindness, in the name of Jesus.
name of Jesus. 297. We stand against every form of tragedy in the lives of the congregation, in
284. Every agenda of untimely death for my life, backfire, in the name of Jesus. the name of Jesus.
285. Arise O Lord, lift up Thine arm in war, in the name of Jesus. 298. As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me, the strangers shall submit
286. Arise, O God, plead Thine own cause, remember how the foolish man themselves unto me, in the name of Jesus.
reproacheth Thee daily, in the name of Jesus. 299. At Thy rebuke, O God of Jacob, both the chariot and the horse are cast into
287. Arise, O Lord, disappoint my oppressors and cast them down, in the name a dead sleep, in the name of Jesus.
of Jesus. 300. At Thy rebuke, O Lord, let Thine enemies flee and at the voice of Thy
288. Arise, O Lord, let not man prevail, let the heathen be judged in Thy sight, thunder, let them hasten away, in the name of Jesus.
in the name of Jesus. 301. O Lord, barricade me from the wicked that oppress me and from my deadly
289. Every dream of untimely death, die, in the name of Jesus. enemies who compass me about, in the name of Jesus.

290. Every sickness unto death, lose your hold upon my life, in Jesus’ name. 302. Bow down Thine ear to me, O Lord, and deliver me speedily, in the name
of Jesus.
291. As smoke is driven away, so drive away the hand of the oppressed, in the
name of Jesus. 303. Break Thou the arm of the wicked and the evil man, in the name of Jesus.

292. As the enemy loves cursing, let it come unto him, in the name of Jesus. 304. By Your favour, O Lord, the people whom I have not known shall serve me,
in the name of Jesus.
293. As the enemy clothes himself with cursing like as with his garment, so let
it come into his bowels like water and like oil into his bones, in the name of 305. Cast out my enemies in the multitude of their transgressions, in the name
Jesus. of Jesus.

294. As the enemy delights not in blessings, so let it be far from him, in the name 306. Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies, in the name of Jesus.
of Jesus. 307. Deliver me from the workers of iniquity and save me from bloody men, in

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the name of Jesus. 321. Every worker of death, be cast down and be unable to rise, in the name of
308. Deliver me from the oppression of man, in the name of Jesus. Jesus.
322. Every drinker of blood and eater of flesh coming against me, die, in the
June 29, 2018 - DAY 23 name of Jesus.

Confessions: Psa 2:1-12

Aggressive Praise Worship June 30, 2018 - DAY 24

Prayer Points Confessions: Psa 2:1-12

309. We stand against every power that pushes people into hell in the midst of Aggressive Praise Worship
the congregation, in the name of Jesus. Prayer Points
310. Every spiritual barrier and limitation to success in the lives of the 323. We stand against every power that pushes people into error in the midst of
congregation, we command them to break into pieces, in Jesus’ name. congregation, in the name of Jesus.
311. We command all the seeds of failure in the lives of the congregation to be 324. Every spiritual barrier and limitation to progress in the lives of the
consumed by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus. congregation, we command them to break into pieces, in Jesus’ name.
312. Depart from me ye evil doers, for I will keep the commandments of my God, 325. We command all agents of failure in the lives of the congregation to be
in the name of Jesus. consumed by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
313. Destroy, O Lord, and divide every power conspiring against my destiny, in 326. Every cord of darkness militating against my breakthroughs, die, in the
the name of Jesus. name of Jesus.
314. Do not be far from me, O Lord, be my help in the time of trouble, in the 327. Every band of the wicked that is arresting my progress, break, in the name
name of Jesus. of Jesus.
315. Every power planning to tear my soul like a lion, be dismantled, in the name 328. Every lying lip speaking against me, be silenced, in Jesus’ name.
of Jesus. 329. Evil shall slay the wicked and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate,
316. Every enemy saying where is my God, be disgraced, in the name of Jesus. in the name of Jesus.
317. Every power of the dog working late at night against me, be dismantled, in 330. Father, draw out Your spear and stop my persecutors, in Jesus’ name.
the name of Jesus. 331. Father, take hold of my shield and buckler and stand up for mine help
318. Every power of the night working against my victory, die, in the name of 332. Father, fight against them that fight against me, in the name of Jesus.
Jesus. 333. Fill the faces of my aggressors with shame that they may seek thy name, O
319. Every organised worker of iniquity, depart from me, in the name of Jesus. Lord, in the name of Jesus.
320. Every counsel of evil kings against me, be scattered, in the name of Jesus. 334. Give me help from troubles for vain is the help of man, in the name of Jesus.

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335. God shall destroy the camp of the enemy and their camp shall never be built 348. I come against every form of barrenness in my life, in the name of Jesus.
up, in the name of Jesus. 349. I receive power to beat my aggressors to smallness as the dust before the
336. God shall let me see my desire upon my enemies, in the name of Jesus. wind, in the name of Jesus.
350. I will call upon the Lord in the day of trouble and He shall deliver me, in the
July 1, 2018 - DAY 25 name of Jesus.
Confessions: Psa 2:1-12
Aggressive Praise Worship July 2, 2018 - DAY 26
Prayer Points Confessions: Psa 2:1-12
337. Father Lord, let the wind of the Holy Spirit blow in His fullness into the lives Aggressive Praise Worship
of the congregation, in the name of Jesus. Prayer Points
338. We stand against the spirit of broken homes in the lives of the 351. We stand against every attack by evil spirits in the lives of the congregation,
congregation, in the name of Jesus. in the name of Jesus.
339. We stand against every business attack and financial failure in the lives of 352. Anything making the promise of God to fail in the lives of the congregation,
the congregation, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, we cancel them with the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
340. Hear my voice, O God, preserve me from the fear of the enemy, in the name 353. Lord, let Thy divine favour be upon every member of the congregation, in
of Jesus. the name of Jesus.
341. Hide me, O God, from the secret counsel of the wicked, in the name of 354. I receive the power to pursue and overtake my enemies, in the name of
Jesus. Jesus.
342. I shall not be afraid for the terror by night, nor for the arrow that flieth by 355. Keep me as the apple of Thy eye, hide me under the shadow of Thy wings,
day, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, in the name of Jesus.
343. I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people that have set themselves 356. Lead me, O Lord, in Thy righteousness, in the name of Jesus.
against me, in the name of Jesus. 357. Father, let the table of my enemies become a snare before them and that
344. I cast out my pursuers as the dirt in the street, in Jesus’ name. which should have been for their welfare, let it become a trap, in the name
345. I receive power to leap over every demonic wall of barrier, in the name of of Jesus.
Jesus. 358. O God, arise and let all Your enemies be scattered, let them that hate You
346. I receive power to run through satanic troop, in Jesus’ name. flee before You, in the name of Jesus.
347. I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, so shall I be saved from 359. Father, let the wrath of the enemy against me be converted to testimonies,
mine enemies, in Jesus’ name. in the name of Jesus.

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360. Father, let every pit dug by the enemy become a grave for the enemy, in the 372. Father Lord, let the mischief of my enemies return upon their own heads,
name of Jesus. in the name of Jesus.
361. O Lord, let every bow of steel fashioned by the enemy be broken by my 373. Lord, let sudden shame be the lot of all my oppressors, in Jesus’ name.
hands, in the name of Jesus. 374. Lord, let all my enemies be ashamed and sore vexed, in Jesus’ name.
362. O Lord, let their habitation or house become desolate and let none dwell in 375. Father, let Your whirlwind blow away every oppression, in Jesus’ name.
their tents, in the name of Jesus. 376. Father, let my oppressors melt away as waters which run continuously, in
363. My Father, let the stars fight against my enemies after the order of Sisera, the name of Jesus.
in the name of Jesus. 377. O Lord, let my enemies fall by their own counsel, in the name of Jesus.
364. O Lord, let my enemies be taken in their pride, in the name of Jesus. 378. Lord, let the smoke go out of Your nostrils and fire out of Your mouth to
devour all plantations of darkness in my life, in Jesus’ name
July 3, 2018 - DAY 27
Confessions: Psa 2:1-12 July 4, 2018 - DAY 28
Aggressive Praise Worship Confessions: Psa 2:1-12
Prayer Points Aggressive Praise Worship
365. We command anything that hinders every member of the congregation Prayer Points
from their blessing to give way, in the name of Jesus. 379. Father, let the dark forces hiding the blessings of the congregation release
366. We take authority over the strongman in the lives of the congregation, in those blessings, in the mighty name of Jesus.
the name of Jesus. 380. O Lord, convert the burdens in the lives of the congregation to blessings,
367. Every gathering being held in the air, in the ground, in the forest and in the in the name of Jesus.
second heaven against the lives of the congregation to scatter, in the name 381. O Lord, remove the garment of sickness from the lives of the congregation,
of Jesus. in the name of Jesus.
368. Father Lord, let those that seek my soul be turned back and put to 382. O Lord, let all weapons of my enemies backfire by thunder, in the name of
confusion, in the name of Jesus. Jesus.
369. Father Lord, let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end, in the name 383. Father, let Thine hand find out all Thine enemies, let Thy right hand find out
of Jesus. those that hate Thee, in Jesus’ name.
370. Father, let my enemies be confounded and troubled, in Jesus’ name. 384. Father, let death feed upon every witchcraft power, in Jesus’ name.
371. O Lord, let them be confounded and consumed that are adversaries of my 385. O Lord, let the wicked be taken in the devices they have imagined, in the
soul, in the name of Jesus. name of Jesus.

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386. Lord, let every seed and fruit of the enemy fashioned against my destiny be with them that rejoice at mine hurt, in the name of Jesus.
destroyed, in the name of Jesus. 401. Father, let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me, in
387. Lord, et the mischievous device of the enemy backfire, in the name of Jesus. the name of Jesus.
388. My Father, let them be desolate that laugh me to scorn, in Jesus’ name. 402. Father Lord, let the days of my enemies be cut off and let others take their
389. My Father, let the arms of the wicked be broken, in the name of Jesus. offices, in the name of Jesus.
390. Father, let fire go before me and burn up my enemies round about, in the 403. Father, let the feet of the enemy be taken in the net which he hid, in the
name of Jesus. name of Jesus.
391. Father, let their swords enter into their own hearts and let their bows be 404. O Lord, let the wicked be snared in the work of his own hands, in the name
broken, in the name of Jesus. of Jesus.
392. O Lord, let the enemy sink in the pit they have made, in Jesus’ name. 405. Lord, let the enemy fall into the destruction he has created, in the name of

July 5, 2018 - DAY 29 406. Lord, let destruction come upon my enemies unawares and the net that
they hid catch them, in Jesus’ name.
Confessions: Psa 2:1-12
Aggressive Praise Worship
July 6, 2018 - DAY 30
Prayer Points
Confessions: Psa 2:1-12
393. O Lord, remove the garment of debt from the lives of the congregation, in
the name of Jesus. Aggressive Praise Worship

394. O Lord, remove the garment of death and sorrow from the lives of the Prayer Points
congregation, in the name of Jesus. 407. You power of the wasters, release the spiritual power of every member of
395. Father Lord, let not the hand of the wicked prosper in my life, in the name the congregation, in the name of Jesus.
of Jesus. 408. O Lord, let the Holy Ghost fire melt away whatsoever is blocking the
396. Father, let not the foot of pride come against me, in Jesus’ name. spiritual pipe line of the congregation, in the name of Jesus.

397. Lord, let them be clothed with shame and dishonour that magnify 409. O Lord, let the spirit of slumber, spirit of forgetfulness and spirit of
themselves against me, in the name of Jesus. confusion depart from the lives of the congregation, in the name of Jesus.

398. Lord, let my enemies be clothed with shame, in the name of Jesus. 410. Father, let all those who consult darkness against me be disgraced, in the
name of Jesus.
399. O Lord, let the rivers of my enemies be turned into wilderness, in the name
of Jesus. 411. Father Lord, let the way of the oppressor be dark and slippery and let the
angel of the Lord persecute them, in the name of Jesus.
400. My Father, let my enemies be ashamed and brought to confusion together

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412. O Lord, let the wicked be as chaff before the wind and let the anger of the name of Jesus.
Lord chase them, in the name of Jesus. 424. We send the arrow of God upon every power challenging the joy and peace
413. Lord, let the wicked be as the grass upon the house tops which withers of God in the lives of the congregation, in the name of Jesus.
afore it grows up, in the name of Jesus. 425. We cry against the activities of witchcraft powers, water spirits and the
414. Father Lord, let them be confounded and turned back that hate Zion, in the queen of heaven in our church, in the name of Jesus.
name of Jesus. 426. Lord, reward evil unto mine enemies and cut them off in Thy truth, in the
415. O Lord, let them be turned back and brought to confusion that device my name of Jesus.
hurt, in the name of Jesus. 427. Many sorrows shall be to the wicked, in the name of Jesus.
416. O Lord, let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul, 428. Mine eyes shall see my desires on mine enemies, in Jesus’ name
in the name of Jesus. 429. My problem shall fail by the sword and shall be a portion for foxes, in the
417. Father, let the imagination of the wicked against me be neutralised, in the name of Jesus.
name of Jesus. 430. My Father, break the teeth of the ungodly, in Jesus’ name.
418. My Father, let the rage of the wicked against me be rendered impotent, in 431. My Father, be a shield for me in every situation, in Jesus’ name.
the name of Jesus.
432. My enemies will cry, but there will be none to deliver them, in the name of
419. Father, let every power rebelling against my breakthroughs be made to Jesus.
dwell in a dry land, in the name of Jesus.
433. My enemies shall not rejoice over me, in the name of Jesus.
420. Father, let the wicked be ashamed and let them be silent in the grave, in the
434. My enemies are wounded, they are unable to rise, they are fallen under my
name of Jesus.
feet, in the name of Jesus.
435. My times are in Thy hand, O Lord, deliver me from the hands of mine
July 7, 2018 - DAY 31 enemies and from that persecute me, in the name of Jesus.
Confessions: Psa 2:1-12
Aggressive Praise Worship
Prayer Points
421. You power that turns the lives of people to dustbin, be bound, in the lives
of the congregation, in the name of Jesus.
422. Every arrow of prayerlessness fired into the congregation by the enemy, we
command you to go back to the senders, in the name of Jesus.
423. O Lord, envelope every member of the congregation in Your glory, in the

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