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PULP b w 1P|14+



To Solve the Case: Find four clues and confront the
Criminal to win. If Time or your Stamina runs out, the Case TWIST
is unsolved and you lose the game.
Needed to Play: The deck of 36 cards, which includes:
27 Investigate Cards (Informant, Cliffhanger, Follow a Lead) Normal Difficulty Level
shown in sample setup
1 Time Card
2 Detective Cards
1 Stamina/Clues Card 4 YELLOW Investigate Dice
1 Items Card 1 RED Paperboy Die The cube on the Time card will be moved as the game
1 Criminal Card 1 GRAY Underworld Connection Die progresses, counting down the hours. Black numbered circles
3 Rules Cards 8 wooden cubes denote nighttime hours. Yellow numbered circles are daytime
hours. These numbers are also important when determining
Setup: which set of icons on a Storyline card need to be matched.
1. Choose one of the detectives and place him/her in front If Time reaches N you have lost the game.
of you. Each detective has a different Special Ability.
2. Place the Time card above your detective. Choose a
Difficulty Level on the Time card: Beginner B , Normal N Nightime Daytime
or Advanced A . The Difficulty determines your starting Hours Hours
Time and Stamina. Mark the starting Time with a cube.
3. Place the Stamina/Clues and Items Cards in front of you.
Mark your starting Stamina with a cube. Clues start at 0.
You begin without any Items. ICON GLOSSARY
4. Place the Criminal card beneath your detective. You will
not know the Criminal at this time, so either side of the Connect the dots Word on the street
card may be face up. Place 4 cubes next to the Twist
section of the card. Make the rounds Persuasion
5. Shuffle the 27 Investigate cards and place them in
front of you, face down, as a draw deck.
6. Place the 4 YELLOW Investigate dice in front of you Items Stamina Time ? Clues
and the RED and GRAY dice next to the Item card.
1 2

During the game you will draw cards from the top of the The Hunch - Roll each YELLOW Investigate die, one at a
Investigate draw deck. Note: If the deck is ever empty, pick time, as dictated by your Stamina. You may also roll the RED
up the discard deck and shuffle all the cards to form a new and/or GRAY dice, if you have them. You may choose any of
draw deck. the dice to roll next and/or when to apply any rerolls. Each die
shows four icons and each repeats two pairs of those icons,
There are 3 types of Investigate cards. Each can cause you as designated by a *. Choosing which dice to roll and when
to gain or lose Clues, Stamina, Items or lose Time: depends on your detective instincts. Each die is different. If
Informants - give you a better chance of finding Clues you need to roll a 5th or 6th YELLOW die, choose one of
Cliffhangers - give you a better chance of gaining Stamina your current dice, noting its current face, and roll it again.
Following a Lead - gives you a better chance of getting Items You may subtract an hour of time if your Stamina level is at
Game Phases: 1 or 2 to roll an additional YELLOW die. This die may be
1. Storyline - Move the cube on the Time card down one rolled during the Investigate phase and is lost once the phase
hour and draw the top 3 cards of the Investigate deck. Do has ended.
not look at their front sides. Choose 1 and place it face up You may use matching Twist icons, if you have them, in
in front of you (this is the current Storyline card); a 2nd addition to the dice, by removing their marking cubes on the
card is placed on the discard pile face down; the last card Criminal card.
is randomly placed back in the draw deck. Each Investigate
card will display a letter designating the type of card - If you can match the Storyline icons, you gain the reward
I for Informants, C for Cliffhangers and F for Follow a Lead. shown in the white area in that row. If you cannot match
the icons, you must lose Stamina, Time or your currently
2. Investigate - Check the time remaining in the game and held Item, as shown in the brown area in that row.
locate the 3 numbered circles at the bottom left of the
Storyline card. On the Storyline card, look at the circle If you have failed in your investigation, you may choose one
in a row with a number closest to, but greater than, the icon from the YELLOW die faces shown and mark this
hour marked currently on the Time card. This is the row of in the Twist section on the Criminal card with a cube. You
icons you must match by rolling your Investigate dice. You may save a maximum of 4 Twist icons in this manner. They
may only use the YELLOW Investigate dice to match the can be the same icon. There is no cost to keep 1 or 2 Twist
Storyline icons, unless you have certain Items that allow icons. Keeping 3 will cost you a one time-loss of time,
you to use the RED and GRAY dice, Twist icons, or your keeping 4 will cost you a one-time loss of time.-1
detective’s Special Action.
Turn the Tables - If you have failed in the investigation, but
have managed to roll 3 matching icons on the YELLOW
die faces, you may ignore the loss of Stamina or an Item.
Loss of Time may never be ignored. The clock is always
ticking down. Additionally, Twist icons can never be used to
Turn the Tables.
Storyline Row

Icons to be matched
There are 11 hours of time left. You will need to
match the icons shown on the Storyline row with a 12.
3 4
Gain/Loss Icons on a Storyline card Rules of Note:
Gain/Lose Item - If an item is gained, look at the Stamina determines your current health and how many
die icon on the top Investigate Card on the discard YELLOW Investigate dice you will roll during the Investigate
Phase (as shown by the # icon). If your Stamina drops below
pile and place a cube on the matching die icon on your 1, you do not solve the Case and the game is lost immediately.
Items Card (draw the next card on the discard deck if Stamina can never go above 8. The higher your Stamina,
the previously drawn card shows a icon). This is the greater your chances of investigating a Storyline card.

the Item gained. You may only hold 1 Item at a time.
Place any cards drawn on the bottom of the discard Clues determine your success as a detective. Once you find
pile afterwards. the 4th clue, you can confront the Criminal and end the game.
If an item is lost, place the cube back on “Dead End” at Items are saved by marking a die icon on the Item card with
the top of the card. a cube. Items with dice icons 1 to 4 are for one-time use 1
and may be used at any time. When you use or lose one of
Gain/Lose Stamina - Gain or lose 1 Stamina level these Items, place the cube back on “Dead End” at the top of
depending on whether you succeed or fail at your the card. When gaining a new item, you may choose to keep
Investigation. the new item or your current item.
Lose Time - Lose 1 hour of Time if you fail at your The Paperboy and the Underworld Connection may be kept
Investigation. as long as you can pay a Twist icon each time they are used or
until that Item is lost. If you do not have any Twist icons, the
Item (5 or 6) can be used one last time during the current
Gain a Clue - Gain 1 Clue and record it on the
? Clue track.
Investigate phase and then is lost along with the die. If you
have found another Item you wish to keep instead, you must
lose the Paperboy or the Underworld Connection and its die.
Discard the current Storyline card and repeat Phases 1 and 2 Investigate Draw Deck - If the Investigate draw deck is
until the 4th clue is found. ever empty, pick up the discard deck and shuffle all the cards
3. Confront the Criminal - When the 4th clue is found, draw to form a new draw deck.
the top card on the Investigate deck and match the die icon Twist Icons - You may use matching Twist icons, if you
shown to those of the 4 criminals on the Criminal card to have them, in addition to the dice, by removing their marking
discover who you must confront to save the heiress. The row cubes on the Criminal card.
of icons shown for this Criminal must be matched by rolling
Investigate dice as listed by your current Stamina. You may If you have failed in your investigation, you may choose one
only use the icons on the YELLOW Investigate dice to match icon from the YELLOW die faces shown and mark this in
the Criminal icons, unless you have certain Items which allow the Twist section on the Criminal card with a cube. You may
you to roll the RED and GRAY dice, saved Twist icons, or save a maximum of 4 Twist icons in this manner. They can be
your detective’s Special Action. You may reroll a YELLOW the same icon. There is no cost to keep 1 or 2 Twist icons.
Investigate die of your choice for every 2 hours of Time Keeping 3 will cost you a one time loss of time, keeping
remaining in the game, rounding down. Match the icons, 4 will cost you a one time loss of time. -1
solve the Case, and win the game!
Twist icons can never be used to Turn the Tables.

5 6

Investigation Dice Paperboy Die

* * * * * * * *
Die 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Underworld Connection Die
* * * *
Die 2 * * * *

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Die 3 * * * * Sidekicks Die

+2 -1
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
Die 4
* * * *
For mapping Pulp Detective dice to standard dice, use:
4 Yellow dice, 1 Red, 1 Black or Grey, and 1 Green Die,
and consult this chart for the proper Storyline icons.

1 2 3 4 5 6 When rolling Yellow Investigation dice during Phases 2 and 3

it is important to designate each die by its number: 1-4.

Pulp Detective is ©2017 Todd Sanders/

Air and Nothingness Press.
Effort has been made to make sure all original images used

Chart of Icons for Standard Dice are in the public domain. My thanks to the talented, and in
many cases, forgotten artists of the Pulp Era.

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