Bridge Crane Load Calculation

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Crane runway design based on Code Abbreviation

AISC Manual of Steel Construction: Allowable Stress Design 9th Edition ASD 9th Edition
AISC Design Guide 7: Industrial Buildings-Roofs to Anchor Rods 2nd Edition AISC Design Guide 7

Crane runway beam section H-450x200 H-450x200 and PL 340 x 20

Section Properties
Combined Section Overall
A = 25.54 [in2] dall = 18.504 [in]
top y2 = 5.83 [in] bott. y1 = 12.677 [in]
Ix= 1334.05 [in4] Iy = 202.282 [in4]
top S2 = 228.93 [in3] bott. S1 = 105.236 [in3]
Sy = 30.22 [in3]
Zx = 97.97 [in3] Zy = 43.8 [in3]
rx = 7.23 [in] ry = 2.8 [in]
J = 7.00 [in4] Cw = 0.0 [in6]
W Section
d = 17.717 [in] bf = 7.874 [in]
tw = 0.354 [in] tf = 0.551 [in]
h = 15.197 [in]
Top Flange
Af = 14.880 [in2] dall / Af = 1.244 [in-1]
rT = 3.416 [in] ryt = 3.476 [in]
It = 179.802 [in4]
St = 228.934 [in3] Zt = 43.81 [in3]

Top cap plate size width bp = 13.386 [in] thick tp = 0.787 [in]
W section yield strength Fwy = 36.000 [ksi] = 248 [MPa]
Compression flange yield strength Fpy = 36.000 [ksi] = 248 [MPa]
Runway beam unbraced length Lb = 236.220 [in]
Design Forces
Bending moment x-x axis Mx = 1.20 [kip-ft]
Bending moment y-y axis My = 0.14 [kip-ft]
Shear along y-y axis Vx = 3.08 [kips]
Overall ratio = 0.63 OK
Local buckling OK
Bending about X-X Axis ratio = 0.01 OK
Bending about Y-Y Axis on Top Flange ratio = 0.00 OK
Biaxial Bending on Top Flange ratio = 0.00 OK
Shear along Y-Y Axis ratio = 0.03 OK
Web Sidesway Buckling ratio = 0.03 OK
Runway Beam Vertical Deflection ratio = 0.63 OK
Runway Beam Lateral Deflection ratio = 0.32 OK

Code Reference
Design Basis & Assumption AISC Design Guide 7
1. The cap plate and W section top flange resist the hor. load and the combined section resists the 18.1 on page 56
ver. load. This assumption eliminates the need for an analysis of torsional effects on the combined
section and simplifies the analysis.
2. If A36 cap plate is used on A992 W section then lateral torsional buckling and weak axis 18.1.4 on page 57
flexure strength must be calculated based on A36 yield stress.

Check Local Buckling

Flange of W shape ASD 9th Edition
Compact limit λp = 65 / sqrt (Fwy) = 10.83 Table B5.1
Noncompact limit λr = 95 / sqrt (Fwy) = 15.83
bf / 2tf = 7.14 compact
Web of W shape
Compact limit λp = 640 / sqrt (Fwy) = 106.67 Table B5.1
Noncompact limit λr = 760 / sqrt ( 0.66Fwy ) = 155.92
d / tw = 50.00 h / tw = 42.89
W shape classification compact

Code Reference
Flange Cover Plate Between Lines of Welds AISC LRFD-13
Compact limit λp = 1.12 sqrt (E / Fpy) = 31.79 Table B4.1 Case 12
Noncompact limit λr = 1.40 sqrt (E / Fpy) = 198.68
Cap plate classification bf / tp = 21.33 compact

Combined section classification Compact = 0.00 OK

Check Bending about X-X Axis

Allowable tension stress Fbx t = 0.6 x Fwy = 21.60 [ksi]
Actual tension stress fbx t = Mx / S1 = 0.14 [ksi]
ratio = fbx t / Fbx t = 0.01 OK
Comb sect top flange yield stress Fy = 36.0 [ksi] see assumption 2
Comb sect top flange width bf = 7.9 [in]
ASD 9th Edition
Critical length Lc = = 99.74 [in] Eq F1-2

76 bf / sqrt( Fy ) = = 99.737333 [in]

When Lb <= Lc Applicable

For compact sect Aplicable
Fbx = 0.66 x Fy = 23.76 [ksi] Eq F1-1
For non-compact sect Aplicable
bf / 2tf = = 7.14

Fbx = = 25.35 [ksi] Eq F1-3

Fbx = 0.6 x Fy = 21.60 [ksi] Eq F1-5

When Lb > Lc This part is Not applicabl 69.15

L b / rT = = 69.15
Bending coefficient Cb = 1.0 to be conservative

x = = 119.02

For ( Lb / rT ) <= x Applicable

Fbx = = 21.60 [ksi] Eq F1-6

For ( Lb / rT ) > x Not Applicable

Fbx = = NA [ksi] Eq F1-7

For any value of ( Lb / rT ) Not Applicable

Fbx = = NA [ksi] Eq F1-8

Allowable compression stress Fbx c = = 21.6 [ksi]

Actual compression stress fbx c = Mx / S2 = 0.06 [ksi]
ratio = fbx c / Fbx c = 0.00 OK

Check Bending about Y-Y Axis on Top Flange

For compact top flange Applicable

Fby = 0.75 x Fy = 27.00 [ksi] Eq F2-1

For non-compact top flange Not Applicable ASD 9th Edition

Fby = 0.60 x Fy = NA [ksi] Eq F2-2
Allowable compression stress Fby c = = 27.00 [ksi]
Actual compression stress fby c = My / St = 0.01 [ksi]
ratio = fbx c / Fbx c = 0.00 OK

Check Biaxial Bending on Top Flange

Combined bending stress fbx / Fbx + fby / Fby = 0.00 OK Eq H1-3

Check Shear along Y-Y Axis

Clear dist between trans. stiffeners a = Lb = 236.22 [in]
W sect clear dist between flange h = 15.197 [in] a / h = 15.54

kv = 4.00 + 5.34 / (a / h)2 if a / h <=1 = 5.36 F4

5.34 + 4.00 / (a / h)2 if a / h >1

h / tw = 42.89 Cv = 1.71

For h / tw <= 380 / sqrt ( Fy ) Applicable

Fv = 0.40 x Fy = 14.40 [ksi] Eq F4-1

For h / tw > 380 / sqrt ( Fy ) Not Applicable

Fv = ( Fy x Cv ) / 2.89 <=0.4 Fy = 0.00 [ksi] Eq F4-2
Allowable shear stress Fv = = 14.40 [ksi]
Actual shear stress fv = Vx / ( = 0.49 [ksi]
ratio = fv / Fv = 0.03 OK

Check Web Sidesway Buckling AISC Design Guide 7

Use LRFD 13 instead of ASD 9 to increase web sidesway buckling resistance when flexural page 61
stress in the web is less than 0.66Fy
(h / tw) / (Lb / bf) = 1.43 < 1.7 AISC LRFD-13
Max actual bending stress fb = 0.14 [ksi]

When fb < (Fy / 1.5) = 0.66 Fy Applicable Cr = ### [ksi]

When fb >= (Fy / 1.5) = 0.66 Fy Not Applicable Cr = ### [ksi]

Rn = = 119.13 [kips] Eq J10-7

Ra = Rn / Ω = Rn / 1.76 = 67.69 [kips]

Pv-impt = Pv x α (impact factor) = 2.11 [kips]
Ratio = Pv-impt / Ra = 0.03 OK

Check Runway Beam Deflection Code Reference

Crane serviceability criteria based on
CISC Guide for the Design of Crane-Supporting Steel Structures 2nd Edition Table 4.1 item 14,15
AISC Design Guide 7: Industrial Buildings-Roofs to Anchor Rods 2nd Edition page 56
CMAA 70-04 Specifications for Top Running Bridge and Gantry Type Multiple Girder Electric Cl 1.4.3
Overhead Traveling Cranes

CMAA crane service class Class C Moderate service

Ver deflection limit (no impact , max wheel load) Bv = L / 1000
Hor deflection limit (no impact , 10% max wheel load) Bh = L / 750

Runway beam span L = 236.22 [in]

Bridge wheel spacing s = 98.43 [in]
a = 68.90 [in]

Max deflection at center Δmax = = 14.69 P/I

Vertical Deflection
Unfactored max ver. wheel load P = 13.6 [kips / per wheel] impact factor NOT included
Ix = 1334.0 [in4]

Max deflection at center Δmax = = 0.149 [in]

Allowable deflection Δa = L / Bv = 0.236 [in]
Ratio = Δmax / Δa = 0.63 OK
Lateral Deflection
Unfactored max hor. wheel load P = 1.2 [kips / per wheel]
It = 179.8 [in4]

Max deflection at center Δmax = = 0.100 [in]

Allowable deflection Δa = L / Bh = 0.315 [in]

Ratio = Δmax / Δa = 0.32 OK
Crane runway design based on Code Abbreviation
AISC 360-05 Specification for Structural Steel Buildings AISC LRFD-13
AISC Design Guide 7: Industrial Buildings-Roofs to Anchor Rods 2nd Edition AISC Design Guide 7

Crane runway beam section H-450x200 H-450x200 and PL 340 x 20

Section Properties
Combined Section Overall
A = 25.5 [in2] dall = 18.5 [in]
top yc = 5.8 [in] bott. yt = 12.7 [in]
Ix= 1,334.0 [in4] Iy = 202.3 [in4]
top Sxc = 228.9 [in3] bott. Sxt = 105.2 [in3]
Sy = 30.2 [in3]
Zx = 98.0 [in3] Zy = 43.8 [in3]
rx = 7.2 [in] ry = 2.8 [in]
J = 7.0 [in4] Cw = 0.0 [in6]
W Section
d = 17.717 [in] bf = 7.874 [in]
tw = 0.354 [in] tf = 0.551 [in]
h = 15.197 [in] hc = 2( yc - k ) = 9.135 [in]
h0 = d - tf = 17.165 [in]
Top Flange
Af = 14.880 [in2] dall / Af = 1.244 [in-1]
rt = 3.416 [in] ryt = 3.476 [in]
It = 179.802 [in4]
St = 228.934 [in3] Zt = 43.815 [in3]

Top cap plate size width bp = 13.386 [in] thick tp = 0.787 [in]
W section yield strength Fwy = 36 [ksi] = 248 [kips]
C section yield strength Fcy = 36 [ksi] = 248 [kips]
Runway beam unbraced length Lb = 236.22 [in]

Design Forces
Bending moment x-x axis Mx = 1.29 [kip-ft]
Bending moment y-y axis My = 0.14 [kip-ft]
Shear along y-y axis Vy = 3.27 [kips]

Overall ratio = 0.98 OK
Local buckling OK
Biaxial Bending on Top Flange ratio = 0.00 OK
Shear along Y-Y Axis ratio = 0.02 OK
Web Sidesway Buckling ratio = 0.02 OK
Runway Beam Vertical Deflection ratio = 0.98 OK
Runway Beam Lateral Deflection ratio = 0.51 OK

Design Basis & Assumption AISC Design Guide 7

1. The channel and W section top flange resist the hor. load and the combined section resists the 18.1 on page 56
ver. load. This assumption eliminates the need for an analysis of torsional effects on the combined
section and simplifies the analysis.
2. If A36 channel cap is used on A992 W section then lateral torsional buckling and weak axis 18.1.4 on page 57
flexure strength must be calculated based on A36 yield stress.

Check Local Buckling

Flange of W shape AISC LRFD-13
Compact limit λp = 0.38 sqrt (E / Fwy) = 10.79 Table B4.1 Case 1
Noncompact limit λr = 1.0 sqrt (E / Fwy) = 28.38
bf / 2tf = 7.14 compact
Web of W shape
Compact limit λp = 3.76 sqrt (E / Fwy) = 106.72 Table B4.1 Case 9
Noncompact limit λr = 5.7 sqrt (E / Fwy) = 161.78
h / tw = 52.65 compact
W shape classification compact
Flange Cover Plate Between Lines of Welds Code Reference
Compact limit λp = 1.12 sqrt (E / Fcy) = 31.79 Table B4.1 Case 12
Noncompact limit λr = 1.4 sqrt (E / Fcy) = 39.74
Cap plate classification bf / tp = 24.90 Compact

Combined section classification Compact ratio = 0.00 OK

Check Bending about X-X Axis

Calculate Rpc
λpw = 106.72 λrw = 161.78
Myc = Sxc Fy = 686.802 [kip-ft]
Mp = min ( Zx Fy , 1.6 Sxc Fy ) = 293.900 [kip-ft]
λ = hc / tw = 25.78
Mp / Myc = = 0.43

For λ <= λpw Applicable

Rpc = Mp / Myc = 0.43 Eq F4-9a

For λ > λpw Not Applicable AISC LRFD-13

Rpc = = 0.00 Eq F4-9b

Rpc used for design Rpc = = 0.43

Calculate Rpt
Myt = Sxt Fy = 315.71 [kip-ft]
Mp = min ( Zx Fy , 1.6 Sxt Fy ) = 293.90 [kip-ft]
Mp / Myt = = 0.93

For λ <= λpw Applicable

Rpt = Mp / Myt = 0.93 Eq F4-15a

For λ > λpw Not Applicable

Rpt = = 0.00 Eq F4-15b

Rpt used for design Rpt = = 0.93

Calculate FL
Sxt / Sxc = 0.46
For Sxt / Sxc >= 0.7 Not Applicable
FL = 0.7 Fy = NA [ksi] Eq F4-6a
For Sxt / Sxc < 0.7 Applicable
FL = max ( Fy x (Sxt / Sxc ) , 0.5Fy ) = 18.00 [ksi] Eq F4-6b
FL used for design FL = = 18.00 [ksi]

Mn - Compression Flange Yielding

Mn1 = Rpc Fy Sxc = 293.9 [kip-ft] Eq F4-1

Mn - Lateral Torsional Buckling

Runway beam unbraced length Lb = = 236.22 [in]
Calculate Lp & Lr
Lp = = 106.6 [in] Eq F4-7

Lr = Eq F4-8

= 694.0 [in]
For Lb <= Lp Not Applicable AISC LRFD-13
Mn2 = = NA [kip-ft]

For Lp < Lb <= Lr Applicable

Cb = 1.0 to be conservative
Mn2 = Eq F4-2

= 293.9 [kip-ft]
For Lb > Lr Not Applicable

For It / Iy <= 0.23 J = 0 Not Applicable

J = 7.00 [mm4]
Code Reference
Fcr = = 0.00 [kips] Eq F4-5

Mn2 = Fcr Sxc <= Rpc Fy Sxc = NA [kip-ft] Eq F4-3

Mn - LTB Mn2 = = 293.9 [kip-ft] n-mm

Mn - Compression Flange Local Buckling

λ = 7.14
λpf = 10.79 λrf = 28.38
For λ <= λpf Applicable
Mn3 = = NA [kN-m]

For λpf < λ <= λrf Applicable

Mn3 = = 0.00 [kN-m] Eq F4-12

Mn3 = = 0.0 [kN-m]

Mn - Tension Flange Yielding

Mn4 = Rpt Fy Sxt = 293.90 [kN-m] Eq F4-14

Mnx = min( Mn1 , Mn2 , Mn3 , Mn4 ) = 0.0 [kN-m]

Check Bending about Y-Y Axis

Check top flange compactness, for W check W flange only, for W+Cap Plate check both W and Cap Plate

Top flange compactness = Compact AISC LRFD-13

For compact top flange Mny = Fy Zt = 131.44 [kN-m] Eq F6-1
For noncompact top flange Mny = Fy St = 686.80 [kN-m]

Mny = = 131.4 [kN-m]

Check Biaxial Bending on Top Flange

Combined bending Mx / (Φ Mnx) + My / (Φ Mny) = 0.00 OK Eq H1-1b

Check Shear along Y-Y Axis

Clear dist between trans. stiffe a = Lb = 236.22 [in]
W sect clear dist between flang h = 15.197 [in] a / h = 15.54
h / tw = 42.89

kv = 5 if h / tw < 260 = 5.00 G2.1 (b)

5 if a / h > 3.0 or a / h >[260/(h / tw)]2
5 + 5 / (a / h)2

T = sqrt(kv E / Fy) = 63.5

For h / tw <= 1.10 T Applicable

Cv = 1.00 Eq G2-3

For 1.10 T < h / tw <= 1.37 T Applicable

Cv = 1.10 x sqrt(kv E / Fy) / (h / tw) = 1.63 Eq G2-4

For h / tw > 1.37 T Not Applicable

Cv = 1.51 E kv / [ (h / tw )2 Fy ] = NA Eq G2-5

Cv used for design Cv = = 1.6

ΦVn = 0.9 x 0.6 Fy (d tw) Cv = 198.6 [kips] Eq G2-1

ratio = Vy / ΦVn = 0.02 OK

Code Reference
Check Web Sidesway Buckling
(h / tw) / (Lb / bf) = 1.43 < 1.7

When Mu < My Applicable Cr = 9.600E+05 [ksi]

When Mu >= My Not Applicable Cr = 0.000E+00 [ksi]

Rn = = 119.13 [kips] Eq J10-7

Φ = = 0.85
Pv-impt = Pv x α (impact factor) = 2.11 [kips]
ratio = Pv-impt / ΦRn = 0.0 OK

Check Runway Beam Deflection

Crane serviceability criteria based on
CISC Guide for the Design of Crane-Supporting Steel Structures 2nd Edition Table 4.1 item 14,15
AISC Design Guide 7: Industrial Buildings-Roofs to Anchor Rods 2nd Edition page 56
CMAA 70-04 Specifications for Top Running Bridge and Gantry Type Multiple Girder Electric Cl 1.4.3
Overhead Traveling Cranes

CMAA crane service class Class C Moderate service

Ver deflection limit (no impact , max wheel load) Bv = L / 1000
Hor deflection limit (no impact , 10% max wheel load) Bh = L / 750

Runway beam span L = 236.22 [in]

Bridge wheel spacing s = 98.43 [in]
a = 68.90 [in]

Max deflection at center Δmax = = 14.69 P/I

Vertical Deflection
Unfactored max ver. wheel load P = 21.1 [kips / per wheel] impact factor NOT included
Ix = 1334.0 [mm4]

Max deflection at center Δmax = = 0.232 [in]

Allowable deflection Δa = L / Bv = 0.236 [in]

ratio = Δmax / Δa = 0.98 OK

Lateral Deflection
Unfactored max hor. wheel load P = 2.0 [kips / per wheel]
It = 179.8 [in4]

Max deflection at center Δmax = = 0.160 [in]

Allowable deflection Δa = L / Bh = 0.315 [in]
ratio = Δmax / Δa = 0.51 OK
Project : Alberta OilSand Eng : D Wu P Eng.
Job No : 1234567 Chk : D Wu P Eng.
Doc No : 1234567 Date : 2014-05-14
Calculation Sheet Subject : Bridge Crane Crane Load & Runway Beam Calc Rev : 0

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Crane runway beam section H-450x200 Top Cap Plate = PL 340 x 20

Section Properties
W Section
d = 17.717 [in] bf = 7.874 [in]
tf = 0.551 [in] tw = 0.354 [in]
A = 14.998 [in2] h = 15.197 [in]
rx = 7.320 [in] ry = 1.731 [in]
Ix = 803.7 [in4] Sx = 90.72 [in3]
Zx = 102.46 [in3] r = 0.71 [in]
Iy = 44.96 [in4] k = 1.260 [in]
Zy = 17.62 [in3] Sy = 11.42 [in3]
J = 1.42 [in4] Cw = 3303 [in6]
Top Cap Plate
Top cap plate size width bp = 13.386 [in] thick tp = 0.787 [in]

Combined Section Overall

A = 25.538 [in2] dall = 18.504 [in]
top y2= 5.827 [in] bott. y1 = 12.677 [in]
= 1334.0 [in4] Iy = 202.28 [in4]
top S2 = 228.93 [in3] bott. S1 = 105.24 [in3]
Sy= 30.22 [in3]
Zx= 97.97 [in3] Zy = 43.81 [in3]
= 7.228 [in] ry = 2.814 [in]
J= 7.00 [in4] Cw = 0 [in6]
Top Flange
Af = 14.880 [in2] dall / Af = 1.244 [in-1]
rT = 3.416 [in] ryt = 3.476 [in]
It = 179.80 [in4]
St = 228.93 [in3] Zt = 43.81 [in3]

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Calculate Plastic Zx and Zy
Plastic neutral axis area above neutral axis equals area below neutral axis
A1 = bp x tp = 10.540 [in2]
A2 = bf x tf = 4.340 [in2]
A3 = h x t w = 5.385 [in2]
h2 = (h x tw + A1) / (2 x tw) = 22.472 [in]
Plastic modulus x-x axis
Centroid of top
a = -3.637 [in] b = -7.098 [in]
c = -6.527 [in] top web area Awt = -2.578 [in2]
ct = -7.333 [in]
Centroid of bott
a = 11.236 [in] b = 22.747 [in]
bott web area Awb = 7.962 [in2]
cb = 15.297 [in]
Total area of bottom part Abott = tw x h2 + A2 = 12.302 [in2]
Plastic modulus x-x axis Zx = Abott x ( cb + ct ) = 97.97 [in3]

Plastic modulus y-y axis

only top flange & cap plate are considered
Zy = ( tf x bf2 + tp x bp2 ) / 4 = 43.81 [in3]

Calculate Elastic Properties X-X Axis

A yb Axyb Axyb2 I0
in2 in in3 in4 in4
W44x335 14.998 8.858 132.9 1176.9 803.7
Plate 18 x 0.75 10.540 18.110 190.9 3456.9 0.5
Sum 25.538 323.7 4633.8 804.2

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Code Reference
yB = Σ Ayb / Σ A = 12.677 [in]
yT = d + tp - yB = 5.827 [in]

Ix = Σ I0 + Σ Ayb2 -yB2 Σ A = 1334.0 [in4]

SB = Ix / y B = 105.24 [in3]
ST = Ix / y T = 228.93 [in3]

Calculate Elastic Properties Y-Y Axis

Top flange + plate Iy1 = ( tf x bf3 + tp x bp3 ) / 12 = 179.8 [in4]
Web Iy2 = h x tw3 / 12 = 0.1 [in4]
Bott. flange Iy3 = tf x bf3 / 12 = 22.4 [in4]
Sum Iy = = 202.3 [in4]
Sy = Iy / [ 0.5 x max(bf , bp) ] = 30.2 [in3]

Calculate Torsional Properties

tft = 1.339 [in] tfb = 0.551 [in]
d' = dall - (tft + tfb) / 2 = 17.559 [in]
J = ( bf x tft3 + bf x tfb3 + d' x tw3 ) / 3 = 6.9950381648 [in4]

Calculate Top Flange Properties

1/3 compression web depth hcw = [ y2 - ( t f + t p ) ] / 3 = 1.496 [in]
Itw = ( tf x bf3 + tp x bp3 + hcw x tw3 ) / 12 = 179.8 [in4]
Atw = tf x bf + tp x bp + hcw x tw = 15.410 [in2]
rT = sqrt( Itw / Atw ) = 3.416 [in]
It = ( tf x bf3 + tp x bp3 ) / 12 = 179.8 [in4]
Zt = ( tf x bf2 + tp x bp2 ) / 4 = 43.81 [in3]


Shape Designation H-450x200
Weight Wt. 51.04 lb/ft Shape d tw
Area A 15.00 in.2 1 H-100x50 100 5
Depth d 17.72 in. 2 H-100x100 100 6
Web Thickness tw 0.35 in. 3 H-125x60 125 6
Flange Width bf 7.87 in. 4 H-125x125 125 6.5
Flange Thickness tf 0.55 in. 5 H-150x75 150 5
Root fillet radius r 0.71 in. 6 H-148x100 148 6
Distance k design 1.26 in. 7 H-150x150 150 7
Distance k detail 0.885825 in. 8 H-175x90 175 5
Distance T 15.94485 in. 9 H-175x175 175 7.5
Compact Criteria bf / 2 tf 7.142857 10 H-198x99 198 4.5
Compact Criteria d / tw 50.0 11 H-200x100 200 5.5
Web Depth h 15.2 in. 12 H-194x150 194 6
Compact Criteria h / tw 42.9 13 H-200x200 200 8
Radius of Gyration rT 2.05 in. 14 H-248x124 248 5
Depth/Area of Flange d / Af 4.08 15 H-250x125 250 6
Moment of Inertia Ix 803.65 in.4 16 H-244x175 244 7
Section Modulus Sx 90.72 in.3 17 H-250x250 250 9
Radius of Gyration rx 7.32 in. 18 H-298x149 298 5.5
Plastic Modulus Zx 102.46 in.4 19 H-300x150 300 6.5
Moment of Inertia Iy 44.96 in.4 20 H-294x200 294 8
Section Modulus Sy 11.42 in.3 21 H-300x300 300 10
Radius of Gyration ry 1.73 in. 22 H-300x305 300 15
Plastic Modulus Zy 17.62 in.4 23 H-346x174 346 6
Torsional Constant J 1.42 in.4 24 H-350x175 350 7
Warping Constant Cw 3303.48 in.6 25 H-340x250 340 9
26 H-350x350 350 12
27 H-396x199 396 7
28 H-400x200 400 8
29 H-390x300 390 10
30 H-400x400 400 13
31 H-450x200 450 9
32 H-440x300 440 11
33 H-496x199 496 9
34 H-500x200 500 10
35 H-482x300 482 11
36 H-488x300 488 11
37 H-596x199 596 10
38 H-600x200 600 11
39 H-582x300 582 12
40 H-588x300 588 12
41 H-700x300 700 13
42 H-800x300 800 14
43 H-900x300 900 16
bf tf r Wg
50 7 8 9.3
100 8 10 17.19
60 8 9 13.22
125 9 10 23.79
75 7 8 14.01
100 9 11 21.07
150 10 11 31.51
90 8 9 18.09
175 11 12 40.2
99 7 11 18.2
100 8 11 21.32
150 9 13 30.62
200 12 13 49.87
124 8 12 25.65
125 9 12 29.56
175 11 16 44.15
250 14 16 72.36
149 8 13 32.03
150 9 13 36.72
200 12 18 56.82
300 15 18 94.04
305 15 18 105.82
174 9 14 41.35
175 11 14 49.56
250 14 20 79.68
350 19 20 136.51
199 11 16 56.65
200 13 16 66.03
300 16 22 106.76
400 21 22 171.68
200 14 18 75.96
300 18 24 123.56
199 14 200 79.52
200 16 20 89.65
300 15 26 114.22
300 18 26 128.35
199 15 22 94.59
200 17 22 105.5
300 17 28 136.98
300 20 28 151.11
300 24 28 184.87
300 26 28 209.91
300 28 28 243.19
Bridge crane load calc based on Code Abbreviation
CISC Guide for the Design of Crane-Supporting Steel Structures 2nd Edition CISC Crane Guide
AISC Design Guide 7: Industrial Buildings-Roofs to Anchor Rods 2nd Edition AISC Design Guide 7
CMAA 70-04 Specifications for Top Running Bridge and Gantry Type Multiple Girder Electric CMAA 70-04
Overhead Traveling Cranes

Crane Data
Crane rated capacity Wrc = 10.0 [Tonne] 98.0 [kN] = 22.0 [kips]
Bridge weight Wbr = 2920 [kg] 28.6 [kN] = 6.4 [kips]
Trolley + hoist weight Wth = 1088 [kg] 10.7 [kN] = 2.4 [kips]
Bridge wheel spacing s = 2.500 [m] = 8.202 [ ft ]
Max static wheel load Pmax = 6161.0 [kg] 60.4 [kN] = 13.6 [kips]
input 0 if vendor data is unknown
Crane bridge span Sr = 15.575 [m] = 51.099 [ ft ]
Left min. hook approach S1 = 0.995 [m] = 3.264 [ ft ]
Right min. hook approach S2 = 1.090 [m] = 3.576 [ ft ]
Crane runway beam span L = 6.000 [m] = 19.685 [ ft ]
Runway beam type = W Shape + Cap Plat
Runway beam size = H-450x200
Top flange cap plate size width bp = 340.000 [mm] thick tp = 20.000 [mm] applicable
Urb = 1.27 [kN/m] = 261 [lbs/yd]
Crane rail size Sq-Bar
Rail base width Bw = 30 [mm] Rail height Ht = 50 [mm]
Ucr = 0.12 [kN/m] = 24 [lbs/yd]

W section yield strength fwy = 248 [MPa] = 36.0 [ksi]

Cap channel or plate yield strengt fcy = 248 [MPa] = 36.0 [ksi]
CMAA crane service class = Class E Severe service
Vertical Deflection * L / 1000
Horizontal Deflection L/ 750 ( Requirement by Demag ) Lateral Deflection of the Crane Beam
* Does NOT include Vertical Impact or Girder and Rail Weight. due to crane lateral loads:
Crane type = Top runing L/400 All Cranes

Runway Beam Design Using - LRFD 13 Runway Beam Design Using - ASD
Overall 0.98 OK Overall 0.63 OK
Local buckling OK Local buckling OK
Biaxial Bending on Top Flange 0.00 OK Bending about X-X Axis 0.01 OK
Shear along Y-Y Axis 0.02 OK Bending about Y-Y Axis on Top Flange 0.00 OK
Web Sidesway Buckling 0.02 OK Biaxial Bending on Top Flange 0.00 OK
Runway Beam Vertical Deflection 0.98 OK Shear along Y-Y Axis 0.03 OK
Runway Beam Lateral Deflection 0.51 OK Web Sidesway Buckling 0.03 OK
Runway Beam Vertical Deflection 0.63 OK
Runway Beam Lateral Deflection 0.32 OK
Code Reference
Vertical load impact factor αv = 10% CISC Crane Guide
Lateral load impact factor αl = 20% CISC Crane Guide
Crane side thrust load option = Option 1 = 21.73 [kN] Table 2.1
Crane side thrust load can be calculated using one of the following 3 options
Option 1 Hs = 0.2 (Lifted Load+ Trolley/Hoist Wt)

Option 2 Hs = max of 0.2 (Lifted Load+ Trolley/Hoist Wt)

0.1 (Lifted Load+ Entire Crane Wt)

Option 3 Hs = max of 0.2 (Lifted Load+ Trolley/Hoist Wt)

0.1 (Lifted Load+ Entire Crane Wt)
0.4 Lifted Load

Runway beam span L = 6.000 [m]

Bridge wheel spacing s = 2.500 [m]

Mmax =

= 1.88021 P

Runway beam + rail selfwei U = Urb + Ucr = 1.383 [kN/m]

Crane Load for Design per AISC ASD 9th Ed

Max ver. load /wheel (no impact) Pv = = 60.378 [kN / per wheel]
Max hor. load /wheel Ph = Hs / 4 = 5.433 [kN / per wheel]

Bending moment x-x axis Mx = 1.88021 xPvx αv (impact) + U x L2 / 8 = 17.575 [kN- m] 1.204 [kip-ft]
Bending moment y-y axis My = 1.88021 xPh x αl (impact) = 2.043 [kN- m] 0.140 [kip-ft]
Shear along y-y axis Vx = Pv [ 1+ (L - s) / L ]x α (mpact) + UxL/2 = 13.709 [kN] 3.082 [kips]

Crane Load for Design per AISC LRFD-13th Ed

Wheel load by bridge selfwei Pbr = Wbr / 4 = 7.15 [kN] as dead load
Wheel load by lift load + trolley Plt = Pmax - Pbr = 53.22 [kN] as live load
Max factored ver. load /wheel Pv = 1.2 x Pbr + 1.6 x Plt = 93.74 [kN] impact not included
Max factored hor. load /wheel Ph = Hs x 1.6 / 4 = 8.69 [kN]

Factor bending moment x-x axis Mx = 1.88021 xPvx αv (impact) +1.2 x U x L2 = 18.82 [kN- m] 1.290 [kip-ft]
Factor bending moment y-y axis My = 1.88021 xPh x αl (impact) = 2.04 [kN- m] 0.140 [kip-ft]
Factor shear along y-y axis Vx = Pv [ 1+ (L - s) / L ]x α (mpact) +1.2xUxL = 14.54 [kN] 3.268 [kips]
Crane Load Calculation Code Reference
Rail selfweight Rsw = (Ucr) = 0.12 [kN/m]
Wheel load by bridge selfwei Pbr = Wbr / 4 wheel = 7.15 [kN/per wheel]

Side Thrust Load

Crane side thrust load calculated by = Option 1 CISC Crane Guide
Hs1 = 0.4 Lifted Load = 39.200 [kN] Table 2.1
Hs2 = 0.2 (Lifted Load+ Trolley/Hoist Wt) = 21.732 [kN]
Hs3 = 0.1 (Lifted Load+ Entire Crane Wt) = 13.728 [kN]
Hst = side thrust load calc using Option 1 = 5.433 [kN/per wheel]
Hst1=Hst3 = Hst (1 + (L-s) / L) = 8.602 [kN]
Hst2=Hst4 = Hst s / L = 3.584 [kN]

Tractive Load Table 2.1

Htr = 0.2 Max wheel load = 12.076 [kN/per wheel]
Htr1=Htr3 = Htr (1 + (L-s) / L) = 19.120 [kN]
Htr2=Htr4 = Htr s / L = 5.031 [kN]

Girder 1 3.58
8.602 4kN
1 5.031
19.120 Case kN
kN 2
Girder 2


Reactions on to the Support Structure With Case 1

Hook at One Side

Vertical Load
Case 1 Hook at One Side
Min. hook aproach Smin = min (S1, S2) = 0.995 [m]
Max wheel load by calc Pmax-c = [(Wrc+Wth)x(Sr-Smin)/ Sr]/2 wheel+Pbr = 58.014 [kN/per wheel]
Max. wheel load by vendor Pmax-v = = 60.378 [kN/per wheel]
Max static wheel load Pmax = max (Pmax-v , Pmax-c) = 60.378 [kN/per wheel]
Min wheel load Pmin = [(Wrc+Wth)xSmin/Sr]/2 wheel+Pbr = 10.625 [kN/per wheel]

Case 2 Hook at Center of Bridge

Max wheel load Pmax = Pmin = (Wrc+Wbr+Wth)/4 wheel = 34.320 [kN/per wheel]

Vertical load PV = max( Pmax Case1, Case2) = 60.378 [kN/per wheel]

Bumper Force at End Frame AISC Design Guide 7

Bumper force to be the greater of 1 Twice the tractive force = 24.2 [kN]
2 10% of entire crane weight = 3.928 [kN]
Bumper force used for design = 24.2 [kN]
Apply longitudinal bumper force to both sides of end frame

1. All loads shown above are unfactored static load, dynamic impact factor is not included

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