IT Trends, Real-Case Career Paths and Their Skills Requirements

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IT Trends, Real-Case Career

Paths and their Skills


Get ahead in the actual IT environment by

laying down the best foundation that result in
the development of proper hard and soft skills,
processes, character and environment.

The goal is to set these up right from the start.

Philippines Country Overview
▪ Population of over 94 M/2011 est.*
▪ 60% aged between 15-64*
▪ Functional English literacy rate of 86%*
▪ Metro Manila at 94%
▪ Simple literacy rate of 93%, one of the highest in Asia
▪ Ave. yield of 80,000 graduates of IT-related degree programs*

• Strong macroeconomic fundamentals

• Educated, young, and English-speaking labor force
• 2008, 2009 & 2010 Best Offshore Destination of the Year, National
Outsourcing Association of the United Kingdom
• Ranked #3 in 2008 IDC Global Delivery Index
• Ranked #1 in skilled labor and cost of living by 2008 International
Institute for Management Development (IMD) World Competitiveness
• In the “Next 11” list of “Emerging Engines of Growth” by IMF estimates,
World Economic Outlook Database, Oct. 2012
• In 2013, Manila ranks #3 in Tholons report on Top 100 Outsourcing
Destinations, Cebu City ranks #8
• Q1 2013, fastest growing economy in Asia by National Statistical
Coordination Board (NSCB)
The Philippine IT/BPO Industry
2013: ~926,000 full-time employees in the IT/BPO (worth: US$16B), sustained by a vibrant network of
organizations – focused on growth and sustainability.

IT/ Business Process
Outsourcing Industry
Trends: IT Work in the Philippines

Below are the common outsourcing services in the country but not limited to these
◼ Contact center-related - voice (ex. Software/Equipment Technical Support) and
non-voice (Systems Administration). Has overtaken India as the preferred location
for voice services.
◼ Enterprise Resource Management - Development and/or customization of existing
ERP’s, with emphasis on Business Flows, Accounting, Procurement, Manufacturing
and Distribution Flow, Customer Relationship Management, POS, etc.
◼ 3D/Gaming and Entertainment – element design, game development, character
development, 3D virtualization and animation
◼ Data Management – Analytics, Master Data Management, Data Warehousing
◼ Industrial Applications - Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Firmware Engineering,
Integrations and Mechatronics
◼ Design services – User experience design, agency design, etc
◼ Web and Mobile Marketing Applications and Campaigns
Emerging Technologies

◼ Cloud hosting technologies

◼ Open Source
◼ Hybrid Mobile Applications (HTML5, Cordova,
React Native)
◼ User Experience and Multimedia - 3D,
Augmented Reality and Sensor/Device
◼ Remote Project Management
Emerging Technologies

◼ Open-Source ECommerce, ERP and CMS

◼ Automation Testing Frameworks
◼ Web and Mobile Marketing Campaigns (SEO
and Locality-restricted Social
◼ Blockchain Technology
◼ Machine Learning and Mechatronics
Real-Case Career Paths

● Project Manager/Quality Assurance Tester

○Familiarity with business processes including Procurement,
Manufacturing, Distribution, Accounting, Human Resource,
and User Experience
○Updated on Latest Software Development and Best Practices
■Latest Programming Language Bindings and Existing
Frameworks that are suitable as solutions
■Software Updates
■Connectivity and Security Concepts
○Resource Management Skills and Workflow Design
○Knowledge of Testing Automations
● UX/UI Designer
Real-Case Career Paths

● UX/UI Designer
○Familiar with user behavior on given UX/UI
○Creativity with industry-grade ergonomic design
○Eficient / maximized use of Graphics, Animation, Audio
Editing and Wireframing
● Mobile Application Engineer
○Workflow Design
○Updated on Mobile Device features and their programng
language bindings /API’s
○Excellent jQuery, Javascript, CSS, HTML5 and knowledge of
Android or Swift/XCode
Get in the GAME

Curriculum (hard and soft skills)
◼ Culture (and environment)
◼ Channels (linkage with the Industries)
Open Floor

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