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A token system was used to attempt to increase the accuracy with which special educa-
tion students answered questions about reading assignments. In the token system, stu-
dents recorded their own data, received toy money for accurately completing assign-
ments, and were allowed to spend their toy money at the end of the week for educational
activities. The accuracy with which students answered questions was higher when the
token system was in effect than when it was not. When student teachers were used to
manage the token system and when the self-recording feature of the system was removed,
only slight changes in the accuracy of the student performance were obtained.

Token reinforcement systems have been intro- have often been given extensive training in
duced into special education classes with gener- token reinforcement (e.g., Phillips, Wolf,
ally favorable results (Axelrod, 1971). Changes Bailey, and Fixsen, unpublished). Second, the
in the quality and levels of student behavior back-up reinforcers or payoffs have usually been
have been observed with various types of class- edibles or trinkets, which are extrinsic to the
room performance variables, including both curricular program (e.g., Broden, Hall, Dunlap,
those concerned with academic achievement and Clark, 1970). Finally, extensive record
(Birnbrauer, Bijou, Wolf, and Kidder, 1965; keeping by the classroom teacher or observers,
Nolan, Kunzelman, and Harring, 1967; and or use of electronic equipment has been re-
Wolf, Giles, and Hall, 1968) and with shaping quired (e.g., Patterson, 1965).
appropriate classroom response repertoires The present study was designed as an attempt
(Kuypers, Becker, and O'Leary, 1968; O'Leary to integrate a token reinforcement program into
and Becker, 1967; and Quay, Werry, McQueen, a special class setting without substantial altera-
and Sprague, 1966). It was observed that these tion of the ongoing classroom structure. Specifi-
changes in student behavior substantially elimi- cally, this investigation sought to examine the
nated many of the severe problems originally following: (1) whether earning the use of edu-
reported by the classroom teacher. cational activities can be an effective payoff
However, as delineated by Axelrod (1971) within a token system, (2) whether the record-
and others (e.g., Kuypers et al., 1968, and keeping aspects of the system can be effectively
O'Leary and Becker, 1967), there are a number shifted from the responsibility of the teacher to
of practical limitations concerning the manner that of the students, and (3) whether the man-
in which token systems have been implemented. agement of the system can be transferred to
First, the personnel implementing the system student teachers, relatively untrained in the
mechanisms of token reinforcement, without
'This investigation was partially supported by PHS substantial decrement in pupil performance.
Training Grant HD 00183 from the National
Institute of Child Health and Human Development
to the Kansas Center for Research in Mental Retarda- METHOD
tion and Human Development. Reprints may be Setting
obtained from D. R. Knapczyk, Indiana University
Mental Retardation Developmental Training Center, The study was conducted in a junior high
2853 East 10th St., Bloomington, Indiana 47401. school special education program (EMR) in the

Topeka Public Schools. The data on the vari- the assignments were completed. Correction of
ables under investigation were collected during the pupils' reading generally occurred during the
the 50-min class period designated for reading same class period that it was assigned. Response
instruction. During these 50 min, each student keys, included within the published reading
in the class worked in reading series in which materials, were used.
there was a story to be read and a number of Reliability of these data was determined at
questions, based upon the story, to be answered. least once during each experimental condition.
Each pupil was assigned material that the This was accomplished by having one of the
teacher considered appropriate for his particular aides recheck each pupil's reading assignment.
level of reading ability. Thus, various reading The level of agreement for each of these re-
series, usually designed for use in regular or liability checks was calculated as the ratio of
remedial class settings, were employed. The the number of student responses that both ob-
instructional personnel in the classroom con- servers agreed that a subject's answer was correct
sisted of a certified special education teacher, a or incorrect, to the number of responses emitted
teacher aide, and a volunteer student aide three for that day. The measures of reliability ranged
days a week. from 90% to 98% with a mean across experi-
mental conditions of 95%.
Thirteen seventh, eighth, and ninth grade Experimental Design
students enrolled in this program served as sub- The design employed for the investigation of
jects. Each student was assigned reading ma- the experimental variables was a reversal design
terial in standard classroom reading series, such (Sidman, 1960, and Wolf and Risley, in press).
as the SRA Reading Laboratories. All subjects
progressed in the reading series at the sequence Experimental Conditions
prescribed by the teacher manuals accompanying Baseline I. The measures of baseline perform-
each reading series. Generally, one story or read- ance for the per cent of reading comprehension
ing card was assigned each day. The number of were collected in the manner described above.
comprehension questions that the subjects were The teacher corrected each student's reading
required to answer ranged from six to 48, de- assignment upon completion and returned them,
pending upon the reading material assigned. noting correct and incorrect responses. No ma-
nipulation was attempted at this time.
Response Definition Token and Self-Recording I. Upon com-
Accuracy of performance. The measures of pletion of the Baseline I condition, the students
accuracy of performance on the reading assign- were presented with individual work record
ments were calculated as the ratio of the number books in which they were instructed to enter the
of correct responses emitted to the number of per cent of correct responses on their daily read-
responses possible for that assignment and con- ing assignments. A conversion chart, which
verted into percentage values. A daily class could be used to determine percentage values
average was determined on the basis of each from the number of correct responses, was avail-
student's level of reading comprehension for able for their use. They were also told that they
that day. would earn a particular amount of money based
upon their recorded reading performance, and
Observational Techniques that payment would be made on the last day
Data on the accuracy of reading performance of each week. Space was provided in the work
were collected by the classroom teacher who records for the students to keep an up-to-date
corrected each student's reading responses when account of their earnings. The money values
that the reading per cents earned are presented menting the token economy. The purpose of this
in Table 1. The coinage used for payment was experimental condition was to determine what
the Ideal Brand Toy Money, which provides effects would accrue upon transferring the man-
coins of the same approximate size, color, and agement of the economy to an untrained teacher.
denomination as United States coinage. Thus, only a cursory explanation of the economy
was presented to the student teacher and this
Table 1 focused only upon those activities necessary for
Conversion chart to determine money values from maintaining the economy. Information concern-
reading accuracy scores. ing the rationale for a token system and the
Per cent Accuracy Money Value initial results of the study were not discussed.
100-90 250 The special class teacher was generally not
80-89 20¢ present during the reading periods.
65-79 15¢ Token and Self-Recording III. When the
50-64 100 above condition ended, the special class teacher
40-49 5¢
30-39 2¢ reassumed the responsibilities of the class. The
classroom was structured in the same manner as
In addition, the subjects were informed that that described for the previous Token and Self-
the amount earned could be exchanged each Recording conditions.
Friday for various activities (for example, listen- Token l. The purpose of this condition was
ing to stories, Milton-Bradley's Phonetic to determine what effects student record-keeping
Quizmo, teacher-constructed language games), had upon the system. Therefore, before this
or could be saved for nine-week payoffs, which condition was initiated, the teacher collected all
included buying the materials necessary to make student work records. However, the subjects
various craft and homemaking products and/or were informed that they would continue to earn
partake in a field trip. money on the basis of their reading performance
The weekly payoffs were priced such that and that payoffs would be made on the final day
achieving a weekly average accuracy of 650% of the school week.
would earn one class period of payoff activities. Token and Student Teacher. The responsi-
When this average was not achieved, the student bility for conducting the classroom and the
was presented with required reading material to economy was again transferred to a student
perform during the payoff time. teacher. A student teacher, different from the
Baseline 1I. The Token and Self-Recording I one previously employed, was used. In addition,
condition was terminated by collecting each stu- the pupils in the class did not have the use of
dent's work record book and informing the class their work records. The classroom teacher was
that these records were needed for checking. No not present during this experimenal condition.
money or payoffs were presented to the students Token, Self-Recording, and Student Teacher
during this baseline condition. II. This experimental condition was a continua-
Token and Self-Recording 11. The token sys- tion of the previous condition, with student
tem was reintegrated into the special class pro- work records again distributed. The token sys-
gram in the same manner as that described for tem was conducted in the same manner as that
the Token and Self-Recording I condition. described for the previous Token, Self-Record-
Token, Self-Recording, and Student Teacher ing, and Student Teacher condition.
I. During this condition, the token system Token I. During this condition, the special
continued as part of the classroom program; class teacher reassumed the responsibility of con-
however, a student teacher was assigned the ducting the classroom program. The token sys-
responsibility of conducting the class and imple- tem remained integrated into the class structure;

however, student work records were collected. ment-by-Subjects analysis of variance design
This manipulation represented a replication of (Winer, 1971). Raw data (i.e., daily per cent
the previous Token I condition. accuracies for each of the subjects) were used in
this analysis (Gentile, Roden, and Klein, 1972).
RESULTS These results are presented in Table 3.
Figure 1 presents the daily averages of read- Table 3
ing performance for the class. The variability in Analysis of Variance Summary Table
the data within experimental conditions and the
small differences between treatment means (see Source of
Variation df MS F F.95
Table 2) necessitated further analysis by a Treat-
Treatments 4 8770.576 39.42 2.37
Table 2 Subject Obs. 1186 222.482
Number of observations (graded assignments), means, Total 1190
and standard deviations for each treatment condition.
Number of Standard Since the overall F value exceeded the critical
Treatments Observations Means Deviations value of F at the 0.95 level, post hoc compari-
Baseline 324 69.47 18.19 sons between treatment means were made using
Token and the Scheffe Test (Winer, 1971). This subanalysis
Self-Recording 586 82.92 13.70 indicated, as depicted in Figure 1, that there was
Token, Self- a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05)
Recording and between the baseline performance of the sub-
Student Teacher 147 84.37 11.07 jects and the four token conditions. However,
Token 85 82.26 14.18 differences between the means for the various
Token and token conditions were not statistically signifi-
Student Teacher 49 79.76 14.78 cant. Thus, when the token system was inte-





a. S
I 5 10 I 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 58 60 65 70 75 so 85 90 95 O00
Fig. 1. Average per cent accuracy on reading assignments for the class on successive school days.

grated into the classroom structure, a signifi- the study when agreement was not achieved.
cantly higher level of reading performance was A difference of only one percentage point be-
observed when compared to baseline perform- tween the records was observed on this occasion.
ance. In addition, no significant effects were Likewise, when the students kept their own
observed between the token, token and self- records, their reading performance did not differ
recording, token and student teacher, and token, significantly from those when they did not.
self-recording, and student teacher conditions. Thus, students were able to assume the re-
sponsibility for maintaining their own records
without a decrement in their reading perform-
This study attempted to investigate several The final purpose of this study was to de-
aspects of a token reinforcement system. The termine whether the management of the system
first area of concern was whether earning could be transferred to untrained teachers with-
relevant learning activities, instead of items out a decline in pupil performance. Two differ-
extrinsic to the curricular program, could be ent student teachers were used, and their ex-
employed for payoffs. The type of activities used posure to the students, the classroom, and the
in this system were supplemental in nature. The token system was minimal before they assumed
weekly payoffs essentially involved activities control of the class. Little difference in the read-
designed to develop specific reading and lan- ing performance of the subjects was observed
guage skills, such as spelling and pronunciation, between teacher supervision and student teacher
which the teacher considered to be a necessary supervision of the classroom during token con-
component of the curriculum. Generally, these ditions. In addition, the student teacher was able
activities were provided noncontingently on a to maintain reading performance at a level sig-
periodic basis before this study. Similarly, the nificantly higher than that of the baseline con-
extended payoffs were also designed for develop- ditions.
ing recreational and family living skills, which Although reading performance has rarely
were part of the special class curriculum. From been employed as an independent variable of a
the changes in classroom reading performance token system (Kazdin and Bootzin, 1972), the
observed, it appears that these educational ac- literature on token reinforcement generally indi-
tivities were effective reinforcers within this cates clearer effects than those observed in this
token structure. On no occasion throughout the study. Several alternatives may account for this.
study did the students fail to earn the necessary First, the sequence of reading material ap-
amount to purchase the payoffs. peared to have an effect upon the variability in
The second question studied was whether the performance observed. The reading series used
record-keeping aspects of the token system could did not generally have a consistent progression
be transferred from the classroom personnel to in difficulty. Students on one day may have
the students. During this study, the teacher col- worked on material that was essentially review,
lected data on pupil reading performance during and the next day on material in which a large
all conditions independent of those entered in number of new words or activities were intro-
student work records for the purpose of data duced. Systematic analysis and scheduling of ma-
continuity. In addition, these data provided a terials to develop consistency or use of self-
reliability check to determine the accuracy with instructional materials would possibly reduce the
which students kept their own records. With variability observed.
the possibility of cheating continually present, a Second, with per cent of correct answers used
comparison of student records with those of the as a dependent variable, the possibility of a ceil-
teacher revealed only one instance throughout ing effect is apparent. In this study, only 5% of

the assignments attained a grade of 100% dur- education class. Exceptional Children, 1970, 36,
ing baseline; however, approximately 30% at- 341-349.
Gentile, J. R., Roden, A. H., and Klein, R. D. An
tained this level during each of the token con- analysis-of-variance model for the intrasubject
ditions. Hence, the amount of change in reading replication design. Journal of Applied Behavior
performance may not have been reflected in the Analysis, 1972, 5, 193-198.
Kazdin, A. E. and Bootzin, R. R. The token econ-
measures obtained because they were insensitive omy: an evaluative review. Journal of Applied
to large changes in pupil performance. Behavior Analysis, 1972, 5, 343-372.
Although feedback concerning performance Kuypers, D., Becker, W., and O'Leary, K. How to
was given to the students, payoff for their out- make a token system fail. Exceptional Children,
1968, 35, 101-109.
put was delayed by as many as four or five days McLaughlin, T. F. and Malaby, J. Intrinsic reinforc-
during the token conditions. Even though this ers in a classroom token economy. Journal of Ap-
procedure was effective in changing perform- plied Behavior Analysis, 1972, 5, 263-270.
Nolan, P., Kunzelman, H., and Haring, N. Behavior
ance, a more immediate payoff, perhaps during modification in a junior high learning disabilities
the final period of each class day, may have classroom. Exceptional Children, 1967, 34, 163-
further enhanced the effects (O'Leary and 168.
O'Leary, K. and Becker, W. Behavioral modification
Becker, 1967). of an adjustment class: a token reinforcement
Finally, although the academic activities used program. Exceptional Children, 1967, 33, 637-
as payoffs had reinforcing effects upon reading 642.
Patterson, G. R. An application of conditioning
performance, clearer effects may have resulted techniques to the control of a hyperactive child.
by employing more artificial payoffs. Other In L. Ullman and L. Krasner (Eds.), Case studies
classroom privileges, such as special jobs or in behavior modification. New York: Holt, Rine-
projects, lend themselves to token systems (Mc- hart, and Winston, 1965. Pp. 370-375.
Phillips, E. L., Wolf, M., Bailey, J. S., and Fixsen, D.
Laughlin and Malaby, 1972). L. The Achievement Place model: community
Token reinforcement has been used in a based, family style, behavior programs for pre-
variety of special settings and shown effective delinquents. Unpublished paper presented at the
Delinquency Prevention Convention, Santa
with many behaviors, but analysis of reading Barbara, 1971.
performance for an entire class is not common. Quay, H., Werry, J., McQueen, M., and Sprague, R.
Also, programming into a token system, pupil L. Remediation of the conduct problem child in
responsibilities, e.g., self-recording, may enhance a special class setting. Exceptional Children, 1966,
32, 509-515.
the relevance and the interests of subjects of Sidman, M. Tactics of scientific research. New
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Winer, B. J. Statistical principles in experimental
design. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971.
REFERENCES Wolf, M. M., Giles, D., and Hall, R. V. Experi-
ments with token reinforcement in a remedial
Axelrod, S. Token reinforcement programs in classroom. Behaviour Research and Therapy,
special classes. Exceptional Children, 1971, 37, 1968, 6, 51-64.
37 1-379. Wolf, M. M. and Risley, T. Reinforcement: applied
Birnbrauer, J., Bijou, S., Wolf, M., and Kidder, J. research. In R. Glaser (Ed.), The nature of rein-
Programmed instruction in the classroom. In forcement. Columbus: Bobbs-Merrill, in press.
L. Ullman and L. Krasner (Eds.), Case studies in
behavior modification. New York: Holt, Rine-
hart, and Winston, 1965. Pp. 358-363. Received 2 June 1972.
Broden, M., Hall, R. V., Dunlap, A., and Clark, R. (Revision requested 1 September 1972.)
Effects of teacher attention and a token rein- (Revision requested 22 December 1972.)
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