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Veins are post-magmatica training,
most hydrothermal structures.
Minerals crystallize from an aquatic
phase of agreement of the
temperature and pressure (see
more information among other
factors). Fault zones may also show
a mineralization of tabular form
because of a metasomatosis from
rocks fractured in the fault zone.
Fracturing gave space for liquids
ascendant or descendant.
In conclusion the differences
La mineralización de una veta puede ser internamente
between the three groups are not so
heterogénea. Existen sectores de mediana ley o de alta ley o
sectores estériles. marked, i.e. perhaps there are
transitional structures between
groups for example between grain and mineralized fault zone.
Of course vein structures always show a relationship to the structural sector. The structure
tabular if same is a tectonic structure. Internal a vein mineralization also depends on
structures at intersection. Depends on the sequence of the tectonic phases: younger phases
in comparison of the structure does not affect the grain, the same age strongly control the
mineralization. The phases after the formation of the grain mainly cause displacement in the
Veins or vein structures usually appear in "sets" that is parallel or sub-parallel
structures that are lost after some hundred meters. In addition the syn-genetic faults
show mineralization.
Conclusion for vein deposits:

a) strong hit tectonic tectonic

b) structures syn - and postgeneticas
c) factors of formation: mineralization corresponds to temperature, pressure,
pH, fugacity of oxygen of the hydrothermal system, rock porosity, fracturing
of rock, kind of mineral
d) changes of the mineralization to depth, the Bullfight and the width of the
e) Comportamiento no-lineal de la distribución de la mineralización

Example of sub-parallel veins with

impact of syn-genetic structures

There is also mention that the more important deposits deposits in mining. The high laws
were a strong advantage.

Strong structures syn enrichment -

genetic plotting with isoleyes.
Streaks are extremely heterogeneous structures, i.e. to expect sudden changes in lithology
and of course the contents of mena. Heterogeneity is extended to three dimensions - the
Bullfight of the vein, the vein width and depth. Recommended:
a) make ditches:
Sampling (inside and outside the structure always perpendicular main.
b) drilling:
Is carried out from outside, cutting the grain in depth never from the inside of the
grain down, chasing the grain.

Drillings from the outside, cutting the grain have the advantage of crossing all the grain and
allow analysis of everything from the width of the structure, including the contacts. It is almost
the only way to obtain a complete picture of the entire structure.
But eye: the drilling through the structure at an angle forces that it requires to carry out a
correction of the apparent thickness to the actual thickness. Note in the image (left) that the
three drilling are not perpendicular of the grain - then produce an apparent thickness
thickness real is less, the perpendicular line agreement. Also shows that the same
installation of drilling machine can be several shots with different inclination.

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