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Summary and Analysis of “Don’t Make Teen Drinking Easier” by Joseph A. Califano, Jr.

Published in the “Washington Post” in 2003, Califano’s refutation of T.R. Reid’s article

argues that the legal drinking age should remain the same because of the negative effects alcohol

has on teenagers. He begins by refuting Reid’s contention that the United States’ legal drinking

age of twenty-one should be lowered because it creates problems with teens consuming alcohol.

Evidence shows European teens are more likely to “use and abuse” alcohol than American

adolescents (para. 2). Califano discusses the consequences of teen drinking that include an

increased likelihood of immoral and criminal behaviors, depression, suicide, and aggression.

Alcohol “seriously damages growth processes of the brain,” affecting youth more so than adults

(para. 4). Califano also questions why teens drink. He rejects the argument Reid presents that

the legal drinking age is the cause. Reid contends that the problems occur when teens drink

because they have to do it in hiding, without supervision. A recent report shows “binge drinking”

directly relates to pressures of fitting in and partaking in sexual acts (para. 6). Through

advertisement on popular youth programs, the alcohol industry appeals to an adolescent

audience. Appealing to teens results in a “good long-term investment” for the alcohol industry

as young drinkers are more likely to become alcoholics in the future (para. 7). Beneficially, the

majority of youths in the United States support the present legal drinking age. Califano believes

that issues of teen drinking must be addressed, beginning with discussing the consequences

amongst parents, instead of allowing teens to legally buy alcohol.

Califano uses statistics comparing teen drinking in the United States with that in other

countries to prove Reid’s argument invalid and to confirm his own view that underage drinking

is harmful to the future of our youth. Califano also presents effective evidence via pertinent facts
about the effects and causes of teen drinking in the United States.

The use of comparative statistics refute Reid’s argument that the legal drinking age of

twenty-one causes more teen alcohol use in the U.S. than in other countries where teens drink

legally. In 2001 the Justice Department released a study showing that fifty percent of British

teenagers binge drink, while a mere twenty-four percent of American teenagers do. Also, forty-

eight percent of British teens consumed alcohol within the past month, compared to twenty-one

percent of American teens (para. 2). Califano includes another study from 2001, by the World

Health Organization, which found that only twenty-eight percent of American fifteen-year-olds

have been intoxicated twice or more, compared to fifty-two percent of British teens as well as

teens from a wide sample of nations (para. 3). A trend of double the American teen drinking rate

overwhelms the audience, and once again confirms the idea of a twenty-one-year-old drinking

age as ideal. The author uses a credible source, the Justice Department, to encourage the

audience to trust him. By presenting this data, Califano persuades the audience to believe that a

drinking age of twenty-one prevents problems in the U.S. rather than producing them. The author

continues to prove the data’s credibility through numerous reliable sources, in addition to similar

numbers to previous statistics. With this effective evidence, Califano affirms that the legal

drinking age of twenty-one improves society rather than causes problems.

Califano reinforces his line of reasoning with facts detailing the causes and effects of teen

drinking. He points to a Rand study that reported that teens that drank regularly had an increased

risk of developing dependencies on nicotine and illegal drugs, stealing, and performing worse

academically. The American Medical Association’s research showed that underage drinking

could cause irreversible damage and prevent brain growth. Teen drinkers “perform worse in

school, are more likely to fall behind and have increased risk of social problems, depression,
suicidal thoughts and violence” (para. 4). By mentioning health risks, Califano persuades

through appeal to the reader’s concern for teen health and morality. This evidence is especially

convincing and credible because, again, he uses two highly credible sources to support his

position. He continues by giving possible reasons why teens drink, contrary to Reid’s claim

about prohibition. Focus groups suggest “binge drinking” is linked to social insecurities and the

pressure to be sexually active (para. 6). He concludes by listing the influences on teens to drink,

which include genetics, social pressure, stress, alcohol availability, and the media geared towards

teens. Califano’s last attempt to appeal to the audience succeeds through explaining how alcohol

advertisement targets teens, probably the most vulnerable aged consumers. According to The

Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth, the alcohol industry targets advertisements towards

teen boys through commercials on common television shows. The use of reliable sources once

again establishes the information to be credible. There is an emotional pull with this evidence

because of the accusations of targeting these “vulnerable” teens. Cause and effect support uses

logical thought processes, winning over the audience’s complete opinion of twenty-one as the

valid drinking age in the United States.

By comparing the drinking ages and drinking rates of the United States and other

countries, Califano proves that teens are less likely to consume alcoholic beverages under current

United States law. By examining the causes and consequences of teenage drinking, the author

creates an awareness of the fact that fewer problems arise when a country enforces a legal

drinking age of twenty-one. Through excellent argument and persuasion, Califano convinces the

audience by appealing to reason, significantly contributing to the debate.

Work Cited
Califano, Joseph A, Jr. "Don’t Make Teen Drinking Easier." Washington Post 11
May 2003. Rpt. in Read, Reason, Write An Argument Text And Reader . Ed.
Dorothy U. Seyler. 7th ed. N.p.: McGraw-Hill, 2005.

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