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WORKSHEET – 1(Chapter 1 )
DATE: 12. 5. 18

Q1. Fill in the blanks :

1. _______ is the brain of the Computer System

2. ______ is the collection of raw facts
3. The process of turning data into information is known as ________________
4. 1 KB = …. (ii) I MB = … (iii) 1GB = …. (iv) 1TB = …
5. The highest memory unit is _______
6. The elementary unit of the memory is ________
7. The group of 4 bits is called as ______ and 8 bits is called as ______________
8. _____________ are the physical tangible components of a computer system.
9. The Indian supercomputer that made a mark in the world market is ________
10. ________________ has been listed as the 9th fastest supercomputer of Asia Pacific region
11. _______________ is the first programmer
12. Operating System and Language Processors are together called as ______________________
13. ________________ are the devices that surround the system unit
14. The invention of _________________ created the era of storing and retrieving information
15. _____________ are used in second generation computers
16. The third generation used ____________________ for internal operations
17. ______________ are used in First Generation computers
18. Microprocessors are used in ____________ generation of computers
19. Linus Torvalds released an operating system Kernel called ____________
20. __________ operating system was developed at Bell Labs in 1969
21. _________________ and _________________ are the initial computers to use GUI
22. _________________ can store enormous data in the space of 400 nano meters
23. The power of supercomputer is measured in terms of __________________________
24. __________________ constructed by __________ was the first electromechanical computer
25. _____________is the interface between the user and the hardware
26. GIGO stands for _____________________________________


Q2. Answer the following – 1 Mark Questions

27. Expand ENIAC and UNIVAC. ?

28. What are the languages used in 1st generation and 2nd generation Programming language evolution?
29. What is a transistor?
30. What is superconductor?
31. What is a Liveware?
32. Give some examples for 3GL languages?
33. Give some examples for 5GL languages?
34. What is the feature of 4GL ? Give an example
35. What is firmware?
36. Expand VLSI and IC?
37. What are Input and Output devices?
38. Write the Name of 4 Operating systems that are used worldwide?
39. What is the difference between RAM and ROM?
40. What is a microprocessor?
41. What is stored programming concept? Who invented it?
42. What are the limitations of computers?
43. What are the strengths of a computer
44. What are the functional components of a computer?
45. What is a microcomputer?
46. Arrange the following in the increasing order of speed and capacity
a. Super
b. Micro
c. Mainframe
d. Mini


Q3. Answer the following – 2 Mark Questions

47. What is the function of ALU?

48. What are minicomputers?
49. What are the functions of Babbage’s Difference Engine?
50. Arrange the following in the increasing order of memory
a. ZB
b. YB
c. Bronto Byte
d. Geop Byte
e. PB
f. EB
g. TB
h. GB
i. MB
j. KB
51. Write the functions of mainframe computer
52. What are the types of computers classified based on operation?
53. Write shortly about Pascal’s adding machine?
54. Write shortly about the Analytical engine?
55. What are the major strength and weaknesses of computer
56. Why is a secondary memory important in a computer?
57. Write the function of the main memory
58. How is calculation done in Abacus
59. What are the areas that uses fifth generation computers
60. What are the most popular web applications
61. What do you mean by Application software
62. Which type of computer contains several processors running together? Give an example.
63. What is the difference between system software and application software
64. How are human compared with computers with respect to speed and capacity of information processing?
65. How is a compiler different from an interpreter?


Q4. Answer the following – 3 Mark Questions

66. Explain about the two components of the CPU

67. Explain about Supercomputers? Give the name of the supercomputers developed in India?
68. Draw a block diagram of the main units of a computer hardware system
69. Briefly explain the basic architecture of computers
70. What are the functions of Assembler, Complier and Interpreter?
71. What are the functions of Operating System?
72. Why is a binary language required in a computer?
73. How are computers classified? How are they different from one another?
74. Compare the features of each of the generations of computers?
75. What are the categories of digital computers?
76. What are the various programming languages used in the evolution of computers?


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