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AUTHOR: Kiruja E. K., Elegwa Mukuru

YEAR: 2013

TITLE: Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance In Public Middle Level Technical

Training Institutions In Kenya

PLACE: Kenya

PROBLEM STATEMENT: Every year, thousands of students leave the regular formal
educational institutions in Kenya, but they cannot progress to higher levels of formal education.
About 40 per cent of the graduates do not progress to secondary level while close to 10 per cent of
the graduates proceed to university level from secondary level. The TIVET sub-sector offers
programmes that target those students who do not progress to higher levels of formal education.
In this way, they too can acquire skills and competencies for engagement in wage employment or
self-employment. However, for many years, the planning, financing and delivery of TIVET
programmes in Kenya has been a source of concern. These institutions require motivated
employees to function effectively. Although several studies have pointed out some factors that are
responsible for performance in these institutions, no study has established the effect of motivation
on employee performance in the Public Middle Level Technical Institutions in Kenya.

OBJECTIVES: The study sought to establish the effect of motivation on employee performance
in the Public Middle Level Technical Training Institutions in Kenya.

METHODOLOGY: The study adopted a descriptive research design

FINDINGS: Most employees in Public Middle Level Technical Training Institutions in Kenya
nowadays hold diplomas and degrees in various disciplines of studies. The study found that
employees are not satisfied with their pay and work environment.

GAPS: employees are the driving force of all institutions so it is essential that institutions strive
to motivate and hold on to the best employees. The quality of human resource management is a
critical influence on the performance of the institution.


YEAR: 2013

TITLE: The Impact of Employee Motivation On Organisational Performance (A Study Of Some

Selected Firms In Anambra State Nigeria)

PLACE: Nigeria

PROBLEM STATEMENT: The performance of organization and employee motivation has been
the focus of intensive research effort in recent times. How well an organization motivates its
workers in order to achieve their mission and vision is of paramount concern. Employees in both
public and private sector organization are becoming increasingly aware that motivations increases
productivity. From the foregoing, and looking at today’s economic trend, it is evident that the pace
of change in our business environment presents fresh challenges daily. Despite these, no research
work has targeted to investigate the impact of employee motivation and organizational
performance in Anambra State Nigeria. To this effect, this study attempts to empirically analyze
how motivational tools can be used by manufacturing firms in Anambra State to effectively derive
plans for growth and development.

OBJECTIVES: The general objective of the study is to investigate the place of motivation in
increasing organizational productivity among manufacturing firms in Anambra State Nigeria.

METHODOLOGY: Descriptive survey design

FINDINGS: The study reveals that extrinsic motivation given to workers in an organization has
a significant influence on the workers performance. This is in line with equity theory which
emphasizes that fairness in the remuneration package tends to produce higher performance from

GAPS: It is imperative for the organization to consider the needs and feelings of its work force
and not just overlook them in order to safeguard industrial harmony, because “a happy worker they
say is a productive worker”. More research should be conducted on the relationship and influence
of rewards on workers performance using many private and public organizations. It is important
for further studies to be carried out in order to do justice to all the factors that influence workers

AUTHOR: Epetimehin F. M

YEAR: 2011

TITLE: Market Segmentation: A Tool for Improving Customer Satisfaction and Retention in
Insurance Service Delivery

PLACE: Osun State, Nigeria

PROBLEM STATEMENT: Increasingly more firms have been focusing on the advantages of
placing more emphasis on defensive strategies (designed to retain existing customers) than on
offensive strategies (designed to attract new customers). The existing customers are already
familiar with the company’s products and services. A portion of this group is likely to be positively
predisposed towards the products and services of the company. Hence the focus is therefore on
individual customers instead of traditional market share.

OBJECTIVES: This paper looks at the use of market segmentation as a tool for improving
customer satisfaction in insurance service delivery.


FINDINGS: The paper argues that in spite of the egalitarian approach that underpins the
marketing of insurance, market segmentation may be used to better serve the needs of their
customers. In utilizing market segmentation, the insurance companies must pay particular attention
to barriers that may negatively impact the effectiveness of the market segmentation exercise
GAPS: Despite their attention that the literature has given to the application in the wider financial
services sector, the implementation aspect and problems associated with it have been identified as
key areas for future research. Concern has been expressed about the degree to which many
managers understand and implement the segmentation concept. When taken as a whole, the
literature seems to indicate that there may be a number of barriers that inhibit the successful
implementation of the market segmentation process.

AUTHOR: Arthur Nuwagaba and Hope Nzewi

YEAR: 2013

TITLE: Major Environmental Constraints on Growth of Micro and Small Enterprises in Uganda:
A Survey of Selected Micro and Small Enterprises in Mbarara Municipality

PLACE: Mukono, Uganda

PROBLEM STATEMENT: Micro and Small enterprises (henceforth, MSEs) play a key role in
economic growth and industrial development of a country. They make vital contributions in
improving economic and social sectors of a country through stimulating large scale employment,
investment, development of indigenous skill and technology, promotion of entrepreneurship and
innovativeness, enhancing exports, and also building an industrial base at different scales.
However, Ugandan micro- and small enterprises (MSEs) still perform poorly as a result of a
combination of factors ranging from internal to external factors.

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this paper is to find out major environmental factors that constrain the
growth of MSE’s taking Mbarara Municipality as a case study.

METHODOLOGY: Survey Design

FINDINGS: The results reveal that MSEs’ growth potential is negatively affected by limited
access to productive resources (finance and business services), by high taxes, lack of market
access, erratic and costly electricity, lack of infrastructure, lack of human resources, and
competitive practices that were dysfunctionally imitative rather than innovative.

GAPS: It is arguable that though some environmental factors are constraints to the growth of
MSE’s, it should not be taken for granted that where these environmental factors prevail, business
growth is curtailed.

AUTHOR: Babalola Oluwayemi Oginni & Abel Segun Adesanya

YEAR: 2013

TITLE: Business Environmental Factors: Implications on the Survival and Growth of Business
Organisations in the Manufacturing Sector of Lagos Metropolis

PLACE: Nigeria

PROBLEM STATEMENT: The Nigerian business environment in the last one decade has
witnessed unsatisfactory progress cumulating into retarded growth rate, high rate of
unemployment, low industrial output, coupled with poor demand in terms of services and tangible
products. Energy crisis continued unabated forcing majority of the organisations to depend wholly
on generator as a constant source of generating electricity, supply of petroleum product is epileptic
in addition to frequent changes in pump price resulting into increase in the general price level of
all products without any exception due to cobweb effect; most of the organisations are ravaged
with strikes from time to time. The relationship between industrial representatives and government
institutions and representatives keep nose-diving virtually on all matters, criminal activities
increasing at alarming and uncontrollable rate, exercising excessive control through plethora of
rules and regulations with stringent conditions, tax policies without adequate provision of
infrastructural facilities to ameliorate business operations. In the face of all these challenges, how
effectively can a business organisation respond to its basic operational functions of survival,
growth and profit maximisation.

OBJECTIVES: The main objective of the study was to examine the environmental factors in
business environment of manufacturing organisations with implications on the survival and growth
of business organisations in the Lagos metropolitan area of Nigeria.

METHODOLOGY: Survey Design

FINDINGS: it was found that most of the factors identified as the environmental factors in the
environment of the business organisations of the manufacturing sector have significant effect on
the survival and growth of business organisations in the manufacturing sector, survival and
performance. Electricity is considered as one of the most important factors in the survival and
growth of business organisations in the manufacturing sector simply because power generation is
the sole and heartbeat of operations in this sector and on the basis of this premise, it is clear why
majority of the manufacturing organisations in Lagos being the economic nerve of the nation are
constantly relocating to the neighbouring countries because of the epileptic supply of electricity
from time to time in Lagos and in the country in general. Competition is another factor that is of
importance which has equally threatened the survival and growth of business organisations in the
manufacturing sector as a result of influx of substitute products from neighbouring countries which
is even considered to be cheaper than those manufactured in the country.

GAPS: Evaluation of the environmental factors influence on the survival and growth of a business
using econometric models. Correlational study of internal environmental factors of business and
business survival.

AUTHOR: Neelam Bari , Uzma Arif , Almas Shoaib

YEAR: 2013

TITLE: Impact of Non-Financial Rewards on Employee Attitude &Performance in the

workplace” A case study of Business Institutes of Karachi

PLACE: Karachi

PROBLEM STATEMENT: Employee Performance plays a vital role in the Organizational

growth. High Performance of employee depends on what kind of reward policies an organization
offers. Several methods are used to increase employee performance. Reward policies are one of
the important practices of Human Resource among which Monetary rewards directly effects
employee performance and also organization offers non-monetary rewards to increase the
motivational level of employees which will help increase the performance of employee and result
will be the increased productivity of organization.

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the study is to find out the impact of non-financial rewards on
employee attitude and to get information about the factors which affect their performance at
workplace in the business institutes of Karachi.

METHODOLOGY: Survey Design

FINDINGS: the results showed that feedback to employees, freedom, career development plan,
and valuation of employees, learning programs, open & comfortable work environment and good
supervisory relations, all these factors positively impacts employee attitude and performance in
the workplace.

GAPS: Institutes has an increasingly competitive environment, so by revising their non-monetary

reward policies that has positive influence on employee attitude and performance, they can help
retain their employees. They would get benefit by focusing and effectively using the factors that
has positive influence. Recognizing employees effort can impact positively not only on employees
performance but also upon organization’s image. Non- financial rewards has long –run impact , so
this is strongly recommended to institutes that turn their focus on intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.
A public applaud and a tap on shoulder could be impact greatly on employee’s performance.

AUTHOR: Ezeani Nneka Salome, Oladele Rotimi

YEAR: 2013

TITLE: Implications Of Training And Development Programmes On Accountants Productivity

In Selected Business Organizations In Onitsha, Anambra State, Nigeria

PLACE: Nigeria

PROBLEM STATEMENT: Most of the employers have reported the inefficiency of some staff
in business organization in Nigeria, though this efficiency could be attributed to their non
possession of the requisite skills and competencies. The adverse effect of nepotism, god fatherism
and favoritism during recruitment exercise has effects on productivity. The resultant effect of this
is that such accountant employed without due employment procedures find it extremely difficult
to cope with the ever improving technologically business environment, the problem of the study
put in a question form is, what type of training should the accountant be exposed to enable him
move with the demands of the ever-changing business world?

OBJECTIVES: The main objective of this is to find out the adequacy of training and development
programme provided to the accountants in selected business organizations in Onitsha, Anambra
State of Nigeria.

METHODOLOGY: Survey Design

FINDINGS: Findings shows that induction or orientation, foundation, refresher, in-house, off-
the-job pupilage, workshops seminar, etc are the most common development programmes
available to accountants in these business organizations. It was also found that these development
programmes were adequately provided for the accountants by the employers of these organizations
and very few organizations do not meet up with the training demands probably because of its cost

GAPS: For the organization and government to make training and personnel development to
become effective in the business cycle, they have to tackle the challenges of introducing new
orientations on training contents, training evaluation, attitudes to training and training utilization

AUTHOR: Onuka, A.O.U. & Ajayi, Kassim O.

YEAR: 2012

TITLE: Effects Of Manpower Development On Workers’ Job Performance

PLACE: Nigeria

PROBLEM STATEMENT: Human resource is very critical to any organizational survival and
accomplishment of the desired goals of any organisation. However, it has been generally observed
that there has been a progressive decline in the ability of the available manpower in Nigeria to
cope with the challenges facing many organizations. This trend could be viewed to have resulted
inadequate level of skill acquisition by the employees or their inability to keep abreast with the
new modern technological development because of the absence of appropriate and sufficient staff
training efforts by organisations.

OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the study were to explain the concept of manpower
development, determine if manpower development has effect on organizational performance,
ascertain how to identify training and development needs in an organization, determine if lack of
manpower development programmes leads to low productivity, and ascertain the link between
poor development programmes and labour turnover.

METHODOLOGY: Survey Design

FINDINGS: Findings revealed that capital, equipment, manpower among others contributed to
the company’s success. The most significant of these was the human factor. This is so, because it
is the human who pools other resources together for objective realization. Thus, manpower
development should be given top priority management attention. Also, human beings constitute
the ultimate basis of a nation’s wealth and an organization’s assets. Therefore, it is imperative for
the organization to continuously build the capacity of its human capital on whom the huge
responsibilities of achieving the organizational goals rest.

GAPS: Manpower development should be a matter of organizational policy and should be

continuous rather than hand picking of employees who the management is pleased with for a
training and/or development exercise.

AUTHOR: Izidor Nwokocha, Ph.D

YEAR: 2015

TITLE: Employers and the Enhancement of Industrial Harmony in Private Sector Organizations
in Nigeria

PLACE: Nigeria

PROBLEM STATEMENT: Given the intense competition among businesses in the industry, the
industrial relations culture and climate will obviously determine the survival and failure of private
sector organizations in Nigeria. Labour-management disagreement remains crucial because it is
firm-specific and therefore can be addressed by harmonious industrial relations. It is against this
backdrop, that this paper examines the challenging roles of management in enhancing industrial
harmony in private sector organizations in Nigeria.

OBJECTIVES: This paper identified the factors that undermine industrial harmony in private
sector organizations in Nigeria; examined the strategies/methods employed by management to
enhance industrial harmony in the private sector organizations in Nigeria, taking into consideration
the effect of globalization; investigated why productivity and growth are not fully enhanced in the
private sector organizations in spite of formalized labour-management relations; and proffered
suggestions on how to realize this elusive industrial harmony.

METHODOLOGY: explorative discourse

FINDINGS: The study revealed that the challenge which organizations in Nigeria, especially the
private sector must embrace to enhance productivity is to fashion out a framework based on
domestic conditions to engage with employees and their representatives to forge a pragmatic
partnership in drawing up and execution of organizations‟ policies.

GAPS: instituting joint committee/expanded collective bargaining framework, creating work

culture that is based on collaboration and team work, participatory management, and
effective/restructuring of communication process

AUTHOR: Dr.Rajendra Singh, Nina Jain,

YEAR: 2014

TITLE: To Study The Effectiveness Of Hrm Practice In Textile Industries, In Madhya Pradesh.,

PLACE: Nigeria

PROBLEM STATEMENT: HR policies provide an organization with a mechanism to manage

risk by staying up to date with current trends in employment standards and legislation. The policies
must be framed in a manner that the companies vision & the human resource helping the company
to achieve it or work towards it are at all levels benefited and at the same time not deviated from
their main objective. Each company has a different set of circumstances, and so develops an
individual set of human resource policies

OBJECTIVES: The main purpose of this paper is to identify the prevailing HRM practices and
then analyse the effectiveness of these practices in Textile industries in Madhya pradesh


FINDINGS: This study has come out with a clear inference that out of the Eight main HRM
practices six practices namely Manpower planning practices,Training and development practices,
Performance appraisal practices, Compensation and incentive practices, Unionization practices,
Team work & employee participation practices helps in achieving business objectives and
therefore have positive effect on the growth and development of Textile industries .On the other
hand, two practices namely Staffing practices and working conditions and other related practices
does not help in achieving business objectives and therefore have no effect on growth and
development of textile industries of Madhya Pradesh,India.

GAPS: Manpower planning practices, Staff pratices and participation

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