Fi Me 24092015

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Durability Test Session according to ISO 24789 Standards

Test session carried out from 2014-10-07 to 2014-10-22 for:
Agfa-Gevaert N.V.

By presenting this Diploma, FIME confirms that Agfa- The tests were performed following the test methods
Gevaert N.V. has passed a test session that conforms* to below:
the ISO 24789 test plan.  ISO/IEC 24789-1:2012 - Identification cards – Card
Service Life – Part 1: Application Profiles and
This test session was carried out on the Durability of ID requirements
cards provided by Agfa-Gevaert N.V., and on received on:  ISO/IEC 24789-2:2011 - Identification cards – Card
2014-10-02. Service Life – Part 2: Method of Evaluation
 ISO/IEC 10373-1:2006 - Identification cards – Test
Identification of the sample: methods – General characteristics
 Name: PETixTM PETF OLED (contact card)
 Number of samples: 15 The test plan was performed considering an ageing & usage
 Chip: Module Contact Samsung 32K class 3C:
 Ageing and usage simulation (sequence repeated three
The procedures that relate to the execution of the tests times):
are described in FIME’s Internal Reference Quality o Thermal & Humidity Ageing (ISO24789-2 §5.7)
Assurance Plan: QAP_CARD_DURABILITY. o Dynamic Bending Stress (ISO10373-1 §5.8)
 Evaluation tests: Peel strength and micro-module

The test session results show that these ID cards meet the requirements necessary to pass successfully a 3C ageing & Usage
simulation according to ISO 24798-1 standard (simulation based on an expected card service life of 10 years), as detailed in the
report reference number n°C14RAP10-02-3_PETix.

Approved by Y LINOT

*Conformity limited to results and remarks described in the reference test report mentioned above.

Disclaimer: This diploma is delivered by FIME’s test laboratory. FIME declines all responsibility for any use of this document by either the receiving company
or by a third party. This diploma is valid uniquely with the reference test report(s) mentioned above. This diploma is valid uniquely for the ID cards mentioned above.

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