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Running head: JOURNAL FOUR 1

Journal four

Erika Paredes

Fresno Pacific University


Philosophy of Education

A teacher learns everyday as they are teaching young children. As an educator I

have learned that we are who help children get ready for their future. We are the

educators that help children love school and help them find a future. A good teacher

encourages children to never give up. We show as educators show them that we care

about them. We also show emotions and help them socialize with others around them.

We guide them through school by not just helping the children, but by also helping the

teachers who help educate them as they go. Families and the community have helped

me in my education. The families of the children play a huge role in the development

of their children. As preschool students they want their parents to be involved. That is

why as an educator we do activities where the families could spend quality time with

their child at the center. As well as the community we bring out community helpers to

the center. The children need to be encouraged to meet others and help them get

informed. What better way than as an educator to allow and encourage the children to

learn more about the communities where they live in.

As a current educator I have learned many different ways in how to help

children learn. It takes time and practice to help children overcome different situations

they might face. I have learned best that as preschool educator children learn best by

hands on activities. As well as teacher directed activities. Children learn differently

because not every child learns at the same pace. However, every child has the desire

of learning. That's why as an educator we help those children learn. Many children

and families could face obstacles that they need guidance as well. A child could have

a speech problem, behavior, problem, or they need some type of resource where they

could find help for their child. As an educator we are informed to help those families

to find resources that they could get in contact with. If we cannot help them in one

way we could help families in another.

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