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Do we live with technology or for technology?

Nowadays, almost every person has a mobile

phone and has such a dependency that cannot leave home without it. We are creating new
necessities that did not exist in the past and that, many people will find difficult to understand,
we can live without using technology every single second in our lifes!

Although technology’s objective is not solving human problems, because in many cases
technology is invented and then it is given a practical application, it is very helpful in many
areas of our life and saves us lots of time. But the problem comes when we turn new
technology into a necessity, and it starts distracting us on what is really important. According
to philosophers from the Ancient Greek we should use our free time wisely: “Greeks used to
spend their free time on arts and contemplation, activities that are distinguished of being
desired by itselves: they are made for itselves and not for power, money or honor” According
to this quote, chatting too much time with the mobile phone, for example, is not a very wise
use of time.

Apart from that, people that are using constantly phones or computers feel that time passes
way much quicker, according a James Look University research: "It's almost as though we're
trying to emulate the technology and be speedier and more efficient," McLoughlin said. So the
good news is that time isn't actually speeding up, only our brains are.

We need to be aware that we may be wasting a lot of time on technology and trying to do
everything quicker and we are not spending enough time on things that we really love to do.
So, if there is something life cannot give you back and is very limited that is time, spend it
Los griegos solían dedicar su tiempo de ocio a las artes y a la contemplación, actividades que
se distinguen por ser deseables por sí mismas: se realizan por ellas mismas y no por dinero,
poder u honores.

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