Terminal Space EdOWar Spacer Class

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Spacers are opportunists who wander the galaxy in search of fame and fortune. Many have prior naval
experience with one of the numerous barbarian space navies; they commonly adopt flamboyant military
ranks and titles. They must be proficient engineers to keep their starships running efficiently, and skilled
scientists to deal with the various anomalies, strange phenomena and alien species they encounter in
their far flung travels through the cosmos.

Technology is the prime attribute for Spacing Men. Intelligence is also an important attribute.

Spacers may use any type of armor and most weapons. They may not use heavy modern/advanced
weapons (machinegun, RPG launcher, flamer or plasma gun).

Spacers suffer no penalties in Zero G combat.

Spacing Man Advancement

Level X.P. Rank HD BHB ST Repair Science W.S.
1 0 Ensign 1 +0 15 15% 10% 5%
2 1,500 Lieutenant, jg 1+1 +0 14 20% 15% 8%
3 3,000 Lieutenant 2 +1 13 25% 25% 12%
4 6,000 Lt. Commander 2+1 +1 12 30% 35% 16%
5 12,000 Commander 3 +2 11 40% 45% 21%
6 24,000 Second Officer 3+1 +2 10 50% 55% 26%
7 48,000 First Officer 4 +3 9 60% 65% 33%
8 96,000 Captain 5+1 +3 8 70% 75% 40%
9 192,000 Commodore 6+2 +4 7 80% 85% 50%
10 384,000 Admiral 6+3 +5 6 90% 95% 60%

Spacing Guild: A Spacer may opt to be a member of the Spacing Guild. If they do so, they may start
with a small starship, usually a rust bucket scout ship, courier ship or tramp freighter. If they opt to start
with a starship they will be responsible for paying its monthly lease to the Spacing Guild, in addition to
regular maintenance, docking fees, fuel and repairs. The leasing fee is 2% of the ship’s total cost per
month. If the ship is destroyed, the character will have to find a way to replace it.

At a later date the spacer may petition the Spacing Guild to lease a larger ship, if desired. Approval of
the request is contingent on the spacer demonstrating sufficient competency (by experience level), the
ability to maintain the monthly fees for a larger ship and hull availability.

Level Maximum Hull Size Lease

1-2 LF (Light Freighter) hulls
3-4 FR (Frigate) hulls
5-6 CR (Cruiser) hulls
7-8 SF (Super Freighter) hulls
9-10 CS (Capital Ship) hulls

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