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Policy Notes
Surian sa mga Pag-aaral
Pangkaunlaran ng Pilipinas
August 2001 No. 2001-09

ment of human resources is a preparation for the

Are Filipino countr y's professionals for foreign competition here and
abroad. And on the other hand, it is also an investment
Professionals Ready in human capital and part of the expansion of the infra-
structure of the economy.
to Meet International
This Notes reviews the current process of prepar-
Competition? ing, developing and upgrading Filipino professionals in
the context of international competition and suggests
various courses of action to help improve said process.

Tereso S. Tullao Jr.* GATS: framework for promoting global trade

in services
The General Agreement on Trade in Ser vices (GATS)
laid down the general legal framework that would govern
the promotion of global trade in ser vices. The agreement
consists of a set of rules limiting the inter vention of gov-
ernments and other institutions in the global trade in ser-
ith the conclusion of the Uruguay Round

W and the relaxation of trade in commodities,

trade in ser vices, including professional
ser vices, will take a center stage in the next round of
vices through the removal of hindrances to market entry
and provision of equal treatment of foreign ser vice pro-

trade negotiations under the World Trade Organization Upon accession to the Agreement, member econo-
(WTO). The expansion of trade in the context of a growing mies are required to make commitments along the four
ser vices sector will have a significant impact on human modes of supply and identify their limitations on market
resource development. For the Philippines, this means
that there is need to improve its human resource capa- PIDS Policy Notes are observations/analyses written by PIDS
bilities in order to maximize whatever it may gain and researchers on certain policy issues. The treatise is holistic in approach
minimize the costs it may bear in the process of liberal- and aims to provide useful inputs for decisionmaking.
ization in the trade in ser vices. More specifically, for the This Notes is based on PASCN Discussion Paper No. 2000-01
countr y's professionals, it relates to having them ready entitled "An evaluation on the readiness of the Filipino professionals
to compete internationally. On the one hand, improve- to meet international standards" by the same author under the aus-
pices of the Philippine APEC Study Center Network (PASCN). The
views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect
The author is Ph.D. in International Economic Relations and Pro- those of PIDS or PASCN or any of the study's sponsors.
fessor, De La Salle University.
2 August 2001

access, national treatment and additional commitments. Several factors inhibit the growth of research in
The Philippines is one of the 45 member economies in graduate schools in the Philippines. One is that both the
the categor y with the highest number of commitments, faculty and students in the graduate school are on a part-
having at least 80 committed sectors for liberalization. time basis. Two is that the graduate programs are con-
centrated only in two fields, namely, education and Mas-
Higher education in the Philippines: ter of Business Administration (MBA) programs. There
a quality profile are ver y few graduate programs in other disciplines. And
Before we look at the factors that may determine three, since many of the HEIs are privately-funded, it is
the readiness of Filipino professionals to compete, it is ver y difficult to finance research activities particularly in
best to take a look at a brief profile of the quality of the the sciences.
countr y's higher education system.
There are also other indicators of the poor quality
The super vision of institutions of higher learning in of HEIs in the Philippines, namely, (a) low per formance of
the Philippines is assigned to the Commission on Higher graduates in national licensure examinations, (b) limited
Education (CHED) which was created under Republic Act number of schools with accredited programs, (c) ver y few
(R.A.) 7722 or the “Higher Education Act of 1994.” The institutions cited as centers of excellence, and (d) the
role of the CHED was further articulated under R.A. 8292 inclusion of only four universities among the top universi-
or the “Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997." ties in Asia.

The number of higher education institutions (HEIs) Evaluating the Filipino professionals' readiness
in the countr y has been increasing in recent years, from to compete
809 in 1991 to 1,379 in 1998. Private schools accounted After a glimpse of the situation in the country's HEIs,
for 81 percent of the total number of HEIs and 75 per- how ready can one say are the Filipino professionals to
cent of all students in 1998. Programs in business ad- face competition?
ministration and related courses have consistently at-
tracted the bulk of students in higher education. We looked into a number of areas affecting the de-
velopment of our professionals and we summarize the
In terms of faculty, several studies have revealed results below.
the relative academic inadequacy of teachers, with just
a little over 7 percent of them holding doctorate degrees Curricular programs and licensing
and 25 percent holding master’s degrees. Many of them requirements of selected professions
are overworked, carr ying heavy teaching loads per se- In terms of competence, how do the Filipino profes-
mester. sionals compare with their ASEAN peers?

In the field of research, the situation in many edu- In order to have a basis of comparison, our study
cational institutions is ver y discouraging. Many of the reviewed the curricular programs of various disciplines in
teachers do not have the necessar y qualifications to con- the countr y, including accountancy, civil engineering,
duct independent studies. As a consequence, there is teacher education, mechanical engineering, electrical en-
hardly any research activity going on in Philippine col- gineering, industrial engineering, nursing, architecture,
leges and universities. Because of their heavy teaching law, pharmacy and general medicine, in connection with
load, too, the teachers can hardly do anything beyond their course offerings and academic units required to com-
academic instruction. plete the programs. Said programs were then compared
with similar academic programs in selected ASEAN coun-

Policy Notes
3 No. 2001-09

tries. A similar procedure was done with the licensing have been deployed for overseas employment. More than
requirements of selected professions. half of these deployed overseas workers are composers
and per forming artists. In fact, almost half (49%) of the
The results and analysis indicate that the compe- total professional technical workers deployed for over-
tence of Filipino professionals is deemed comparable with seas employment are choreographers and dancers. If we
that of their ASEAN counterparts. remove this group from the total number of profession-
als deployed overseas (since choreographers and danc-
Continuing professional education ers are not professionally licensed under the PRC), the
Continuing education encompasses practices and remaining number of professionals absorbed by the ex-
activities pertaining to the training of individuals after ternal market then would constitute about 9 percent of
they have left the formal educational system. It includes the total stock of professionals in the register of the PRC.
continuing professional education and further nonformal
and informal education and training (Edralin 1999).
Conclusion and recommendations
In the Philippines, the administration of continuing To reap the benefits of an expanded global trade in
professional education is primarily a responsibility of the ser vices as the GATS is fully implemented, there is a
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), together with need to upgrade the Philippines' human resources
the appropriate professional organizations and the CHED. through various forms of investment in human capital.
The PRC requires that all licensed professionals must This upgrading process is not intended to protect Filipino
complete 60 units of continuing professional education professionals from foreign competition but more impor-
(CPE) credits within three years for baccalaureate degree tantly to build a strong human resource infrastructure in
holders and 30 CPE credits for nonbaccalaureate degree the light of a globalized trading environment. More spe-
holders. Noncompliance means nonrenewal of license cifically, our readiness to compete internationally should
and the possibility of delisting from the roster of profes- be viewed in terms of the ability of our professionals to
sionals authorized to practice in the Philippines. Unfortu- meet the standards and human resource requirements
nately, this requirement was removed in the PRC Mod- of foreign as well as domestic companies.
ernization Act of 2000.
As we review the process of human capital forma-
Absorption of professionals tion in the countr y, we concur with the conclusions docu-
Professional, technical and related workers account mented in various research and reports on the inadequa-
for almost 13 percent of the total nonagricultural mem- cies of higher education in the Philippines. The over-
bers of the labor force. In 1998, some 2.17 million work- expanded higher educational sector in the Philippines has
ers were estimated to be included in this group. The bulk been blamed for the mismatch of graduates and man-
of these professionals are concentrated in the commu- power needs of the economy as well as for the excess
nity, social and professional services industry group which supply of graduates. To address this issue, there is a
absorbs 75 percent of the total professionals. Based on need to increase demand for educated labor through the
PRC data, there are some 1.85 million registered licensed improvement of the economy, greater employment gen-
professionals in the countr y as of 1998. If we only count eration and higher rates of savings and investment.
the number of professionals licensed since 1960, the
adjusted stock of professionals is estimated at 1.75 mil- Despite the inadequacies of our educational sys-
lion. tem, however, the curricular offerings of the various pro-
fessions are comparable with international standards at
From 1992 to 1998, a total of 318,392 profes- least in the ASEAN region. We may be producing a lot of
sional, technical and related workers were reported to graduates but the licensing examinations as well as the

Policy Notes
4 August 2001

continuing education program ser ve as a process of se- tinuously honed along the demands and challenges of
lecting the best among these graduates. Moreover, the the times. Only a continuing upgrade of our overall hu-
fact that close to 9 percent of the stock of professionals man development program can thus address this. 4
are able to work overseas, including a good number of
nurses, physicians and engineers, speaks highly of the Selected references
academic training they have received in the countr y. Congressional Commission on Education. 1993. Making education work.
EDCOM Report. Manila: Congressional Oversight Committee on
But in the light of the liberalization of trade in ser-
Edralin, D.M. 1999. Continuing professional/technical education in
vices, can the graduates of our educational sector com-
the Philippines. Trade and Investment Policy Analysis and Advo-
pete with foreign professionals? cacy Support (TAPS) Project. Unpublished.
Mallea, J. 1997. International trade in professional and educational
In response to this, we note that there is much services: implications for the professions and higher education. Paris:
room for improvement. And in this regard, we put for- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
ward the following recommendations: Nadurata, T. 1998. BSA students’ academic achievements vs. audit
competence. DLSU Business and Economics Review 10(2):57-82.
] Update the curricular programs of various pro- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
fessions regularly to keep up with the changes in the 1997. International trade in professional services: advancing liber-
alization through regulatory reform. Paris.
market and technology, and to benchmark with some of
Pobre, H.P. 1997. Free trade in accounting services: can we compete.
the best academic programs in the region.
Accountants Journal 50(3-4):51-53. First Quarter.
Professional Regulation Commission. 1997. 24th Anniversary Yearbook:
] Refocus the continuing professional education building the bridges towards the new millennium. Manila.
program towards research, publications, inventions and
Tullao, T.S. 1999a. Professional accreditation in the liberalization of
graduate education, and de-emphasize the seminar pro- trade in services. Trade and Investment Policy Analysis and Ad-
grams. vocacy Support (TAPS) Project. Unpublished.
———. 1999b. Role of research in business education. Seminar Series
] Give professional organizations more flexibility on Business Research. De La Salle University-Manila. Unpub-
in developing their members through the institution of a lished.

professional ranking system in order to further improve ———. 1998. The liberalization of professional services. Trade and
Investment Policy Analysis and Advocacy Support (TAPS) Project.
the professional continuing education.

] Link the development of higher education with

For further information, please contact
the improvement of continuing professional education.
The Research Information Staff
] Rationalize the allocation of government funds Philippine Institute for Development Studies
NEDA sa Makati Building, 106 Amorsolo Street
to higher education through, for one, a moratorium on Legaspi Village, Makati City
the establishment or conversion of state colleges and Telephone Nos: 8924059 and 8935705;
universities. Fax Nos: 8939589 and 8161091

The Policy Notes series is available online at

Finally, to be able to compete well in the interna-
tional ser vices arena, it is best to be prepared and con-

Policy Notes

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