Luminato 1+1 Backup Configuration Guide 050

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Luminato 1+1 Backup Configuration Guide

Luminato SW release 3.8.x

24-May-11 2(10)

Table of contents
1. Scope of Guide ............................................................................................................................. 3
2. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3
3. System requirements .................................................................................................................... 3
3.1. Hardware .................................................................................................................................. 3
3.2. Software ................................................................................................................................... 3
3.3. Licenses ................................................................................................................................... 4
4. Operating principles ...................................................................................................................... 4
4.1. Handovers ................................................................................................................................ 5
4.2. Reasons for handover .............................................................................................................. 5
5. Configuration (WebUI) ................................................................................................................... 6
5.1. Setting up the system ............................................................................................................... 6
5.2. Identifying a handover .............................................................................................................. 9
5.3. Recovering from handover back to main device (reverse handover)......................................... 9
5.4. Reconfiguring the active 1+1 backup system .......................................................................... 10

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1. Scope of Guide
This guide explains functionality of Luminato’s 1+1 Backup feature and gives in-
structions for properly configuring Luminato for 1+1 Backup.
This guide is done for SW release 3.8.2.
Throughout this document some used terms are ambiguous. Device roles are “main”
and “backup” and they are running in primary and secondary chassis – respectively.
“Device” is used as a synonym for chassis.
The guide instructs how 1+1 Backup configuration is done via Luminato WebUI. CLI
commands are not included in this version of the guide.

2. Introduction
Luminato is a high density modular headend platform, designed to process live TV
signals from various sources (DVB-S/S2, DVB-T, DVB-ASI, IP network) and make
transport stream processing for cable or IPTV operators network.
Luminato’s 1+1 backup feature provides 1+1 redundancy in chassis level in a sys-
tem with two identical chassis. The pair of Luminato can be configured to act in
“main” and “backup” schemes, where secondary Luminato monitors the primary
Luminato’s status. All functions of primary chassis are handed over to secondary
chassis if necessary.
The “backup” Luminato stays in stand-by mode until failure occurs in the “main” Lu-
minato. When the “main” device identifies a failure event or the “main” device is not
responding, all payload outputs of the “main” device are shut down based on dedi-
cated hardware circuitry to ensure switch off of all streaming. The secondary Lumi-
nato then takes over the stream processing operations.

3. System requirements

3.1. Hardware
Two identical device setups (i.e. two Luminato chassis with identical set of mod-
Both chassis have to be of HW version B10 or higher so that they support GOE
(global output enable) signaling in the chassis.
If LAS-A quad ASI input modules are present in the system, they need to be of HW
version B13 or higher.
Two LACCA cables to connect the two chassis into a 1+1 Backup system. “Backup”
device senses the heartbeat signal of the “Main” device via the LACCA cables.
NOTE: 1+1 Backup feature reserves both EXT1 and EXT2 ports of both chassis.
Simultaneous use for EXT ports for e.g. backup power alarms is not possible.

3.2. Software
Luminato SW 3.8.1 or higher.
Both chassis must have same SW version and identical configuration all the time.

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3.3. Licenses
Both chassis must have Backup license.
Both chassis must have identical module licenses.
Licenses can be ordered separately. Serial number of target chassis/module is
needed for license key generation.
New license code is entered on Administration-Licenses –pages. The page is orga-
nized to tabs for chassis and slots. License code with Backup license is needed for
Select target chassis and enter or copy/paste license string to entry field and press
If chassis has no Backup license, 1+1 Backup feature is not available for selection in
WebUI’s Administration drop-down menu.

4. Operating principles
Luminato 1+1 Backup has two main functions:
A. To handle a device failure in the chassis or one of its modules.
B. To provide a signal backup in case of a signal loss situation.
In failure case, all functions of the primary chassis are switched over to secondary
Signal backup is arranged so that the devices in 1+1 system have same input sig-
nals from independent sources. Both input signals and services can be configured
as critical. If “main” detects loss of any input or service that is configured as critical
and 1+1 Backup is activated, it will react and pass control to “backup” device.
Recovery from handover must always be done manually even if failure/signal
loss situation would be resolved.
User is responsible for ensuring that “main” and “backup” devices have all
the time identical configurations.
User is able to: (functionality available from WebUI)
o Choose device role in 1+1 Backup system regardless of product key.
o disabled: Chassis is working as “backup” device, but listening of
“main” device heartbeat is inactive
o main: Chassis is working as active “main” unit in 1+1 Backup configu-
o backup: Chassis is working as active “backup” unit in 1+1 Backup
configuration, ready to take over the control if told so by “main” or if
contact with “main” is lost
o standalone: Chassis is working as standalone unit without any active
1+1 backup configuration
o Handover control from “main” to “backup” in “main” mode in UI
o Restore control from “main” to “backup” in “backup” mode

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o Handover control from “backup” to “main” in “backup” mode in UI (reverse

o Restore control from “backup” to “main” in “main” mode in UI (reverse han-

4.1. Handovers
Handovers can be divided to two classes according to whether the handover is con-
trolled or not.
Controlled handovers are triggered either manually, by module failure or signal
critical missing status code in the “main” chassis. Active “main” disables its payload
output ports and does handover to “backup” device.
Uncontrolled handover can be triggered by a failure in mainboard, rear IO card or
power supply of the “main” device, causing the “main” device to be unable to do a
controlled to handover “backup” device. “Main” device’s heartbeat signal is lost.
“Backup” device notices that and forces “main” device’s outputs offline. “Backup”
device enables own outputs and becomes active device.

4.2. Reasons for handover

There are 6 reasons when active “main” device does handover to “backup” device:
o Manual handover request from UI
o Critical signal missing status active
o Local DXI communication failure within chassis
o Module inserted and it is booted up
o Module removed
o Fail of critical redundancy
There are 2 reasons when passive “backup” device takes over from “main” device:
o Manual take over request from UI
o Heart beat signal is missing.

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5. Configuration (WebUI)
NOTE: Throughout this guide, WebUI’s configuration snapshot is used for configura-
tion transfer between “main” and “backup” devices. Configuration snapshot copies
management IP address and device role. In order to avoid duplicate IP addresses
and two active device with same role, management IP address and device role must
be changed in the device where the configuration is originally created before restor-
ing the configuration in another device.
NOTE: If internal IP inputs in modulators are defined as critical IP inputs, they pre-
vent to execute restore/handover procedure. User should not configure any IP
inputs as critical signals, if they are system internal interface.
NOTE: 1+1 backup will react immediately to loss of critical signal even though re-
dundancy would be present and thus override stream redundancy
If one wants stream redundancy to be dominant, redundancy should be configured
as critical, not individual signals

5.1. Setting up the system

Make sure you have 2 identical pcs of each HW with 1+1 Backup licenses and GOE
Build the “backup” device:

o Power up the “backup” device.

o Select Administration - 1+1 Backup page
o Select “standalone” role and press OK button.
o Insert all necessary modules into chassis.
o Connect necessary input and output cables to the modules.
o Configure the whole system as you want it to be in production.
o Take the whole chassis configuration out from device. In the WebUI, you can
do it by making a configuration snapshot:

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Go to Administration – Maintenance
Create configuration snapshot
Once configuration snapshot file has been created, click the filename
or disk icon next to the filename and select a location where you want to
save the snapshot file for transferring the configuration to “master” device
o Change “backup” device management IP address:

o Select Administration - 1+1 Backup page

o Select “disabled” role and press OK button.

Build the “master” device when you have working “backup” device:

o Power up the master device


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o Go to 1+1 Backup page (WebUI) and select “disabled” role and press OK
o Insert all necessary modules into chassis.
o Connect necessary input and output cables to the modules.
o Restore the configuration taken from “backup” device into “master” device:

Go to Administration – Maintenance
In “Configuration Snapshot” section, click Browse and select the
Snapshot file you have created for the “backup” device
Ensure that you have changed “backup” chassis management IP ad-
dress and role before restoring the snapshot file to “main” chassis
Select “Restore” (requires chassis reboot)
Enable 1+1 backup system:
Both devices are now up and running and configured. Take following steps to launch
a working system:
o Cross-connect LACCA cables between “main” and “backup” device:
“main” EXT1 port to “backup” EXT2 port
“main” EXT2 port to “backup” EXT1 port
o Change “main” device role from “standalone” to “main” and select OK
o Change “backup” device role from “disabled” to “backup” and select OK
o 1+1 Backup system should now be in normal state where “main” device out-
put ports are streaming the network and “backup” device is monitoring “main”
device with its output ports disabled.

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5.2. Identifying a handover

o In activated 1+1 Backup system, device mode and status are shown in We-
bUI menu bar. After handover, “main”/”master” device status is passive and
“backup” status is active.
o “Master” device’s chassis-level notice “Backup: Switched over to backup de-
vice” is activated in SysLog and shown in WebUI Main page
o Handover can be configured as SNMP trap

5.3. Recovering from handover back to main device (reverse handover)

When handover has been emerged:
o Make sure that “main” device is ready to be operational (failure cause has
been removed)
o Select “1+1 Backup” page in both devices
o In “backup” device’s browser page press “Handover” button
o In “main” device’s browser page press “Restore” button within 5 seconds.
o 1+1 Backup system should now be in normal state where “main” device out-
put ports are streaming the network and “backup” device is monitoring “main”
device with its output ports disabled.
o NOTE: If “Restore” button is not clicked within the 5 s time, no changes take
place. In order to force the reverse handover, repeat the procedure above.

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o NOTE: “backup” device normalization takes slightly longer than “main” de-
vice. If there are problems in “main” device handover is executed again.

5.4. Reconfiguring the active 1+1 backup system

When there is need to add or remove modules or change configuration in the active
o Do manual handover from “main” device to “backup” device:
Make sure that “backup” device is ready to be operational
Select “1+1 Backup” page in both devices
In “main” device’s browser page press “Handover” button
In “backup” device’s browser page press “Restore” button within 5
1+1 Backup system should now be in state where “main” device is
passive with its output ports disabled and “backup” device is active with its
output ports streaming the network.
o Insert or remove module(s) to “main” device
o If possible test the main device in a test environment before connecting it to
live environment
Connect cables to the test environment
Select “standalone” role.
Tune up the configuration and verify the functionality of the new con-
figuration in the test environment
Select back the “main” role to device.
Device remains at passive state.
o Take the whole chassis configuration out from device using configuration
o Connect the “main” device to live network and change its management IP
o Simultaneously select “disabled” state to “backup” device and “standalone”
state to “main” device.
o Insert or remove module(s) to “backup” device according what is present in
modified “main” device.
o Restore the new chassis configuration to “backup device” by restoring the
configuration snapshot file from “main” device.
o NOTE: System is now in a status where both devices are in standalone
mode and have their outputs enabled
o Select “main” role to the “main” device.
o Select “backup” role to the “backup” device.
o 1+1 Backup system should now be in normal state where “main” device out-
put ports are streaming the network and “backup” device is monitoring “main”
device with its output ports disabled.

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