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ra AEROGENERADORES reel “AEROGENERADORES / WINDTURBINES La empresa / The company Introduccién / introduction Inelin 250 / inclin 250 Inclin 600 / inclin 600 Inclin 1500 neo / Inclin 1500 neo Inclin 3000 ned / Inclin 3000 neo Inclin 6000 neo / Inclin 6000 neo Caracteristicas Técnicas / Techinical specifications Instalaciones tipicas / Typical installations Bornay isan internationally known company dedicated to the design and construction of small and medium sized wind turbines. Founded by Bornay, its origins date back to the ties. T as started in to search for lutions he fist wind turbines vere built sina modified car alternators, mechanical gears and hand-shaped, wooden blades. Bornay's innovative solutions rapidly generated 2 high demand, and brogressively became more advanced and personalized. At the same time, Bornay's electric garage business started working on designing and producing highly competitive wind turbines J.Bornay Aerogeneradores brand was not established 2s a ‘adematk until the early eight, At this stage, the first catalogues appeared, and its products were cistributed throughout Spain. The tallotions were focused on covering the basic energy needs in houses and remote homes. Nowadays, Bornay wind turbines ae used in more demanding and complex installations, They have been successfully involved in more than 3500 installations in over 30 countries. The most standing installations they have taken part in are the Spanish Antarctic Expedition ‘Juan Carlos T, the telecammunications repeaters for the ‘Spanish Civil Guard and the Venezuelan Pol ‘and Internat Cooperation installations in Morocco, Angola, Mauritania and Bornay is located in Riu Industrial Park, in C ufacturing facilites cover @ surface of 1500 m2, and sustained through the use of solar and wind energy. The electricity is generated by a mined wind/ solar system, feeding a battery bank and a to the grid where the exceeding electricity is dumped The bioctimatic architectural features of the building allow fora hight performing use of the natural resources. It has been designed taking into consideration the surrounding cond order to have natural temperature controls. The building houses all of the production ocesses involved building wind turbines. These include electric, Bornay has been 1S0-9001:2000 certified by AENOR in on etfort to vprove its qualty and its services. Bormay isthe frst and only wind turbine manufacturer worldwide hat has received this certification. The company has received the NOVA 2001 Award for its contribution to the ervironment, and the Sol y Paz Award from Foundation Tera, for the company's evolution and growth. Today, Barnay continues to develop energy solutions that are adapted to all of its customers need: reer) 2 la fabricacién de aerogeneradores de pequefia y median pce ee eee eT eect} ee ee ee ee eee luciones tangibles, motivé la bisqueda de medios para der espuesta a esta necesidad basica Peete ae) eee ey eee ee See eee eee ee ee Beers rs a marca J.Bornay Aerageneradores, se consolidé a princiios a los afios 80. Fue entonces cuando la empresa catalogé st ee eR ge eran eed eee te Ce et ae eet Rea er ee eee Meee ee ee Se SS ety . ae Ce coe ee ey co ee eee on eee eos eee tee Or en ee ee aed eneracién eléctrica mixta eélica-solar provee un sistema de Pee eae ov ene ate eae ee ee te ee aprovechamiento éptimo de los recursos natur tenido en cuenta las condiciones del entorno conseguir un ay cE Pare See a eee eee Can a eee a eee en een ey empresa de aer haste 6 kW, en adoptar eae ern} al aa Re eae esto de la fundacion Terre, Bornay sigue trabsiando en el desarrll eee aren errr J7Sornay AEROGENERADORES BE Aplicaciones Applications | cascebaterse | Carmcebateies | Casa debates Carsadebaterss cron datas satiny Cerora batey Carona sot Carona ratey rarony fatley Carga Sonbende emu9 Bono de an8 Borneo deans Bombo 0n18 feombeode onu9 Waly bnia Miter Pig ter Paring Water Peg Water Ponsa Cogumescanésices | cosumasconésins | Cnsunes onésties | consumes dontstins | cnsumes omésins bdetiecites | damesizcrsmes | Donesicrshmes | Doresicortines | donee cstmes Conoanated Conotnated =r) tslacons cece (lasses, | cess ‘Typical installations | Telecomunicaciones “Tolecomunicaciones Refugios y pequetas Refugios y pequetas ‘Aumbrado munications ‘Telecomunications viviendas ‘viviendas. Lighting system ios y pequerias Relugios ypeauefias © | Remote ames and malar Vivendas Sos tone oe cies oe Gore ment Segemaresant ching stem Using stem Peqetas aries Alumbrado | ‘Alumbrado Viviendas: Viwiendas ‘Sarai farms Lighting system Lighting system ‘Houses Houses pee industrias Balizas de sefializaciin Balzas de sefializacién Pequatias granjas, Pequetias granjas: ie Sins sins Sma forms Saal fons Boles de seta | Balas ce xlzcn Ml tne Sars Sore Recommendations) 190.200 w sores 250-500 sores 500-1500 w solares 1500-4500 wseeres 2000-7500 w solares| oan W sr 20500 slr 5001800 se 14500 sl 30007500 slr Feito Fenian Reesor Fear Feu Contra c controler Cantor Controle fatr0500 ana paternconszooan24y | Sateragooasooan2ay. | Batras002000 a8 SOOsIOANI2Vbotey | 500200 0h12Viotery | 6001200424 batery | SOOIEEE AN AAV tery | 900200 A 46 batey Inesortest00W | Inersarhasa OnW | imersartstaao Ws | Imersorhada SOW | Inesor estas Inverter upto SOOW Ivete up to 1000 7 Inverter up to 4000 Inverter up to 6000 Inverter upto 5k The Inclin Wind Turbines are designed to work in parallel with salar installations. The combination of @ mixed solar/wind powered ‘stam guarantees stable energy production in almost all weather conditions. Inelin Wind Turbines cover a power range between 250 ‘and 6000 W, being able to respon to any basic energetic need. Manufactured under a strict quality control system, Inetin Wind Turbines are tough, designed and built based on 30 years of experience. The most common applications ara: telocommunication repeaters and booster stations, lightning, water pumping, buoy lighlin, and electricity generation for small houses, industrial buildings, and forms, Inclin Wind Turbines can be easily set up in any type of tower that is strong encugh to resist the torque produced. Bult with high quality materials, protected with bichromatic processes, and painted with special, anticorrosion coating, the products are guaranteed to have a long life, Maintenance is very simple; It consists of two annual vival checks ofall moving parts anda readustiment ofthe bolts pressure The blades are built using fibreglass and carbon fibre offering exelent functioning performance and endurance. Al together, ith the effective protection sytem, moulded from plastic, Inclin Wind Turbines are clegant shaped and can be eseretely integrated into any environment. Bornay guarantees its Inelin Wind Turbines fr 2 years. Los Aerogeneradores Inclin estén concebidos para trabajar en conjunto con instalaiones soles. Le combinaci6n fermada por una instalacign mista garaniza ol suministr de energlaen cualquier concn cimatolégie, Los aerogeneradores Inclin abarcan el campo de potencias entre 250 y 6000 W,siendo canaces de dar espuesta a cusluier necesidad eneraética basica, Elaborados bajo un este control de calidad, los Aerogeneradores Inclin son equpos robustes, disefiados y construidos en base 2 una eaperiencia de mas de 30 afos. Sus aplicaciones englcban toda tio de finaldades: repetidores de telecomunicacén, alumbrado, balizas de sofazacién, bombeo de agua, electrificaciin de vviendas unfamilares aisldas, incluso pequeta instlacanes agropecuariase industries Los Aerogeneradores Inclin, son fitment instalabes sobre cusleuier torre capaz de soportar la presién lateral ejecida, Fabricados con materiales de primera calidad y protegidos con process debicromatizaciin ¥ pinturas anticorrosivas especiales, garantizan una larga vida i, Su ‘mantenimiento se reduce @ dos revsiones anuales consstentes en una inpeccién visual de las partes movil yun reapriate dol toler Las hélies foricados en fitra de vidio y cabono ofrecen exceentes prestacianes de funcionamientoy duracin, En combinacién con el eectivo sistema de protecci, fabrcado en plastica, os Aerogeneradores Inclin ofrecen una elegente estética capar de integrarse cil y iseretomenteen cualquier entorno, Todos los Merogeneradores Inclin estén garantzados por un period de 2s Potencia Power w 250 BERS eB ek 02 4 6 8 101214 1618 Velocidad de viento Windspeed m/s Potencia Power w oB 88888 0 2 4 6 8 1012 14 16 1 Velocidad de viento Windspeed m/s Potencia Power 2000 1800 1600 140 1200 1000 300 600 200 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Velocidad de viento Windspeed m/s Potencia Power w 3500 0 2.4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Velocidad de viento Windspeed m/s Medidas Sistema de frenado automatico Curva de potencia “Automatic breaking system Power curve . = - 100: 80 60 40 Potencia Power % 20 = 0 0 E 00 024 6 8 10121416 5 300 ‘Velocidad de vento Windspeed m/s & 2000 = 000 Modelo Caracteristicas Té Models R o Technical Specifications 024 6 8 12 416 18 20 Rear MaRS EES) | 7 | 100 | 100 | 0 | 2 | 0 ED WBE 2100 | 00 | zo [ 0 | a0 | aero Eas POP EIIN | 1332 | 2665 | 1620 | 420 | 460 1640 TRIES E DIA: els N° de hélices. 2 2 2 2 3 ea Tobe f aes se passe | aca (S| asia) Diémetro (mts) 1A 2 22. 37 37. aa inetn 6000 neo a0 | 0 | sm] ano Wotenal Fibra vii carbo esa eioaes titra regal eaten fe Measurements in iinet Sua Ns seutse) ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Tipo Generadortritsico de imanes permanentes Type Three phases permanent magnet alternator Ferrite Ferita Neodimio Neodimio Neodimio Iménes Ferrite Ferrite Neodymium Neodymium Neodymium Magnets cia Nominal () 250 600 1500 3000 6000 jominal Power (W) Vottaie (ee) 22, 24,48 24,48, 120, 300 48,120, 300, Voltage (ce) Requaldor Analgico Digital Digital Digital Digital Regulator ‘Analog iota Dial Dita ital GUNMAN Velocidad de viento PERFORMANCE Windspeed Para arranque (m/s) 3 35 35 35, 38 For turn on (ws) Fava potencia oan {aval u a 12 R 2 ae nomina power (7s) Para frenado automatico (m/s)_ 1B B u uw 15 Far automate beakng system (1/8) Peso neto (Ka.)_ 32 ES 4 125 150, Wet weight (CG) Peso bruto (Ka) a ae a0) zt a Gross west Ka) 40x45 x74 on Dimensiones embalsie em) 78x42 x102em | 28x42x102em | _153x27x7em | 21BxS4x7em | _260%69%69em Packaging dimensions (-m) Cajadecarten | Cajadecartén | Cajgcecarin/nadae | Cajade madera | Cae de madera ‘Carton box Carton box “Wood/carton box ‘ood box ‘Wood box nstalacioniesi tr) Installations ‘CONSUMES. Power Alumbrado / Lighting 8 B ‘Alumbrado / Lighting 5 10 wv 1 250. Video 1 150 ‘Ordenador / Computer 1 180, Frigoefeo Fri 1 180) Tavadora / Washing machi 1 750) Peauefis consumos 1 500 Hours Daily consum 2 5 4 1 4 2 1 2 ‘CONSUMES: BATERIAS| er 208 Wh 250.Wh 3000 veh 150 hh 720 2160 Wh 750th 1000 Wh BATTERIES INVERTER 24 vttos vol Volta de entrada 24 voltios_ sie Rage Dias de autonomia 3 dias Voltsje de salida 230 voltos No Days of autonomy Output voltag CCapacidad baterfa 897 An-C100 Frecuencia 50 He Senoidal Pura’ Battery capacity Frecuencia Sinewave Potencia maxima _ 2164 W pico Jversor_ 3000 eect PRODUCTION Quantity isolation Daily consum Pareles solares 10 ns 4 600 Wh Windspeed Power Quantity Diary consumer Aerogenerador Incin 1500 neo 24v 5 245, 1 2695 Wh Windturbine incin 1500 neo 24 fPRODUCCION 7295, Wh) PRODUCTION @ Acrogenerador "hese Bere Batteries Pda CRT) ee aa cera @ Reguiador ener Serre er Aaa eerernys a) the battery bank J Rorna TEROGENERADORES home)" electrification” Paral meee 2220) Pg eek ee Poaceae resent neg Cee erences ees rrr coe eae ai eer A See Hii} Water (ACen Peptic) Ory eee en ne areas ey eee dae (eye reenter tere reg) ork Demeaeae R e ey Per ee greg ee um Td Pere ee ear) Td Se eg ee eee CR eléctrica de! peer ert ae Pepa ners Ee eet Te Cee eee ae eae) Piet areata ie ea Pree hater Racer on eo ror Pires nr een ean eecie ar Dattories fom an external source, tke a diesel (Aver Cee Ty ebeeneneae emis Pein cee erate cere TRC ary ees ae eee nee eg aa eg i erent erect pearing aca enet yg Eater preety rptetere tie Praises hey renee Rea Generates elacticity using solar racation, HD ey Die te ene eee ee ae Peete reer eran Cred el ean et Ereeepars Brace Eley nog nny Cree cre) produce the input ree Paraje Ameraors, sin ‘Apartado de Correos 116 (03420 Castalla (Alicante) Espa (#34) 965 560 025 | (#34) 868 543 O77 Fax: (+94) 965 580 752 q i : ; i i : : ; i i

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