Chapter1 - Nature of Humanities

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Nature of Humanities

1. To understand the nature of Humanities;

2. To define Humanities;
3. To know the importance of Humanities;
4. To learn the scope of Humanities;
5. To identify what is a creative artist and its role;
6. To enumerate the concept of the Seven (7) Liberal Arts; and
7. To be familiar with the terms used in Humanities
Many attempts have been made to answer the
fundamental questions that man asks about himself and his life,
yet until now it seems that man has not yet found the definite
answer to what he really is. His existence becomes more
complicated since machines and computers are replacing his
traditional functions.

In studying humanities, man learns to be human. Through

humanities man seeks to enrich and enable his early life by
uplifting his potentials. He acquires the right behavior towards
others: softness, understanding, and proper conduct.
In the west, the study of Humanities can be traced to ancient
Greece, as the basis of broad education for citizens.
During Roman times, the concept of the seven liberal arts evolved,
involving grammar, rhetoric and logic (trivium), along with arithmetic,
geometry, astronomy and music (the quadrivium). These subjects formed
a bulk of medieval education with the emphasis being on humanities as
skills or “ways of doing.”

A major shift occurred during the renaissance, when humanities

began to be regarded to be studied rather than practiced (i.e.,
humanities became an integral part of the curriculum), with a
corresponding shift away from the traditional fields into areas such as
literature and history. In the 20th century, this view was in turn
challenged by the postmodernist movement, which sought to redefine
humanities in more egalitarian terms suitable for a democratic society.
• “Language and literature are considered to be the central
topics in humanities, so the impact of electronic communication is
of great concern to those in the field”. (Levi, the Humanities
Today) The immediacy of modern technology and internet
speeds up communication, but may threaten “deferred” forms
of communication such as literature and “dumb down”
language. The library is also changing rapidly as bookshelves
are replaced by computer terminals. Despite the fact that
humanities will have to adapt rapidly to these changes, it is
unlikely that the traditional forms of arts will be completely
• The humanities are academic disciplines that study the human condition, using
methods that are primarily analytical, critical, or speculative, as distinguished
from the mainly empirical approaches of the natural sciences.
• The humanities include ancient and modern languages, literature, law, history,
philosophy, religion, and visual and performing arts such as music and
theatre. The humanities that are also regarded as social sciences include
technology, anthropology, area studies, communication studies, cultural
studies, and linguistics.
• Humanities from the Latin word HUMANUS which means human, cultured and
• The term “Humanities” can be traced to ancient Greece as the basis of
broad education for citizens.
• Is based on the philosophical view of humanism that stresses the dictum
(statement of opinion or belief) “Man is the measure of all things”.
• Studying Humanities helps students develop skills in communication,
problem solving, research and analysis.
• It makes the student understand and appreciate artworks in different
level or perspectives.
• Provides man a thorough knowledge of his history and his cultural
• Helps man to acquire the values and wisdom that are essential for
human survival and progress.
• Aids man to develop critical thinking which is important in his
everyday life by exposing him to varied concepts, ideas and forms
that man has created.
• Promotes man’s intellectual, social, moral and aesthetic development.

Modern Scope Early/Ancient Scope

• Arts (Visual & Performing) Math (Algebra)

• Language Chemistry
• History Science (Biology)
• Philosophy (Theology/Religion) Philosophy (Law)
• Music English (Literature)
• A Creative Artist is first of all a highly skilled, articulate
communicator. A free articulator, in fact. Their ability in and with
communication is not confined to one medium or channel of
communication. Nor is it confined to a particular style, though there
are surely some unifying characteristics that enable identification and
branding; though some are masters at emulation, as they should be.
• Creative Artists always have more than one creative discipline and
medium in which they work. Creative Artists span the gamut of all
realities, we have to: reality is actually where we work all the time,
we examine, explore all kinds and types of realities. And then we join
them together to create new realities. We aspire to and attain the
giddy heights of inspired creation and then plummet into the realms
of the gutter the next.
• None of this is who we are. All of it is who we are. But we are
beyond being defined by a simple categorical perspective and
endeavoring to define us in such a narrow way is to deny the
full rich experience of the reality of who we really are. You see,
when we aspire to and attain those giddy heights, and plummet
the next to the depths of human depravity; we never lose sight
of who we really are.
Liberal arts is divided into 7 parts

• Trivium – consists of Grammar, Rhetoric and Logic

• Quadrivium – consists of Arithmetic, Geometry, Astronomy and
• Humanism – an approach in study or practice that focuses on
human values, concern and dignity which are taken to be of
primary importance, as in moral judgment. A cultural and
intellectual movement of the renaissance that emphasizes
secular concerns as a result of the rediscovery and study of the
literature, art, and civilization of ancient Greece and Rome.
Centers on humans and their values, capacities and worth.
• Humanities – The branches of learning (as Philosophy, Arts or
Languages) that investigate human constructs and concerns as
opposed to natural processes and social relations.
• Values – The accepted standards or moral principles of a
person or a group. Values are similar to norms in having a
moral and regulatory role, but values have a wider significance
than norms in going beyond specific situations. Values are
viewed as informing norms in different contexts. Worth in
usefulness or importance to the possessor, utility or merit. A
quality considered worthwhile or desirable.
• Skills – Ability to use one’s knowledge effectively in doing
something. Proficiency, facility, or dexterity that is acquired or
developed through training or experience.
• Critical Thinking – refers to higher-order thinking that questions
assumptions. Critical thinking is “thinking about thinking”. It is a
way of deciding whether a claim is true, false, or sometimes
true and sometimes false, or partly true and partly false.
• Philosophy – The discipline comprising logic, ethics, aesthetics,
metaphysics, and epistemology. Love and pursuit of wisdom by
intellectual means and moral self-discipline. Critical analysis of
fundamental assumptions or beliefs.
• Liberal Arts – The academic course of instruction at a college
intended to provide general knowledge and comprising the
arts, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences as opposed
to professional or technical subjects.
• Liberalism – The state or quality of being liberal. A political or social
philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary
legislatures, governmental assurances of civil liberties and individual
rights and non-violent modification of institutions to permit continued
individual and social progress.
• Digital Age – The period beginning around 1970 and noted for the
abundant publication, consumption, and manipulation of information,
especially by computers and computer networks.
• Modern Age – describes the historical timeline after the middle ages.
• Etymology – The origin and historical development of a linguistic form
as shown by determining its basic elements, earliest known use, and
changes in form or meaning, tracing its transmission from one
language to another, identifying its cognates in other languages, and
• Dictum – Statement of opinion or belief
• Aesthetic - is the study of beauty in nature. is a branch of
philosophy, a species of value theory or axiology, which is the
study of sensory or sensori-emotional values, sometimes called
judgments of sentiment and taste. Aesthetics is closely
associated with the philosophy of art.
• Depravity - the quality or state of being depraved
1. Why is it important for students to learn Humanities?
2. How can the students make use of Humanities in their field of
3. How did humanities evolved and started?
4. What are the scopes of Humanities?
5. Give an example of a major change or shift in Humanities that
occurred within the 20th century.
Menoy, J. (2014). Introduction to Humanities: A holistic Approach. Books
atbp. Publishing Corp. Mandaluyong City.
Regadio Jr., C. & Mendoza J. (2013). Art Appreciation: Introducing
Reading on Humanities Focus on Philippine Art Scene. Books
atbp. Publishing Corp. Mandaluying City.
Clores, R. et. al. (2012). Sulyap Sining: Humanities (Art Appreciation).
Mutya Publishing House, Malabon City.
Marcos, L., Ferianiza, M. Bermudo, P.J. & Yango, A. (2010). Introduction
to Humanities: Visual and Performing Arts. Mind Shapers Co, Inc.
Pasagui, R. et. al. (2009). Art Appreciation: Looking Beyond (A
textbook in Humanities). Mutya Publishing House, Malabon

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