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Latest Trends on Systems - Volume I

Testing Thermal Images Characteristics for

Thermal Images Quality Estimation
Sn. Pleshkova, Al. Bekyarski, K.Peeva

Keywords— Thermal Images Characteristics, Thermal Images

Abstract—The thermal images are produced from real working Quality, Thermo Vision Systems, Motion Detection Precision
thermo vision cameras, which work as electro-optical imaging Estimation
systems, sensitive to the mid and long wave infrared radiation, that
generates images of the observed scenes, by using the thermal I. INTRODUCTION

radiation emitted from the scenes. There are numerous applications of
thermal imaging systems in defense, security, military, border guards,
HERMO vision systems work with static or dynamic
police, etc. and also a lot of civilian application like industrial non- thermal images in all numerous applications like night
contact temperature measurement, non-destructive thermal testing, military or surveillance systems, medical systems or industrial
tests of electrical power lines, building industry, medical systems [1]. In all these applications the characteristics of
applications, fire rescue etc. There exist many publications in the area thermal images produced from thermal image sensors or
of thermal cameras, thermal systems and their applications, but all the cameras can affect the precision or the correct final results
applications of these thermal cameras and systems are greatly
depending from the quality of thermal images produced from thermal
from thermal images observation, processing, treating or
or infrared cameras. Also there is a need of rules how to choose the transmitting [2]. This necessity can be satisfied applying
optimal thermal image characteristics. Of course, the first reason to suitable methods and algorithms for thermal images
thinks about thermal image quality is thermo visual camera models characteristics testing and measuring. The combinations of all
offered on the market. These models vary significantly, but generally determined in testing thermal images characteristics can be
there is a tendency to permanently increase their technical analyzed and treated as a general objective quality estimation
characteristics. Therefore, if it is assumed that thermal image cameras
gives the thermal images with the preliminary defined characteristics, of thermal images. These statements outline the goal of this
it is necessary to have the appropriate methods, algorithms or devices article – to propose, develop and examine a method and an
to test and after these test to be sure about the quality of thermal algorithm for testing the main thermal images characteristics.
images. Another case, when the thermal image quality is important to For the realization of this goal, first it is included a brief
be known, is the case of quality of thermal images after processing or description of the main important thermal image
transmitting through some communication system. Testing thermal
characteristics suitable in many of wide spread thermal image
images quality is difficult task because of the necessarily extended
knowledge from different areas and practical experience with thermal systems applications.
cameras, thermal images processing etc. There are several standards
and publications in the area of visible images subjective or objective II. THERMAL IMAGES CHARACTERISTICS UNDER TEST FOR
characteristics and the correspondent quality estimation, but here in ESTIMATION OF THERMAL QUALITY
this article is proposed to use and modify these methods by applying
them in the testing of thermal images characteristics. The results from Here are outlined only thermal images characteristics which
this proposition are presented as experiments with thermal images differ from these of the visible images. An essential different
with different estimated quality from real working thermal image thermal images characteristic is the longer wavelengths [3].
surveillance system for detection motion and tracking people in This difference lead to surface reflections for many materials
sequences of thermal images and the obtained results from the and tend to be more specula and less diffuse than in the visible
experiments show the dependence of the algorithm for motion
images, since the same surface irregularities are relatively
detection and people tracking from thermal images quality, which is
estimated by the proposed testing algorithm for thermal images smaller compared with the long IR wavelengths than for the
characteristics. short visible ones. This effect can produce errors in detection
systems as the objects may be detected twice in some extreme
cases. All other characteristics can be related not only for
thermal images, but they are typical also for the visible images.
Sn. Pleshkova is with the Faculty Telecommunication of Technical
Nevertheless, it can find some specific differences for thermal
University - Sofia, Bulgaria, CO +359 Bulgaria (corresponding author to images. Some of these characteristics are listed in Fig. 1.
provide phone: 895 55 888 51; e-mail: snegpl@ It is seen from Fig. 1 that Thermal Image Characteristics
Al. Bekyarski, was with the Faculty Telecommunication of Technical
University - Sofia, Bulgaria, CO +359 Bulgaria (corresponding author to
can be defined or estimates from Subjective and Objective
provide phone: 895 55 888 52; e-mail: aabbv@ points of view. They can be treated also as subjective or
K. Peeva is with the Faculty Telecommunication of Technical University - objective thermal images Quality. Some of the presented in
Sofia, Bulgaria, CO +359 Bulgaria (corresponding author to provide phone: Fig. 1 thermal image characteristics like Resolution, Noise
884 55 833 63; e-mail:

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Latest Trends on Systems - Volume I

and Geometry are possible to evaluate both as subjective or thermal images quality estimations into applications, which are
objective thermal images quality. related to thermo vision surveillance systems. The main goal
of these systems is observation of objects or people in a secure
Thermal Images Characteristics area, tracking these objects or people and transmitting these
thermal images as static or dynamic sequences using an
appropriate communication system. It is evident that the
subjective thermal images characteristics are not applicable in
Thermal Images Thermal Images
these cases of automatic working thermo vision systems.
Subjective Quality Objective Quality
The Objective Quality characteristics of thermal images,
shown in Fig. 1, are very important for the above mentioned
Thermal Images automatic working thermo vision systems, because of
Resolution following impacts on the quality of thermal images processing
Noise in
- noise limits camera sensitivity detecting low contrast
Thermal Images targets (objects or people);
- image resolution parameters or characteristics carry out
information about the thermal camera ability to perceive small
Thermal images details in targets (objects or people) from high contrast thermal
Geometry images;
- geometric parameters give information about the
Thermal Images geometrical relations between the targets (objects or people)
Spectrum and its corresponding thermal image;
- accuracy parameters or characteristics give information
about the precision of non-contact temperature measurements
Thermal Images
using thermal cameras and methods for thermal images
Dynamic Range
The described objective quality characteristics of thermal
Thermal Images images, shown in Fig. 1, are included in the proposed in this
Accuracy article algorithm for testing and measuring of thermal images
characteristics for thermal images quality estimation.
Thermal Images
Fig. 1 The main thermal images characteristics
There are other thermal image characteristics: Spectrum, The proposed in this article algorithm of testing and
Dynamic Range and Accuracy typical only in the objective measuring thermal images characteristics for thermal images
quality of thermal images. For human subjective thermal quality estimation is presented on Fig. 2. After activation of
image quality estimation is used the method of Overall the algorithm start the operation “Choosing Thermal Image
Quality. The subjective image quality parameters give Source”. There are three possibilities to choose Thermal
information about the ability of human observer with thermal images from Thermal Camera, from File and from Test
camera in a thermal image surveillance system to detect, synthesized thermal image. On these chosen thermal images
recognize, and identify targets at different scenarios and also are prepared different types of tests to measure a lot of thermal
information about the response of the thermal camera to images important characteristics. The proposed algorithm is
variable size or variable temperature targets in thermal images. arranged in such a way that it is possible to choose from all,
The method of Overall Quality can be applied also for the included in algorithm list of thermal images characteristics,
objective thermal image quality estimation if all of the listed only these, which are important for a concrete case of thermal
thermal images characteristics can be considered together, but images applications. For this reason and for facilitate the
in this case it is necessary to mention that all of objective choice of thermal images characteristics, they are grouped in
exiting methods of overall thermal image quality estimation M groups (Group 1, Group 2,…….., Group M) according to
approach in one way or another to the accuracy of the their similarity for the quality of thermal images testing
subjective methods, which are based on human perception of scenarios. In each group are provided several thermal images
thermal images quality [4]. For the purpose of this article it is characteristics: Characteristics 1, Characteristics 2,
convenient to apply only objective thermal images ………….., Characteristics N. The values as results from
characteristics for thermal images quality estimations, since measurements of each one of the chosen, in some concrete
the purpose of the article is to apply the results from the case, thermal images characteristics are entered in block of

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Latest Trends on Systems - Volume I

Thermal Images Objective Quality Estimation. The automatically (Auto MRTD), i.e. without human observer,
operations of this block in algorithm depend from chosen list after calibration with human’s help as correction factors on
of thermal image characteristics in each case of testing thermal resolving each target. As testing thermal images are used four
images quality and from concrete application of thermal bar targets or a trained observer. After calibration, Auto
images. However, in general, the output of this block gives an MRTD does not require four bar targets or a trained observer.
overall estimation of tested thermal images, which must be The value of MRTD (υ ) calculated when testing the
precise and closer in accuracy to such a subjective assessment υ number of thermal images is used as a base for
of tested thermal images.
determination of a relative coefficient K (υ ) of thermal
images quality related to the noise in these images:

Choosing Thermal Images Source

MRTD(υ ).MTF (υ )
K (υ ) = , (1)
Thermal Images Thermal Images
From Camera From Files MRTD(υ ) is the modulation transfer function of the υ -th
thermal image in a sequence of tested thermal images;
Thermal Images NETD - is the Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference of
tested thermal images.
Testing thermal images and measurement of MRTD is an
ability to detect and recognize targets (moving objects or
Thermal Thermal people) on a non-uniform background. MRTD is considered as
Images Images
Characteristic 1 Characteristic N the most important measure of thermal surveillance systems
(usually military, police or civil).
Group 1
After measurements of MRTD(υ ) and calculating K (υ )
from equation (1) is possible to use these results for
determination of Auto MRTD(υ ) , which does not require four
Thermal Thermal
Images Images bar targets or a trained observer for measurements and
Characteristic 1 Characteristic N calculations. Auto MRTD(υ ) can be calculated using the
Group 2 following equation:

K (υ ).NETD
MRTDauto (υ ) = (2)
MTF (υ )
Thermal Thermal
Images Images Another thermal images characteristic is minimum
Characteristic 1 Characteristic N detectable temperature difference (MDTD), which is
Group M equivalent of human ability to detect targets on uniform
background. The real targets of interest are usually located on
Thermal Images Objective Quality non-uniform backgrounds, i.e. moving objects or people in the
Estimation zone of thermal camera observation.
There are a lot of other important test parameters, which are
End proposed and are object of standardizations, but it is not
Fig.2. Algorithm of testing and measurements thermal images possible here in this article to list and describe all of them.
characteristics for thermal images quality estimation Many of these existing test thermal images characteristics are
applied in the proposed and developed simulation model of
There are many possibilities to choose thermal images algorithm presented in Fig. 2 for testing thermal images
characteristics for testing. Here in this article are used some characteristics for estimation thermal images quality.
thermal images characteristics, defined a suitable standard for
One of these characteristics is concerning to the noise in THERMAL IMAGES CHARACTERISTICS FOR ESTIMATION
thermal images. The noise in thermal images is tested to THERMAL IMAGES QUALITY
estimate thermal images cameras limits to sensitivity detecting
low contrast (temperature contrast or differences) objects or In Fig. 3 is presented the proposed simulation model of
people in thermal images [6]. The measurement algorithm is described algorithm testing thermal images characteristics for
based on determination of minimum resolvable temperature estimation thermal images quality.
difference (MRTD). This measurement can be done

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Latest Trends on Systems - Volume I

thermal image containing uniform (with chosen value of

temperature) background and also a triangle (with chosen
different from the temperature of background other value of

Fig.3. Simulation model of algorithm testing thermal images

characteristics for estimation thermal images quality

The simulation model of algorithm testing thermal images

characteristics for estimation thermal images quality is
arranged with the capabilities to work with real thermal images Fig.4. Synthesized test thermal image containing uniform
from Thermal Camera. In the same time it is possible to use background and triangle with different temperatures for
as source for static or dynamic thermal images, preliminary measure of MRTD(υ )
saved in files, the simulation block From Multimedia File.
This test image of triangle object can be realized with a
Also in some of the tests of thermal images characteristics it is
necessary to have some synthesized artificial testing thermal different temperature thermal images contrast. Therefore, it is
images. This possibility is realized by applying into the very useful to testing temperature sensitivity or temperature
simulation model on Fig. 3 a simulation block, named as Test contrast of thermal images, using the proposed in Fig. 3
Images. The preliminary existing thermal images or thermal simulation model of algorithm testing thermal images
images sequences saved in files can be entered by using the characteristics for estimation thermal images quality. When
block Thermal Images from File. Thermal images from these carried out the thermal images test with this test image (Fig.
three sources are viewed on Video Viewer after choosing one 4.), is proposed to use the defined Triangle Orientation
of these sources with the Multiport Switch. In simulation Discrimination (TOD) threshold as an alternative to MRTD
model on Fig. 3 is included the block AWGN Channel for method to characterize performance of thermal imagers. The
simulating a transmission of thermal images using an TOD method proposes to use a series of triangle objects for
appropriate model of communication channel. In the receiving measurements of thermal images characteristics.
part the input thermal images can be viewed on Video Viewer.
Other possibilities for using the received thermal images,
presented in Fig. 3, are the following: save received thermal
images or thermal images sequences To Multimedia File;
using blocks Out or Video To Workspace to transfer thermal
images in work space.
The simulation block Test Images in simulation model on
Fig. 3 is of great importance, because of possibility to
synthesis of test thermal images proposed in some thermal
images standards [7] and publications [8, 9] for thermal
images quality estimation. The block Test Images, shown in
Fig. 3, is realized as a program for generating a number of
synthesized test thermal images some of which are proposed in
the mentioned above thermal images standards.
Here are presented only a little part of generated with the
appropriate program, used in block Test Images, number of
synthesized test thermal images. One of these synthesized test Fig.5. Synthesized test thermal image containing uniform
thermal images, suitable for the described with equations (1) background and four bar as object for testing thermal images
and (2) thermal images characteristic minimum resolvable characteristics
temperature difference MRTD(υ ) and their corresponding In Fig. 5 and Fig 6 are presented other types of synthesized test
thermal images:
Auto MRTD(υ ) is shown in Fig. 4 as a synthesized test - first, containing uniform background and four bar as object for

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testing thermal images characteristics; All of these presented here in this article test thermal images
- second, containing synthesized test thermal image with uniform are used in experiments to prove the proposed algorithm in
background and objects as combination from different size, Fig.2 and corresponding simulation model from Fig. 3.
positions and orientation of four bar object (Fig. 5.) for testing
Except of presented above synthesized test thermal images
thermal images characteristics.
in the experiments are used also real thermal images from
Thermal Camera, shown in Fig. 3 and in this concrete case
the model of thermal camera is EasIR-9 [10].


For the presentation of the results from the experimental
carried out test of thermal images characteristics measurements
using the developed simulation model (Fig. 3) and the
synthesized numerous thermal images is prepared the
following Table 1.
Table 1

Objects in Relative Spatial Minimum

synthesized Frequency resolvable
thermal images (Respective temperature
Objects Size) difference
Triangle 0.3 0.11
0.4 0.2
0.5 0.36
0.6 0.98
0.7 1.26
Four bar as 0.3 0.09
object 0.4 0.22
0.5 0.36
0.6 0.88
0.7 1.13
0.7 1.13

In this table in a comparative form are collected only (for

brevity) some more important results as values of measured
thermal images characteristics (in this case values of
measurements of minimum resolvable temperature difference
MRTD) for two types (triangle and four bar) objects.
The relative values in Table 1 show that there exist the
relations between the object type in test thermal image and the
value of measured minimum resolvable temperature difference
MRTD. Also the Relative Spatial Frequency, respective or
Regardless of Objects Size) are important to achieve a good
(greater values) of minimum resolvable temperature difference
The comparison of the values for measured minimum
resolvable temperature difference MRTD of two types
(triangle and four bar) objects show that they are greater of
simple triangle object.
The presented analysis of the brief described results in
Table 1 give the possibility to conclude, that the proposed
algorithm and corresponding simulation model can be used
Fig.6. Synthesized test thermal image with uniform background with success to perform test of thermal images characteristics
and objects as combination from different size, positions and and from these results to estimate the quality of thermal
orientation of four bar object (Fig. 5.) for testing thermal images images, used in thermo vision systems.

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This work was supported by National Ministry of Science
and Education of Bulgaria under Contract DDVU 02/4-7:
“Thermo Vision Methods and Recourses in Information
Systems for Customs Control and Combating Terrorism
Aimed at Detecting and Tracking Objects and People”.

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