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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V (Bicol)
Division of Albay
4TH Quarterly Test


Direction: Encircle the correct answer.

1. What is the mathematical form that refers to the different possible arrangements of a set of
a. Permutation c. Probability
b. Combination d. Sequence

2. ________________is the number of ways of selecting from a set when the order is NOT
a. Permutations c. Probability
b. Combinations d. Sequence
3. Electing class officers are example of________________.
a. Permutations c. Probability
b. Combinations d. Sequence
4. Which of the following situations or activities involve permutation?
a. Forming different triangles out of 5 points on a plane, no three of which are collinear
b. Forming a committee from the members of the club
c. Assigning seats to visitors at dinner
d. Choosing 5 questions to answer out of 10 questions in a test
5. What is the formula in finding the permutations of object?
𝑛! 𝑟!
a. (𝑛−𝑟)!𝑟!
c. (𝑛−𝑟)!
𝑛 𝑛!
b. (𝑟−𝑛)! d. (𝑛−𝑟)!
6. The following situations are example of permutation except_______?
a. Arranging bicycles in a parking lot
b. Encoding a telephone number
c. Arranging students for a class pictorial
d. Answering test questions
7. Choosing a subset of set is an example of_______________.
a. Combination c. Differentiation
b. Permutation d. Integration
8. The formula of finding the combination of objects is (𝑛−𝑟)𝑟!
. The given situation is
a. Correct c. Vivid
b. Wrong d. Reliable
9. Jane invited 7 guests for a dinner and she wants to arrange her guest around a circular table.
The situation presented is classified as what type of permutation?
a. Distinguishable c. Circular
b. Permutation d. Combination
10. In a dancing competition with 10 contestants, the organizer of the event wants to arrange the
first 3 dancers. What is the best representation of manipulating the given object n taken r in the
given situation?
a. ₁₀ C ₃ c. ₁ₒ P ₃
b. ₃ C ₁ₒ d. ₃ P ₃
11. Raffa is the president of the club. She is in order to choose the committee of 10 out of 20
qualified members. What is the best representation of manipulating the given situation?
a. ₂₀ C ₁₀ c. ₂₀ P ₁₀
b. ₁₀ C ₂₀ d. ₁₀ P ₂₀
12. In an assembly three major prizes that are at stake. In how many ways can the first, second, and
third prizes be drawn from a box containing 10 names?
a. 620 c. 820
b. 720 d. 920
13. A teacher wants to assign 4 different tasks to her 4 students. The presented situation can be
manipulated using the concept of__________________?
a. Permutation c. Sequence
b. Combination d. Probability
14. In a 20 – item test, how many ways can you select 10 questions to answer? The given question
can be determined using ____________________?
a. Permutation c. Sequence
b. Combination d. Probability
15. In how many ways can a committee of 7 be formed from 8 freshmen and 10 sophomores if the
committee must have 4 sophomores? What is the best representation of the combination of
object in the given problem?
a. ₁₀ C ₇ + ₈ C ₃ + ₁₀ C ₄ c. ₁₀ C ₇ + ₁₀ C ₄ · ₈ C ₃
b. ₁₀ C ₇ · ₁₀ C ₄ · ₈ C ₃ d. ₁₀ C ₇ + ₁₀ C ₃ · ₈ C₇
16. How many distinguishable permutations are possible with all the letters of the word SWEET?
a. 20 c. 40
b. 30 d. 50
17. How many ways can a committee consisting of 4 members be formed from 8 people?
a. 40 c. 60
b. 50 d. 70
18. A type of event with a single result is called___________________.
a. Complement of an event c. Simple event
b. Compound event d. Dependent event
19. What do you called the event in which the outcomes are NOT included in the event?
a. Complement of an event c. Simple event
b. Compound event d. Dependent event
20. What is the branch of mathematics that deals with the calculating of chances of the occurrence
of a particular phenomenon?
a. Algebra c. Calculus
b. Probability d. Geometry
21. The measure of the likelihood that an event will occur is known as____________________.
a. Event c. Union of events
b. Intersection of events d. Probability
22. What do you call the result of an specific experiment?
a. Event c. Sample space
b. Outcomes d. Set
23. A term in probability which is considered as the set of all outcomes in an experiment?
a. Event c. Sample space
b. Outcomes d. Set
24. Which of the following situation is the best example of simple event?
a. Selecting of all aces in a deck cards
b. Choosing three cuisines to be eaten in a buffet table
c. Getting head upon tossing a coin
d. Rolling a dices with 5 and 6 as the possible results
25. Which types of the event will result to an exactly one outcome?
a. Simple event c. Complement of an event
b. Compound event d. Union of event
26. What is the probability of getting a tail upon tossing a coin?
a. 25 % c. 75 %
b. 50 % d. 100 %
(27 – 28) Refer to the Venn diagram below

0.4 0.2 0.3


27. What is the probability of event A?

a. 0.4 c. 0.3
b. 0.6 d. 0.3
28. What is the intersection of event A and B?
a. 0.4 c. 0.3
b. 0.6 d. 0.2
29. How the union of events can be determined given the diagram below?


a. P (A) + P (B) + P (C) c. P (A) + P (B) – P (D)

b. P (A) + P (B) – P (C) d. P (A) + P (B) + P (D)
30. What do you call the events that can occur at the same time?
a. Mutually exclusive events c. Dependent events
b. Not mutually exclusive events d. Independent events
31. The events that cannot occur at the same time is called____________________.
a. Mutually exclusive events c. Dependent events
b. Not mutually exclusive events d. Independent events
32. Anthony has 5 red chips, 10 blue chips and 15 white chips. What is the probability that Mario
randomly selects a red chip or a white chip? The given question can be determined using what
concept in probability?
a. Mutually exclusive events c. Dependent events
b. Not mutually exclusive events d. Independent events
33. Refers to item no. 32. What is the probability of selecting red or blue chips?
1 5
a. 2
c. 6
2 1
b. 3
d. 3
34. Find the probability of selecting red or not blue.
1 5
a. 2
c. 6
2 1
b. 3
d. 3
35. The probability of getting head upon tossing a coin and a 5 in rolling a die is an example
a. Mutually exclusive events c. Dependent events
b. Not mutually exclusive events d. Independent events
36. Not mutually exclusive events illustrate common outcomes. The statement is_____________.
a. Always true c. Always wrong
b. Sometimes true d. Sometimes wrong
37. Upon tossing a coin twice, what is the probability of getting 1 head and 1 tail?
1 1
a. 2
c. 4
1 d. 1
b. 3
(38 - 39) Complete the statement below.

38. Two events are _____________________ if the occurrence of one of the events gives us no
information about whether or not the other event will occur.
a. Dependent c. Mutually exclusive
b. Independent d. Not mutually exclusive
39. Two events are _________________________ if the outcomes of one event affects the
outcomes of another event.
a. Dependent c. Mutually exclusive
b. Independent d. Not mutually exclusive
40. Two events are considered to be an independent event if one events have _________________.
a. Influence c. Relationship
b. No influence d. No relationship
41. Finding the probability of selecting the MVP in women basketball and the MVP in women
volleyball tournament, is an example of ________________________ event.
a. Dependent c. Mutually exclusive
b. Independent d. Not mutually exclusive
(42 - 44) Refer to the situation inside the box.

42. What is the probability of selecting blue and yellow balls if there is replacement?
a. 6/50 c. 8/50
b. 7/50 d. 9/50
43. What is the mathematical represent of finding the black and blue if there is no replacement?
7 5 8 7
a. . 19 c. .
20 20 19
5 7 5 7
b. . d. 19
. 19
20 19
44. Find the probability of getting a yellow and black, without replacement.
a. 1/5 c. 2/5
b. 2/10 d. 1/10
45.– 47. Complete the given statements.
45. Conditional probability states that ___________?
a. Event A will occur given that event B has occurred already.
b. Event B will occur given that event A are occurring.
c. Event A will occur given that event B didn’t occur.
d. Event B will occur given that event A didn’t occurred.
46. The formula used in conditional probability is ____________?
𝑃(𝐴∪𝐵) 𝑃(𝐴∩𝐵)
a. P(AIB) = c. P(BIA) =
𝑃(𝐵) 𝑃(𝐵)
𝑃(𝐴∩𝐵) 𝑃(𝐴∩𝐵)
b. P(AIB) = 𝑃(𝐴) d. P(AIB) = 𝑃(𝐵)
47. The dividend in the formula of conditional probability indicates ______________ of the two
a. Union c. Relationship
b. Intersection d. Difference
48. The teacher gives two sets of exams 45 % of the students passed the first exam and 10% of the
students passed the two sets. What is the mathematical representations of the given situation
applying the conditional probability?
𝑃(𝐸₁∩𝐸₂) 𝑃(𝐸₁∩𝐸₂)
a. 𝑃(𝐸₁ǀ 𝐸₂) = 𝑃(𝐸₂)
c. 𝑃(𝐸₂ǀ 𝐸₁) = 𝑃(𝐸₁)

𝑃(𝐸₁∪𝐸₂) 𝑃(𝐸 1 ∪𝐸 2 )
b. 𝑃(𝐸₂ǀ 𝐸₁) = d. 𝑃(𝐸1 ǀ 𝐸 2 ) =
𝑃(𝐸₁) 𝑃(𝐸 2 )

49. A teacher gave two sets of tests. Twenty percent of the class passed both tests and fifty percent
of the class passed the first set. What is the percent of the students who passed the first test will
also pass the second test?
a. 40% c. 60%
b. 50% d. 70%
50. Out of 70 people (ages 15-25) surveyed in a study, 30 are females who prioritize to work than to
study due to poverty. What is the percentage that the surveyed person is a female and an out of
school youth?
a. 40%
b. 41%
c. 42%
d. 43%

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Cobilla, Jenelyn C. Domingo Dacullo Jr. Erlinda Lominario

Cleofas, Ruffa B. Cooperating Teacher Mathematics Department Head
Lovedorial, Kathleen C.
Pre-service Teacher

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