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Paper: Science fair NGC SCHOOL

Topic: elevator.

Presented by:
Andrés David Hincapié
Miguel Ángel Trujillo Cubillos

Date: Armenia, Quindío. March 16, 2018.


Nowadays, in most building we see the implementation of elevators, which help people

carry large things and reach your destination. Besides, elevators can help disabled people to

go up to another floor. Additionally, we can find elevators in places such as hospitals,

malls, buildings etc.


The electricity was discovered in 1752 when Franklin did an experiment. He tied a key of

metal to a kite when there was a storm in order to demonstrated that the rays are energy

source. Nowadays, the electricity is used for: lights bulbs, computers, washing machines

and cars, but how does the electricity function? Its function: everything starts when the

electrons of the atom are stimulated, and they move in a current.


To make an elevator we need a reduce motor, one battery of nine volts, a pulley, three
pieces of paperboard, cables, silicone and a string.

First step, we need to cut paperboard in three parts 15cm by 50 cm. Then, we need to paste

the paperboard. Also, we cut another paper board 19cm by 19 cm.

Next step, we need to make a box with four pieces of paperboard, we need to cut the paper

board 15cm by 16 cm, we paste them and introduce the small box into the elevator. Then,

we need to paste the battery and the reduce motor above the paperboard.

Then, we make a small hole in the middle of the upper part, and later we introduce a string

to connect the string with the pulley, and connect the string with the small box into the

elevator. Also, we need to connect the cables with the battery and with the switch.

Finally, we turn on the elevator with the switch.

General Objective:

 Explain how to make an elevator

Specific Objectives:

 Demonstrate how the electricity was discovered

 Explain how the electricity function
Verse of the bible
But, you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many
will go here and there to increase knowledge."

(s.f.). Obtenido de http://www.gstriatum.com/energiasolar/blog/2014/05/16/como-funciona-la-

(s.f.). Obtenido de https://www.vix.com/es/btg/curiosidades/2010/11/.../¿como-se-descubrio-la-


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