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El Boletin Numismatico



Los numerosos billetes que se pusieron en The numerous bills that were put into circulation
circulaci6n durante la revoluci6n mexicana during the Mexican revolution were issued under
fueron emitidos bajo muy diversas many different circumstances and by innumerable
circunstancias y por un sin numero de emisores, issuers from provisional governments and
desde gobiemos provisionales y partidas de revolutionary parties to "bandoleros" (bandits)
revolucionarios hasta "bandoleros "que se who passed themselves off as combatants,
hacian pasar por combatientes , pasando por passing to store keepers and ranchers, who found
comerciantes y hacendados, que ante la it necessary to print their own paper money in
escasez de moneda fraccionaria y el rechazo a order to facilitate commercial transactions in view
las emisiones de los diferentes bandos se vieron of the scarcity of fractional coins and the rejection
en la necesidad de mandar imprimir su propio of the money of the different revolutionary groups.
papel moneda para facilitar las transacciones The period of time of circulation was very variable.
comerciales. El lapso de tiempo en el que Many of these pieces that today are prizes for the
circularon fue muy variable. Muchas de estas collectors were at that time causes, not only of
piezas que hoy son la delicia de los discontent among the former owners due to the
coleccionistas fueron causantes en su epoca, no uncertanty of their value and in many cases for
solo del descontento entre sus antiguos their imposition, but also were the cause for some
propietarios por la incertidumbre de su validez y to lose their fortunes.
en muchos casos por su imposici6n, sino que
fueron para algunos hasta la causa de la perdida Regarding these "bilimbiques", as they were
de sus fortunas. popularly called, we do not know who issued some
of them or in what quantity, of others we have
erroneous information or we do not know where
De algunos de estos "bilimbiques" coma el they came from. For this reason, I think that the
ingenio popular los llam6, se ignora quien y readers may be interested in knowing the
cuando los emiti6, de otros se tiene informaci6n circumstances under which the bills of Sahuayo,
err6nea o se desconoce su procedencia. Es por known as the Galvez Toscano Column, were
ello que considero pueda ser def interes de los made. I hope that the collectors who have these
lectores conocer bajo que circunstancias se pieces can enrich the present article by informing
hicieron los billetes sahuayenses conocidos their characteristics and the different varieties.
como "Columna Galvez Toscano". Ojala que los
coleccionistas poseedores de estas piezas
puedan enriquecer el presente articulo, ANTECEDENTS
informando sobre las caracteristicas de estas
piezas y sus diferentes variedades. At the beginning of the Mexican Revolution, the
only denunciation of the Porfirista government
made in the western part of Michoacan was in
Zamora during May 1911, where new authorities
ANTECEDENTES were peacefully elected. At that time Sahuayo, a
village of 8,302 inhabitants, was thus included in
Al inicio de la Revoluci6n Mexicana en el the Madero area. (L. Gonzalez, Sahuayo, pg.
Occidente de Michoacan el linico 143).
pronunciamiento en contra del gobierno
porfirista se da en Zamora en mayo de 1911, It was not until June 19, 1914, when 100
donde en forma pacifica se eligen nuevas Carrancista revolutionaries entered Sahuayo
autoridades. Sahuayo queen esa epoca era una under the command of General Jose Maria
villa de 8,302 habitantes qued6 asi "enrolada Morales Ibarra, with whom the citizens reached an
dentro de las huestes maderistas" (L. Gonzalez, agreement. Morales later went to Jiquilpan
Sahuayo, pag. 143). leaving a force of 40 men in the village. On June 22
General Eugenio Zuniga, also a Carrancista,
made his entrance into Jiquilpan (head

( 18)
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No fue sino hasta el 19 de junio de 1914, of the district) with 700 men. Meanwhile, in
cuando 100 revolucionarios carrancistas Sahuayo the Municipal President Luis Sanchez
entraron a Sahuayo al mando del General Jose Ramirez and a group ofresidents met with General
Maria Morales Ibarra, con quien se entienden los Morales and almost convinced him to attack
Municipes. Sale Morales despues a Jiquilpan Zuniga. The then Captain Lazaro Cardenas , upon
dejando una fuerza de 40 hombres en el pueblo. learning of this, asked Morales not to help
El 22 de junio el General Eugenio Zuniga, Sahuayo, that had declared itself ""of the party of
carrancista tambien, hace su entrada a Jiquilpan the usurper government that Victoriano Huerta
(cabecera del distrito, que limita al sur) al frente headed". Morales said that these measures were
de 700 hombres, mientras tanto en Sahuayo, el in reality so that the people of Sahuayo could bring
Presidente Municipal Luis Sanchez Ramirez y out their arms in order to put them away again (1 ).
un grupo de vecinos se entrevistan con el Lazaro Cardenas returned to Jiquilpan after
General Morales y casi lo convencen de atacar a having avoided the conflict between two allied
Zuniga. El entonces capitan Lazaro Cardenas al groups. On June 23 General Zuniga entered
enterarse de esto le pide a Morales no apoyar a Sahuayo, being received by Morales and The
Sahuayo, que ya se habia declarado "partidario Municipal President Luis Sanchez Ramirez
def gobierno usurpador que presidia Victoriano (Lazaro Cardenas Works, 1-notes 1913/1940, vol.
Huerta", Morales le dice que tales medidas eran 1, pg. 49 and 50). The people of Sahuayo had
en realidad para que los sahuayenses sacaran confidence in Morales so they permitted Zuniga to
las armas para recogerselas (1 ). Regresa enter when he offered guarantees. The town,
Lazaro Cardenas a Jiquilpan despues de haber armed with 500 rifles, was ready. Zuniga took
evitado el enfrentamiento de dos grupos afines y advantage of the situation and went to the convent
asf, el 23 de junio entran las fuerzas del General of a religious order and demanded $5,000 pesos.
Zuniga a Sahuayo siendo recibidas por He threatened to dynamite the building if the
Morales y el Presidente Municipal Luis Sanchez money was not given to him. The Mother Superior
Ramirez (Lazaro Cardenas Obras, 1- apuntes Teresa Campos Calderon told him that they lived
1913/1940, tomo 1 p.49 y 50). Confiados los on charity and did not have that amount therefore
sahuayenses en Morales le permitieron la he could do what he wished. On seeing the danger
entrada a Zuniga quien ofreci6 garantfas. El that they were in, the curate Pascual Orozco and
pueblo, armado con 500 rifles nuevos estaba a other priests tried to arrange the situation by
la expectativa. Zuniga aprovechando la visiting Zuniga in the hotel where he was staying.
situaci6n se present6 en el convento de unas Far from retreating from his project, he took them
religiosas y exigi6 $5,000 pesos amenazando prisoners and ordered his troops to detain all the
con dinamitar el edificio si no se le entregaba el priests that they found (G. Urbizu, Zamora y
dinero, la madre superiora Teresa Campos Sahuayo, pg. 148). Later, fearing an insurrection
Calderon le contest6 que vivian de la caridad y because the people were so furious, he marched
que no disponia de tal cantidad por lo que podia to Jiquilpan, taking with him the curate and ten
hacer lo que quisiera. Al ver el peligro en el que other priests. In Jiquilpan he demanded $40,000
se encontraban, el Sr. Cura Pascual Orozco y pesos (2) and the surrender of all the arms in
otros sacerdotes trataron de arreglar la situaci6n exchange for the detained ones. As pressure he
entrevistandose con Zuniga en el Hotel donde se threatened to execute one of them every half hour
hospedaba, quien lejos de dar marcha atras en until the ransom was delivered. He began with
sus prop6sitos los hizo prisioneros ordenando Jose Marfa Galvez Sanchez who he had also
ademas a su tropa que detuvieran a todos los detained because he had defended his ranch. He
sacerdotes que encontraran (G.Urbizu, Zamora ordered him to be to be executed on the 26'" in front
y Sahuayo p.148). Posteriormente, temiendo of the priests. General Cardenas was witness and
una insurrecci6n pues el pueblo estaba recounts that "pointing at one of the priests he said
enfurecido enfil6 rumbo a Jiquilpan, llevandose to the commander of the escort 'next I will execute
amarrados al Sr. Cura, y otros diez sacerdotes. that one'. The priest then ran up to Zuniga to
En Jiquilpan exigi6 $40,000 pesos (2) y la implore clemency, exclaiming, 'why are you going
entrega de todas las armas a cambio de los to shoot me?', to which Zuniga replied, 'por bonito y
detenidos, como medida de presi6n amenaz6 pore ... " (Cardenas op. cit. pg. 51 ).
con irlos fusilando cada media hora en tanto se
le entregaba el rescate. Empez6 con el
( 19)
El Boletin Numismatico

Sr.Jose Ma . Galvez Sanchez a quien tambien On June 27, Pofirio Villasenor, resident of
habfa detenido por haberse puesto como Jiquilpan delivered the ransom or most of it,
defensa en su rancho . Lo mand6 ejecutar el dia because the rich men of sahuayo had taken flight
26 enfrente de los sacerdotes; cuenta el to the capitals of Mexico and Guadalajara. Zuniga
general Cardenas testigo presencial, que kept his word and released the priests but one of
"senalando a uno de ellos le dijo al oficial que them , Father Federico Sanchez who was the
mandaba la escolta : "enseguida me ejecutan a subject of the false execution , had received such
este". Entonces , el sacerdote que habfa an impression that he died days later of a bilious
senalado corri6 hacfa Zuniga a implorar attack (Urbizu op. cit. pg. 148).
clemencia, exclamando: "(,par que me va a
fusilar?, a lo que Zuniga contesto: ''par bonito y
pore ... "(Cardenas op. cit. p.51 ).

El 27 de junio don Porfirio Villasenor, vecino de

Jiquilpan dio el rescate o la mayor parte, ya que
los ricos de Sahuayo habian emprendido la
hufda a las capitales de Mexico y Guadalajara .
Zuniga cumpli6 su palabra de liberar a los
sacerdotes pero uno de ellos, el padre Federico
Sanchez al que se le form6 el falso cuadro de
fusilamiento , habia recibido tal impresi6n que
muri6 dfas despues de un derrame bilioso (
Urbizu op. cit. p.148),

Miguel Galvez Toscano

Fotografias tomadas del grupo de Photographs of Sahuayo citizens at the end of a

sahuayenses al termino de un retiro spiritual retreat lead by Father Carlos Marfa de
espiritual que presidi6 el padre Carlos Marfa Heredia at that time. Property of the author. (They
de Heredia en esa epoca. Propiedad del can be seen complete in Urbizu op. cit. pg . 114)
autor. (Puede verse completa en Urbizu
op.cit. p. 114)

I ( 20)
El Boletin Numismatico

Fue tal el resentimiento que dej6 en el pueblo The resentment in the town was so great against
el general Zuniga que los sahuayenses General Zuniga that the citizens decided to revolt
decidieron levantarse en armas en contra de los against the Carrancistas in order to defend
carrancistas para defenderse de tantos themselves from such abuse. When they had to
atropellos, al tener que definir su movimiento, define their movement, being very conservative
siendo un pueblo muy conservador, se they declared for Villa because he was not anti-
pronunciaron a favor del villismo ya que estos clerical. At the end of 1914, Jose Ramirez
no eran anticlericales. A fines de 1914, Jose Sanchez and his brothers together with Miguel
Ramirez Sanchez y hermanos junta con Miguel Galvez Toscano with the assent of the citizens
Galvez Toscano, con la anuencia de los organized a batallion.
munlcipes se dieron a la tarea de organizar un

Como rechazo a las emisiones revolucionarias As a rejection of the revolutionary emissions

y/o para financiar su campana, mandaron and/or to finance their campaign , they ordered the
imprimir conforme al decreto del 15 de printing of bills of 10, 20 and 50 centavos and 1 and
noviembre de 1914 billetes de .10, .20 y .50 5 pesos (4) in accord with the decree of November
centavos y de 1 y 5 pesos (4) muy 15, 1914, probably from the only print shop in the
probablemente en la unica imprenta que habla town called "Guadalupana". Its owner, Estanislao
en el pueblo llamada "Guadalupana" cuyo Amezcua Orozco, was also the owner of the
propietario Don Estanislao Amezcua Orozco era pharmacy where the principal citizens and priests
dueno tambien de una botica a la cual went and where meetings were also held. There
concurrlan los principales vecinos y sacerdotes also arrived the news of the district. One of the
y donde se realizaban tertulias. Ahi se llevaban assiduous meeting attendees was Demetria
y traian las noticias de la comarca. Uno de los Rojas , friend and collaborator of Don Estanislao in
asiduos contertulios era don Demetria Rojas, the publication of the Catholic weekly "La Verdad".
amigo y colaborador de Don Estanislao en la It was rumored that this printer had been
publicaci6n del semanario cat61ico "La Verdad". abandoned by the French in the battle of "la
Esta imprenta se rumoraba que la hablan trasquila" in 1884 when they defeated the
abandonado los franceses en la batalla de "la republicans . (Urbizu , op. cit. pg. 111-112 and
trasquila" en 1864 cuando vencieron a los Gonzalez, op. cit. pg. 127)
republicanos. (Urbizu , op. cit. p.111-112 y •
Gonzalez, op. cit. p. 127) ·

( 21 )
El Boletin N umismatico

La (mica fuente que da detalles del The only source that gives details of the uprising
levantamiento de Galvez y Ramirez es la de of Galvez and Ramirez is the book of Jose Prado
Jose Prado Sanchez en su libro "Sahuayo, Sanchez "Sahuayo, traditions and legends". He
tradiciones y leyendas", resumiendo ese tells us that in a relatively short time a batallion was
capitulo nos dice que en un tiempo relativamente formed, "well armed and mounted" and even with a
corto qued6 constituido el batall6n," bien music band to give them spirit, and camped in
armadas y montados" y hasta con una banda de Contla, Jal. There it is noted that Nicanor Mora
musica para darse animos acampan en Contla, deserted and Miguel Galvez condemned him to be
Jal. Ahi notan la deserci6n de Nicanor Mora, y shot. General Ramirez with 20 men went to
Miguel Galvez se pronuncia por fusilarlo, el interview Mora in Pajacuaran and convinced him
General Ramirez con 20 hombres sale para to give up his ideas and return with him. On the
entrevistarse con Mora en Pajacuaran logrando road they met Vicente Galvez, nephew of Gen.
convencerlo de desistir de sus prop6sitos y Galvez Toscano, who was coming from La Piedad
regresa con el, en el camino se encuentran con with a strong number of men to join the forces of his
Vicente Galvez sobrino del Gral. Galvez uncle. Returning to Sahuayo, Jose Ramirez is
Toscano que venia de la Piedad con fuerte informed that General Fox with 200 Yaquis under
numero de soldados para incorporarse a las his command was sent by the Carrancistas "with
fuerzas de su tio. De regreso en Sahuayo Jose instructions to burn the town". He was asked to
Ramirez es informado que el general Fox con stay and defend it. General Ramirez opted to
200 yaquis a su mando enviado por el confront the enemy on the battle field and at dawn
carrancismo "traia instrucciones de incendiar el on December 12 with 20 men he approached on
pueblo" y le piden que se quede para defenderlo, the mountainous side whilt Vicente Galvez went by
el General Ramirez opta por hacerle frente al Lake Chapala where they surprised the enemy. In
enemigo en el campo de batatla y el 12 de a hard battle Vicente Galvez was killed and his
diciembre en la madrugada con 20 hombres se people decided to return to Sahuayo where
dirige por el lado montanoso de la palma y Ignacio, brother of Jose Ramirez, tried to convince
Vicente Galvez por el de la laguna de Chapala them to return to help his brother but only managed
donde sorprenden al enemigo; en duro combate to get them to stay to defend the town in case Jose
perece Vicente Galvez y su gente acobardada Ramirez was defeated. This one, knowing well the
regresa a Sahuayo, aqul Ignacio hermano de muddy land, "using his high courage and strategy,
Jose Ramirez trata de convencerlos de que fought all day with his twenty men and succeeded
regresen a auxiliar a su hermano y solo in defeating the Yaquis, took them prisoner, shot
consigue que se queden en el pueblo para the leaders and took 40 prisoners to Sahuayo as
defenderlo en caso de que fuera vencido Jose trophies". Jose Prado concludes saying that
Ramirez. Este, conocedor del fangoso terreno General Ramfrez gave money to some of the
de la palma "poniendo en alto su valor y captives so they could return to their homes and
estrategia, luch6 durante todo el dia con sus 20 that others went voluntarily. With the defeat of the
hombres logrando veneer a los yaquis, que una Yaquis of General Fox, Luis Gonzalez says
vez rendidos los tom6 prisioneros fusilando a los (Sahuayo, op. cit. pg.146) "the private revoution of
Jefes y trayendo como trofeo a Sahuayo 40 Galvez and Ramirz ended".
prisioneros" concluye Jose Prado diciendo que el
General Ramirez a unos de los cautivos les dio As conclusion,it can be said that the bills of the
dinero para que regresaran a su tierra y que otros "Galvez and Toscano Column are Villistas and that
se le unieron voluntariamente. Con la derrota five values are known according to the Gaytan
que le infringen a los yaquis del general Claudio catalog .that must have been printed in the
Fox dice Luis Gonzalez (Sahuayo, op. cit. p.146) Guadalupana shop of Estanislao Amezcua
"termin6 la revolucion particular de Galvez y Orozco and that Miguel Galvez Toscano and Jose
Ramirez". Ramirez Sanchez are the ones who signed them
as General and Treasurer respectively (if Y is the
Como conclusion, se puede afirmar que los first letter of the signature of the Treasurer, that I do
billetes de la "Columna Galvez Toscano" son not believe, then it is ofYgnacio Ramirez Sanchez,
villistas y que se conocen 5 valores segun el brother of Jose).
catalogo de Gaytan, que debieron ser impresos

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El Boletin Numismatico

Estanislao Amezcua Orozco y que Miguel NOTES

Galvez Toscano y Jose Ramirez Sanchez son
las que firman coma General y Tesorero (1) This occurrence must be the origin of the
respectivamente (de ser Y la primer letra de la saying "son of Marfa Morales" that the
rubrica del tesorero, que no creo, se tratarfa merchants and ex-residents spread in various
entonces de Ygnacio Ramirez Sanchez parts of the Mexican Republic and perhaps in
hermano de Jose). foreign lands also.

NOT AS (2) Urbizu says he demanded $25,000 pesos.

(op. cit. pg. 148)
( 1) Este hecho debe ser el origen de la popular
frase "hijo de Marfa Morales" que los (3) Another of these bills, the $1.00 peso
comerciantes y transterrados se encargaron de orange, can be seen in the book "La Historia .del
divulgar en varias partes de la Republica Papel Moneda en Mexico" of Jose Antonio Batiz
Mexicana y quiza hasta del extranjero. Vazquez, published by Fomento Cultural
Banamex. There it can be obsrved that in
(2) Urbizu dice que exigi6 25,000 pesos. (op.cit. addition to being progressively numbered it has
p.148) on the obverse the original signatures of General
Miguel Galvez Toscano and General Jose
(3) Otro de estos billetes, el de $1 peso Ramirez Sanchez as Treasurer. On the reverse
anaranjado se puede ver en el libro "La historia it has the rubber stamp of the Ayuntamiento of
del papel moneda en Mexico" de Jose Antonio Sahuayo. I imagin that the rest of the
Batiz Vazquez , editado por Fomento Cultural denominations also have it.
Banamex, Ahf se puede observar que ademas
del numero progresivo lleva en el anverso la (4) Gaytan·s op. cit. pg. 94 and pg E.E. Mich.
firma original del General Miguel Galvez 63 and 64 and pg L.V. Mich. 65 to 68.
Toscano y la del General Jose Ramirez
Sanchez, como Tesorero, , en el reverso lleva el
sello gomfgrafo del Ayuntamiento de Sahuayo,
me imagino que las demas valores tambien lo

(4) Gaytan·s op.cit. p. 94 y p. E.E. Mich. 63y64y

p. L.V. Mich. 65 a 68.


-Cardenas, Lazaro "Obras 1-Apuntes

1913/1940"Tomo I U.N.A.M.1972, 2a. Edici6n.
-Garcia Urbizu, Francisco "Zamora y Sahuayo",
Talleres Gu fa, Zamora, Mich. 1963.
-Gaytan, Carlos "Paper Currency of Mexico", 2a.
Edition, El Cajon, California 1975.
-Gonzalez y Gonzalez, Luis, "Sahuayo",
Gobierno del Edo. de Mich. 1979, Monograffas
-Prado Sanchez, Jose "Sahuayo Tradiciones y
Leyendas", Edici6n de Autor, Azuayo, 1976.

( 23)
Abril - Junio, 2005 El Boletin Numismatico



Complemento Grifico del artkulo aparecido en el boletin N° 206

$ 0.50 cs. CINCUENTA CENTAVO§ soso}:S]j!

N(J 706 .J I!

:;..... ~~ C~NCUENT-LA\ C~~-~= ~a(l)e :or ~I
Vale por
50 ('S. a c.:s. ~ ·
CONFORl•H: ,\L DEC lt~:TO DJ<: . -i i
~ 1cincuentn cs or; crncucnta cs I ~ I
Ill DE NOVlE.MllfU·: 11114.
C)i General, ;r. \ Tesorero, '.

~lsoso -cs~ CINCUENTA CENTA°vos$ QSoCS~~

<, (£olunma ,:, ti'. .

~ r
. Q.•

L7 !

• 10 •
Abril - Junio, 2005 El Boledn Nurnismatico

1.00 UN PESO. $1..00

= ~N" --

~ $1.00 UN PESO $1.00 ~~
a.. Conforme al dccreto de 15 <.le novicmbrc de 19H
~ General, Teaorero, .~

II == = = ...:.~ _..:; .... . .

$1.00 UN PESO Sl.ool


$1.00 $1.00 !

'\it>intP centa\'OS.
~ . ~
s ..Kum.
~ Valepor20cvs. ~
Vcinto centavoR.

• 11 •
Abril - Junio, 2005 El Boletin Numismatico

$.5.00 ·. Cinco ipesos. $5.00

N'1 l 190

· ~VA LE L!.( ) Lt $ 5.0~ Cl.K co . .ll-ESf)S

,. ·-;con£ormc 11/ decreto de 15 de noviembre d•~I914 .

•-..General /'(

$ 5. 00
~ ~

$5.00 $5.00
l J

• 12 •

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