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32rd annual

Twentieth .. Century

Literature Conference 2004

February 26 _. 28

Special Guests

Austin C. Clarke

N. Katherine Hayles


Molly Peacock Ronald Schleifer Ana Marfa Shua Judy Veramendi

,.,-a --

dare to be great

20th .. Century Literature Conference

Opening Reception

Please join us for an informal get together at the

Red Barn

(Located Near the Clock Tower)

Wine, Beer & Pizza and all that JAZZ Jamey Aebersold and his Jazz Quartet School of Music, University of Louisville

Thursday Evening Feb 26 6:00 .. 7:15 pm following the

Critical Keynote Address

For those interested, following this Reception there will be a Creative Spanish Session

at the Ekstrom Library

at 7:30 m


T wentieth .. Century Literature Conference

Sponsored by

The University of Louisville President: James R Ramsey Provost: Shirley C. WillUmganz

College of Arts and Sciences Acting Dean: J. Blaine Hudson

Department of Classical and Modem Languages Chair: Wendy E. Pfeffer

Depa~entofEngllsh Chair: Susan M. Griffin

Office of Minority Services

Ralph Fitzpatrick, Assistant to the President

Englis~ Graduate Organization President: Darci Thoune

Luncheon Committee: Kelli Grady, Kara Alexander, Anne-Marie Pederson, Jeremy Justus, and Sylvia Church,

Commonwealth Center for Humanities and Society Director: Thomas Byers

The Conference Committee gratefully acknowledges the cooperation and assistance of the following: David Miles, Information Technology; Hannelore Rader, Delinda Buie and the staff ofW.F. Ekstrom Library; the staff of University of Louisville·campus bookstore; aU student volunteers, the staff in the Department of Classical and Modem Languages, and all University personnel who "go beyond the call" to ensure the success of the Conference.


General Plan of Activities

20"'-Century Literature Conference, February 26 - 28, 2004

Thursday, February 26

Registration, Bingham Humanities Bldg., Room 300

Eastern Standard Time

9:00 am 4:00 pm

Opening Presentation, Ekstrom Library Auditorium Molly Peacock, Toronto, Ontario

The Shimmering Verge (Poetry)

11:00 am

Sectional Meetings A Sectional Meetings B

1:15 pm 3:00pm

Keynote Presentation I (critical), Strikler Hall 101 4:45 pm

Katherine Hayles, University of California, los Angeles

"Coding the Signifier"

Spanish Play, Humanities Building, Room 205

Judy Veramendi, Columbia College, Chicago 4:30 pm

"Scenes from 'The Empty Chalices': Life and Poetry of Delmira Agustini"

Welcome Reception, Red Bam, Uofl.. Campus

Jamey Aebersold and his Jazz Quartet, School of Music, Uofl..


Spanish Creative Writing I, Ekstrom Library Auditorium


Friday. February 27

Registration, Bingham Humanities Bldg, Room 300 Sectional Meetings C

Sectional Meetings D

8:00am 9:00am 10:45 am

Pre-arranged group luncheons

12:15 pm

Sectional Meetings E Sectional Meetings F

1:30pm 3:15 pm

Featured Speaker in Spanish, Ekstrom Library Auditorium Ana Maria Shua, La Universidad de Buenos Aires "Narrativa argentina en la posdictadura"

3:15 pm

Keynote Presentation II (creative) Strickler Hall 101 Austin Clarke, Toronto, Ontario

"Whose Narrative is It?"


Conference Dinner, Seelbach Hilton Hotel Reception (cash bar; all conferees welcome) Dinner (reservation required)

6:30pm 8:00pm

Saturday. February 28

Registration, Bingham Humanities Room 300


Sectional Meetings G Sectional Meetings H

9:00 am 10:45 am

Lunch break; pre-ordered boxed lunches Rm 300 Sectional Meetings I

Closing Presentation, Room 300

Ronald Schleifer, University of Oklahoma "Signifying Music: Fats Waller and the Time of Jazz" Closing Reception, Room 300

1:30 pm 3:15 pm

4:15 pm


12:00 pm

2:45 pm 4:30pm

5:45 pm


7:15 pm


4:00pm 10:30 am 12:15 pm

1:15 pm

3:00 pm 4:45 pm

4:45 pm

6:00 pm

10:45 am

10:30 am 12:15 pm

3:00pm 4:15 pm

Registration Information Twentieth-Century llterature Conference Thursday, Friday, Saturday. February 26·28

The Conference is held on the main (Belknap) campus of the University of Louisville, Third and Eastern Parkway, Louisville, Kentucky (from Interstate 65 via Exit 133).

The Seelbach Hilton, 500 Fourth Avenue (at Muhammed Ali) has been designated as the Conference hotel (tel. 800. 333·3399; 502.585.3200). The hotel provides an airport shuttle. The Conference will provide transportation between the Seelbach and the University at regular intervals. See back pages of this program for the hotel-campus-hotel bus schedule.

All times shown are Eastern Standard Time.

Registration is required of all participants listed in the program. Registration packets and badges will be available in Room 300, Bingham Humanities Building. University of Louisville faculty and students are asked to sign in. The general public is invited to hear the guest speakers.

A courtesy coat check will be provided on the 3n1 floor of the Humanities Building, Room 300. The coat check will close at 5:30 pm Thursday, 5:00 pm on Friday, and 5:30 pm on Saturday. Refreshments will be served in the registration area on Thursday from 9:30 • 2:00, on Friday 8: 15 • 2:00, and on Saturday from 8: 15 • 2:00. A message board for the use of conference participants will be located outside Room 300. Please consult the board regularly for notice ot'last-minute program changes.

Sectional meetings will be held in the classrooms of Bingham Humanities Building. Creative presentations will be given in Ekstrom Library. Details of date, time and place for the Keynote Speakers and Special Guest are printed in the program.

All meeting rooms are accessible to the handir

Book vendors will display publications for sale on the second floor of the Bingham Humanities Building. A selection of the Keynote Speakers' and Special Guests' books will also be offered for sale at the University of Louisville bookstore.

See the back pages of this program for an index of chairs and presenters, a basic map of the campus, a shuttle bus schedule, a list of dining facilities (both on and off-campus), library and Campus Store hours. Ayers announcing Louisville-area events and attractions will be available in the registration area. The Louisville Convention and Visitor Bureau can provide information on local cultural events, entertainment, and lodging: Telephone 1(800) 626·5646. Web site:

A conference evaluation form is included in your packet. Please complete it before leaving. You may deposit the form in the box in Bingham 300 or mail it in to us. Your comments will help us plan for next year.

Corrections and addenda to the program will be enclosed in conference folders and/or posted on the notice board. Please check the notice board often for last-minute changes.

For further conference information, FAX (502) 852.8885, or e-maih or


Keynote Speakers

N. Katherine Hayles, Thursday, February 26, 4:45 pm, Middleton Auditorium, Strickler Hall ,Room 101

N. Katherine Hayles, Hillis Professor of Literature at the University of California, Los Angeles, teaches and writes on the relations of technology, science, literature, media and culture in the twentieth and twenty first century. Her recent book How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodks in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics won the Rene Wellek Prize for the Best Book in Literary Theory for 1998-99, as well as the Eaton Award for the Best Book in Science Fiction Criticism and Theory for 1998-99. Her latest book Writing Machines, won the Susanne Langer Award for Outstanding Scholarship. She lives in Topanga Canyon in the Santa Monica Mountains surrounded by live oaks, coyotes, and two dogs.

Austin Chesterfield Clarke

Friday, February 27,5:00 pm. Middleton Auditorium, Strickler Hall ,Room 101

Austin Chesterfield Clarke, journalist, novelist, shon story writer and civil rights activist is the author of9 novels including T~ Powhed Hoe, which was honored with three literary prizes in 2003, and five short story collections of which the most recent is Choosing His Coffin: T~ Best Stories of Austin Clarke, published Spring 2003. He has taught at Yale, Brandeis, Williams, Wellesley, Duke, Harvard and the universities of Texas and Indiana, following a distinguished career as cultural attache at the Barbadan Embassy in Washington and general manager of the Carribean Broadcasting Corporation in Barbados. Born and raised in Barbados, he is a longtime resident of Toronto, Canada and most recently has been writer in residence at Massey College and at the Toronto Public Library.

Special Guest Presenters

Molly Peacock

Thursday, February 26, 11 a.m., Ekstrom Library Auditorium

Molly Peacock, Poet-in-Residence at the Cathedral ofSt John the Divine, displays the fruit of her newest work, as well as a harvest from her earlier volumes. Her new work-in-progress is a one-woman monolugue in poems, "The Shimmering Verge", which showcases poems in Cornucopia. She has performed "The Shimmering Verge" at Poets for Choice in New York City, at the Tarragon Theatre Spring Arts Fair in Toronto, at the Grand Theatre in London, Ontario, and at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York City. She lives in Toronto and New York City. Her one-woman show, "The Shimmering Verge", is booking for Fall, 2004. Cornucopia: New and Selected Poems will be out in paperback from W. W. Norton this spring.

Ronald Schleifer

Saturday, March 1, 3:15 p.m., Bingham Humanities Room 300

Ronald Schleifer is George Lynn Cross Research Professor at the University of Oklahoma. He works in many aspects of the culture and arts of the twentieth-century. His recent work includes studies of the arts and sciences in the early twentieth century (Modernism and Time, Cambridge 2000), the uses of analogy in twentieth-century linguistics and interpretation (Analogical Thinking, Michigan 200), the transformations in religious studies in our time (The Postmodem Bible Reader, Blackwell 2001), and the relationship of medicine and literature (Medicine and Humanistic Understanding, Pennsylvania 2004). The lecture on Fats Waller takes its place in a series of studies of the popular music of the 1930s.


Special Spanisb Guest

Ana Marfa Sbua

Friday, February 27,3:15 p.m, Ekstrom Library Auditorium

Ana Marla Shua has earned a prominent place in contemporary Argentine fiction with the publication of over forty books in nearly every genre: novels, short stories, short short stories, poetry, theater, children's fiction, books of humor and Jewish folklore, anthologies, film scripts journalistic articles, and essays. Her award-winning works have been translated to many languages and her stories appear in anthologies throughout the world. Born in Buenos Aires in 1951, Shua began her literary career at the young age of sixteen with the publication of EI sol) )o(The Sun and 0, volume of poetry which received two literary prizes in 1967. She went on to study at the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires and worked as an advertising copy writer and journalist during the early stages of her career. Since then, she has received numerous national and international awards, and a Guggenheim FeUowship for her novel Ellibro cU los recueTdos (The Book ofMemo1'ies. 1994). Her other novels include Soy Paciente (Patient, 1980), Los amores de Laurita (Laurita's Loees, 1984), which was made into a movie, and La muerte como efecto secundario (Death as a Side Effect, 1997).


Judy Veramendi

Thursday, February 26,3 p.m, Humanities Building Room 205

Judy Veramendi, ia a playwright, novelist, and Fulbright Scholar. Born in Chicago, Judy Veramendi studied for years in Argentina and Spain. She graduated from the University of Navarra in Pamplona with a thesis about Delmira Agustini. Author of more than twenty books oflegends, short stories, and textbooks, she received an MFA in Fiction Writing from Columbia College, where she also has taught. Veramendi was awarded a Fulbright Senior Scholar grant to research Augustini, and has produced a play about her life and work.



Daily Schedule of Meetings and Events

Thursday, February 26

Bingham Humanities Building

Registration 9:00 a.m, - 4:00 p.m.

Please check in and pick up your conference packet.

In the packet, you will find a print-out of recent revisions. Please check daily for last-minute postings.


Ekstrom Library Auditorium

Thursday, 11:00 a.m. ' noon

Molly Peacock, Toronto, Ontario "The Shimmering Verge" (Poetry)

Introduced by Annette Allen, Humanities Department, University of Louisville


Thursday, 4:30 p.m •• 5:30 p.m.

Humanities Building Room 205

Judy Veramendi, Columbia College, Chicago

"Scenes from 'The Emplty Chalices': Life and Poetry of Delmira Agustini"


Middleton Auditorim, Strickler Hall, 101

Thursday, 4:45 • 5:45 p.m.

N. Katherine Hayles, University of California, Los Angeles Coding the Signifier

Introduced by Alan Golding, Department of English, University of Louisville

WELCOME RECEPTION with Jamey Aebersold and his quartet

Thursday, 6:00,7:15 p.m., Free to all Conferees

Pizza Party. Admission by conference badge/identification

Red Bam, University of Louisville Campus


Friday, 12:15· 1:15 p.m.

(a) The Creative Writers' Luncheon will be held at the University Club on campus. A reservation is necessary

(b) Participants in the French Literature sections are invited to lunch together. At 12: 15, please assemble at the door by the elevator, first floor, Bingham Humanities Building.

Harriette Seiler, University of Louisville, will host and walk with the group to the Cafe Bristol at the Speed Museum. Individuals will order from the menu and pay on-site.

(c) EGO, English grad student organization, will offer an informal lunch buffet to all visiting Graduate Students. There is no charge, but one must reserve. Held in the open area, outside room 100, Bingham Humanities Building. Admission by Conference badge.


Daily Schedule of Meetings and Events continued

SPECIAL mSPANIC PRESENTATION Friday, 3:15 ~ 4:45 p.m.

Ekstrom Library Auditorium

Ana Marla Shua, La Universidad de Buenos Aires ''Narrativa argentina en la posdictadura"

Introduced by Rhonda Buchanan, University of Louisville


Middleton Auditorim, Strickler Hall, 101

Austin Chesterfield Clarke, Toronto, Ontario "Whose Narrative Is It?"

Introduced by Jan Carew, Louisville, Kentucky


Reception, cash bar (all conferees welcome), 6:30·7:30 p.m, Dinner, by reservation only, 8:00 p.m,

Seelbach Hilton Hotel

CLOSING PRESENTATION Saturday, 3:15 p.m.

Ronald Schleifer, University of Oklahoma "Signifying Music: Fats Waller and the Tune ofJazz"

Introduced by Thomas B. Byers, Department of English, University of Louisville

Humanities Building Room 300

CLOSING RECEPTION Saturday, 4:15 p.m,


Humanities Building Room 300

Proposals (abstracts) for critical papers on any topic pertaining to literature published since 1900 will be considered ..

Creative submissions (poetry or short fiction) are also encouraged.

For details, or to be put on our mailing list, contact:

Danielle R. Day, Conference Director, Classical ilOd Modem Languages, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292 (502)852.6686

First Call for Papers The 33Td annual


Submission deadline: September 15, 2004 (postmarked)


SECTION A Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 p.m,

A,l Novels about Slavery and Diaspora: The Historical Imagination and Politics of Development

Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 p.m. Room: 223

Chair: Malick Mbengue, University of Louisville

• Molly McCaffrey, University of Cincinnati

"Black Is White: Gone with the Wind like It Really Was in Alice Randall's The Wind Done Gone" • Bobbi Button, Mansfield University

"The Feminine Hypocrisy Portrayed in Ishmael Reed's Flight to Canada" • Linda Krumholz, Denison University

"Spirituality and the Historical Imagination in Paule Marshall's The Chosen Place. the Timeless People" I ,. Ronke Ovekunle, University of Louisville

III" Literary Studies and Politics of Development: Mobility in Postcolonial West Africa" -

A,2 Representing Reproduction: Abortion, Pregnancy, and Motherhood in US Literature

Thursday. 1:15 - 2:45 p.m. Room: 210

Chair: joanna Wolfe. University of LouisviUe

• Meg Boerema Gillette. University of Illinois

"'Mom's the Word': The Reproductive Politics of Talking in Ernest Hemingway's 'Hills like White Elephants' and Vifia Delmar's Bad Girl"

• Laura Dawkins. Murray State University

"'Baptized My Son Forever': Motherhood as Metaphor in Audre Lorde's Poetry"

A,3 Voices of Contemporary American Poetry: Sexton, Kerouac, and Waldman

Thursday, 1: 15 - 2:45 p.m. Room: 209

Chair: Dorothy Goepel, Miami University

• Nancy M. Grace, College of Wooster

"The Myth and Reality of jack Kerouac's Spontaneous Bop Prosody" • jennie Panchy, Sarah Lawrence College

"The Burden of Gender and the Gift of language: An Analysis of the Poetry of Anne Sexton and Betty Friedan's The Feminine Myst~"

• Brandi Stanton. Indiana University

"Feminist Criticism of Twentieth-Century Women's Poetry: A Claim Based on the Poetry of Anne Waldman"



Left Poetry and the Politics of Inclusion Thursday. 1: 15 • 2:45 p.m.

Chair: David Anderson, University of Louisville • Brian R. Roberts, University of Virginia

"Sympathy and the Body in Richard Wright's Poetry" • Sharon L. Barnes. University of Toledo

"'I am. Are You &adyl' The Challenge of Audre Lorde's Politics of Inclusion" • Glenn Sheldon. University of Toledo

"Thomas McGrath: Another Agrarian Revolt"

Room: 208

Masculine Anxiety, Masculine Nostalgia: Manhattan Transfer and The Great Gats&, Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 p.m,

Chair: Iswari Pandey, University of Louisville • Matt Yockey, University ofIndiana

"Nat Love Was a Gunslinger: Race and Masculinity on the American Frontier" • Rachel Ann Simon, University of Kentucky

"Mass Culture, Gender, and (Re)Productivity in Dos Passos's Manhattan Transfer" • David E. Magill. University of Pittsburgh, johnstown

"Modernism's Ghostly Men: Jazz-Age Nostalgia and White Masculinity"

Room: 219


SECTION A Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 p.m,

Women's Short Stories Spanning the Century Thursday, 1: 15 - 2:45 p.m,

Chair: Kelly Wheadey, University of Louisville • Laurel Smith, Vincennes University

"The Sensation of Struggle': Coming of Age as the Artist in Elizabeth Bowen's EncounteTs" • Melissa Bostrom, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

"Economies of Sex: Mothers and Daughters in Contemporary American Short Stories" • Margaret Marquis, University of Kentucky

"The Producing Male Body in Cather's Neighbour Rosie"',"

Room: 217


Contemporary US Lesbian Writers: Adrienne Rich, Rita Mae Brown, Paula Vogel Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 p.rn.

Chair: Mary Barbosa-Jerez, University of Louisville • Angela Green, University of Colorado, Denver "The Body Politic in Whitman and Rich"

• Monica Boyd, Indiana University, Bloomington "Surviving Sex and Gender in RubyfruitJungle"

·Christine E. Atkins, Queensborough Community College

"Driving and Crying: Abuse and Redemption in Paula Vogel's How I Learned to Drive"

Room: 114

A..a Sleight-of.lIand: Transgressive Strategies in Margaret Atwood's Fiction (Panel organized by the .Margaret Atwood Society)

Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 p.m, Room: 215

Chair: Shuli Barzilai, Hebrew University ofJerusalem

• Sally A. Jacobsen, Northern Kentucky University

"Negotiating with the Dead in The Blind Assassin"

• Susanna Hoeness-Krupsaw, University of Southern Indiana "Snowman Goes Wendigo: Ironic Reversals in Oryx and Crake" • Shuli Barzilai, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

"Gothic Fractures in Oracle" "

A-9 Kathy Acker and Angela 'Carter: Breaking the Circle

Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 p.rn. Room: 117

Chair: Beth Boehm, University of Louisville

• Stephen Hock, University of Pennsylvania

"Kathy Acker's Rhythm Method"

• Misty McConnick-Chisum, Southeast Missouri State University

"The Only True Voice: The Bastard's Voice in Angela Carter's Wise Children" • Holly L Norton, University of Northwestern Ohio

"'Odd Lapses of Behavior, Unexpected, Involuntary Trances, (and] Moments of Disconnection': Angela Carter's Women in Umbo"

A-lO Unholy Alliances: Conradlfwain; Woolf/Lardner

Thursday, 1: 15 - 2:45 p.m, Room: 112

Chair: Jo Ann Circosta,University of Kentucky

• Virginia Nickles Osborne, University of Cincinnati

"Smoke and Mirrors: The Work of the Alter-Ego in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn" ·Todd Avery, University of Massachusetts, Lowell

"The Girls in Europe Is Nuts over Ball Players': Ring Lardner and Virginia Woolf'


SECTION A Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 p.m,

!\-ll Exteriority and (Anti-) Subjectivity in Modernism

Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 p.m. Room: 123

Chair: Thomas Van, University of Louisville

• L. Anne Delgado, Indiana University

"The Prosthetic Pete: Ubu Roi and Technologies of Resistance" • Claire Buck, Wheaton College

"Lascars and Children and Jews and I': Race and Space in Women's Memoirs of World War I" • Jacqueline E. Brown, University of Louisville

"Wandering Jews and Mimetic Negroes: Wyndham Lewis's Tarr"

A-12 Apocalypse and Terror

Thursday, 1:15 - 2:45 p.m. Room: 119

Chair: Aaron Jaffe, University of Louisville

• Consuelo M. Concepcion, Independent Scholar

"'And I Feel Fine': The State of Terror, (Post) Modernity and the End of the Nation-State (As We May Know It) Stacy Thompson, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire

"The Apocalypse as Fantasy"

• Tracy Biga Maclean, Pomona College "Television's Preposterous Apocalypse"

• Jon Wagner, California Institute of the Arts "Television's Preposterous Apocalypse"

A-13 Scent, Sound, and Image

Thursday, 1: 15 - 2:45 p.m, Room: 109

Chair: John P Greene, University of Louisville

• Robin Glenn Walker, University of North Carolina, Greensboro

"Scents and Scentuality: Semiotics and the Formation ofIdentity in Patrick Suskind's Perfume" • Joel Levise, Wayne State University

"The Gift of Harmolodics in (Mis) Reading Omette Coleman's Song X" • Susie Scifres Kuilan, Louisiana State University

"Horror Movies, AIDS, and the Not-So-Wonde1jid Wizard ofOz"

A-I4- L'Ecriture Poetique; Proust/Breton

Thursday, 1: 15 - 2:45 p.m, Room: 122

Chair: Josette Kearns, University of Louisville

• Madalina Aldi, Rice University

"Proust: Voyage au bout de la conscience" ·Candace Skorupa Walton, Smith College

"Liquid Songs of Flight: Musical Ornithology in Proust" • Francis Guevremont, Towson University

"Vivre? Ecrire? Signer? Surrealisme et autobiographie"

A-15 Authors Reading Poetry and Fiction Thursday, 1: 15 - 2:45 p.m,

Chair: Jeremy Schraffenberger, University of Louisville • Nathan Austin, University of Buffalo

glost (poetry)

• Marilyn V. Brock, University of Louisville Rim of the World (fiction)

• jaimee Kuperman, Lynchburg College Yau Look Nice Strange Man (poetry)

• Peter R. Malik, Alcorn State University Heart Warmers (fiction)

Ekstrom Library Auditorium


SECTION B Thursday, 3:00 • 4:30 p.m,

Jl..l Caribbean Crises: Edwidge Danticat and Julia Alvare%

Thursday, 3:00·4:30 p.m, Room: 217

Chair: Ann Elizabeth Willey, University of Louisville

• Vivian Nun Halloran, Indiana University

"Building Up Trujillo: Julia Alvarez and Edwidge Danticat Rewrite a (Literary) History of the Dominican Dictator"

·W. Todd Martin, Huntington College .

"Edwidge Danticat's Cultural Revolution: Ezili and the Subversion of the Holy Virgin in Breath, c-Ye5, Memory" • Lisa Muir, Wilkes Community College

"Mother/Daughter Repetition in Edwidge Danticat's Krikl Krakl" • April Conley Kilinsld, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

"Dying for Control: Bulimia as Self-Empowerment in Edwidge Danticat's Breath, E.,es, Memory"



Negotiating Cultural Spaces: Issues of Ethnic Identity in American Uterature Thursday, 3:00 • 4:30 p.m.

Chair: Diane Capitani, Kendall College ·Christine Luft, University of Kentucky

"Neither Here nor There: Postwar Identity and the Intermediate Space between Cultures" • Janet C. White, University of North Carolina, Greensboro

"'Surviving the Crossroads': A Mestiza Consciousness in the Works ofBharati Mukherjee" • Katherine Lee, Bridgewater State College

"Explorations of the 'Model Minority' Stereotype in Asian-American Young Adult Literature"

Room: 210

Crossing the Centuries: Past Meets Present in Twentieth-Century Poetry and Poetics Thursday, 3:00 • 4:30 p.m,

Chair: Chris Beyers, Assumption College • Noel Kopriva, University of Missouri

"The Purgatorial Rhetoric of Elizabeth Bishop's Geography III" • Tyrone Williams, Xavier University

"Teaching the Metaphysical Poets to First.YeayCollege Students" • P. Michael Campbell, Georgetown College

"The Problem of Occultation in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens"

Room: 123

B4 Female Pseudo/Auto/Biography: Woolf, Lessing, and Winterson

Thursday, 3:00 • 4:30 p.m, Room: 122

Chair: Anna Kolesnik, University of North Carolina

• Matthew L Squires, Brigham Young University

"Virginia Woolf's Subversion of the Old and 'New Biography' in Orlando" ·Tonya Krouse, Northern Kentucky University

"The Anonymous Pleasures of 'Free Women': Writing, Subjectivity, and Female Sexuality in Lessing's The Golden Nocebook" • Marjorie Worthington, Bradley University

"Jeanette Winterson and the Postmodern Woolf

B-S T. S. Eliot (Panel organized by the T. S. Eliot Society)

Thursday, 3:00 • 4:30 p.m, Room: 101

Chair: William Harmon, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

• T aimi Olsen, T usculum College

"Thet Yew Air Treadin on the Tail of His Shoe Leather': Intersections of Eliot, Cummings, Burroughs, and Phillips" • Laura Niesen De Abruna, Susquehanna University

"Women in the Work, Life, and Times ofT. S. Eliot: Missing the Meaning" • Catherine Paul, Clemson University

"The Waste Lands of 1922"


SECTION B Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.

B-6 D. H. Lawrence and the Plight of the Individual (Prearranged Panel)

Thursday, 3:00 • 4:30 p.m. Room: 117

Chair: Rod Taylor, Indiana University

• Rod Taylor, Indiana University, Bloomington "Lawrence, Education, and Modernism"

• David M. Higgins, Indiana University, Bloomington

"An Inexhaustible Exploration: The Sublimity of Otherness in D. H. Lawrence's The Rainbow and Women in Love" • Jill Hochman, Indiana University, Bloomington

"Exhuming the Text: Individualism, Ego, and Community in the Work of D. H. Lawrence"

B·7 Voice and Voices: Twendeth-Century Poets (Prearranged Panel)

Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m, Room: 114

Chair: Helen Emmitt, Centre College

• Scott W. Klein, Wake Forest University

"For Frank O'Hara: Morton Feldman's 'Three Voices' as Interpretation and Elegy" • Lesley Wheeler, Washington and Lee University

"Millay's Performance of Presence"

• Helen V. Emmitt, Centre College

"'Where Everything Is Metaphor and Simile': The Voices of Ciaran Carson's Recent Poetry and Prose"

B·8 Picture and Narrative

Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Room: 113

Chair: Roberta Antwonh, Wayne State University

• Laura Severin, North Carolina State University

"Poetry Astray: Kathleen Jamie and Sean Mayne Smith's The Autonomous Region" • Christen Clark, Michigan State University

"At the Intersection of Past and Present: Photographically Structured Narrative in Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried" ·Camelia Elias, Aalborg University, Denmark

"Theory as literature/Literature as Theory: The Fragmentary Texts of Avital Ronell and Nicole Brossard"


B.9 Identity, Economics, and Gender in the Postmodem American Novel (Prearranged Panel)

Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m, Room: 112

Chair: Anne-Marie Pedersen, University of Louisville

• Kara Poe Alexander, University of Louisville

"A Will to Survive: Constructions of Immigrant Women in Willa Cather's M) Antonia" • Anne-Marie Pedersen, University of Louisville

"Masochism as liberation in Kathy Acker's Blood and Guts in High School" • Dana Nichols, University of Louisville

"Black Women, White Women: The Intersections of Whiteness and Socioeconomic Status in Toni Morrison's Beloved"

B.I0 Pop Culture and Postmodernity

Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m, Room: 109

Chair: Alex Blazer, University of Louisville

• Sylvia S. Church, University of Louisville

"Harry Potter: A Tale for Postmodern Times"

·Thomas M. Murphy, Texas A&M University

"The Postmodern Soundscape as Textualized Praxis: The Meta-Music-Narrative in Less Than Zero"


SECTION B Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m,

B#11 Reconstructing History: The Postmodem ChalJenge of Temporality in Slaughterlaous Five, Possession: A Romance, Metropolis, and Waterfand (preananged Panel)

Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Room: 121

Chair: Stacy A. Taylor, University of louisville

• Jeremy C. Justus, University of louisville

"Retroactive Constructions of Present Meaning: Temporality, Predestination, and Chronology of Structure and Theme in Slaughterhouse Five"

·Stacy A. Taylor, University of louisville " A Culture Possessed: It's All about Sex" • Karen Ware, University of louisville

"Identity, Social Hierarchies, and Technological Dangers: Postmodern Elements in the Metropolis" • Jason Zahrndt, University of louisville

"The Feminine Boundary: The Resistant/Restrictive Narrative ofWaterland"

.8-12 Le Corps Expo~ Le Corps Transforani, Le Corps Trans~

Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m, Room: 208

Chair: Marilyn Schuler, University of louisville, Emerita

• Audrey Sartiaux, Trinity College

"Annie Emaux: comment &rire l'indicible"

• Kathy Comfort, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

"The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The Representation of Near-Death Experience in Philippe Labro's La Travers~en • Isabelle Martinez, State University of New York, Buffalo

"Inscription ou transgression corporelle: une lecture bataillenne de Marguerite Duras"

B# 13 A Man for All Movements (Panel organized by the Eugene O'Neill Society) Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.

Chair: Cynthia McCown, Beloit College • Li Zeng, University of louisville

"Eugene O'Neill and China: A Two-Way Inflyence" • Kathleen Mclennan, University of North D"akota

"Eugene O'Neill's Exploration of Postmodern Simultaneity in The Iceman Cometh" ·Cynthia McCown, Beloit College

"All the Wrong Dreams: Marco Millions and the Acquisitive Instinct"

Room: 219

B#14 Everyone Films You When You're Down and Out: They Shoot Horses, Don't TIaey?, TIle Magnificent Ambersons, D4)'s of Heawn

Thursday, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m, Room: 221

Chair: Sarah LaBeau, Wayne State University

• Michael Charlton, University of Oklahoma

"The Magnificent Ambersons: Decline and Fall of the American Dream" • Jackie Knoll, Walters State Community College .

"Danse Macabre: Circularity, Futility, and the Spectacle in They Shoot Horses. Don't They?" • Janet Wondra, Roosevelt University

"Marx in a Texas love Triangle: The Classed Gaze in Days of Heaven"


Section B Thursday, 3:00,4:30

B,15 Sound and Silence Thursday, 3:00 • 4:30 p.m,

Chair: Joachim Noob, Virginia Polytechnic Institute • Wilfried Wilms, Union College

"Negative Apophasis: The 'Indescribable' Ruins of Postwar Germany" • Bohdan Boehan, Indiana University Southeast

"The Monologic Discourse in Thomas Bernhard's Plays" • Vera Stegmann, Lehigh University

"Masking Mexico in Anna Seghers's East German Prose"

Room: 224

B,16 Authors Reading Poetry and Fiction Thursday, 3:00 • 4:30 p.m,

Chair: Jessica Farquhar, University of Louisville • Molly McCaffrey, University of Cincinnati Heaven and Earth (fiction)

Doris Umbers, Binghamton University The Persistence of Things (poetry)

• Sandra Gail Teichmann, West Texas A&M University Killing Dadd, (novel excerpt)

• Tom Dilworth, University of Windsor Modernism Conference (poetry)

Ekstrom Library Auditorium

Room: 211

B,17 "Scenes from 'The Empty Chalices': Life and Poetry ofDeImira Agustini" (Spanish Play) Thursday, 4:30 • 5:30 p.m.

Chair: Julie Winkler, University of Louisville

• Judy Veramendi, Columbia College, Chicago /

The Empt:y ChaIiceslLOs calices vados (selected scenes from play)


Maria Chrysanthou, Actor

Oswaldo Calder6n, Actor


Thursday, 4:45 • 5:45 p.m. Middleton Auditorium, Strickler Hall, 101

N. Katherine Hayles, University of California, Los Angeles "Coding the Signifier"

Introduced by Alan Golding, Department of English, University of Louisville

WELCOME RECEPTION with Jamey Aebersold and his quartet Thursday, 6:00 • 7: 15 p.m. Red Barn, University of Louisville Campus Free to all Conferees

Pizza Party. Admission i?y conference badge/identification

Following the Welcome Reception at the Red Bam we invite you to attend the Spanish Creative Writing Session

B .. IS Spanish Creative Writing Thursday, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.

Chair: Julie Winkler, University of Louisville • Reyes E. Flores, Ohio Wesleyan University Paseo vespertino (ficci6n)

• Carmen Gomez Fiegl, University of Chicago Baile de luciemagas (ficci6n)

• Efrafn E. Garza, Columbus State University, Georgia Acuarela de fa vida· (poesfa)

Ekstrom Library Auditorium

Conference Restaurant Picks

Artemisia $$ AvaIon$$$ Azalea$$

Baxter Station $ Bristol $

Caf~ Bristol $ Central Park Caf~ $$ City Caf~$

De La Torre's $$ English Grill $$ Jack Frys $$$ Ferd Grisanti $$ Jicama Grill $$ Lentini's $$

Le Relail $$$ Lilly's$$

Los Aztecas $$ Mayan Gypsy $$ Mambo $

Napa River Grill $$ Oak Room$$$ Porcini$$ Ramsi's$$ Shalimar Indian $ 3'" Street Caf~ $ Thai Siam $ Vincenw's $$$$

lOCATION 583-4177 454-5336 895-5493 584-1635 456-1702 634-2723 635·2066 459·5600 456-4955 583·1234 452-9244 267·0090 454·4389 459·3020 451·9020 451·1635 561-8535 583·3300 363·1100 &93-0141 807·3563 894-8686 451-0700 493·8899 585-2233 458·6871 5801350

Downtown Bardstown Rd Brownsboro Rd. Payne Street Bardstown Rd.

Speed Museum/Campus WestOnnsby BaxtorAve

Bardstown Rd. Downtown (fonnal) Bardstown Rd. Taylorsville Rd Bardstown Rd. Bardstown Rd Taylorsville Rd. Bardstown Rd

Main & 4th

E. Market

Mitscher Ave

Dupont Circle Downtown (fonnal) Frankfort Ave. Bardstown Rd. Hurstboume Pkwy

S 3M Street I Dowtown Bardstown Rd.

S. Fifth Street

Continental Cuisine Eclectic

New Ametican Cuisine American

American American Eclectic


EclecticN egetarian Spanish ContinentallKentucky Continental Eclectic lalian Cuisine Latin-American Cuisine Italian Cuisine

French Cuisine Louisville Cuisine Mexican Mayan/Yucatec

Cuban Cuisine Northern California

5 Star Restaurant Northern Italian Cuisine International Cuisine Indian Cuisine American

Thai Cuisine

N. Italian/Continental

$ 10 or below

$$ 11 ·20

$$$ 21-30

$$$$ 31 or above


SECTION C Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m,

C-l Toni Morrison: Paradise, Belcwed, and Song of Solomon

Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Room: 112

Chair: Linda Torok, University of Louisville

• Jennifer L Jackson, Duquesne University

"The Destruction of Binaries and the Reconstruction of Self in Toni Morrison's Paradise" • William R. Hunter, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania

"Regeneration through Violence: The Power of Horrible Events in Toni Morrison's Beloved and Paradise" ·Cara E. Jones, Mansfield University

"The Song of Self: Discovering Identity through Folklore in Song of Solomon If

C-2 Leslie Marmon Sitko: Almanac of the Dead. Ceremony

Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Room: 123

Chair: Roben St. Clair, University of Louisville

• Geoffrey L. Stacks, Purdue University

"Canographic Violence: Sitko's Almanac of the Dead"

• Layne Neeper, Morehead State University

"From Jeremiad to Revenge Fantasy: The Spectacular Failure of Sitko's Almanac of the Dead" ·Ginger Kennedy Fray, Sam Houston State University

"Seeking Visibility: The Female National Identity in Leslie Marmon Silko's Almanac of the Dead" • Randall S. Wilhelm, University of Tennessee

"Vision and Design in Silko's Ceremon,"

C-3 Postcolonial Displacement: Samuel Beckett, Jean Rhys, Salman Rushdie, and Zadie Smith

Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m, Room: 210

Chair: Dismas Masolo, University of Louisville

·Iswari P. Pandey, University of Louisville

"There Is Always the Other Side, Always': Mimicry and Representation in Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea" • Umme Al-wazedi, Purdue University

"Saleem's Too Many Women' and the Story of the Perforated Sheet: A Study of the Women Characters of Salman Rushdie's MUlnight's Children". '

• John L. Marsden, Indiana University of Pennsylvania "The English Novel Redux: Zadie Smith's Postmodernism" • Paul Shields, Florida State University

"Hamm Stammered: Atmospheric Stuttering in Samuel Beckett's Endgame"

C.... Poetics and Gender

Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Room: 111

Chair: Chris Beyers, Assumption College

·Samuel R. Schwanz, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

"Parts of a (Wo)Man: Gender (De)Construction in Wallace Stevens's Parts of a World" • Katherine D. Perry, Auburn University

"Gender Poems, Gendered Lines: The Politics of Gendered Performances in American Women's Poems" • Allison M. Cummings, Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester

"MANifestoes: The Gender Politics of Poetry Movements"


SECTION C Friday, 9:00 a.m, # 10:30 a.m,

ReReading Joyce's Ulysses: Derrida, Diepeveen, and Detection FridaV, 9:00 # 10:30 a.m.

Chair: Michael Goldberg, Country Day School -John Turner, Brandeis University

"Derrida on Iovce"

- Jov Allison Burnett, Wayne State Univesity

"Ul,sses in America: Difficulty, Madness, and the Pleasures of Detection" -Gary Walton, Northern Kentucky University

"Ul,sses: A Novel That Cannot Be Read, but It Can Be Taught"

Room: 122


Sense of Place (Prearranged Panel) Fridav, 9:00 # 10:30 a.m,

Chair: Judith Roof, Michigan State University -Christine Junker. Michigan State University

"Shifting Spaces: Ursula's Sense of Place in D. H. Lawrence's The Rainbow" - Lance Norman, Michigan State University

"Performance between the Lines: The Microcosmic Drama of Tom Stoppard" - Brian D. Holcomb, Michigan State University

"'Something Nasty in the Woodshed': Comedy and Modem Sense of Place"

Room: 119

C-7 ModemistIPostmodernist Negations and Negativities

Friday, 9:00 ' 10:30 a.m. Room: 224

Chair: Brian Ingraffia, Calvin College

- Andrew Farkas, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

"The Modem and Postmodern Waste Lands of T. S. Eliot and Thomas Pvnchon" - James B. Mitchell, University of Michigan

"Howards End: Reactionary Modernism"

- Peter B. Ford, Michigan State University

"Invoking the Impossible in Four Quartets: Eli", Derrida, and the Faith in Undecidability"

C..s Women's Life Writing: Genre and the Shifting Self (Prearranged Panel)

Fridav, 9:00, 10:30 a.m. Room: 121

Chair: Julia Galbus, University of Southern Indiana

- Adrienne Cassel. Wright State University

"Genre and Truth in June Jordan's Poems about Her Mother" -Mary Beth Pringle, Wright State University, Dayton

"Under Which Tuscan Sun? Constructions of Truth in Memoir" - Carol T yx, Mount Mercy College

"The Dance of the Discontinuous Life: Genre Shifting in the Writing of Sue Monk Kidd" - Julia Galbus, University of Southern Indiana

"Telling the Truth of Her Selves: Bell Hooks's Wounded by Passion"

C-9 Museums, History, and Memory in Fiction

FridaV. 9:00 - 10:30 a.m, Room: 113

Chair: Glynis Ridley, University of Louisville

- Anna J. Wukich, Duquesne University

"ReEnvisioning the Familv in Contemporary Depictions of World War II" - Carolyn A. Durham, College of Wooster

"Postmodem Space in The Knowledge of Water: Sarah Smith's 'musee imaginaire'" - jessie Beall Dubreuil. University of Virginia

"The Artist as Critic: Composition as Explanation or Content's Dream? Writing Imaginative Theory in Laura Riding Jackson's Twentieth Century"


SECTION C Friday. 9:00 a.m, - 10:30 a.m.

C-IO Pynchon and DeLiUo: Interrogating American Histories

Friday. 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Room: 109

Chair: Jason Zahrudt, University of Louisville

• Jonathan P. Lewis. University of North Carolina. Pembroke

"Return to Reason? Thomas Pvnchon and Neal Stephenson's Eighteenth-Century Novels" • Sandra Baringer, University of California, Riverside

"'Frailty, Thy Name is Woman!' Pynchon's Vineland and the New Left" • Skip Willman. University of South Dakota

"Psychic Threat' Management: DeLillo on the CIA"

C-ll Beyond Consumption Friday. 9:00 - 10:30 a.m,

Chair: Annette Allen. University of Louisville • Jeff Allred. University of Pennsylvania

"Moving Violations: Let Us Now Praise Famous Men's Littered Roadside" • Douglas Anderson, Southwest Minnesota State University

"Managing Abundance: Edna Ferber's So Big and Consumer Culture in the Twenties" ·William Major, Hillyer College

"Challenges to New Agrarianism"

Room: 222

C-12 Aboriginal and Postcolonial Identities: Confrontations with Whiteness

Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Room: 114

Chair: Debrah Raschke, Southeast Missouri State University

• Abigail Beckwith, Southeast Missouri State University

"JoU's Reflection: J. M. Coetzee's Waiting far the Barbarians"

• Julie Goodspeed-Chadwick, Ball State University

"Postcolonial Responses to White Australia: The Traumatic Representations of Persons of Native and Mixed Blood (White/Native) in Australian Contemporary Literature"

• John A. Staunton, University of North Carolina, Charlotte

"'Easting by Formula': The Pedagogy of Acculturation and the Serial Consumption of the Regionalist Subject at the Tum of the Century in Zitkala-Sa's 'Indian School Days'"

• Shane Graham. Sam Houston State University

"Something Go off Pop in Yuh Head': Corning of Age in George Lamming's In the Castle of My Skin"

C-13 Contemporary Drama: Albee, Shepard, and Vogel

Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m, Room: 220

Chair: Joan d' Antoni, University of Louisville

• Hayley Mitchell Haugen, Ohio University

"Confessional Drama and the Lost American Dream: Another Look at Who's Afraid oj Virginia Woolf?" • Scott W. Cole. University of Washington

"The Formation of the Mythic West: Sam Shepard's True West and The Rock Garden" • Frances L Helphinsdne, Morehead State University

"Paula Vogel's I Learned to Drive: A Foucaultian History of Li1 Bit's Sexuality?"


SECTION C Friday, 9:00 a.m, • 10:30 a.m,

C.14 Bodies and Clothes: The Construction of Gender Identity

Friday, 9:00 • 10:30 am. Room: 101

Chair: Anne Marie Karpinski, Bellarmine College

• Stephanie Schechner, Widener Univesity

"Unpacking Rachilde's LaJongkuse: Fashion and Femininity circa 1900" • Elizabeth Berglund Hall, State University of West Georgia

"Between the Two: Sexual Difference in Hel~ne Cixous's Deluge"

·K. Irene Moody, Case Western Reserve University

"Sainte JeaT111e d'Arc comme femrJU! wUtleTSeUe: Rouen, la T rentieme Nuit de Mai '31 par Helene Cixous" • Pilar V. Rotella, Chapman University

"P£Caras: Women on the Margin"

C.lS Teatro, cine y cultura espanola coatemporaaea (Prearranged Panel will be continued in Section D)

Friday, 9:00·10:30 am. Room: 103

Chair: Aris Cedefio, University of Louisville

• Eufemia Slinchez De La Calle, Marquette University "Tensi6n dramadca en Lorca: libertad y destino"

• Maureen Tobin Stanley, University of Minnesota, Duluth

"Voces e im~genes del Holocausto en el texto testimonial 'De la resistencia y la deportaci6n' de Neus Carala y la pel£cula 'Memoria del agua' de Arturo Faver"

• Laurie L Urraro, Ohio State University

"Las aportaciones bestiales en cuatro pel£culas de Bufiuel"

C.16 Fascination with Ideas of Nostalgia and History: Ferre, Alvarez, and Garcia

Friday, 9:00 • 10:30 am. Room: 215

Chair: Trenton Hickman, Brigham Young University

• Trenton Hickman, Brigham Young University

"Remaking the Butterflies: Julia Alvarez's Commemoration and (Re)construction of the Mirabal Sisters in In The Time of the

Butterflies" I

• Marlene Hansen Esplin, Brigham Young University

"Ferre's Maldito amor and Sweet Diamond Dust: A Symphony and a Concerto" • Emron Esplin, Michigan State University

"Cuban Types, Distorted Memory, and Returning to Cuba in Cristina Garda's The AgUero Sister'S"

C·17 From Myth to Apocalypse in Latin American Narrative

Friday, 9:00 • 10:30 am. Room: 117

Chair: Regina Roebuck, University of Louisville

• Scott M. DeVries, William Paterson University

"The Sun'll Go Out, Tomorrow: Ecological Apocalypse in Homero Aridjis's La leyenda de los soles and lEn quihl piensas cuando haces el amor?"

·Stephanie Aubry, Ohio State University

"El coronel no tiene quien Ie escriba and The Old Man and the Sea: A Comparative Analysis" • Rick Carpenter, University of Louisville

"Searching for the Mythical Truth of Great Inventions': Mythic Transfiguration in Gabriel Garda Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude"


SECTION C Friday, 9:00 a.m, - 10:30 a.m,

C-18 Authors Reading Poetry and Fiction Friday, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m,

Chair: Peter Malik, Alcorn State University

- Irena Praitis, California State University, Fullerton Children of Fire (poetry)

<Ted Morrissey, Illinois State University A Wintering Place (fiction)

- Marcia L. Hurlow, Asbury College Acts of Nature (poetry)

- Jennifer Neville, Wentworth Institute of Technology All tile Faces I Can Make (fiction)

Ekstrom Library Auditorium

Additional Information

All presentation rooms are accessible to the handicapped

All sections of Critical Papers are scheduled in Bingham Humanities Building Sections of creative reading are scheduled in W. F. Ekstrom Library

Special guest speakers are scheduled in Strickler Hall and Ekstrom Library The pages of this program were printed on recycled paper

"Call for Papers" When is Postmodemism?

Concept and Des~!Jy Patrick Hess, M.D., Digi_tal Imagi(\gby David Modica

Ekstrom Library Words and Pictures

Kentucky Authors Portraits, Manuscripts and Books February 4 .. April 2, 2004

Photographic Archives and Rare Books Galleries for information call (502) 852-6752

Hours: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm weekdays, 10:00 am to 8:00 pm Thursday Closed Saturday & Sunday


SECTION 0 Friday, 10:45 a.m.> 12:15 p.m,

Blue and Black Memoir: Richard Wright and Louis Armstrong Friday, 10:45 • 12: 15 p.m,

Chair: William Hunter, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania • Philip A Douglas, Purdue University

"Self- Representation as Rebellion: Richard Wright's Black Boy" • Matthew Sutton, College of William and Mary

"When It's Storytime down South: Louis Armstrong'S Satchmo"

Room: 113

0.2 Poetry and Public Life

Friday, 10:45·12:15 p.m, Room: 123

Chair: Chris Beyers, Assumption College

• John R. Woznicki, Georgian Court College

"Somebody Blew Up Baraka': Amiri Baraka and the Emerging Role of the 'Front Man' in Contemporary American Poetry" • Philip Metres, John Carroll University

"Poets against the War: Prospects and Pitfalls of Anti- War Poetry Anthologies"

K. McGuirk, University of Waterloo, Canada -

"'Hippie Hop': Cornell '69 and the Ammons Poetic"

• Jeff Sirkin, State University of New York, Buffalo

L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E and the Poetics of Punk: Bruce Andrews and the Minutemen"

0.3 Author.Function Overdrive: James Joyce, Hunter S. Thompson, and Jonathan Franzen

Friday, 10:45·12:15 p.m, Room: 122

Chair: Gary Walton, Northern Kentucky University

• Russ McDonald, University of Michigan

"Who Speaks for Fergus? Silence, Homoeroticism, and the Anxiety of Yeats ian Influence in Joyce's Ul:ysses" • Greg Wright, Michigan State University

"The Literary, Political, and Legal Strategies of Oscar Zeta Acosta and Hunter S. Thompson: Intertextuahtv, Ambiguity, and (Naturally) 'Fear and Loathing'"

• Mechel Camp, Jackson State Community Coyege

"Legitimizing the Novel: On Occupation, Obscurantism, and Oprah"

0 .....

Re- Visioning Djuna Barnes Friday, 10:45·12:15 p.rn.

Chair: Eileen John, University of Louisville

• Carey Mickalites, Michigan State University

"The Abject Limits of Leisure in Djuna Bames's Nightwood" • Jamie L McDaniel, Case Western Reserve University "Fatal Attraction: Djuna Barnes's Child Vamp"

Room: 224

0.5 W. B. Yeats, W. E. B. DuBois, Marianne Moore: Textual Rereadings (Panel organized by the Society for Textual Scholarship)

Friday, 10:45 • 12: 15 p.rn. Room: 217

Chair: Catherine Paul, Clemson University

• David Holdeman, University of North Texas

"'A Masterpiece of Its Genre': Yeats's XYl Notebook" ·George Bornstein, University of Michigan

"Ethics, Ethnicity, and Editing: W. E. B. DuBois and the Jews" • Robin G. Schulze, Pennsylvania State University

"The Past Is the Present': Restoring the Missing Texts of Marianne Moore's Early Career"


SECTION D Friday, 10:45 a.m, - 12: 15 p.m.

D-6 Not the Usual Suspects: Modernist Vision and Modem Suspicion (Prearranged Panel)

Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 p.m, Room: 210

Chair: Christopher T. Raczkowski, Indiana University, Bloomington

• Christopher T. Raczkowski, Indiana University, Bloomington

"'Blink Twice You're Dead': Vision and Chester Himes's Harlem Cycle" • Robert Doggett, State University of New York, Potsdam

"Missionary Modernism: Colonial Vision in Graham Greene's The Heart of the Matter" • Matt Elliott, Gettysburg College

"A Noir Narrative of the Unseen and the Unheard: Chester Himes's If He Hollers Let Him Go"

D~ 7 Murdoch and Morality (Panel organized by the Murdoch Society)

Friday, 10:45 - 12: 15 p.m, Room: 117

Chair: Barbara Stevens Heusel, Northwest Missouri State University

• Barbara Stevens Heusel, Northwest Missouri State University

"'Death and Moral Smash-up'rThe Demon-Ridden Pilgrimage of Human Life' in Murdock's The Sea, the Sea" • Matthew Shaw, Indiana University

" Always Forward, Never Back: Morality in Motion in Iris Murdoch's The BeU" • J. Robert Baker, Fairmont State College

"Iris Murdoch's Morality: Technique and Relationship"

D..s Cross-Cultural and Transnational: The Framing of Migrant Memory and Dream by Chinese-American Writers

Friday, 10:45 - 12: 15 p.m. Room: 121

Chair: Katherine Lee, Bridgewater State College

• Benzi Zhang, Chinese University of Hong Kong

"Chinese American Drama: The Issue of Cultural Framing" • Elaine Childs, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

"Modernist and Postmodernist Mythologies of Meaning: A Dialectic Reading of The Woman Warrior" • Kyoko Amano, University of Indianapolis

" Alger's Shadows in Gish [en's Typical American" • Yuemin He, Southern Illinois University "Secret of Bynner's Eternal Jade Mountian"

D~9 Arab Diasporic Writing: Figurations of Space and Identity (Prearranged Panel) Friday, 10:45 - 12: 15 p.m,

Chair: Carol Fadda Conrey, Purdue University

• Syrine C. Hout, American University of Beirut

"Lebanon 'Revisited': Memory, Self, and Other in Rabih Alameddine's The Perv" • Hirchi Mohammed, Colorado State University

"Spatial Dilemmas: The Immigrant's New Challenges in Contemporary France" • Lisa Weiss, University of California, Santa Cruz

"'Arab' Paris: Reinterpreting the City Center through the Writings of Leila Sebbar"

Room: 114

D~lO Society, Prison, and Literature: The Frame is the Same Friday, 10:45 - 12: 15 p.m.

Chair: W endy Yoder, University of Louisville

• Amruta Kulkarni, Pennsylvania State University

"Towards a New Aesthetic of Modernity in [ean-Luc Godard's NouveUe vague" ·Jean-Marc Braem, Lebanon Valley College

"Litterature et Cinema Francais et les Prisonniers de Guerres 14-18 et 39-45"

Room: 111


SECflON D Friday, 10:45 a.m. ~ 12: 15 p.m.

D> 11 Teatro, cine y cultura espanola contemponmea (Prearranged Panel continued from Section C)

Friday, 10:45 - 12: 15 p.m. Room: 103

Chair: Aris Cedefio, University of Louisville

• Mary S. Vasquez, Davidson College

"Genero y resistencia en la pelfcula Silencio roto de Monrxo Armendariz" • German Carrillo, Marquette University

"Maldades de tres pilluelos: Manolito, el imbecil y Elvira Undo"

0~12 El Mundo creativo de Ia escritora argentina Ana Maria Shua (Panel Organized by Rhonda Buchanan)

Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 p.m. Room: 211

Chair: Rhonda Buchanan, University of Louisville

• laura Beard, Texas Tech University

"Plotting Mothers: Mothers in the Fiction of Ana Marla Shua" • Fernando Reati, Georgia State Univesity

"Un futuro que va fue: el porvenir neoliberal en La Muerte como efecto seCU1'ldaoo" • Ester Gimbemat Gonzales, University of Northern Colorado

"De 'Monstruos' y 'Ejemplares raros': un ejercicio en mundos posibles en Botdnica del coos" • Ana Marla Shua, Universidad de Buenos Aires

"Comentarios de la escritora Ana Marla Shua"

O~ 13 Italian I

Friday, 10:45 - 12:15 p.m. Room: 220

Chair: Don Spinelli, Wayne State University

• Mario Aste, University of Massachusetts, Lowell

"Metaphors of Love and National Issues During a Historical Time of Political Up- Evil in St. Michael had a Rooster" • Sante Matteo, Miami University .

"Miss America and Toto Tarzan Do Africa and Italy with Bongo the Chimp" ·Giovanni Spani, Indiana University

ldioma: Dialect Coming from Where There Is ~o Writing"

0.14 Authors Reading Poetry and Fiction Friday, 10:45 - 12: 15 p.m,

Chair: Kim Johnson, University of Louisville • Lesley C. Pleasant, University of Virginia


• Joanna Tweedy, University of Illinois, Springfield Gumbo Mundee (fiction)

• Hayley Mitchell Haugen, Ohio University Poetry

• Jon Volkmer, Ursinus College Excerpt from Eating Europe (fiction)

Ekstrom Library Auditorium


SECTION E Friday, 1:30 p.m, - 3:00 p.m.

E-l Black American Detective Fiction (Prearranged Panel)

Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. Room: 117

Chair: Chris Ruiz-Velasco, California State University, Fullerton

=Catherine Cucinella, Western Michigan University

"Scared, Disabled, Disfigured, Grotesque, and Spectacular Bodies in Chester Himes's Harlem" - Leila Granahan, California State University, San Marcos

"The Hardboiled Homeowner: Home Ownership and Black Masculinity in Devil in a Blue Dress" =Chrts Ruiz-Velasco, California State University, Fullerton

"Power and Masculinity in Walter Mosley's Fiction"

- Jeff Rhyne, Indiana University South Bend

"Uncovering the Catastrophic in African-American Detective Novels"

E-2 Reclaiming Sentimentalism and Other Traditional Forms Novel

Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m, Room: 113

Chair: Susan Ryan, University of Louisville

- Richard A. Black, University of Tulsa

"Sentimentality and the Ironic 'Unruly Voice' in Pauline E. Hopkins's Contending Forces" - Kara L. Mollis, Duquesne University

"Recreating 'Home Love': The Sentimental Politics of Domestic Ritual in Gloria Naylor's The Women of Brewsrer Place" - Angela Fuhrman, Auburn University, Montgomery

"Searching for the Cure: Racism and Aging in Mary Ward Brown's The Cure'" - Magali Cornier Michael, Duquesne University

" Alternative Families-Communities as the Key to Agency in Barbara Kingsolver's The Bean Trees"


Psychoanalytics, Subjectivity, and Silence in Watten, and Howe Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m,

Chair: Tina Grabenhorst, University of Windsor, Canada - 8Alex E. Blazer, University of Louisville

"Barrett Watten: From the Other Side of the Machine" =Claire Barbetti, Duquesne University

"Silences Whole Vocabularies of Names for Things': An Examination of Historical and Syntactical Silences in Susan Howe's Pythagorean Silence"

Room: 119

E4 Modernist 'Spirit of Place' in D. H. Lawrence (Panel organized by the D. H. Lawrence Society)

Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m, Room: 114

Chair: Julianne Newmark, Wayne State University

- Julianne Newmark, Wayne State University

"D. H. Lawrence: Literary Nativist in New Mexico" -Gregory Miller, University of California, Davis "Performance Ritual in Etruscan Places"

E-5 Virginia Woolf and Ways of Seeing (Panel organized by the International Virginia Woolf Society)

Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m, Room: 121

Chair: Mark Hussey, Pace University

- Louise Hornby, University of California, Berkeley "In Pursuit of Light: Virginia Woolf and Photography" - Joanne Tidwell, Auburn University

"But My Diary Has Ever Been Scornful of Stated Rules!' The Developing Autobiographical Consciousness in Virginia Woolf's Carlyle's House and Other Sketches and A Passionate Apprentice"

- Lili Hsieh, Duke University

"Petty Urbanites: Citizenship in Virginia Woolf and Eileen Chang"


SECTION E Friday, 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m,

Text and the City: Construction and Demolition Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.

Chair: Matthieu Daile, University of Louisville • Nathan Austin, University of Buffalo

" (Re-) Opening the Dictionary"

• Thomas Vosteen, Eastern Michigan University "Rene Daumal: Usible and Postmodern"

• Amanda Shoaf, Pennsylvania State University

"Reflection, Regeneration, Renovation: The Case of Les Hailes, Paris"

Room: 122

E-7 Postmodernist/Late Twentieth-Century 'Bad Boys' (Prearranged Panel)

Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m, Room: 112

Chair: Aaron Jaffe, University of Louisville

• Jon Hartmann, City University of New York

"Storytelling Privilege in American Gothic Narration: Jonathan Lethem's Motherless Brooklyn and Jonathan Safran Foe's Everything if lUuminaced"

• Elisa F. Glick, University of Missouri-Columbia

" Andy Warhol and the Queer Aesthetics of Modem Masculinity" • J ustin A. Joyce, University of Illinois, Chicago

"Track Lighting and Latte's Can Make You Mean: Constitutive Violence, Normativity, and the Emasculating Threat of Commodified Consumerism in Fight Club and American PS'Jcho"

'&8 Twentleth-Centuev Drama: Revaluations of Reassessments

Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m, Room: 109

Chair: Frances Helphinstine, Morehead State University

• Eugene Ngezem, Murray State University

"Modern Marriage in Collapse: A Study of Selected Plays of Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter" • Ann Marie Adams, Morehead State University

"Look(ing) Back in Realism: Assessing the S~g Reception of the British New Wave" • Conseula Francis, College of Charleston

"Calling All Black People: The Black Art Movement's Discursive Revison of Difference" • Mark Hodin, Canisius College

"Hansberry and the Avant-Garde. Sidney Brustein on Broadway"

E-9 Born in the USA: Born to Run

Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m, Room: 123

Chair: Tom Schaub, University of Wisconsin, Madison

• Jay Gaspar, Brenau University

"Postrnodern into Posthuman: Tim O'Brien's Quest for Meaning in Jul" Jul," • Mark Allister, Saint Olaf College

"Competing Masculinities: Fathers and Sons in Richard Russo's ~ Risk Pool" • Anne R. Zahlan, Eastern Illinois University

"CitySCape and the American Self in Thomas Wolfes's Of Time and the River"

E-IO Films Across Borders: Last Tango and Lone StaT

Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m, Room: 220

Chair: Tom Byers, University of Louisville

• Silvio Gaggi, University of South Florida

"Bertolucci's Last Tango: Modernism's Last Gasp"

·Sarah laBeau, Wayne State University

"Borders: Divisions and Revisions of History in John Sayles's Lone Star"


SECTION E Friday, 1:30 p.m, - 3:00 p.m.

E-ll Intertextual and Cross Cultural: Understanding China through Fiction and Film (Prearranged Panel)

Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m, Room: 215

Chair: Li Zeng, University of Louisville

• Lisa Lipes, University of Louisville

"Archetypes and Alterations: Pearl Buck's Interpretation of a Chinese Love Theme" • Adam Robinson, University of Louisville

"Symbolism in Bai Xianyong's 'Winter Nights'"

• Katie McWhorter, University of Louisville

"In the Mood for Beauty: Exploring Wong Kar-wai's Filmic Aesthetics"

E.12 When Did It Start? Where Does It End? The Postmodem Narrative in QuestioDS(~ Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.

Chair: Esa Hartmann, University of North Carolina, Greensboro • Antoine Philippe, Oberlin College

"Trois Etapes du roman postmodeme fran~ais: Flauben, Simon, Blanchot" • Maxime Blanchard, City University of New York

"Anti-memoires, anti-postmodernite d'Andre Malraux"

• Daniel J. LaPrade, University of Oklahoma

"Fetishism and Hegemony: Ideology Critique in Alain Robbe-Griliet's La Belle Captive"

Room: 210

E-13 Italian n

Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m, Room: 208

Chair: Augustus Mastri, University of Louisville

• Jennifer-Ann DiGregorio Kightlinger, State University of New York, Stony Brook

"'Mangiando, ricardo': Italian-American Women and Food in Josephine Gattuso Hendin's The Right Thing to Do and Tina DeRosa's Paper Fish"

• Charles Klopp, Ohio State University

"New Kid on the Block: The Fiction of (and with) Giulio Mozzi" • Antonino Musumeci,. University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana "Gianni Celati: The f.uthor as Reader"

E-14 Vampires. Cannibals and the Displacement of Gender in Latin American Women's Narrative

Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. Room: 108

Chair: Michael Waag, Murray State University

• Marla Fernandez, Tulane University

"La construcci6n del sujeto andr6gino en El gato eficaz" • Jessica Burke, Princeton University

"Consuming the Other: Vampires and Cannibals in Carmen Boullosa's Fiction"

E-15 Gender. Borders and Identities in Hispanic Literature

Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m, Room: 217

Chair: Monica Joiner, University of Louisville

• David F. Richter, Vanderbilt University

"Mito y metafora: hacia una construcci6n de identidad de la mujer espanola contemporanea en El coraz6n del tartaTO" • Stephen Vilaseca, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

"Viviendo la frontera en la ambiguedad 0 'Performing the Border' en Ramito de hierbabuena de Gerardo Munoz Lorente y T omdndote de Isabel Gardela"

• Mica Howe, Murray State University "The Economics of Assimilation"

• Ignacio F. Rodefio, Xavier University

"El archipielago puertorriquefio: identidad en clave nearrican"


SECTION E Friday, 1:30 p.m. ~ 3:00 p.m.

E~16 La Femme LoUt4 Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.Ol.

Chair: Judith Dompkowski, Canisius College - Eric Misiano, Washington University

"Humbert's Other Double: Narrative Time and Rewriting in Lolita" -Stacey V. Santoro-Murphy, Joliet Junior College

"Looking at Lolita through the Eyes of the Other"

- David C. Phillips, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

"Behind the Curtain: Strong Opinions and Nabokov's 'Art' of the Interview"

Room: 101

~ 17 Authors Reading Poetry and Fiction Friday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m,

Chair: Barbara Wade, Berea College - Nancy Kuhl, Yale University

The Wife of the Left Hand and other poems

=Susan Streeter Carpenter, University of Cincinnati So This Is How It Happens (fiction)

-Elizabeth Sirkin, Case Western Reserve University Espial (poetry)

- Mike Smith, Louisville, Kentucky Fairdak (fiction)

Ekstrom Library Auditorium

First Call for Papers

The 33rd Annual 1WENTIETII-CENfvRV LITERATURE CONFERENCE February 24, 25, and 26, 2005

Submission deadline: September 15, 2004 (Postmarked)

Proposals (abstracts) for critical papers on any topic pertaining to literature published since 1900 will be considered ..

Creative submissions (poetry or short fiction) are also encouraged.

For details, or to be put on our mailing list, contact:

Danielle R. Day, Conference Director, Classical and Modem Languages, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292 (502)852~6686


SECTION F Friday, 3:15 p.m.> 4:45 p.m,

F.l Postmodem African.American Fiction Friday, 3:15 ·4:45 p.m,

Chair: Chris Bell, University of Illinois, Chicago - Kelcey Parker, University of Cincinnati

"Percival Everett's Erasure: Deconstructing the African American" - Alison Russell, Xavier University

"Colson Whitehead's The Intuitionist: Texts within the Text"

Room: 112

F.2 Looking through Layers: Revisions of Surface Meaning in the Poetry of Mullen, Gander, and Bernstein (Prearranged Panel)

Friday, 3:15·4:45 p.m, Room: 114

Chair: Mark Cantrell, University of Wisconsin, Madison

-Tiffany Eberle Kriner, University of Wisconsin, Madison

"Muse! Drudge! Harryette Mullen and the Face of the Other"

-Temple Cone, Wake Forest University

"The Strata of Forrest Gander's Erotic Epistemology" • Mark Cantrell, University of Wisconsin, Madison

"Taking a Stand on Dissolving Foundations: The Destabilizing Humor of Charles Bernstein"

F·3 Sense of the Past: Henry James after 1900 (Panel organized by the Henry James Society)

Friday, 3:15·4:45 p.m. Room: 117

Chair: Peter Rawlings, University of the West of England

• Jennifer Eimers, University of Georgia

"Strether's Sense of the Past: Henry James's The Ambassadors" - Joshua Kotzin, Marist College

"'Again in the Museum Mood': Remembering the Museum in James's The Ambassadors" • Peter Rawlings, University of the West of England

"Senses of the Past and the Rhetoric of Silence in Henry James" r


F4 Questions of Mode and Genre in ,Modem Fiction: Fitzgerald, and Faulkner

Friday, 3: 15 • 4:45 p.m, Room: 123

Chair: Jill LeRoy·Frazier, Milligan College

• William Martin, Arizona State University

"Vampirism and Gothic Transgression in Fitzgerald's The Beautiful and Damned" • Jason D. Fichrel, Joliet Junior College

"Beyond the Bizarre and the Terrible': Disaster, Fragmentation, and the Broken Laughter of As I Lay Dying"

F·5 Reassessing the American Short Story: Porter, and O'Connor

Friday, 3:15·4:45 p.m. Room: 122

Chair: Kurt Bullock, Grand Valley State University

• Jubal Tiner, Western Carolina University

"Pale Horse, Pale Cycle? An Examination of Katherine Anne Potter's Pale Horse, Pale Rider as a Shott Story Cycle" <Teresa Boyer, California State University, Northridge

"Here I am • LIKE I AM: Disability Studies and Rannery O'Connor's 'Good Country People"


SECTION F Friday, 3: 15 p.m, - 4:45 p.m,

F-6 In the Wake of Virginia Woolf: Contemporary Revisions of Mrs, Dallowa:y

Friday, 3:15 - 4:45 p.m. Room: 119

Chair: Sally Jacobsen, Northern Kentucky University

• Sarah Hardy, Hampden-Sydney College

"Looking for Posnnodernity in The Hours after DaUowCl)" • Kristina K. Groover, Appalachian State University "Liminality in Text and Film Versions of The Hours"

• James Schiff, University of Cincinnati

"Rewriting Woolfs Mrs. Da&wCl): Homage, Sexual Identity, and the Single-Day Novel by Cunningham, Lippincott, and Lanchester"




Authors and Their Private Myths Friday, 3: 15 - 4:45 p.m,

Chair: Matthew Biberman, University of Louisville • Laura Fry, Ohio University

"W. B. Yeats's Crazy Jane as a Mythological Character" • Lidan Lin, Indiana University - Purdue University

"Huxley's Encounter with Eastern Wisdom: Hybridity and Non-dualism in Island" • Jimmy Dean Smith, Union College

"Robert Graves and the Niceness of Western Man: KingJesus and Middlebrow Readers"

Identities and Voices in Contemporary Fiction (Prearranged Panel) Friday, 3: 15 - 4:45 p.m.

Chair: John Krafft, Miami University

• Damian Ward Hey, Hofstra University "Partying with Pynchon"

• Kelli Lyon Johnson, Miami University, Hamilton

"Found in Translation: Recuperating Cultural Memory through Language in Chicana Fiction" • Zofia Kolbuszewska, Columbia University

"Cloth, Clothing and Masquerade: A PhilosopHy of Pynchon's Textiles"

Embodiment, Silence, Gender and War-in Virginia Woolf Friday, 3: 15 - 4:45 p.m.

Chair: T onya Krouse, Northern Kentucky University • [ong-Im Lee, University of Wisconsin, Madison

"W ar Trauma, Fetishism, and Homoerotic Desire: Septimus's Case in Mrs. Da&wa'J" • [o Ann Circosta, University of Kentucky

"Silence as Disclosure: Virginia Woolf's Style of Being-in-the-World"

Room: 121

Room: 215

Room: 101

F-IO Interrogation and Integration: Writing Diaspora in Europe

Friday, 3: 15 - 4:45 p.m, Room: 109

Chair: Diane Capitani, Kendall College

• Doryjane Birrer, College of Charleston

"Rushdie, Thatcher, and the Immigration of New British Literary-Critical Narratives" • Emily Knudson, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

"Spadal Incarceration' of the Immigrant on the Border and in the Margins: Three Generations of Marginalization in Lidia Jorge's 0 VentoAssobiando nas Gruas, or, Where are the Immigrants Going -- Really?"


SECTION F Friday, 3: 15 p.m, - 4:45 p.m,

F·ll TraveUng Culture

Friday, 3:15 - 4:45 p.m, Room: 210

Chair: Jon Volkmer, Ursinus College

• Jon Volkmer, Ursinus College

"The Future of Travel Writing"

• Harald Hobusch, University of Kentucky

"Drama on Chomolungma: W. H. Auden, Christopher Isherwood, Judith Adams, and the British Quest for Mount Everest" • Kurt Koenigsberger, Case Western Reserve University

"The Exhibitionary Novel After Empire: Julian Barnes's English Displays"

F·12 Tales of "Other": On Accidental Writings about Chinese in the First Half of the Twentieth Century

Friday, 3: 15 - 4:45 p.m, Room: 208

Chair: Kyoto Amano, University of Indianapolis

·Taryn L Okuma, University of Wisconsin, Madison

"Jews in China and American Discourses of Identity in Pearl S. Buck's Peony" • Lisa K. Stein, Ohio University

"Observing the Dark Continent of London's Limehouse: The Ethnographic Perspective in Thomas Burke's "The Chink and the Child' and "The Father of Yoto'"

• Marlene Baldwin Davis, College of William and Mary

"Public and Private: Insights of Two Western Women in China"

F·13 Out of Blackness: Forging Black Identities in the Postcolonial World

Friday, 3: 15 - 4:45 p.m, Room: ZZ4

Chair: Charles Pooser, University of Louisville

• Pamela F. Paine, Auburn University

"Abjection, Politics, and Desire for Specificity in Maryse Conde's Heremakhonon and/or En Attendant Ie bonheur" • Hanetha Vete-Congolo, Bowdoin College

"La 1UllUre de I'idemite dans L'esclave vieil homme et le molosse: entre fiction et reaIite" • Steven Urquhart, Queen's University, Canada

"Breaking the Silence in Dany Laferriere's Comment faire I'amour avec un Negre sans se fatiguer"

F·14 Characters in Search of an Identity

Friday, 3: 15 - 4:45 p.m, Room: ZZ2

Chair: Bohdan Bochan, Indiana University Southeast

• Lana Hartman Landon, Independent Scholar

.. All Men Are Germans, but Not All Germans Are Men: Nationality and Gender in Katherine Mansfield's In a Gennan Pension" • K. Julia Karolle, John Carroll University

"'You Have to Realize That Even a Servant Likes to Read for an Hour or Two': The Construction of Community through Narrative in Servants' Newspapers of Fin de siecle Berlin"

• Mihaela Petrescu, Indiana University, Bloomington

"Male Prostitution: The New Face of Crime? Or Maybe: I'm Just Another Gigolo. The Problematic Depiction of An Urban Husder in Julia Franck's Novel I.iebediener"

F·15 Babel, Bulgakov, Lem: Distorting Reality

. Friday, 3: 15 - 4:45 p.m,

Chair: Philip Metres, John Carroll University • Ken Hanssen, Valdosta State University

"Because of His Love, and Because of His Disease': The Vision of Humanity in Isaac Babel's Red eavalry" • Amy Lillard, Northwestern University

"The Devil Meets Hell on Earth: Woland's Role as Figure of Justice in The Master and Margarita" • John S. Prince, Ball State University

"The Projective Etymological Furor: Lem's The Futurological Congress and the Perfect Language"

Room: ZZO


SECTION F Friday. 3: 15 p.m. ·4:45 p.m,

F·16 Special Hispanic Presentation Friday. 3: 15 • 4:45 p.m,

Chair: Rhonda Buchanan. University of Louisville - Ana Marfa Shua, Universidad de Buenos Aires "Narrativa argentina en la posdictadura"

Ekstrom Library Auditorium

F·17 Authors Reading Poetry and Fiction

Friday. 3:15·4:45 p.m, Bingham Poetry Room Ekstrom Library

Chair: Mari York. Northern Kentucky University

- Amy Fleury. Washburn University

The Wound You Need and Other Poems

- Jeanette Nyda Passry, St. Philip's College Manna in the Wilderness (fiction)

-Joel Levise, Wayne State University Pageflag and other poems

- Davis Schneiderman. Lake Forest College

Tupeat. Frompeet. Repeit and Black is the Color/NOI'U! is the Number (fiction)

Friday evening Seelbach Hilton Hotel


Friday, 5:00 p.m. Middleton Auditorium, Strickler Hall, 101

Austin Chesterfield Clarke, Toronto, Ontario Whose Narrative Is It? (fiction) Introduced by Jan Carew, Louisville, Kentucky


Reception, cash bar (all conferees welcome), 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Dinner, by reservation only, 8:00 p.m.


SECTION G Saturday, 9:00 am - 10:30 am

G·l Blues Women: Jazz, Literature, and Performance

Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Room: 113

Chair: Anca lancu, University of Louisville

• William Scott, New Mexico State University

"The Blue Law: 'Oudaw' Women and the lex animata of Blues Performance" • Michelle L Filling, University of Delaware

"Singing the Blues: Gender Performance in Their Eyes Were Watching God" <Therese M. Rizzo, University of Delaware

"Ah, You Hear Me Talkin' to You, I Don't Bite My Tongue': Whispers of the Blues Woman in Pauline Hopkins's Contending Forces"

G·2 Hanging Crooked: Grotesque Family Portraits in Faulkner and Morrison (Prearranged Panel)

Saturday, 9;00 . 10:30 a.m. Room: 114

Chair: Keith Byerman, Indiana State University

• Darla Beasley, Indiana State University

"The Alembic of an Ancient Pain: The Soul as Suspect and the Body as Grotesque in Charles Baudelaire and Toni Morrison" • Jeffrey Gross, Indiana State University

"When Crossing a River Isn't Enough: Failed Maternity in As I Lay Dying and Beloved" ·George Potter, Indiana State University

"Forced Domination: Intersections of Sex, Race, and Power in Ught in August and The Bluest Eye"

G.3 Perspectives on Nature and the 'Natural' in American Poetry

Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m, Room: 123

Chair: Alan Golding, University of Louisville

• Kevin Marzahl, Indiana University

"Species and Senescence in A. R. Ammons's Garbage" ·Scott Pound, Bilkent University, Turkey

"Phonophobia and Its Discontents: An Interdisciplinary Perspective on the Denigration of Orality in Contemporary Theory and

Poetics" "

=George Hart, California State University, Long Beach

"Porno Waldo: Niedecker, Eigner, and Grenier's Emersonian Poetics"


Exoteric Modernism: Rethinking Modernity's Politics of Surface (Prearranged Panel) Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m,

Chair: Justus Nieland, Michigan State University • Edward P. Comentale, Indiana University

"On Nerves, Neuroses, and the Modernist Network" • Judith Brown, Indiana University

"Modernism's Charm"

• Justus Nieland, Michigan State University "Towards a Gestic Modernism"

Room: 109


SECTION G Saturday, 9:00 am • 10:30 am

G.5 Absurd Modernism: Futurism, Dadaism, and the Avant-Garde

Saturday, 9:00 • 10:30 a.m, Room: 210

Chair: Thomas Austenfeld, North Georgia College

• Aaron Antonio Toscano, University of Louisville

"Why Critics Should Consider D. H. Lawrence's Views on (or Hopes for) Human Development When Exploring the Futurist Influence in Women in Loee"

• Carolyn Tilghman, University of Texas, Tyler "Wyndham Lewis and the Anxiety of Association"

• Jessica Smith, State University of New York, Buffalo "Dada and Memory"

G-6 City and Country/Money and Property

Saturday, 9:00 • 10:30 a.m. Room: 224

Chair: Tom Van, University of Louisville

• Jessica Lyn Van Slooten, State University of West Georgia

"Shopping for Love on Madison Avenue: Single Women, Romance, and Wealth in Twentieth-Century American Fiction" • Sally Livingston, Harvard University

"Woman as Property/W oman has Property: Valerie Martin's New Literary Paradigm" • Myles Chilton, University of Chicago

"Dis-Placing and Re-Placing Toronto in the Canadian Cultural Imaginary"

G.7 Magic and Mourning Saturday, 9:00 • 10:30 a.m,

Chair: Jeremy Schraffenberger, University of Louisville

• Lorena Russell, University of North Carolina, Asheville

"Magical Realism and the Politics of Desire: Mapping a Queer/Feminist Poetics in Carter and Winterson" • Jennifer L Sieve, Montana State University, Billings

"Remembering Histories, Creating Futures: The Radicalism of Memory in Meridel Le Sueur's The Girl"

G·8 Graham Greene and the Fall of Public CuI~ Saturday, 9:00 • 10:30 a.m,

Chair: Robert H. Miller, University of Louisville • Janine M. Utell, Widener University

"'Is It Someone You Want to Die with?' Sex and Violence in the Second World War" • Joanna Tweedy, University of Illinois, Springfield

"Metaphysics and Metafiction in Graham Greene's The End of the Affair" • Razak Dahmane, University of Illinois, Springfield

"Sartor Resartus, The End of the Affair, and the Trials of Belief"

Room: 220

Room: 112

G.9 Double Consciousness and Irish Poetry

Saturday, 9:00 • 10:30 a.m, Room: 122

Chair: Jackie Brown, University of Louisville

• Michael Mays, University of Southern Mississippi "Saying Nothing: About Northern Ireland"

• Joshua M. Keiter, Kent State University

"Putting Together Bare Possibilities: Thomas Kinsella's Quest for Order and Communication in the Artistic Act" • Frank Duba, Southern Connecticut State University

"Necessary Fear: Ciaran Carson and the Romantic Sublime"


SECTION G Saturday, 9:00 am - 10:30 am

G-IO Prisons of the Mind: Masculinities. Madness, and Fundamentalism

Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Room: 222

Chair: Rebecca Carpenter, McDaniel College

-Clay Motley, Charleston Southern University

"'You Had Better Not Come Near Such a Reeking Lepress': Masculinity, Sexuality, and Christian Fundamentalism in Ugh£. in August"

- Jennifer A Gingerich, Marshall University

"The Foucauldian 'Fish Bowl': Power Dynamics at Play in Ken Kesey's One Flew Oller the Cuckoo's Nest" - David C. Dougherty, Loyola College

"Saviors and Slammers: American Prison Myths of the 196Os"

G-ll Postwar US Fiction and Visual Arts: Kerouac, and Gaddis Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.

Chair: Karen Hadley, University of Louisville

- Kendrick Matthew Kelley, University of Michigan

- "The Mob of Carefree Men and Boys: Vaniry of Duluoz and Kerouac's Panoramic Consciousness"

-Ted Morrissey, Illinois State University

"Recognizing a Masterpiece: William Gaddis's Reinterpretation of Flemish An"

Room: 217

G-12 Postwar Trauma

Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Room: 119

Chair: Cynthia Crane, University of Cincinnati

- Amanda M. Lawrence, University of Tennessee

"The Inherited Trauma of the Second Generation: Children of Holocaust Survivors in Thane Rosenbaum's Elijah Visible" - Mary Welch, Marshall University

"From Slouching Origins to Postmodern Destinations: Historicity and Multiplicity in Zadie Smith" - Charlotte Rich, Eastern Kentucky University

" Anzia Yezierska and the New Woman: The Case of Salome of the Tenements"

G-13 Survival Narrativej/Narrative for Survival Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m,

Chair: Michelle R. Miller, University of Louisville

- K. Ruth Seaber, Southeast Missouri State University

"Power Politics': Exploring the 'Big' and the 'Small' in the Works of Arundhati Roy" - Tobias Boes, Yale University

"The Struggles of the 'Master Mariner': Storytelling and Wisdom in Lord Jim"

Room: 208

G-14 The 'Introduction to Theory' Course: Creating a 'Case Book in Contemporary Criticism' for Thrity Umrigar's Bomba, Time (Panel organized by the Society for Critical Exchange)

Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m, Room: 211

Chair: Martha Woodmansee, Case Western Reserve University

=Barbara Burgess-Van Aken, Case Western Reserve University

"Voices in Bombay Time: An Anatomy of Melancholy"

- Brandy L. Schillace, Case Western Reserve University

"Fear and Stasis: Outer Terrors and Rapidly Shrinking Interior Spaces in Bombay Time" - Anne Ryan, Case Western Reserve University

"Bombay Time: Hope in Dialogue"

- Kurt Koenigsberger, Case Western Reserve University Panel Discussant


! f

SECTION G Saturday, 9:00 am • 10:30 am

G.15 Identity between the Classical and the Postcolonial in US Latino Narrative

Saturday, 9:00 • 10:30 a.m. Room: 215

Chair: Mica Howe, Murray State University

=Susan H. Woge, Slippery Rock University

"Bringing Down the House: The Political Framing of Postcolonial Puerto Rico in The House on the Lagoon" - John Alba Cutler, University of California, Los Angeles

"What Rises Again and Again: Violence and Relation in Arturo Islas's The Rain God" - Mindy Boffemmyer, Duquesne University

" (Re) locating the 'Home in the Heart'"; Identity and Motion in Sandra Cisneros's The House on Mango Street"

G·16 Revisitando Ia Generaci6n del '98' Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m,

Chair: Leon Bodevin, Murray State University

- Francisco Javier Higuero, Wayne State University

"Procedimientos deconstructores en el raciocinio argumentativo de Meditaciones del Quiiote" - Efrafn E. Garza. Columbus State University, Georgia

"Las rosas y los astros en 'EI pasajero' de Valle-Inclan"

-Ooretti Ramfrez, Concordia University, Montreal

Un milagro de Antonio Machado. M~ sobre la crfnca a la poesfa creacionista"

Room: 117

Authors Reading Poetry and Fiction Saturday, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.


<Terrv Wright, University of Central Arkansas Excerpts from Fractal Cut· Ups (poetry)

- Peter Duval. Wallingford. Connecticut Cellular (fiction)

- Philip Metres. John Carroll University Poetry

- Kelcey Parker. University of Cincinnati For Sale fry Owner (fiction)

Ekstrom Library Auditorium


35 1
! SECOON H Saturday, 10:45 a.m, -12:15 pm.

H·I Zora Neale Hurston

Saturday, 10:45 - 12:15 p.m. Room: 113

Chair: David Anderson, University of Louisville

- Betzy Elifrits, University of Tennessee

"Taking Her Text and Taking Her Time: The Dilemma of lora Neale Hurston's The "Pet" Negro System" - Suzy Clarkson Holstein, Carroll College

" A Community of Voices: Zora Neale Hurston and Gloria Naylor" - Kristin Kommers Czarnecki, University of Cincinnati

"Surviving Marriage in lora Neale Hurston's Seraph on the Suwanee"

H·2 Recent Travel Poetry (Prearranged Panel)

Saturday, 10:45 - 12: 15 p.m, Room: 114

Chair: W. David Halloran, Indiana University, Bloomington

- David J. Daniels, Indiana University

"To 'Travel by Eye and She': Mapping Lynn Emanuel's Postmodem Lyric" - David Keplinger, Colorado State University, Pueblo

"Writing a Proper History: Charles Simic and the Role of the Literal" -W. David Halloran, Indiana University

"Finding What's 'Lost in Translation': The Practice of Travel in the Poetry of James MerriU"

H·3 Reactionaries? Radicals? Dead White Men Do Politics

Saturday, 10:45 - 12:15 p.m, Room: 117

Chair: Jimmy D. Smith, Union College

<Charles E. Zimmerman [r., University of Louisville

"Robert Penn Warren's John BTown: The Making of a Martyr: The Long Odyssey from the Myth of Reconstruction to the Dream of Civil Rights"

=Taylor Hagood, University of Mississippi

"Scythian Glitter': Orientalism in Absalom, Absalom! • John McGuigan, University of Michigan

"Moving like 'Mechanized Doom': Anarchism and Modernity in Hemingway's For Whom the BeU ToUs" • Philip Frisk, Miami University

"Representing War: The Quiet American, We Were Soldiers, Warrior Politics, and WaT Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning"

H-4 Modernist Culture, Capital, Bibliography and the Archive Saturday, 10:45 - 12: 15 p.m,

Chair: Daniel Manheim, Center College

• J. Stephen Murphy, University of California, Berkeley

"Does History Matter? Materialist Criticism of Modernism and the Question of Value" • William S. Brockman, Pennsylvania State University

"Expanding the Practice of Bibliography: The Example of Ulysses"

Room: 124

H·5 Constructing Modem Theologies: A Dialogue Saturday, 10:45 - 12: 15 p.m,

Chair: Mike Hagan, University of Louisville • David Peeler, Duke Divinity School

"Narrative Structure in Gail Godwin's Father Melancholy's DaughteT" • Marie T. Farr, East Carolina University

"Tightening the North Carolina Bible Belt: Biblical Allusions in Randall Kenan's A Visitation of Spirits" • Daniel Morris, Purdue University

"Tyagan's Miller's Covenant: A Photographic Dialogue between Jews and Blacks"

Room: 109


SECTION H 'Saturday, 10:45 a.m. - 12: 15 pm.

H-6 Out of Time and Out ofP1ace: Welty, and Margaret Atwood

Saturday, 10:45 - 12: 15 p.m. Room: 223

Chair: Marcia McGowan. Eastern Connecticut State University

• Margaret Jay Jessee, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

"Disruption of Community: Welty's Use of Time in Delta Wedding"

• Jill Lekoy-Frazier, Milligan College

"'Not to Censure but to Understand': Narrative Competition and Allegorical Interpretation in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale"

Women, Writing, and Solitude in Twentieth-Century Texts (Prearranged Panel) Saturday, 10:45 - 12: 15 p.m,

Chair: [o Malin, State University of New York, Binghamton • Christina Pugh, Northwestern University

"Unknown Women: Secular Solitude in the Works of Alice Koller and May Sartori" • Victoria Boy ton, State University of New York, Cortland

"Writing Women, Solitary Space, and the Ideology of Domesticity"

• Claudia Limbert, Mississippi University for Women

"The Little Gray House and Me"

Room: 121

H,8 'Not a History but a Poem': Lawrence Durrell and the Place of Travel (Panel organized by the International Lawrence Durrell Society)

Saturday, 10:45 - 12: 15 p.m. Room: 215

Chair: Charles L. Sligh, University of Virginia

• J ames Gifford, University of Alberta, Canada

"Durrell's Aslant Lear at Corfu: Text versus Image in Travel Literature" • Pamela J. Francis, Northwestern State Universitv

"Bitter Relations: Durrell as Colonizer in Cyprus"

• Shelley Cox, Southern Illinois University

"The Ultimate Traveller: Lawrence Durrell's ~~ Magnetic Island' and the Hospitality of the Islands"

H-9 Postmodernity Was Tomorrow (Prearranged Panel) Saturday, 10:45 - 12: 15 p.m,

Chair: Craig Owens, Drake University • Craig N. Owens, Drake University

"Play on / Pleion"

• Judith Roof, Michigan State University

"When Will All of This Have Been ... Just Play" • Christopher Wixson, Eastern Illinois Unversity

"All in the Timing: Absurdism, Modernist High Comedy, and the Post-Temporal"

Room: 209

H-IO Film and Desire: Jane Campion and Sam Mendes Saturday, 10:45 - 12: 15 p.m.

Chair: Silvio Gaggi, University of South Florida • Eileen D. Abel, Lexington Community College

"Edna Unbound: The Piano as The Awakening Reimagined" • Jasmine Nadua Trice, Indiana University

"Decor and Decorum: Visualizing the Body in Jane Campion's Portait of a Lad:y" • Vincent Hausmann, Furman University

"Envisioning the (W)hole World 'Behind Things': Denying Otherness in American Beauty"

Room: 217


SECTION H Saturday, 10:45 a.m.> 12:15 pm.

H·l1 Oriental Influences on Western Creations Saturday, 10:45 • 12: 15 p.m,

Chair: Thomas Vosteen, Eastern Michigan University • Seung-eok Han, Keimyung University

"Univers poetique oriental et L'empire des signes de Barthes" • Joyce M. Janca, Wabash College

"The Koan of the Labyrinth: Yourcenar's Buddhist (Re)visioning of Autobiographical Inquiry" • Sita Swami, Kent State University

"L'Orient chez Artaud et Mnouchkine"

Room: 112

H.12 Four Austrian Masters; Four Genres: Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Stefan Zweig, Robert Musil and Georg Trakl

Saturday, 10:45 • U: 15 p.m. Room: 222

Chair: Thomas Irwin. University of Louisville

• Thomas Austenfeld, North Georgia College

"Spanish Baroque and Austrian Modernism in Hugo von Hofmannsthal" • Heide Witthoft, Virginia Polytechnic Institute

"Stefan Zweig's 'Angst': The Power of Fear"

• Joachim Noob, Virginia Polytechnic Institute

"Robert Musils Der Mann olme Eigenscha{ten. Zur essayistischen Formgestaltung des Romans" • Peggy Setje-Eilers, Vanderbilt University

"'Mondenes Anditz': Georg Trakl's 'Traum und Umnachtung'"

H·13 New Historicism and Eroticism in Post-Franco Literature Saturday, 10:45 - 12: 15 p.m,

Chair: Christine Ehrick, University of Louisville • John P. Gabriele, College of Wooster

"La apropiaci6n posmoderna en tres dramas de Itziar Pascual" • Mercedes Julia, Villanova University

" Aproximaciones a III novela hist6rica postmoderna" • Marla Elena Bisabarros, Lombard, Illinois

"Boom de la literatura er6tica: La Sonrisa Vertical"

Room: 119

H·14 Hispanic Poetry and Anti.Poesia Saturday, 10:45 • 12: 15 p.m,

Chair: Mary Makris, University of Louisville

• James Reese Weckler, Minnesota State University, Moorhead

"Titulo: Las imagenes religiosas en la antipoesia de Nicanor Parra: IAfirmaci6n 0 critical" • Rosa Akala, State University of New York, Buffalo

"The Duende of Translation: Jack Spicer's After Lorca and Jerome Rothenberg's Lorca Variations" • David A. Smallwood, Texas Tech University

"Positivist Representations in Prosas profanas of Ruben Darlo" • Eugene B. Hastings, Morehead State University

"El paTaiso perdido y otras reminiscencias romantico-becquerianas en la obra de Luis Cernuda"

Room: 219


SECTION H Saturday, 10:45 a.m, - 12: 15 pm.

H·15 Authors Reading Poetry and Fiction Saturday, 10:45 - 12: 15 p.m.

Chair: Gigi Thibodeau, University of Massachusetts, Lowell • Kim Bridgford, Fairfield University

Undone (poetry)

• Andrew Farkas, University of Tennessee, Knoxville The Committee for standing on Shoulders (fiction)

·W. K. Buckley, Indiana University Northwest Woolf in Stained Glass w/Plath (poetry)

• Jackie Knoll. Walters State Community College The All- Time Loser (fiction)

Ekstrom Library Auditorium

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SEcnON I Saturday, 1 :30 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.

1-1 Toni Morrison's Beloved

Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m, Room: 113

Chair: Karen Ware, University of Louisville

• Marilyn V. Brock, University of Louisville

"Intertextualitv and Beloved: Double Consciousness and the Freeing Aesthetic of Text" • T ana Helson jennings, Mansfield University

It' ••• from the Far Side of the Trees': The Coping Mechanism in Beloved" • Sara Cleveland, Mansfield University

"Hunger Represented in Bekwed and Their Eyes Were Watching God"

1-2 ModernlPostmodem in Cummings, and Zukofsky

Saturday, 1:30·3:00 p.m, Room: 122

Chair: Daniel Morris, Purdue University

• Gillian Huang-Tiller, University of Virginia's College, Wise

"The Modernist Sonnet and the Pre-Postmodern Consciousness: The Question of Meta-Genre in E. E. Cumming's WIVivaj" • Kathrynn Seidler, Bevill State

"'A' New Way(s) to Mean: Zukofsky's Postmodem Fugue"

1-3 I Am I Because My Readers Know Me? Gertrude Stein in Context (Prearranged Panel)

Saturday, 1:3,0.3:00 p.m, Room: 121

Chair: Logan Esdale, Chapman University

• Logan Esdale, Chapman University

"Stein's Temporal Affiliations with Riding, Graves, and Lye" • jane Sprague, Goddard College

"In the Between: Identifying Stein's Domestic Compression in Harryette Mullen and Lyn Hejinian" • Barbara Cole, State University of New York, Buffalo

"Who's Afraid of Gertrude Stein: Stanzas in Meditation as Critical Case Study"

1-4 Fiction and History (

Saturday, 1:30·3:00 p.m. Room: 114

Chair: jeremy justus, University of Louisville

• Ben Railton, Temple University

"'Self-Objectification': Narrative Identities, Metafiction, and the American Pasts in The Book of Daniel"

• Kurt Bullock, Grand Valley State University .

"Mending Narrative's Ethics: Spatial and Temporal Disruption in Rohinton Mistry's Multiperspective Short Story Cycle Swimming Lessons"


Vladimir Nabokov (Panel organized by the Vladimir Nabokov Society) Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m,

Chair: Charles Nicol, Indiana State University • Marianne Cotugno, Mount Olive College

"Vladimir Nabokov's Lectures and Spatialized Reading"

• Martin Hagglund, State University of New York. Buffalo "Time and Finitude in Nabokov's Ada"

Room: 112


SECTION I Saturday, 1:30 p.m.- 3:00 p.m,

1-6 Virginia Woolf and Trauma (Prearranged Panel) Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m,

Chair: David Eberly, Children's Hospital Trust, Boston • Karen DeMeester, Independent Scholar

"Obstacles to Post War Recovery in Mrs. Dalloway"

• Clifford Wulfman, Tufts University

"Phantoms and Sea Serpents': Cryptonymic Haunting in The Waves" • Patricia Moran, University of California, Davis

"The Traumatic Genesis of 'Inherited Dread' in The Years"

Room: 211

1-7 Sex, Gender and Style (Prearranged Panel) Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m,

Chair: Sebastien Salbayre, Universire de Tours-Francois Rabelais • Sebastien Salbayre, Universite de Tours-Francois Rabelais

"(Homo)Sexualizing Style: What Is There to Be Seen in Joe Orton's What the Butler Saw?" • Anne-Laure Tissut, Universite de Tours-Francois Rabelais

"Alice's Tricks: The Reader's Erotic Experience in Percival Everett's Zulus"

Room: 210

1-8 Postmodem Authorship, Readership, and Genre Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m,

Chair: Karen Hadley, University of Louisville ·Charles L Bertsch, University of Arizona

"Rising Up and Rising Down: The Career ofWUliam T. Vollmann and the McSweeney's Effect" ·Todd Hoffman, Purdue University

"Revising the Concept of Genre: The Postmodem Novel as Political Dissent" • Daniel Scott T ysdal, Acadia University, Canada

"Minimalism and the Short Fiction of David Foster Wallace"


Room: 119

1·9 Gender, Violence, and PostIModem Bodies

Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m, Room: 217

Chair: T abetha Adkins, University of Louisville

• Robin E. Field, University of Virginia

"The Dead Speak: Representing the Murdered Rape Victim in Contemporary Sexual Violence Fiction" • Rebecca Carpenter, McDaniel College

"Declinism, Castration, and the Commodification of Women: Masculinity and Competition in Late Twentieth-Century British Literature"

• Kim Kirkpatrick, Saint Louis University "The Nonbleeding Fertile Women"


1-10 Recent Feminist Writing

Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. Room: 117

Chair: Lynn Pifer, Mansfield University

• Andrea L. Harris, Mansfield University

"Sacrifice, Fusion, and Lesbian Desire in Rebecca Brown's Short Fiction" • Jo Angela Edwins, University of Tennessee

" Another Arnold in California? Echoes of Oates's 'Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?' in Braverman's 'Tall Tales from the Mekong Delta'"

• Patricia Angley, University of Central Florida

"Transforming Identities: Gender, Ethnicity, and Class in Lois-Ann Yamanaka's Father of the FOUT Passages"

SECTION I Saturday, 1:30 p.m> 3:00 p.m,

1·11 American and British Mysteries Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m,

Chair: Mary Rosner, University of Louisville - Hugh Davis, University of Tennessee

"Underneath All of the Hokum': George Schuyler's Detective Stories" - Daryll Anderson, Louisville, Kentucky

"Egypt in Mysteries"

- Bent Sorensen, Aalborg University, Denmark "The Tic'ing Detective"

Room: 219

1·12 Psychoanalysis and Network Science

Saturday, 1:30·3:00 p.m. Room: 215

Chair: Anthony O'Keeffe, Bellarmine College

-Stephen Dougherty, Elizabethtown Community College

"No Repression: On the Unconscious in Cognitive Science and Psychoanalysis" - Fred Johnson, Ball State University

"How They Play the Kevin Bacon Game in West Egg (and at Fangoso Lagoon): Approaches to Literary Criticism through Network Science"

1·13 The Holocaust and Literary Imagination

Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. Room: 208

Chair: Merle Bachman, Louisville, Kentucky

=Norbert Puszkar, Austin Peay State University

"Hans Scholz's Am gmnen Strand der Spree: What Fills the Absence and Silence of the Holocaust in a West German Novel?" -Gregory Lattanzio, Wayne State University

"Discrepancies of the Self: Trauma in The Voice in the Closet" =Shawna Geissler, University of Regina, Canada

"Ian MacMillan Writes the Holocaust: Structure and Representation in Village of a Million Spirits"

1·14 Du Silence au Chaos: Les Voix Distinctes de Ia Poesie

Saturday, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. Room: 222

Chair: Maxime Blanchard, City University of New York

- Esa Christine Hartmann, University of North Carolina, Greensboro

"'Silence n'exigeant que silence': le cherninement de la voix poetique dans l'oeuvre de Pierre Torreilles" - Henry Cohen, Kalamazoo College

"Paul Morin, maitre sonnettiste"

• Evelyne M. Bornier, Southeastern Louisiana University

"Le texte et le chaos: Perspectivisme et Connaissance dans les ecrits de Georges Henein"

1·15 Imagining the New Spanish Family: Violence and Mirrors

Saturday, 1:30·3:00 p.m. Room: 220

Chair: Carmen Cedeno, University of Louisville

• Louise A. Detwiler, Buder University

"Los espejos de Carmen Riera y Virginia Woolf: Ia cuesti6n de amor propio ... ide quien?" -Carmen Gomez Fiegl, University of Chicago

"Del modelo mediterraneo a la desaparici6n de la familia nuclear. Otra perpectiva de la novela de Luis Goytisolo Placer Licuante"


SECTION I Saturday, 1:30 p.m> 3:00 p.m.

1·16 Memories and Labyrinths in Argentine Fiction

Saturday, 1:30.3:00 p.m. Room: 209

Chair: Melissa Groenewold, University of Louisville

- David Buehrer, Valdosta State University

"The 'Curse' of Memory: Amnesia, Psychological Introversion, and Repressed Desire in Puig's Eternal Curse on the Reader of These Pages"

- Guansu Sohn, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea "Borgesian Biblical Exegesis"

1·17 Authors Reading Poetry and Fiction Saturday, 1:30·3:00 p.m,

Chair: Mary Barbosa-jerez, University of Louisville -Gigi Thibodeau, University of Massachusetts, Lowell Selections from The Salt Garden (poetry)

- James Schiff, University of Cincinnati

While the City Burned (fiction)

-Sean M. Conrey, Purdue University New Poems (poetry)

- Jesse Gipko, Duquesne University Bows and Arrows (fiction)

Ekstrom Library Auditorium



Saturday, 3: 15 p.m. Bingham Humanities Building Room 300 Ronald Schleifer, University of Oklahoma ,

"Signifying Music: Fats Waller and the Time ofJazz"

Introduced by Thomas B. Byers, Department of English, University of Louisville

Following Ronald Schleifer's presentation please joint us for the


Saturday, 4: 15 pm Bingham Humanities Building Room 300.


Presenters' Index

Abel, Eileen D. H 10 Abruna, Laura Niesen De B 5 Adams, Ann Marie E 8

Akli, Madalina A 14 Al-wazedi, Umme C 3

Alcala, Rosa H 14

..... :,;."mder. Kara p()C B 9 Allister, Mark E 9

Allred, Jeff C 11

Amano, Kyoko D 8 Anderson, Darvll I 11 Anderson, Douglas C 11 Angley, Patricia I 10

Aste, Mario D 13

Atkins, Christine E. A 7 Aubry, Stephanie C 17 Austenfeld, Thomas H 12 Austin, Nathan E 6 & A 15 Avery, Todd A 10

Baker, J. Robert D 7 Barbetti, Claire E 3 Baringer, Sandra C 10 Barnes, Sharon L A 4 Barzilai, Shuli A 8

Beard, Laura D 12

Beasley, Darla G ~ Beckwith, Abigail C 12 Bertsch, Charles L I 8 Birrer, Doryjane FlO Bisabarros, Marla Elena H 13 Black, Richard A E 2 Blanchard, Maxime E 12 Blazer, Alex E. E 3

Bochan, Bohdan B 15

Boes, Tobias G 13 Boffemmyer, Mindy G 15 Borruer, Evelyne M. I 14 Bomstein, George D 5 Bostrom, Melissa A 6

Boyd, Monica A 7

Boyer, Teresa F 5

Boy ton, Victoria H 7

Braem, Jean-Marc D 10 Bridgford, Kim H 15

Brock, Marilyn V. A 15 & I 1 Brockman, William S. H 4

Brown, Jacqueline E. All Brown, Judith G 4

Buck, Claire A 11

Buckley, W. K. H 15 Buehrer, David I 16 Bullock, Kurt I 4

Burgess-Van Aken, Barbara G 14 Burke, jessica E 14

Burnett, Joy Allison C 5

Button, Bobbi A 1

Calderon, Oswaldo B 17

Camp, Mechel D 3

Campbell, P. Michael B 3 Cantrell, Mark F 2

Carpenter, Rebecca I 9 Carpenter, Rick C 17

Carpenter, Susan Streeter E 17 Carrillo, German D 11

Cassel, Adrienne C 8

Charlton, Michael B 14

Childs, Elaine D 8

Chilton, Myles G 6 Cluysanthou, Maria B 17 Church, Sylvia S. B 10

Circosta, Jo Ann F 9

Clark, Christen B 8

Cleveland, Sara I 1

Cohen, Henry I 14

Cole, Barbara 13

Cole, Scott W. C 13

Comentale, Edward P. G 4 Comfort, Kathy B 12 Concepcion, Consuelo M. A 12 Cone, Temple F 2

Conrey, Sean M. I 17

Cotugno, Marianne I 5

Cox, Shelley H 8

Cucinella, Catherine E 1 Cummings, Allison M. C 4 Cuder, John Alba G 15 Czarnecki, Kristin Kommers H 1 Dahmane, Razak G 8

Daniels, David J. H 2

Davis, Hugh I 11

Davis, Marlene Baldwin F 12 Dawkins, Laura A 2

Delgado, L Anne A 11 DeMeester, Karen I 6 Detwiler, Louise A I 15 Devries, Scott M. C 17 Dilworth, Tom B 16 Doggett, Robert D 6 Dougherty.David C. G 10 Dougherty,Stephen I 12 Douglas, Philip A D 1 Duba, Frank G 9 Dubreuil, Jessie Beall C 9 Durham, Carolyn A C 9 Duval, Peter G 17 Edwins, Jo Angela 110 Eimers, Jennifer F 3 Elias, Camelia B 8 Elifrits, Betzy H 1

Elliott. Matt D 6 Emmitt, Helen V. B 7 Esdale, Logan I 3

Esplin, Emron C 16

Esplin, Marlene Hansen C 16 Farkas, Andrew C 7

Farkas, Andrew H 15

Farr, Marie T. H 5 Femandez.Mana E 14 Fichtel, Jason D. F 4

Fiegl, C. G6mez B 18 &l15 Field, Robin E. I 9

Filling, Michelle L G 1 Reury, Amy F 17

Flores, Reyes E. B 18

Ford, Peter B. C 7

Francis, Conseula E 8 Francis, Pamela J. H 8

Fray, Ginger Kennedy C 2 Frisk. Philip H 3

Fry, Laura F 7

Fuhrman, Angela E 2 Gabriele, John P. H 13 Gaggi, Silvio E 10

Galbus, Julia C 8

Garza, Efrain E. B 18 & G 16 Gaspar, Jay E 9

Geissler, Shawna I 13 Gifford, James H 8

Gillette, Meg Boerema A 2 Gingerich, jennifer A. G 10 Gipko, jesse I 17

Glick, Elisa F. E 7 Gonzalez,Ester Gimbemat D 12 Goodspeed-Chadwick.julie C 12 Grace, Nancy M. A 3

Graham, Shane C 12 Granahan, Leila E 1

Green, Angela A 7

Groover, Kristina K. F 6

Gross, jeffrey G 2

Guevremont, Francis A 14 Hagglund, Martin I 5

Hagood, Taylor H 3

Hall, Elizabeth Berglund C 14 Halloran, Vivian Nun B 1 Halloran, W. David H 2

Han, Seung-eok H 11 Hanssen, Ken F 15

Hardy, Sarah F 6

Harris, Andrea L. 110

Hart, George G 3

Hartmann, Esa Christine I 14 Hartmann, jon E 7 Hastings,Eugene B. H 14 Haugen, Hayley Mitchell C 13 Haugen, Hayley Mitchell D 14 Hausmann,Vincent H 10

He, Yuemin D 8 Helphinstine,Frances L. C 13 Heusel, Barbara Stevens D 7 Hey, Damian Ward F 8 Hickman,Trenton C 16 Higgins, David M. B 6 Higuero, Francisco Javier G 16 Hochman,jill B 6

Hock, Stephen A 9

Hodin, Mark E 8 Hobusch.Harald F 11 Hoeness-Krupsaw,Susanna A 8 Hoffman, Todd I 8 Holcomb,Brian D. C 6 Holdeman,David D 5 Holstein, Suzy Clarkson H 1 Hornby, Louise E 5

Hout, Syrine C. D 9

Howe, Mica E 15


Hsieh, Lili E 5 Huang-Tiller.Gillian 12 Hunter, William R. C 1 Hurlow, Marcia L. C 19 jackson, jennifer L. C 1 jacobsen,Sally A. A 8 janca, joyce M. H 11 jennings,Tana Helson 11 jessee, Margaret jay H 6 johnson, Fred I 12 johnson, Kelli Lyon F 8 jones, Cara E. C 1

joyce, justin A. E 7 julia, Mercedes H 13 junker, Christine C 6 justus, jeremy C. B 11 Karolle, K. Julia F 14 Keiter, Joshua M. G 9

Kelley, Kendrick Matthew G 11 Keplinger,David H 2

Kightlinger, Ejennifer-Ann

DiGregorio 13

Kilinski, April Conley B 1 Kirkpatrick, Kim I 9 Klein, Scott W. B 7 Kloppy'Charles E 13 Knoll, Jackie B 14 & H 15 Knudson, Emily FlO Koenigsberger, Kurt F 11 Koenigsberger, Kurt G 14 Kolbuszewska, Zofia F 8 Kopriva, Noel B 3

Kotzin, joshua F 3

Kriner, Tiffany Eberle F 2 Krouse, Tonya B 4 Krumholz, Linda A 1 Kuhl, Nancy E 17

Kuilan, Susie Scifres A 13 Kulkarni, Amruta D 10 Kuperman, jaimee A 15 laBeau, Sarah E 10

Landon, Lana Hartman F 14 LaPrade, Daniel j. E 12 Lattanzio, Gregory 113 Lawrence, Amanda M. G 12 Lee, jong-Im F 9

Lee, Katherine B 2 Lekov-Fraaer, jill H 6


Levise, Joel A 13 & F 17

Lewis, Jonathan P. C 10 Lillard, Amy F 15

Limbert, Claudia H 7

Lin, lidan F 7

Lipes, Lisa E 11 Livingston,Sally G 6

Luft, Christine B 2

Maclean, Tracy Biga A 12 Magill, David E. A 5

Major, William C 11

Malik, Peter R. A 15

Marquis, Margaret A 6 Marsden,John L. C 3

Martin, W. Todd B 1

Martin, William F 4

Martinez, Isabelle B 12 Marzahl, Kevin G 3

Matteo, Sante D 13

Mays, Michael G 9

McCaffrey, Molly A 1 & B 16 McCormick-Chisum, Misty A 9 McCown, Cynthia B 13 McDaniel, Jamie L. D 4 McDonald, Russ D 3 McGUigan, john H 3 McGuirk,K. D 2

Mclennan, Kathleen B 13 McWhorter, Katie Ell Metres, Philip D 2 & G 17 Michael, Magali Cornier E 2 Mickalites, Carey D 4

Miller, Gregory E 4

Misiano, Eric E 16

Mitchell, james B. C 7 Mohammed, Hirchi D 9 Mollis, Kara L. E 2

Moody, K. Irene C 14

Moran, Patricia I 6

Morris, Daniel H 5

Morrissey, Ted C 18 & G 11 Motley, Clay G 10

Muir, Lisa B 1

Murphy, j. Stephen H 4 Murphy, Thomas M. B 10 Musumeci,Antonino E 13 Neeper, Layne C 2

Neville, Jennifer C 18

Presenters' Index

Newmark,JuUanne E 4 Ngesem, Eugene E 8

Nichols, Dana B 9

Nieland, Justus 0 4

Noob, Joachim H 12

Norman, lance C 6

Norton, Holly L A 9 Okuma, Taryn L F 12

Olsen, T aimi B 5 Osbome,Virginia Nickles A 10 Owens. Craig N. H 9 Ovekunle, Ronke A 1

Paine, Pamela F. F 13

Panchy, Jennie A 3

Pandey, Iswari P. C 3

Parker, Kelcey F 1 & 0 17 Passey, Jeanette Nyda F 17 Paul. Catherine B 5 Pedersen, Anne-Marie B 9 Peeler. David H 5

Perry. Katherine D. C .. Petrescu, Mihaela F 14

Philippe, Antoine E 12

Phillips. David C. E 16 Pleasant, lesley C. D 14

Potter. George 0 2

Pound. Scott 0 3

Praitis, Irena C 18

Prince, John S. F 15

Pringle, Mary Beth C 8

Pugh, Christina H 7/

Puszkar, Norbert I 13 Raczkowski, Christopher T. D 6 Railton, Ben I 4

Ramirez. Goretti 0 16 Rawlings.Peter F 3

Reati, Femando D 12

Rhyne, Jeff E 1

Rich, Charlotte 0 12

Richter, David F. E 15

Rizzo. Therese M. 0 1

Roberts. Brian R. A 4 Robinson,Adam E 11

Rodeno, Ignacio F. E 15

Roof, Judith H 9

Rotella. Pilar V. C 14 Ruiz-Velasco,Chris E 1

Russell, Alison F 1

Russell. Lorena 0 7

Ryan. Anne 0 14 Salbavre.Sebasden I 7

Sanchez De La Calle.E. C 15 Santoro-Murphy,Stacey V. E 16

Sartiaux, Audrey B 12 Schechner,Stephanie C 14 Schiff. James F 6

Schiff, James I 17 Schdlace.Brandy L 0 14 Schneiderman.Davis F 17 Schulze. Robin O. 0 5 Schwartz.Samuel R. C .. Scott, William 0 1 Seabert K. Ruth 0 13 Seidler. Kathrynn I 2 Setje-Eilers,Peggy H 12 Severin, Laura B 8

Shaw, Matthew 0 7 Sheldon, Glenn A 4 Shields, Paul C 3

Shoaf, Amanda E 6

Shua, Ana Maria 012 & F 16 Sieve, Jennifer L 0 7

Simon, Rachel Ann A 5

Sirkin, Elizabeth E 17

Sirkin, Jeff 0 2

Smallwood, Oavid A H 14 Smith, Jessica 0 5

Smith, Jimmy Dean F 7 Smith, Laurel A 6

Smith, Mike E 17

Sohn, Ouansu I 16 Sorensen, Bent I 11

Spani, Giovanni 0 13 Sprague, Jane I 3

Squires. Matthew L B 4 Stacks. Oeoffrey L C 2 Stanley. Marueen Tobin C 15 Stanton. Brandi A 3

Staunton, John A C 12 Stegmann, Vera B 15

Stein, lisa K. F 12

Sutton. Matthew 0 1

Swami. Sita H 11

Taylor, Rod B 6

Taylor, Stacy A B 11 Teichrnann,Sandra Gail B 16 Thibodeau,Gigi I 17 Thompson,Stacy A 12 Tidwell, Joanne E 5 Tilghrnan,Carolyn 0 5

Tiner, Jubal F 5

Tlssut, Anne-Laure 17 Toscano. Aaron Antonio 0 5 Trice, Jasmine Nadua H 10 Turner. John C 5

Tweedy, Joanna 014 &08

Tysdal, Daniel Scott I 8 Tyx, Carol C 8 Umbers, Doris B 16 Urquhart,Steven F 13 Urraro, Laurie L C 15 Utell. Janine M. 08

Van Slooten,Jessica Lyn 0 6 Vasquez, Mary S. 0 11 Veramendi.ludv B 17 Vete-Congolo.Hanetha F 13 Vilaseca.Stephen E 15 Volkmer. Jon 014 & F 11 Vosteen.Tbomas E6 Wagner, Jon A 12

Walker. Robin Glenn A 13 Walton, Candace Skorupa A 14 Walton, Gary C 5

Ware. Karen B 11

Weckler, James Reese H 14 Weiss, lisa 0 9

Welch, Mary 0 12

Wheeler. Lesley B 7

White, Janet C. B 2

Wilhelm, Randall S. C 2 WiUiarns, Tyrone B3

Willman, Skip C 10

Wilms, Wilfried B 15 Witmoft. Heide H 12

Wixson, Christopher H 9 Woge, Susan H. 0 15

Wondra. Janet B 14 Worthington. Marjorie B 4 Woznicki. John R. D 2

Wright. Greg 0 3

Wright. Terry 0 17

Wulcich, Anna J. C 9

W ulfrnan, Clifford 16

Yockey, Matt A 5

Zahlan, Anne R. E 9

Zahmdt, Jason B 11

leng, UB13

Zhang, Bemi 08

Zimmerman [r., Charles E. H 3


Adkins, Tabetha 19

Allen, Annette C 11 Amono, Kyoko F 12 Anderson, David A .. & H 1 Antworth, Roberta B 8 Austenfeld, Thomas G 5 Bachman, Merle I 13 Barbosa-Jerez, Mary A 7 Barbosa-Jerez, Mary I 17 Barzilai, Shuli A 8

Bell, Chris F 1

Beyers, Chris B 3 & C 4 & D 2 Biberman, Matthew F 7 Blanchard, Maxime I 14 Blazer, Alex B 10 Boehan, Bodhan F 14

Bodevin, Leon G 16

Boehm, Beth A 9

Brown, Jackie G 9

Buchanan, Rhonda D 12 & F 16

Bullock, Kurt F 5

Byerman, Keith G 2

Byers, Tom E 10

Cantrell, Mark F 2

Capitani, Diane B 2 & FlO Carpenter, Rebecca G 10

Cedeno, Aris C 15 & D 11

Cedeno, Carmen I 15 Circosta, Jo Ann A 10

Crane, Cynthia G 12

Dalle, Matthieu E 6

Dantoni, Joan C 13

Dompkowski, Judith E 16

Eberly, David 16

Ehrick, Christine H 13 Emmitt, Helen V. B 7 Esdale, Logan I 3 Fadda-Conrey, Carol D 9 Farquhar, Jessica B 16

Gaggi, Silvio H 10 ,

Galbus, Julia C 8

Goepel, Dorothy A 3 Goldberg, Michael C 5 Golding, Alan G 3 Grabenhorst, Tina E 3

Greene, John P. A 13

Groenewold, Melissa I 16

Chairs' Index

Hadley, Karen G 11 & I 8

Hagan, Mike H 5

Halloran, W. David H 2 Harmon, William B 5 Hartmann, Esa E 12 Helphinstine, Frances E 8 Heusel, Barbara Stevens D 7 Hickman, Trenton C 16

Howe, Mica G 15

Hunter, William D 1

Hussey, Mark E 5

lancu, Anca G 1

Ingraffla, Brian C 7

Irwin. Thomas H 12

Jacobsen. Sally F 6

Jaffe. Aaron A 12 & E 7

John. Eileen D 4

Johnson. Kim D 14

Joiner. Monica E 15

Justus, Jeremy 14

Karpinski. Anne Marie C 14

Kearns. Josette A 14

Kolesnik. Anna B 4

Krafft .. -1ohn F 8

Krouse. Tonya F 9

laBeau, Sarah B 14

leRoy-Frazier. Jill F 4 Lee, Katherine D 8

Makris, Mary H 14

Malin,Jo H 7

Manheim, Daniel H 4 Mastri, Augustus E 13 Mbengue. Malick A 1 McCown. Cynthia B 13 McGowan. Marcia H 6 Metres. Philip F 15 Miller, Michelle R. G 13 Miller. Robert H. G 8 Morris, Daniel I 2 Newmark, Julianne E 4

Nicol, Charles IS

Nieland, Justus G 4 Noob, Joachim B 15 O'Keeffe. Anthony I 12 Owens. Craig H 9 Paul, Catherine D 5 Pedersen, Anne-Marie B 9


Pifer. Lynn I 10

Pooser. Charles F 13 Raczkowski. Christopher T. D 7 Raschke, Debrah C 12 Rawlings, Peter F 3

Ridley, Glynis C 9

Roebuck, Regina C 17

Roof, Judith C 6

Romer, Mary I 11

Ruiz- Velasco, Chris E 1

Ryan, Susan E 2

Salbayre. Sebastien I 7

Schaub. Tom E 9

J. Schraffenberger A 15 & G 7 Schuler, Marilyn B 12

Sligh, Charles L H 8

. Smith, Jimmy D. H 3

Spinelli, Don D 14

St Clair. Robert C 2 Taylor. Rod B 6 Taylor, Stacey A B 11 Thibodeau. Gigi H 15

Torok. Linda C 1

Van, Thomas A 11 &G6 Vosteen, Thomas H 11

Waag, Michael E 14

Wade. Barbara E 17

Walton. Gary D 3

Ware. Karen 11

Wheatley. Kelly A 6 Willey, Ann Elizabeth B 1

Winkler. Julie B 17

Winkler. Julie B 18

Wolf, Joanna A 2

Woodmansee, Martha G 14

Yoder, Wendy D 10

York, Mari F 17

Zahrudt, Jason C 10

Zeng, U E 11


(Student Activities Center) Look for Clock


Cafeteria (second floor of SAC BUilding) Wrap Express, Fresh Grille


··!·-·:·;·'~:·.'·Mon - Thurs Friday

Sat & Sun

10:30 am - 6:00 pm 10:00 am - 2:30 pm Closed

The Grill in the Ville (table service, second floor

Mon - Fri 7:30 am - 2:30 pm

Mon - Thurs 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Friday 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Sat & Sun 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Sat&Sun 5:00pm - 7:00pm

Food Court (ground floor of SAC Building) Uncle Chen's

Mon - Thurs Friday Subway

Mon - ThurS' Friday /

10:00 am - 8:00 pm 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

10:00 am - 9:00 pm 10:00 am - 7:00 pm

Stop Gap - (Convenience Store) Papa John's Pizza

Mon v Thur Friday

Sat & Sun Wendy's

Mon > Thur Friday

Sat &Sun

7:30 am - 11:00 pm 7:30 am - 7:00 pm

Noon - 6:00 pm

10 :00 am - 9:00 pm 10 :00 am- 7:00 pm

Noon - 6:00 pm

Mitzi's (basement of Miller Technology Building)

Mon - Fri 7:30 am - 3:30 pm

Cafe Ritaua (full service coffee bar, located in the

lobby of Ekstrom Library)

Mon - Thurs 7:30 am - 7:00 pm

Friday 7:30 am - 3:00 pm


Near Campus (within walking distance)

Masterson's Restaurant 636-2511

Third & Cardinal Blvd (north of campus) Dining room

Mon - Fri Buffet Only

11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Cafe Bristol 634-2723 Speed Art Museum Reservations suggested

Tues - Sat 11:30 am - 2:00 pm

China Inn (Cardinal Shopping Center) 2100 South Fourth Street 636-2020

Mon - Fri Sat

11:00 am • 10:00 pm 12:00 pm - 10:00 pm

City Cafe (Cardinal Shopping Center) 635-0222

1907 South Fourth Street

Mon - Thur 10:00 am -7:00 pm

Friday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Sat & Sunday closed

Fast Food Restaurants Papa John's Pizza (Floyd St)


McDonald's 636·1988

(corner of Flovd & Warnock)


1 I

Shuttle Bus Schedule 2004 Eastern Standard Time

The Conference will provide (yellow school) bus service between the hotel and campus. The buses will run on a circuit: hotel-campus-hotel. The bell captain at the Seelbach will have a copy of this schedule.

Bus stops:

Seelbach Hilton Hotel, main (front) entrance AND UofL campus, North Visitors' Center

Please note:

Times listed are DEPARTURE times from the stated bus stop.(About 15 minutes to or from)

Thursday, 2126 Friday. 2127 Saturday. 2128

Seelbach Uofl.. Seelbach Uofl.. Seelbach UofL

9:00 9:30 7:30 8:00 8:00 8:30
10:00 10:30 8:30 9:00 9:00 9:30
11:00 11:30 9:30 10:00 10:00 10:30
12:00 12:30 10:30 11:00 11:00 11:30
12.00 12:30
3:00 3:30 12:30 1:00
4:00 4.30 1:30 2:00 3:30
5:00 5:30 2:30 3:00 5:30
6:00 6:30 3:30 4:00
7:30 4:30 5:15
6:30 Directions from the University Campus to the Seelbach Hotel by City Bus -

If you should miss the free Conference shuttle there is a City Bus which runs every 12 minutes, approximately 30 minute excursion each way


Louisville, the River City, is the jumping off place for the Rogers and Clark Expedition. Now you can share in the excitement of discover, as you board a city bus to return to the Seelbach Hotel. Your tour will provide a glimpse of the charm which makes "Louavul" a best kept secret of the American heartland.

Your expedition begins on exiting Bingham Humanities Building (Westward, ho!) Headed towards the Library, Continue westbound until 3rd Street. Paying heed to traffic signals, ford this bustling campus artery and forge ahead until you see the majestic, soaring, sloping roofs of the high rise dorms which are home to a varied array of indigenous Uofl, fauna. The bus stop at 4th and Brandeis bids you to await the next conveyance northward every twelve minutes (bus appropriately labeled "4") at the nominal fare of$I.00 (peak hours) and $0.75 (off peak hours) - exact change only please, and on to the Seelbach Hotel, which served as model for "The Great Gatsby".


Shortly after boarding, you will transit the area of Central Park, one of Louisville's 16 parks laid out by l'Enfant, the same French architect who configured the nation's capitol, Washington D.C. The stately homes of Saint James Place, with its striking bronze figural fountain, feature prominently as background for the annual Saint James Art Fair, held each fall.

You will next note Spalding University and shortly thereafter prepare for transboarding at Broadway to the T oonerville II Trolley, which in addition to being absolutely free!!!, will surprise and delight you with the sights and sounds of Theater Square before delivering you to the main entrance and Southern hospitality of the Legendary Seelbach. To return to the conference, simply play this scenario in reverse and get off the bus at Cardinal Boulevard.

Committee Members

Twentieth-Century Literature Conference 2004

Danielle R. Day, Director Sylvia Berger, Assistant



David R. Anderson, English Matthew Biberman, English Alex Blazer, English Mark Bousquet, English Thomas B. Byers, English Karen Chandler, English William Cunningham, German

Matthieu Dalle, French Alan Golding, English Susan M. Griffin, English Karen Hadley, English Suzette A. Henke, English Aaron Jaffe, English Estella C. MajolO, English Augustus Mastri, Italian Manuel F. Medina, Spanish Wendy E. Pfeffer, French Jeffrey Skinner, English Elizabeth Ann Willey Julie Winkler, Spanish Li Zeng, Chinese

Faculty Support Team

Rhonda D. Buchanan, Spanish Carmen Cedeno, Spanish Charles Pooser, French


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Jazz Week at the University of Louisville

Feature Concerts

Margaret Comstock Concert Hall, School of Music

Wed. Feb. 25, 8 p.m., Roland Vazquex Latin Ensemble. $10 general admissionl$5 students

Thurs. Feb. 26, 8 p.m., Jazz Ensemble n

Featuring Gordon Brisker (saxophone). Philip Brown (bass). Christ Buzzelli (guitar) and Paul McKee (trombone)

$5 general admissionl$3 students

Fri. Feb 27,8 p.m., TereU Stafford, trumpeter, with Jazz Ensemble I and Combo $20 general admissionl$10 students.

Sat. Feb 28,8 p.m., Vanguard Jazz AU-Stars.

Featuring John Riley (drums), Scott Wendholt (trumpet) and Rich Perry (tenor sax) $20 general admissionl$12 students

Sun. Feb 29,3 p.m, The Vanguard' Jazz Orchestra $25 general admission/Stz students

In its eleventh year, Jazz Week, the region's premier Jazz education and performance event, will present our most diverse program ever. Featured artists include - the legendary Ahman Jamal Trio, the influential Vanguard Jazz Orchestra, Latin percussionist Roland Vazquez and his ensemble, trumpeter Terell Stafford, Polish musicians Jacek and Wojcek Niedziela, and All-Star combo with members of the

Vanguard Orchestra, guest adjudicators and our own Uofl, Jazz Ensembles. We hope you will join us in the celebration of America's original music - JAZZ

For tickets and additional information call (502) 852-6907 or visit our web site www.louisville.edulmusic/jazz <http://www.louisville.eduljazz> and then click on Jazz Week 2004 Credit cards welcome.




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