Product Design Homogeneous Tile Universitas Indonesia DTK PDF

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Revised Assignment 1


Ainun Rahmania (1506717954)

Bhagaskara P. Haditya (1506717903)
Dyah Kunti Surya (1606951191)
M. Miftah Rafi (1506717872)
Puteri Salsabila (1506717802)



Homogeneous tile, also called granite tile, is a floor, wall, and table cover
made from clay, silica, and kaolin. It is called homogeneous because every
materials that is used to make the product is perfectly mixed and spread equally
through the body and surface of the product, without showing different layers of
different materials, unlike the ceramic tile that shows different layers consisting of
clay and glaze.
This type of tile has different properties. On the combustion process,
homogeneous tile fired at much higher temperatures than ceramic tile, this process
makes homogeneous tiles denser, less porous and therefore less prone to moisture
and stain absorption than ceramic tiles. The other benefits of homogeneous tiles are
durability, liquid resistance, stain resistant, low maintenance, fireproof, lifespan,
and repairs. Homogeneous floor tile also have drawbacks such as weight, price,
labeling, difficult to install.
The manufacturing process of homogeneous tile is divided into 5 parts, body
preparation, green tile preparation, glaze making, and line making, and firing. The
combustion process is the heart of the granite industry tile. This process involves a
high temperature which reach 1200-1300oC.
A good homogeneous tile is a tile that have a high performance and long-
lifetime. High performance homogeneous tile means a tile which have a group of
features and characteristics to meet certain basic requirements. Some of those
requirement are strength, gloss, scratch resistance, liquid resistance, stain resistant,
percision, low maintenance, fireproof, and repairs. If properly installed and
maintained, homogeneous tile has the ability to last for decades of recommended
Many people like granite tiles because they have more power than ceramics,
luxurious scents, easy application, etc. But many consumers complain about
difficult installation, difficult to clean, difficult to replace, quickly faded and
especially high cost of homogeneous tile.
For meeting consumer need dan satisfy, a new product must be developt. To
determine the needs of the product development, carried out a survey with

ii Universitas Indonesia
correspondents and questionnaire . The survey lasts for about four days with a total
of 56 respondents, 17 of them are college students, 2 of them are housewife, 2 of
them are architect, 1 contractor, and 34 of them are employee. The age of
correspondent varies from 18-25 years old and > 45 years old. The survey or
questionnaire consists of questions already designed to dig and research more about
the consumer thoughts on homogenous tile. From the results of interviews and
questionnaires, it’s obtained 10 needs such as cheapper granite tile, light weighted
granite tile, have long lasting tile and so on. Among these needs, respondents also
stated that they wanted new innovations from existing homogeneous tiles on the
market today such as contain insect repellent, moss repellent, anti bacteria,
temperature addaptable and custom design.
After analyzing and listed the needs of the customer, author arranged them
into 3 groups of category which are product features, product appearance and
retailing. Then, each group will be ranked based on its degree of importance by
using scale 1-5 based on modified kano model. From the needs list, the product
must be specified. Product specifications describe the things that have to be done
by a product. Specification consists of metrics value. Value is always followed by
the suitable unit. Metrics and values together constitute specifications. The
specification are resistance to staining, substance insect repellent , water absorption,
substance anti bacteria, mass, time needed until dull, and price . After that, do
brenchmarking of the product and competitor product by using those specifications.
Competitor product which is used to do brechmarking are granito, niro granit,
garuda and indogress.
The next step of product design development is to determine the marginal
value and the ideal value of eardrops product. Marginal value is the value for
minimum tolerance to satisfy a particular specification. Ideal value, on the other
hand, is the value, more than marginal value, to fully satisfy the specification.
By using marginal and ideal value, the product specifications for the
Author’s product is class 5 for stain resistance, contains 5%w/w (% Substance
Weight/Galze Weight) insect repellent and anti-bacteria substance, E ≤ 0.5 for
water absorption, 24 kg/m2 mass, 9 years needed until dull, able for cutom design,
0.65 coefficient of friction, and cost $12.90 per m2.

iii Universitas Indonesia


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................. ii

LIST OF CONTENT ............................................................................................iv
LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. vii
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION.........................................................................1
1.1. Background ..............................................................................................1
1.2. Problem Identification .............................................................................2
1.3. Problem Formulation ...............................................................................2
1.4. Limitation of Problem ..............................................................................2
CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ......................................................3
2.1. Definition of Homogeneous Tile .............................................................3
2.1.1. The Difference Between Homogeneous Tile with Other Tiles .......3
2.1.2. The Advantages and Disadvantages ................................................4
2.1.3. Porcelain Floor Tile Drawbacks ......................................................5
2.2. Quality of The Homogeneous Tile ..........................................................6
2.2.1. High Performance ............................................................................6
2.2.2. Long-Lifetime ..................................................................................8
2.3. Homogeneous Tile Composition .............................................................8
2.3.1. Clay ..................................................................................................8
2.3.2. Kaolin...............................................................................................9
2.3.3. Silica ................................................................................................9
2.4. Homogeneous Tile Production ..............................................................10
2.4.1 Body Preparation ...........................................................................10
2.4.2 Green Tile Preparation ..................................................................12
2.4.3 Glaze Making .................................................................................13
2.4.4 Line Application ............................................................................13
2.4.5 Firing ..............................................................................................14
2.5. Impact of Manufacturing Processes on The Quality..............................14
2.5.1. Size Variation.................................................................................14
2.5.2. Warpage .........................................................................................15
2.5.3. Water Absorption, Surface Cracks and Damage ...........................15
2.6. Utilization of Homogeneous Tile...........................................................15
2.6.1. Granite Tile is Used for Home Construction .................................15
2.7. Today’s Trends ......................................................................................16
CHAPTER 3: NEEDS IDENTIFICATION ......................................................17
3.1 Survey Data Statistic ..............................................................................17
3.1.1. Respondent’s Job ...........................................................................18
3.1.2. Market’s Price ................................................................................18
3.1.3. Installation Difficulty .....................................................................19
3.1.4. Maintenance ...................................................................................19

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3.1.5. Durability .......................................................................................20
3.1.6. Reflectivity.....................................................................................20
3.1.7. Strenghtness ...................................................................................21
3.1.8. Size Precision .................................................................................21
3.1.9. Respondent’s Satisfaction ..............................................................22
3.1.10. Respondent’s Price Expectation ....................................................22
3.1.11. Respondent’s Priority Tile Aspect .................................................23
3.1.12. Respondent’s Common Tile Problems ..........................................23
3.1.13. Respondent’s Common Preferences ..............................................24
3.2 Interpreting Consumers Needs ...............................................................24
3.3 List of Needs ..........................................................................................27
3.4 Groups and Ranks of the Needs .............................................................27
CHAPTER 4: SPECIFICATION .......................................................................30
4.1. Specification Matrix...............................................................................30
4.2. Needs and Matrix Grouping...................................................................31
4.3. Benchmarking Existing Product ............................................................34
4.4. Specification List ...................................................................................37
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION ...........................................................................39

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Figure 2.1 Homogeneous Tile Manufacturing Process .........................................10

Figure 2.2 Body Preparation Process ....................................................................11
Figure 2.3 Size Variation Leads to Inconsistent Joints .........................................14
Figure 2.4 Depth Gauge to Measure Lippage .......................................................15
Figure 3.1 Respondent’s Job Percentage ..............................................................18
Figure 3.2 Market’s Price Percentage ...................................................................18
Figure 3.3 Installation Difficulty Percentage ........................................................19
Figure 3.4 Maintenance Percentage ......................................................................19
Figure 3.5 Durability Percentage ..........................................................................20
Figure 3.6 Reflectivity Percentage ........................................................................20
Figure 3.7 Strenghtness Percentage ......................................................................21
Figure 3.8 Size Precision Percentage ....................................................................21
Figure 3.9 Respondent’s Satisfaction Percentage .................................................22
Figure 3.10 Respondent’s Price Expectation Percentage......................................22
Figure 3.11 Respondent’s Priority Tile Aspect Percentage ..................................23
Figure 3.12 Respondent’s Common Tile Problems Percentage ...........................23
Figure 3.13 Respondent’s Common Preferences Percentage ...............................24
Figure 3.14 Grouped Needs ..................................................................................28

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Table 3.1 Consumer Needs Interpretation.............................................................25

Table 3.2 List of Needs .........................................................................................27
Table 3.3 Groups and Ranks of Needs ..................................................................29
Table 4.1 Specification Matrix ..............................................................................30
Table 4.2 Needs and Matrix Grouping ..................................................................32
Table 4.3 Benchmarking .......................................................................................35
Table 4.4 Specification List ..................................................................................38

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1.1. Background
Buildings are a man-made structure consisting of floors, walls, and roofs that
are built in a place. Buildings are also means an infrastructure in the culture or
human life in building its civilization. Floors and walls are part of a room that have
an important role to strengthen the existence of objects that are in a room. The floor
of the building is used for goods, such as chairs, tables, cupboards, and various
activities such as walking, standing, sitting in the room, and others.
From the aesthetic side, the floor and wall functions are to make a room looks
more beautiful and form the room character. Color themes and images can be used
for any concept according to the characters that appear. Some themes that can be
applied is such as traditional ethnic, modern minimalist, and retro.
Type of tile commonly used as a floor and wall is homogeneous tile.
Homogenous tile which is often also called granite tile is a material for floor and
wall cover, made of materials such as clay, silica, also kaolin and mixed together
so they become homogeneous. The whole piece of homogeneous is made up by the
same material and therefore it can be round edged at the sides, without showing a
different material beneath the tile, unlike the ceramic tile that have two layers on
the piece of material those are the clay and the glazing layer on the top surface.
Many people like granite tiles because they have more power than ceramics,
luxurious scents, easy application, etc. But many consumers complain about high
cost of homogeneous tile. Based on these facts, want to develop a new
homogeneous products. Not only to find solutions to reduce the high price, but also
to find a solution for better quality of homogeneous tile.

1 Universitas Indonesia

1.2. Problem Identification

In completing this report, the Author encounter some problems that we got
through questionnaire and interview. We identify these problems as:
• Known as an expensive type of tile.
• Purchasable only for middle to high class society.
• Installation process is difficult, time-consuming, and physically laborious.
• Tend to be very heavy.
• Stains, such as ink or paint could still tarnish.
1.3. Problem Formulation
From the problem which have been identified for developing
homogeneous/granite tile product, the Author will address some of the problems
associated with the above background. They are:
• Needs and desires of the consumers.
• Complaints about the existing products.
• Formulations of making the product affordable, easy to apply, and
convenient to consumers.
• Materials to add or substitute from the existing products to make it easier
to maintain.
1.4. Limitation of Problem
The Author limits the discussion of this product as follows :
• Homogeneous/Granite tile product must be made in an affordable price.
• Homogeneous/Granite tile product should be easy to apply.
• Homogeneous/Granite tile product should be durable.
• Homogeneous/Granite tile product should have simple maintenance.

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2.1. Definition of Homogeneous Tile

2.1.1. The Difference Between Homogeneous Tile with Other Tiles
Homogenous tile, also called granite tile, is a floor and wall cover material
made from clay, silica, and kaolin mixed together into a homogeneous mixture.
This type of tile has different properties with other type of tile, such as ceramic. On
the combustion process, homogeneous tile fired at much higher temperatures than
ceramic tile, this process makes homogeneous tiles denser, less porous and
therefore less prone to moisture and stain absorption than ceramic tiles. They have
a consistent property throughout the entire section of the tile. For these reasons,
most homogeneous tiles are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.
Porcelain tiles are gaining popularity due to its flexibility in application. It
is the choice for floors that anticipate heavier traffic such as kitchen floors, hallways
and even car porches as they are relatively more resistant to scratching and
chipping. On the other hand, ceramic tiles are only recommended for interior walls
and floors, or areas with light foot traffic. And also, not all ceramic tiles can be
installed at locations with freezing weather, due to the likelihood of moisture
freezing inside the tiles. Internal freezing causes the moisture to expand as it
freezes, which often manifests as cracks in the tile. A homogeneous tile is less
porous and therefore less prone to cracking.
Besides that, the differences of Homogeneous tile and Ceramic tile can be
seen easily by observing the physical of the tile. Ceramic tile has two layers of base
material that is porcelain and glaze layer as its color and texture, it can be seen that
there are two layers with different colors. Whereas the homogenous tile shows only
one layer from the upper surface to the lower surface, so that, in strength, the
ceramic tile is considered less powerful because of the expansion of two different
layers that build it. While homogenous with higher combustion process has more
power specification than ceramic tile. Homogeneous tile thicker than ceramic tile,
homogeneous tile can reach 8-10 mm, while ceramic tile only 6 mm.

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2.1.2. The Advantages and Disadvantages

Homogeneous tiles are a type of porcelain tile (full body porcelain tile).
There are benefits of Porcelain Flooring Tiles
• Durability
These are some of the toughest flooring options available. Hard, dense,
and solid, porcelain is resistant to most heavy impact stresses, and can even
be used in commercial environments. In general, this material should be
classified with a PEI rating of at least 5, making it suitable for high traffic
spaces and heavy equipment use.
• Liquid Resistance
The density of porcelain makes it more resistant to liquid penetration
than other more porous types of ceramic. This can be increased through the
application of a melted glass glaze, which will make any surface it is
adhered to completely impervious to water.
• Stain Resistant
Another advantage of porcelain flooring is that it is naturally stain
resistant. Being able to repel liquid penetration means that staining agents
can’t easily penetrate down through the material dimensionally. When
glazed this effect is even more dramatic, making it nearly impossible to
discolor the surface of these tiles.
• Low Maintenance
The natural stain and water resistance of porcelain also helps to make it
a very easy to maintain material. Spills can be spot cleaned with a damp rag
when necessary, and regular sweeping will keep loose debris off the floor,
helping to maintain any glazed surface protections which may be in place.
Periodic damp mopping with a solution of pH balanced dish soap and water
makes it easy to disinfect the area.
• Fireproof
Porcelain does not burn under any normal conditions, and these floors
can help to restrict the transference and movement of flames if a fire breaks

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• Lifespan
If properly installed and maintained, porcelain could last for decades of
recommended use. This cuts down on the periodic cost of removal and
• Repairs
These materials tend to be resistant to cracking and breakage from
physical impacts. However, if damage does occur to a tile, the individual
porcelain piece can be removed and replaced. In general, it is a good idea to
save an extra box or two of the product during installation to make color
matching easier.
2.1.3. Porcelain Floor Tile Drawbacks
• Weight
As with all hard tile flooring options these materials tend to be quite
heavy. That can make the installation process a difficult and laborious task.
It also restricts the use of these products in most second and upper story
environments unless the building is specifically built to be able to handle
the extra stress.
• Price
Porcelain tiles can be somewhat pricey, and these materials often
outpace already expensive standard ceramic options. This is increased by
the cost of installation, which can add 25% - 50% of the total cost depending
on the location, and specifics of the project. However, their floors can last
for decades, paying off the initial investment over time.
• Labeling
There are no clear regulations that require products labeled as porcelain
to have specific characteristics. While the ASTM and the PTCA do have
certification processes available, these are voluntary, and retailers are free
to describe their tiles in any way they like. That can make it difficult to
determine what you are purchasing and the characteristics that it will have.
• Installation
The process of installing porcelain is difficult, time-consuming, and
physically laborious. The material itself is heavy, and very hard, making it

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difficult to achieve precise cuts for architectural elements that may stick out
into the space. Hiring a contractor to do the work can save you on expensive
material waste, but it will increase the price of the project substantially.
• Grout
While porcelain is nearly impervious to stains, damage and water
penetration, the lines in between these tiles are still vulnerable. Grout is a
porous material even when set, and it needs to be sealed to prevent damage
from regular use. Even when properly cared for, these features can
sometimes be corrupted by humidity and insidious moisture, causing them
to discolor with mold and mildew.
2.2. Quality of The Homogeneous Tile
2.2.1. High Performance
• Strength
Granite tile is processed above the temperature of 1000 degrees celsius,
so the unification of materials is more dense and perfect, and then pressed
with a powerful engine of 7200 PH. This makes granite tiles stronger and
harder than ceramics, this can be proven when cutting these two types of
products using a grinding tool.
• Gloss
Surface gloss level of an object is measured using a gloss meter. The
level of gloss of granite tile and cerami reaches the scale between 60 to 80,
this means the gloos of these two products is almost the same, the difference
between these two products is that granite tile gloss is very flat because the
process of polishing while ceramic is usually slightly wavy because it’s
only coated with glazur in order to look glossy without process of
• Scratch Resistance
Ceramic is coated with glaze, so it looks glossy, but it is not very strong
against scratches such as friction when moving furniture, sandy shoes, etc .
while the granite tile is not coated with glasur but it is much more scratch
resistant, though it is not scratch resistant to all kinds of objects (not strong
enough against nail scratches, granite / ceramic shards).

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• Liquid Resistance
The density of homogeneous tile makes it more resistant to liquid
penetration than other more porous types of ceramic.
• Stain Resistance
Another quality of homogeneous tile is that it is naturally stain resistant.
Being able to repel liquid penetration means that staining agents can’t easily
penetrate down through the material dimensionally. There are 2 types of
granite tile, first generation of granite tile (called plain printing) can not
stand the stain because the pores absorb liquid and cause flex. The second
type of granite tile (2-3 generation) did not absorb the stain because the
pores have been closed through the process of crystallization.
• Percision
All the tile granite is in cutting size, so the exact level is very elbow
only requires 1 mm of grout width.
• Low Maintenance
The natural stain and water resistance of homogeneous tile also helps
to make it a very easy to maintain material. Spills can be spot cleaned with
a damp rag when necessary, and regular sweeping will keep loose debris off
the floor. Periodic damp mopping with a solution of pH balanced dish soap
and water makes it easy to disinfect the area. When homogeneous tile looks
dull,it can be polished with a polishing powder and it will look like new and
shiny again.
• Fireproof
Homogeneous tile does not burn under any normal conditions, and these
floors can help to restrict the transference and movement of flames if a fire
breaks out.
• Repairs
These materials tend to be resistant to cracking and breakage from
physical impacts. However, if damage does occur to a tile, the individual
homogeneous tile piece can be removed and replaced. In general, it is a good
idea to save an extra box or two of the product during installation to make
color matching easier.

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2.2.2. Long-Lifetime
These are some of the toughest flooring options available. Hard, dense, and
solid homogeneous tile is resistant to most heavy impact stresses, and can even be
used in commercial environments. In general, this material should be classified with
a PEI rating of at least 5, making it suitable for high traffic spaces and heavy
equipment use.
If properly installed and maintained, homogeneous tile has the ability to last
for decades of recommended use. This cuts down on the periodic cost of removal
and replacement. Because it is made of natural rock that has a fairly hard structure
then the product is very strong so it can be durable for use during the years. Thus
you do not need to spend a lot of money to do renovations. Moreover granite
material has a low absorption rate is more resistant to all weather. It also makes the
color of granite material to be more durable and will still look the same as it has
long been used.
Homogeneous tile is one of the long lasting floors and walls covering
material not only in residential but commercial properties as well. Quality
homogeneous tile with PEI 4 or 5 might last for a lifetime if installed properly. But
it doesn’t mean all homogeneous tile have such a long lifespan. Not durable enough
products might be worn out and lose appearance in heavy traffic areas much sooner
and have to be replaced in 15 – 20 years. There are always numbers of factors which
will determine how long homogeneous tile will last.
2.3. Homogeneous Tile Composition
The main materials of homogeneous tile are same with ceramics. Thing that
makes them become different product is in the production process.
2.3.1. Clay
Clay is a key ingredient in the material world. Clay is an earthy material that
is plastic when moist but hard when fired, that is composed mainly of fine particles
of hydrous aluminum silicates and other minerals, and that is used for brick, tile,
and pottery; specifically: soil composed chiefly of this material having particles
less than a specified size.
Clay is a material that has a particle diameter size of < 2 micrometer and
can be found near the surface of the earth. A common characteristic of clays

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included chemical composition, the structure of the crystal layer and size. All clay
minerals have an attraction to water. During weathering, the feldspar content is
altered by hydrolysis (reaction with water) to form clay minerals such as kaolinites
(the principal minerals in kaolin clays) and smectites (the principal minerals in
bentonite clays).
2.3.2. Kaolin
Kaolin is a clay containing kaolinite minerals as the largest part and entering
the primary clay type. The characteristic of the material: coarse grain, brittle and
not plastic if compared with sedimentary clay, because it is difficult in shape,
shrinkage and dry strength is lower and very fire resistant.
2.3.3. Silica
Silica, also known as silicon dioxide or SiO2, is a colorless, white, chemical
compound. Silica is made of the most common elements on earth, silicon (Si) and
oxygen (O2). It’s also the most abundant compound in the earth’s crust, where it
makes up 59% of the total composition. Silica is used everywhere, from industrial
applications to the food and beverage industry.
Silica is usually obtained through the mining process starting mined quartz
sand as raw material. The quartz sand then has to be washed to get rid of impurities
and then separated and dried again in order to obtain sands with greater levels of
silica quartz depend on circumstances the mine site. The sand is then known as
silica or silica sand with a certain level.
Silica is normally used for various purposes with various sizes depending
on the required application as in industrial tires, rubber, glass, cement, concrete,
ceramics, textiles, paper, cosmetics, electronics, paints, films, toothpaste, and
others. For process refining or decrease the size of the silica sand is generally
milling method is used with a ball mill for crushing silica sand size large to a size
smaller and smooth, fine silica with a size that is what usually used in industry.
The use of silica in homogeneous tile is for reducing dry shrinkage by
reducing crack in drying, reducing shrinkage time burned and improve quality, and
as a frame during combustion.

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2.4. Homogeneous Tile Production

The manufacturing process of homogeneous tile is divided into 5 parts

Body preparation

Green Tile Preparation

Glaze Making

Line Application


Figure 2.1 Homogeneous Tile Manufacturing Process

(Source: Jean Zenedine, Arif. Granite Tile Process System PT. Asri Pancawarna)

2.4.1 Body Preparation

In this part, the main purpose is to convert the raw materials into powder
through size reduction and powder preparation process. The size reduction occurs
in milling unit and powder preparation occur in spray dryer.

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Figure 2.2 Body Preparation Process

(Source: Zenedine Arif, Process System at PT. Asri Pancawarna)

• Weighing
In this process weighing all the body-forming material, granite tile in a
unit called the Batching Plan. Material that weighed has a specific
composition ratio according to the base type to be created. The difference in
composition of the materials will be affect the characteristics of each base.
Material is weighed as material wet with certain moisture content. Material
weighed consist of main material and supporting material which mixed in
• Grinding and Mixing
The grinding process consist of two types of processes, first grinding
material and grinding granite dye. All the ingredients used for granite tile
dye are inorganic substance which resistant to combustion at over 600oC.
The result of milling operation is slurry with temperature reach 80oC and
water content about 52%. In the production process, mud commonly called
a slip. The base milling operation lasts for 10 hours

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• Homogenization
In Homogenous Tank there is a homogenization process between the
base and slip color for 5-8 hours. The length of stirring time in the tank
depends on the type of color to be formed. For darker base colors it takes
longer stirring time compared to the base with lighter colors.
• Filtration
After the slip is well mixed then the slip is flowed towards magnetic
filter and sieve with the size of 100 mesh. Magnetic screen (magnet filter)
is used to capture the iron content contained in the slip. Iron should be
eliminated or reduced to the level as little as possible within the slip, there
is no standard size for the amount of iron to be reduced. The iron contained
in the slip will decrease the quality of the granite tile. The iron will melt at
the combustion temperature1200oC in Kiln. This melt will turn into black
color and damaging motif and can cause a hole in the granite tile that comes
out of Kiln. Slip filter results are accommodated in Transfer Tank. The
temperature of the slip enter Transfer Tank ranged from 60-80oC. Then slip
pumped into a Spray Dryer using a hydraulic pump. Before enter the pump,
the slip temperature is lowered by water on a Single Tube heat exchanger
unit up to 40-60oC.
• Drying
Drying aims to reduce water content in solid materials. The drying
process is done by using Spray Drier. Due to the material resulting from this
process in the form of granules then this drying process can also be called
the granulation process.
2.4.2 Green Tile Preparation
• Press and Dryer
The printing process is divided into 3 sections:
1. Transfer Powder
This powder transfer consists of several silos accommodate
powder base with different type.

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2. Printing
Printing is the main section of this process. Compressive strength
when printing reaches 330-350 kg / cm2 or 290 bar. The larger the
surface area of the pad, the longer the suppression time. The principle
of this process is deaeration of powder. All water content contained in
the powder dispersed equally. The air pressure is raised again in an
accumulator and
3. Dryer
The dryer function is to reduce the water content from 6-7% to
less than 1%. The purpose of decreasing moisture content is to prevent
results cracking printing on the way before the next process when pass
the roll.
2.4.3 Glaze Making
At this stage made materials that will be used on the line application. The
materials are:
• Engobe
Engobe is a glaze base, its function is to cover ceramic pores so the glaze
does not go too deep into the ceramic pores. This process is done to save the
glaze material which quite expensive.
• Glaze
Glaze is a ceramic coating material that serves to close ceramic pores,
provides a glossy impression on the ceramic, and increase the power of
• Pasta Dye
This paste consists of stain and frit with a certain viscosity and
combination according to the motive to be formed.
2.4.4 Line Application
Line Application has the main function of forming motifs on ceramics. The
first stage of this process is brushing. Brushing aims to smoothen the surface and
open ceramic pores before coating. After brushing, the ceramic temperature is
lowered by using the blower on the top of the conveyor. This temperature is lowered
to 55-70 ° C.

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2.4.5 Firing
The combustion process is the heart of the granite industry tile. This process
involves a high temperature which reach 1200-1300oC. The combustion method is
single firing takes place in a kiln. Before the kiln burning process is done, the green
tile has undergone drying process at dryer kiln with temperature 100-120o C. Heat
in this dryer unit is taken from the cooling zone of the kiln or commonly known as
term cooling kiln. This drying process is done to decrease the water content until
the value of MC (moisture content) green tile is below 1%.
2.5. Impact of Manufacturing Processes on The Quality
2.5.1. Size Variation
Other than poor workmanship, inconsistency in tile joints is due to
dimensional variations among the tiles. This variation occurs mainly during the kiln
firing as the bisques tend to shrink during this process and the shrinkage may not
be constant in all tiles. This result in different tile sizes and the variation can be up
to 1% of the tile size depending on the manufacturing process and the kiln
The inconsistent joints can be substantially reduced by using rectified. Tiles
which require the additional process of cutting and grinding after kiln firing. The
rectified tiles with controlled tile dimensions and straighter edges make the joints
consistent and aesthetically pleasant.

Figure 2.3 Size Variation Leads to Inconsistent Joints


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2.5.2. Warpage
Warpage is curvature in the face of a tile which can be concave or convex
in shape. This is due to changes that occur during the firing and cooling process of
production. Edge warpage is measured at the center of a tile’s edge and diagonal
warpage is measured at the center of the tile. Both are expressed as a percentage of
the tile’s linear dimensions.
Tile warpage is often the cause of lippage or unevenness between tiles.
Lippage is a condition where one edge of a tile is higher than adjacent tile, giving
the finished surface a ragged and uneven appearance. Lippage in floor tiling often
causes discomfort to end users walking with bare feet and may result in injury
especially on sharp edged tiles. It also affects the visual appearance of the floor and
in wet areas, it can impede water flow and build up stagnant water.

Figure 2.4 Depth Gauge to Measure Lippage


2.5.3. Water Absorption, Surface Cracks and Damage

The raw material used and the manufacturing process affect the density of
the tile. This in turn controls the water absorption rate of the tile. There is a direct
relationship between the water absorption rate and the suitability of the tile for
interior or exterior use.
2.6. Utilization of Homogeneous Tile
2.6.1. Granite Tile is Used for Home Construction
The use of homogenous tile or granite tile is often encountered in the
construction of a house or building. Granite tile or homogenous tile is often used
because it has a stronger resistance than the tiles. as well as having high dirt
resistance as well. Granite tile can be used for indoor or outdoor. There are three

Universitas Indonesia

types of tile granite on the market, namely polish, rusty, and matt that allotment can
vary - different according to customer needs. Installation of this tile granite is
usually for kitchens and bathrooms. As well as the use of this tile granite can also
beautify the house or building, because of the motives contained in its tile granite.
2.7. Today’s Trends
For the current trend of granite tile, many consumers choose granite tile
which has a unique and elegant motif. Granite tile have better strength than
ceramic, so many consumers choose granite tile, and because all the advantages of
granite tile compared with ceramic tile granite, price becomes more expensive
than ceramics, and the various motif of this granite tile is very attractive and eye-
catching for consumers these days.

Universitas Indonesia


3.1 Survey Data Statistic

Consumer’s satisfaction is the main factor of the successfulness of a
product. Customer has demands and needs on every product they use every day. To
determine the needs of the product development, carried out a survey with
correspondents from college students and employees. Interviewed one of the
employee at mitra 10 store building and owner ceramic and granite store. Simply
conducted two method of market analysis :
1. Direct Market Analysis
This method of analysis is obtained through direct interview with the
market target, the tools are quetionnaire and interview.
2. Indirect Market Analysis
Searching information through internet, literature, and expert are tools
in this method.
The data survey are obtained through a conclution of two methods above.
The survey lasts for about four days with a total of 56 respondents, 17 of them are
college students, 2 of them are housewife, 2 of them are architect, 1 contractor, and
34 of them are employee. The age of correspondent varies from 18-25 years old and
>45 years old. The survey or questionnaire consists of questions already designed
to dig and research more about the consumer thoughts on homogenous tile. The
result of the questionnaire and interview are combined and shown as formed below
Survey is a very essential part of developing a product. It helps to know and
understand what the market actually need from a product. The team have conducted
a quick online questionnaire to know what are the customer needs and preferences
on homogenous tile. Author collected data from 56 total correspondents with
questions to get information about current homogenous tile strength and
weaknesses, usage experience and price range. Author will interpret the result into
list of needs and then group and rank the needs for further implementation.

17 Universitas Indonesia

3.1.1. Respondent’s Job

Author asked the respondents about their jobs to help acquire information
about market trends of homogenous/granite tiles. The survey shows that 61% of
respondents are employees, 30% are students, 4% are architects, 3% are
housewives, and the last 2% are contractors.




61% Contractor

Figure 3.1 Respondent’s Job Percentage

3.1.2. Market’s Price

The survey on the market’s price shows that, most respondents bought
granite tiles with a price between $7.37 - $22.12. Just a few respondents are willing
to pay $40.56 for granite tile.


13% $5.16 - $7.37

$7.37 - $22.12

$22.12 - $33.18

23% $33.18 - $40.56

> $40.56

Figure 3.2 Market’s Price Percentage

Universitas Indonesia

3.1.3. Installation Difficulty

The survey on the installation difficulty shows that granite tile is not easy
but not hard for installation. The installation of granite tile are affected from its
weight, the heavier its weight the more difficult it is installed.

4% 2% 11%

Very Easy




Very Hard

Figure 3.3 Installation Difficulty Percentage

3.1.4. Maintenance
The survey shows that the maintenance for the granite tile is not easy but
also not hard to maintain, 33% of the respondent said granite tile is hard to maintain.


Very Easy



33% Hard

Very Hard

Figure 3.4 Maintenance Percentage

Universitas Indonesia

3.1.5. Durability
The survey below shows that 53% of the respondent approve that granite
tile is durable, and 16% respondent approve that granite tile is very durable.


27% Very Durable




Very Weak

Figure 3.5 Durability Percentage

3.1.6. Reflectivity
From the granite tile product in the market, Author want to find out the
granite tile reflectivity from the respondent. The survei below shows, 43% of the
respondent said granite tile has clear reflection.

4% 2% 12%

Very Clear


Very Blur

Figure 3.6 Reflectivity Percentage

Universitas Indonesia

3.1.7. Strenghtness
To enhance information and ideas, Author made a survey about granite tile
strengthens. And the survey shows 49% of the respondent said granite tile is strong.


Very Strong




Very Weak

Figure 3.7 Strenghtness Percentage

3.1.8. Size Precision

To improve knowledge about granite tile, Author made a survey about
granite tile size precision. Form the chart above, 45% of the respondent said most
of granite tile in the market has precise size.

Very Precise




Very Imprecise


Figure 3.8 Size Precision Percentage

Universitas Indonesia

3.1.9. Respondent’s Satisfaction

From the chart below, 51% of the respondent are satisfied about current
granite tile product, and 18% of the respondent are very satisfied.


29% Very Satisfied





Figure 3.9 Respondent’s Satisfaction Percentage

3.1.10. Respondent’s Price Expectation

From the survey Author made, it shows 43% of the respondent expected
$7.37 - $22.12 for a price of granite tile, and 35% of respondent expected above
$40.56 for a granite tile.

$5.16 - $7.37
$7.37 - $22.12

$22.12 - $33.18

$33.18 - $40.56

> $40.56

Figure 3.10 Respondent’s Price Expectation Percentage

Universitas Indonesia

3.1.11. Respondent’s Priority Tile Aspect

To acknowledge about granite tile, Author asked respondent about priority
tile aspect, 26% of the respondent said price as their priority aspect, 22% of the
respondent said motif as their priority aspect, and 20% of the respondent said
durability as their priority aspect.

26% Price



22% Glossiness

Figure 3.11 Respondent’s Priority Tile Aspect Percentage

3.1.12. Respondent’s Common Tile Problems

From the current granite tile product that is sold in market, Author want to
know about common problem that appear in this product, 43% of the respondent
said granite tile is expensive, 20% of the respondent said granite tile is faded to
quick, and 17% of the respondent said granite tile is hard to replace.

6% Expensive

9% Heavy-weighted

43% Hard to Replace

17% Faded Quickly

Complicated Installation
Hard to be cleaned

Figure 3.12 Respondent’s Common Tile Problems Percentage

Universitas Indonesia

3.1.13. Respondent’s Common Preferences

From the survey Author made, 21% of the respondent chose granite tile
because its elegance, 19% of the respondent chose granite tile because its durability,
and 18% of the respondent chose granite tile because the motif of granite tile.


13% Durability

Good Motif

Simple Maintenance
19% Glossiness
16% Water and Stain Resistance


Figure 3.13 Respondent’s Common Preferences Percentage

3.2 Interpreting Consumers Needs

To determine the market’s need, author have to interpret survey data into
list of needs. This will help in classifying the needs of customers. Author arrange
the interpretation to be in a table of questions and their answers.

Universitas Indonesia

Table 3.1 Consumer Needs Interpretation

No. Questions Answer List of Needs

Expensive Granite tile with affordable price

Difficult Installation Granite tile with easy installation

What is the most common problem on the
1 Difficult to Clean Granite tile that is easy to clean
granite tile that you are using?
Difficult to Replace Granite tile is easy when replaced

Quickly Faded Granite tile that has long-lasting glare

Granite tile that contains insect repellent
Can Repel Insect
Can Prevent Moss Growth Granite tile that has low water absorption
Granite tile that contains anti-bacteria
Can Prevent Bacteria Growth
What kind of improvements do you want substance
for your granite tile?
Not Easy to Slip Granite tile that is not slippery
Resistant to Hot and Cold Granite tile that can adapt with
Environment environment temperature
Various Motif Design Producer can custom motif design
(Source: Author, 2018)
Universitas Indonesia

Table 3.1 Consumer Needs Interpretation (cont’d-1)

No. Questions Answer List of Needs

Yes Light-weighted granite tile

3 Is your granit tile heavy?



4 What do you like from your granite tile? Glossy Maintain the quality of current granite tile

Easy Maintanance

Precision Size

$5.16 - $7.37 Cheaper granite tile

$7.37 - $22.12 Current granite tile price is good

How much the price of granite tile that you
5 $22.12 - $33.18 Current granite tile price is good
$33.18 - $40.56 Current granite tile price is too low

> $40.56 A much higher quality of granite tile

(Source: Author, 2018)
Universitas Indonesia

3.3 List of Needs

After Author interpret consumer answer in the survey, Author arranged it
into a “List of Needs” for Homogeneous Tile product. This list helps to know what
costumer wants and become a basis of the product concepts. Here is the list of what
consumer needs that could be made into Homogeneous Tile product concepts.
Table 3.2 List of Needs

No List of Needs

1 Inexpensive granite tile

2 Light weighted granite tile

Granite tile that has long-lasting


4 Granite tile that is easy to clean

Granite tile that contains insect

repellent substance
Granite tile that has low water
Granite tile that contains anti-
bacteria substance

8 Granite tile that is not slippery

9 Producer can custom motif design

(Source: Author, 2018)

3.4 Groups and Ranks of the Needs

After analyzing and listed the needs of the customer, Author arranged them
into 3 groups of category which are product features, product appearance and
retailing. Then, each group will be ranked based on its degree of importance.
This step are intended to classify the needs that should be prioritized and
which should not. Author use scale 1-5 based on Modified Kano Model which
1 = “Undesirable Needs”

Universitas Indonesia

It means that this product feature not wanted by the customer

2 = “Not Important Needs”
It means that the customer is neither satisfied nor dissatisfied whether the
product is dysfuncitonal or fully fuctional
3 = “Nice to Have Needs”
It means that these requirements are the product criteria which have the greatest
influence on how satisfied a customer will be with the product. This needs are
neither explicitly expressed nor expected by the customer
4 = “Highly Desirable Needs”
It means that with these requirements, customer satisfaction is proportional to
the level of fulfillment. The higher the level of fulfillment, the higher the
customer’s satisfaction and vice versa
5 = “Essential Needs”
It means that if not fulfilled, the customer will be extremely dissatisfied. On
the other hand, as the customer takes these requirements for granted, their
fulfillment will not increase his/her satisfaction. The must-be needs are basic
criteria of a product and fulfilling the must-be needs will only lead to a state of
“not dissatisfied”

Product Appearance Product Features Retailing

• Long-lasting Glare • Easy to Clean • Inexpensive
• Custom Motif • Insect Repellent
Design • Low Water
• Anti-Bacteria
• Anti-Slippery
• Light Weighted

Figure 3.14 Grouped Needs

(Source: Author, 2018)

Universitas Indonesia

Table 3.3 Groups and Ranks of Needs

No. Needs Rank

Product Features

2 Light-weighted granite tile 4

4 Granite tile that is easy to clean 5

5 Granite tile that contains insect repellent substance 3

6 Granite tile that has low water absorption 3

7 Granite tile that has anti bacteria substance 4

8 Granite tile that is not slippery 5

Product Appearance

3 Granite tile that has long-lasting glare 5

9 Producer can custom motif design 3


1 Inexpensive granite tile 4

(Source: Author, 2018)

Universitas Indonesia


Product specifications describe the things that have to be done by a product.

Specification consists of metrics and metric value. Value is always followed by the
suitable unit. Metrics and values together constitute specifications.
Specifications target is made after the customer needs are identified.
Determination by subjective will result in ineligibility technically. Target
specifications take a role in explaining the product success in the market. Then
target of these specifications will be fixed depending on the limit concept of the
finally selected products.
4.1. Specification Matrix
Usually, Author make assessment in qualitative way, so it is quite hard to
measure it for designing a product. Therefore, Author need to convert the
qualitative need from the customer to product’s specification which is stated in
numerical and measurable called metric unit. Specification Matrix contains needs
that have been ranked with the specifications or scientific parameters related. By
making specification matrix, it is clear and easier to help to design a product that
fulfills the customer needs.
Table 4.1 Specification Matrix
No List of Needs Specification Metric Unit
Product Features
Light weighted
2 Mass Kg/m2 4
granite tile
Granite tile that is
4 Resistance to Staining Class 2-5* 5
easy to clean
Granite tile that
Insect Repellent
5 contains insect %w/w** 3
repellent substance
Granite tile that has
6 Water Absorption % 3
low water absorption
Granite tile that has
7 anti bacteria %w/w** 4
(Source: Author, 2018)

30 Universitas Indonesia

*Class 5: The Stain is removed using hot water; Class 4: The Stain is removed using a weak
commercial cleaning agent; Class 3: The Stain is removed using a strong commercial cleaning agent;
Class 2: The Stain is removed using solvent, such as acetone
**%Substance Weight/Glaze Weight

Table 4.1 Specification Matrix (cont’d-1)

Metric Needs
No List of Needs Specification
Unit Rank
Granite tile that is
8 Coefficient of Friction - 5
not slippery

Product Appearance

Granite tile that has

3 Time Needed until Dull Years 5
long-lasting glare
Producer can
Ability to Custom Motif
9 custom motif Yes/No 3

1 Price USD/m2 4
granite tile
(Source: Author, 2018)

4.2. Needs and Matrix Grouping

After creating a specified matrix, the author creates the needs matrix and
metrics, so the author can see the correlation between the two. Table 4.2 shows the
needs and matrix grouping.

Universitas Indonesia

Table 4.2 Needs and Matrix Grouping

Description Kg/m2 Class 2-5 %w/w % - Years Yes/No USD/m2

Light weighted
granite tile ⋅

Granite tile that
is easy to clean ⋅

Granite tile that
contains insect

Granite tile that
6 has low water

Granite tile that
has anti bacteria

(Source: Author, 2018)

Universitas Indonesia

Table 4.2 Needs and Matrix Grouping (cont’d-1)


Description Kg/m2 Class 2-5 %w/w % - Years Yes/No USD/m2

Granite tile that
is not slippery

Granite tile that
3 has long-
lasting glare

Producer can
9 custom motif

granite tile

(Source: Author, 2018)

Universitas Indonesia

4.3. Benchmarking Existing Product

Benchmarking needs to be done so that Author can know the position of
products that Author will make in the market. Author compare all the existing specs
in the existing product. as well as benchmarks can help in finding opportunistic and
advantages in the products Author will make. Table 4.3 shows benchmarking

Universitas Indonesia

Table 4.3 Benchmarking

Needs Need(s) Needs
No Specification Metric Unit Competitor
Groups Description Rank Own
Product Granito Niro Garuda Indogress

2 Mass 4 Kg/m2 24 25 32 28 24
granite tile

Granite tile that is

4 Resistance to Staining 5 Class 2-5 Class 5 Class 5 Class 3 Class 5 Class 5
easy to clean
Product Features

Granite tile that

Insect Repellent
5 contains insect 3 %w/w 5 0 0 0 0
repellent substance
Granite tile that has
6 low water Water Absorption 3 % ≤ 0.05 % ≤ 0.05 ≤ 0.25 ≤ 0.1 ≤ 0.05
Granite tile that has
7 anti bacteria 4 %w/w 5 0 0 0 0
Granite tile that is Coefficient of
8 5 - 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65
not slippery Friction
(Source: Author, 2018)

Universitas Indonesia

Table 4.3 Benchmarking (cont’d-1)

Needs Need(s) Needs Metric
No Specification Competitor
Groups Description Rank Unit Own
Granito Niro Garuda Indogress
Product Appearance

Granite tile that has Time Needed Until

3 5 Years 9 11 9 8 11
long-lasting glare Dull

Producer can
Ability to Custom 3
9 custom motif Yes/No Yes No No No No
Motif Design

1 Price 4 USD/m2 $12.90 $18.43 $15.12 $12.90 $26.18
granite tile

(Source: Author, 2018)

Universitas Indonesia

4.4. Specification List

After doing the benchmarking or comparing between own product and some
existing product, Author then can list the specifications of desirable abate product.
The next step of product design development is to determine the marginal value and
the ideal value of eardrops product. Marginal value is the value for minimum
tolerance to satisfy a particular specification. Ideal value, on the other hand, is the
value, more than marginal value, to fully satisfy the specification.

Universitas Indonesia

Table 4.4 Specification List

Needs Needs Metric

No Need(s) Description Specification Own Marginal Value Ideal Value
Group Rank Unit

2 Light-weighted granite tile Mass 4 Kg/m2 24 24 -32 24

Granite tile that is easy to Resistance to
4 4 Class 2-5 Class 5 Class 3-5 Class 5
clean Staining
Product Features

Granite tile that contains Insect Repellent

5 4 %w/w 5 1-5 5
insect repellent substance Substance
Granite tile that has low
6 Water Absorption 3 % 0.5 0.05 − 0.5 0.05
water absorption
Granite tile that has anti Anti-Bacterial
7 4 %w/w 5 1-5 5
bacteria substance Substance
Granite tile that is not Coefficient of
8 5 - 0.65 0.65 0.65
slippery Friction
Granite tile that has long- Time Needed until
3 5 Years 9 8-11 11

lasting glare Dull


Producer can custom motif Ability to Custom

9 3 Yes/No Yes No Yes
design Motif Design

1 Inexpensive granite tile Price 4 USD/m2 $12.90 $12.90 - $26.18 $12.90

(Source: Author, 2018)

Universitas Indonesia


From the report above, Author could conclude several things, they are:
• Consumers complain about difficult installation, difficult to clean, difficult to
replace, quickly faded and especially high cost of homogeneous tile.
• For meeting consumer need, a new product must be developt. This new product
must have solutions for all problems of homogeneous tiles which are easy to
install, easy to maintain, long-lasting glare and the most important thing is
cheapper. Not only those things, but consumer also state that they need new
features such as insect repellent, moss repellent, anti bacteria, anti slippery,
temperature adaptable, and custom motif design.
• From needs Author specify the product based on some parameters such as
resistance to staining, substance insect repellent , water absorption, substance anti
bacteria, mass, time needed until dull, and price . After that Author did
brenchmarking of product and competitor product by using those specifications.
• By using marginal and ideal value, Author determine the product specifications
which are class 5 for resistance to staining, contains 5%w/w (% Substance
Weight/Galze Weight) insect repellent and anti-bacteria substance, E ≤ 0.5 for
water absorption, 24 kg/m2 mass, 9 years needed until dull, able for cutom
design, 0.65 coefficient of friction, and cost $12.90 per m2.

Universitas Indonesia


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Universitas Indonesia

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