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From Brexit to the US elections, 2016 was a Our 2017 report focuses on what we see as the
volatile year with unprecedented uncertainty. growing considerations that will impact
brands. Based on changes we observed in 2016,
The world of marketing was no exception. From we’ll explore areas such as paid, search,
changing algorithms across key social influencers, conversational technologies, B2B
platforms to new evolutions in IoT and Virtual and others. These topics all point to the fact
Reality to fundamental challenges with trust in that we are still just at the beginning of an era
advertising, connecting with the right where the customer is at the center. In keeping
audiences has never been more complex for with our own advice to focus on business
marketers. impact, we include more than just
observations: we also present
While disruptions caused by technology and recommendations to leverage these advances
innovation are not new, the growing focus with to achieve results.
using the latest tools rather than growing the
bottom-line seems to be. With no shortage of We hope you find this report informative and
new solutions that promise to be the one insightful. If you’d like to hear more (or share
answer, marketers should be careful not to your thoughts), please reach out to us – we’d
focus too much on the tools they use, but love to hear from you.
rather what they can achieve using those
tools. In the end, what matters most is one Thank you,
thing: business impact. Edelman Digital


01 A Turning Point for Immersive
Content…...................................4 05 The OTT Entertainment Revolution
…............................................ 27

Bots and the Evolution of

02 Paid Media Will Drive a New World of
Efficiency & Accountability...........10 06 Conversational Experiences.........31

03 Influencer Marketing Will Drive

Business Impact..........................15 07 Effective B2B Will Force Internal

04 A Renaissance in Search..............22
08 Blockchain Evolves from “Fintech”
to “Storytech” ….......................44



With the releases of the HTC Vive™,
Oculus Rift, PlayStation® VR as well as
Niantic Labs’ Pokémon GO on Unity, CONSUMPTION
both virtual reality and augmented
reality became important technological
breakthroughs in 2016. Efficient Streaming + Data Are
What’s Next
More audiences will begin consuming a
We believe 2017 will focus on more majority of their content on mobile devices
immersive video content that features with the introduction of 5G wireless.
elements of interactivity as well as more Weekly share of time spent watching TV
applicability for general usage. and video on mobile devices has grown by
85% from 2010 to 20161. On fixed screens,
It’s important to note that Snap Inc., consumption has decreased 14% over the
Facebook and Google are all heavily same period.
invested in virtual reality and augmented
Large telecoms are investing heavily in
reality. These companies will continue to
content and they will need to support
gradually roll out capabilities that
video consumption through efficient and
leverage immersive video technologies
quick stream loads.
and will help amplify the reach of both
1. “Ericsson: Mobile Video Up 200 Hours a
virtual reality and augmented reality Year Since 2012.” Broadband Technology
content to the masses. report (2016 November). Retrieved from:
year-since-2012.html 5
Strategic Partnerships Matter advertisements between shows. Brands • Consumers will be comfortable
should invest in 360 video advertisements in consuming video on mobile without
Services like Comcast and DirecTV Now
order to take on companies like BuzzFeed, data charges.
may potentially partner with Snap Inc.
CNN and Complex who are placing an
and Facebook to distribute television • Networks partner with Snap Inc. and
emphasis on live video. Moreover, many new
content through these platforms. 2016 has Facebook to distribute shows to targeted
media companies like Cheddar and
shown that networks like NBC are confident audiences watching on mobile devices.
TheBlaze are popping up that are strictly
in such platforms by creating partnerships
focused on live video. Expect to see these
with Snap Inc. for The Tonight Show with How Brands Should
trends continuing in 2017.
Jimmy Fallon, the 2016 Summer Olympics Respond
and The Voice. In 2017, more networks may Major Takeaways • Brands should place more emphasis on
take a similar approach.
• Expect change in traditional content short form video content since
Length + Formatting May Change formats from 30 minute shows to less audiences will begin consuming more
than 7 minutes. video content on mobile devices.
This change in entertainment consumption
amongst audiences may provoke a change in • Media companies will continue to push • Brands can distinguish themselves by
the traditional length of content formats. “live streaming” as a way to inform creating mobile highly impactful 360
Mobile first content may run shorter than 6 their audiences on social. Live-focused degree advertisements.
minutes per episode, with multiple episodes digital media companies such as
• Brands should partner with video
being distributed throughout the week. Cheddar will continue to emerge.
influencers on live streaming, mobile
Networks will test mobile consumption habits
• In 2017, there will be a rise in 360-degree first campaigns via Facebook Live.
but they will first reposition existing 30 minute
shows for mobile. video advertisements on mobile devices.
• Brands should explore creating live
• Anticipate an evolution to 5G wireless content to document their presence at
Depending on the mobile audience drop-
which will support telecoms’ emphasis real-time trending events such as the
offs, they will make adjustments to the
on mobile video content. Daytona 500, SXSW, Super Bowl and
formats. Mobile first content consumption
Cannes Film Festival.
may also lead to a rise in 360 video


Major Takeaways
• Consumers will become more
Interaction + Price Points Matter
educated on virtual reality.
Out of home virtual reality could see a
• Virtual reality will impact movie
major spike in 2017. Only 25% of
theatre and theme park attendance.
consumers are willing to spend more
than $250 on a VR device and consumer • Expectations for effective virtual
awareness of VR is only 33%.2 With the reality content will rise.
HTC Vive™ and Oculus Rift at high price
points, the average consumer will first • Virtual reality pop up booths will be
interact with these devices at high foot seen at high foot traffic locations.
traffic locations in the form of VR booths
or experiential marketing exhibits. How Brands Should Respond

Airports, shopping centers, and landmarks • Brands should be fully educated on

would serve as destinations for these virtual reality if they want to be seen
immersive content experiences. Theme as forward thinking.
parks and shopping malls are already
• Brands should consider leveraging
beginning to adopt these technologies.
virtual reality at conferences and
Positive experiences at these
industry tradeshows.
destinations will lead to more awareness
of the creative possibilities of virtual • Brands should consider pop up virtual
reality amongst the general population. reality activations at high frequency
Similar to how arcades in the ‘70s and ‘80s foot traffic locations.
brought video games to the masses, out
of home virtual reality will educate 2. “Horizon Media Study Finds Two Thirds of
Americans Unaware of Virtual Reality Devices.”
consumers on how impactful immersive PR Newswire (2016 March). Retrieved from:
content can be. releases/horizon-media-study-finds-two-
2017 DIGITAL TRENDS reality-devices-300231137.html
EVOLUTION IN The way consumers capture content will They have the opportunity to be pioneers
significantly change as a result of this in augmented reality.
CONTENT evolution in content wearables. This is one
Presently, Snap Inc. is the only social
WEARABLES of the lessons learned from the failures of
network to fully embrace augmented reality
previous wearable technologies such as
through their facial lenses. Millions of users
Trends Google Glass.
share playful AR content to their Snap Inc.
Wearables With Purpose Efficiency + Affordability Are Key followers every day through this feature.

From the days of wearing GoPro cameras on Spectacles by Snap Inc. are only $130 per Spectacles by Snap Inc. may take this one
our heads to the built-in convenience of pair, making them affordable for the step further to full body augmented
Spectacles by Snap Inc., we anticipate more general public. Furthermore, Spectacles reality. Imagine turning your friend into an
brands will begin playing with wearables. connect via Bluetooth to a user’s NFL football player in full pads when he is
smartphone and allows users to record, running for a pass. Alternatively, imagine
More importantly, there is a shift towards
review, then upload content directly to a transforming your child into a Marvel
wearables that work. For example, the
Snap Inc. account. It is utilizing existing superhero or a Disney character. The
latest version of the Apple Watch was built
with a clear purpose (health and fitness) in technology to create efficiency and lower possibilities will be endless and, if this feature
addition to standard features like GFS, the barriers of entry. Most importantly, is released, there will be a viral effect.
waterproofing and a faster processor. Snap Inc. has overcome the “nerd factor”
by introducing technology that millennials
If you combine these technologies with Apple’s can embrace.
second wearable, Airpods, the combination
has the potential to change the future by Keep an Eye on Snap Inc.
moving beyond mobile phone technology.
The release of Spectacles will allow Snap
Wearables Will Affect Content Inc. to unveil their circular video
functionality. This technology will allow
The shift is also noticeable with the plethora users to consume mobile video more
of auto-follow drones that are entering the effectively as the video will conform to
market. As a result, the concept of the movement when a smartphone is tilted.
selfie is taken to the next level with drones Snap Inc. will have a major impact on how
that can capture video footage without the content is shared and consumed in 2017.
need of a second person or video operator.
Major Takeaways
• Augmented reality will be accessible to the general public via Spectacles by Snap Inc.

• Video selfies will become more prevalent, and increase in quality, with the use of auto-
follow drones. This will provide a new wave of content for marketers to pull from.

• More 1st person creative video content will be created (i.e. NBA players dunking with
Spectacles, 1st person view at Academy Awards or Coachella with auto-follow drone).

• Audiences will grow to expect circular video from all sources with Snap Inc.
leading the way in introducing this technology.

How Brands Should Respond

• Be educated on how to effectively leverage content wearables as a part of the
brand’s storytelling platform.

• Consider enlisting an influencer to take over the brand account and capture
content via content wearable technology.

• Think about using auto-follow drones for contests and other content capture programs.

• Have a presence on Snapchat. Content captured with Spectacles by Snap Inc.

could lead to an uptick of users on the platform.

BY DANIEL BRACKINS | Creative Content Planning

MATT STANTON | Partnerships and Emerging Technology




Alongside a burgeoning strength in included) works feverishly to cure its ills, teased us with breakthroughs surrounded
influencing marketing investment, there is brands are in a new position to want the by long stretches of inertia.
also awkwardness in terms of making good best of both worlds: the efficiency and
on some ambitious promises. accountability that digital promised In 2017, we’ll see momentum build as
Sophisticated targeting technology and coupled with the transparency and sensory Programmatic TV buying is expected to
programmatic buying were meant to impact of traditional media. . grow 600% from 2016 to 20182.
eliminate audience fragmentation and Additionally, expect multichannel video
wasted ad dollars. The promise of
accountability and ROI was irresistible as
HOW THE PAID programming distributors (MVPDs) and
Telcos to continue to acquire or partner
programmatic media enjoyed triple digit MEDIA INDUSTRY IS with digital content companies and offer
YoY spending growth up to 2014. cross-channel ad programs (e.g. Verizon –
ADAPTING AOL – Yahoo; AT&T - DirecTV - TimeWarner;
But growth slowed to 51% in 20151 due in Comcast – Netflix - Sling).
large part to valid skepticism concerning
1) Traditional media
non-viewable ads, phantom inventory, companies will accelerate 1. “US Programmatic Ad Spending Forecast:
Most Mobile Display and Video Ad Dollars to
blocked ads, bot traffic and cookie their digital transformation Be Automated by 2018.” eMarketer (2016
bombed attribution models. Fueled by September). Retrieved from:
brands and agencies looking for impossibly er.aspx?edelman&R=2001894
The collision of digital and linear TV has 2. “US TV and Digital Video Ad Spending,
low CPMs, fraud networks preyed on low
Programmatic vs. Nonprogrammatic, 2016 &
been slow and messy, punctuated with
quality publishers, networks and exchanges 2018.” eMarketer (2016 November). Retrieved
some milestone moments that have kept from:
to create false efficiency.
hope alive for convergence. From Disney =201061&dsNav=Ntk:relevance%7ctv+programmatic
Theme Parks telescoping with BSkyB in %7c1%7c,Ro:-
As a result, demand for transparency is at 1,Nr:NOT(Type%3aComparative+Estimate)
2004 to Twitter live streaming Thursday
an all-time high. While the ad-tech side
(participating brands and agencies Night Football in 2016, the industry has


How Brands Should Respond require only eyes and ears to verify that
ads ran as scheduled. For example,
• Aggressively pursue digitally native, digital Out of Home providers will
omni-channel buying strategies that continue to expand programmatic access
go beyond the basics. Programmers to inventory and offer increasingly
like Viacom and NBC Sports are sophisticated location and behavioral
making this possible by introducing targeting, as well as richer creative
enhanced audience insights (via options. Podcasting has been a
offline data partnerships) to enable formidable branding and acquisition tool
marketers to finely tune their TV plans for startups and disruptors for several
beyond age-gender gross rating point years, and aggregators like Panoply or
(GRP) guarantees. Midroll will provide stable platforms to
• Explore brand integration possibilities expand and manage this channel best
that blend together interactivity, suited to niche or influencer marketing.
response and dialogue with
consumers. A great example would be It’s also been tempting to think that
e-commerce furniture destination traditional media only offered contextual
Wayfair’s partnership with A&E to targeting as a proxy for audience
create a “fully shoppable” series The targeting – that it was the best we could
Way Home. do to get a relevant message in front of
our ideal consumers. However, we’ve
learned (or re-learned) that mindset and
2) Brands will shift
environment make the difference
investment to channels between resonance and ignorance. To
that are digital but that end, 2017 is the year we’ll see a
tangible significant uptick in brands embracing
interactivity and amplification for
We’ll see accelerated investment in event sponsorships via mobile and
channels that provide certain advantages social platforms.
consistent with digital best practices, but


How Brands Should Respond channel media outlets are re-organizing opportunity to put content at the core
to provide simplified programs with clear - longer form video, audio, data
• Shed the fear of measurement and strategic value. visualizations, and gaming all
make the most out of the advantage enhanced with granular audience
of trackability these digital platforms The goal of these integrations is the ability targeting capabilities. Explore
have over traditional outlets. For to integrate disparate market capabilities content-driven programs that provide
example, publishers are expanding seamlessly and effectively under a single the best creative canvas for marketers
their partnerships with technologies strategic partner. Consider the use case to add to the consumer experience,
like Simple Reach to give real-time for an Entertainment marketer looking to rather than interrupt it.
analysis of earned reach through to execute a disciplined, audience-focused • Challenge multi-channel media
business impact. program that activates across audio partners to demonstrate how media
• Connect the pipes so that impressions (terrestrial and digital), Out of Home dollars spent in each tactic contribute
across these tangible channels are be (static and digital), social, events and to immersing your target audience and
linked to business outcomes. One way influencer marketing. Only a handful of stewarding them along the path to
is a modern twist on an ancient tactic: media companies (e.g. iHeart Media, conversion. If they’re still selling spots
leverage offer codes and incentives CBS and Grupo Globo) have the diversity and dots, they may be too focused on
which can be customized and of assets to deliver real paid, owned and their quarterly goals rather than your
organically distributed via influencers earned value for that scenario. brand objectives.
to feed directly into internal marketing
analytics platforms. How Brands Should Respond

3) Multi-channels will • As multi-channels bring integration to

program execution, brands should be
continue to integrate
bringing integrated thinking into the
creative process when developing paid
Digital marketing has grown largely on
media programs to take advantage of
the promise of its nimbleness – its
new opportunities. While most media
singular ability to launch or react quickly
infrastructure is built to distribute
to market conditions, consumer
standard and creatively constrained ad
sentiment or cultural opportunity. To
assets, multi-channels provide the
deliver on that expectation, large multi-


4 ) Measurement will How Brands Should Respond
attempt to keep up
• Start at the desired outcome and create
data linkage back to the marketing asset
In the race to adopt exciting new marketing
versus attempting to justify the value of
technologies, brands, agencies and vendors
impressions or engagements by inferring
scrambled to create useful performance
business outcomes.
metrics. In our haste, we have put our trust in
• Push online-to-offline delivery and
highly fallible measurement systems that were
measurement. User-specific data points are
easy to rationalize at best, or game at worst.
powering measurable activity through the
funnel, and now marketers should integrate
Today, the pressure is increasing for marketers
3rd party purchase data into their back-end
to deliver straightforward business value which
BI system to produce one source of truth
will lead to a change in measurement
regarding how media is delivering.
direction. Instead of rationalizing a link from
• Encourage discipline around audience focus
engagement to action, we’ll work backwards
and key performance indicators (KPIs).
from incontrovertible business outcomes to
Brands should really only have one KPI upon
meaningful brand indicators.
which creative, investment and ongoing
channel allocation is optimized. A few other
Programmers like Viacom and NBC Sports
performance indicators are helpful to fine
have introduced enhanced audience insights
tune campaign or platform variables, but
(via offline data partnerships) to enable
should not distract from the core metric.
marketers to finely tune their TV impact
beyond Age-Gender GRP guarantees. Cross-
device audience identification and behavioral BY CHRIS PAUL
measurement should also improve in 2017
Global Managing Director of
with Facebook and Tapad as the primary Integrated Media Strategy
sources of insight alongside ITN (via their
acquisition of Torrential).


Targeting – and reaching – consumers has for brand messaging. 2017 is predicted to
become increasingly difficult for mark a major milestone for digital
marketers. There is no end to the advertising: for the first time, digital
proliferation of content, information and advertising spend will surpass TV budgets.
entertainment vying for our attention. To
So, how does a brand most effectively apply
make matters worse, the social
its advertising dollars in a way that
algorithms that are filtering brand
transcends obstacles and consumer
content are more savvy than ever,
skepticism? The answer is trusted influencers.
making organic reach a distance memory.

According to the 2016 Edelman Trust

As a result, brands and marketers have
Barometer, 65% of respondents rate “a
been forced to rely on paid advertising to
person like yourself” as a credible or
bolster the reach of their content. But even
extremely credible spokesperson. By
using paid media to reach potential
collaborating with influencers, brands can
customers is fraught with obstacles.
create the type of content that consumers
Bot fraud is at an all-time high with the actually want, ultimately increasing trust
Association of National Advertisers predicting and engagement for the brand.
that it will cost advertisers $7.2 billion in 2016.
We predict that, in 2017, Influencer
Beyond that, customers themselves can be
Marketing will play a newly central role in
highly skeptical and avoidant of advertising. By
the marketing mix. With the right
2020, it is predicted that ad blocking will cost
execution, it will become one of the most
publishers an estimated $35 billion in revenue.
effective and measurable digital tactics
Despite these challenges, paid media with the ability to deliver brand awareness,
remains one of the most effective vehicles sales lift and direct sales attribution.

1. Measurement will evolve in new,
meaningful ways
With increasing pressure for marketing organizations to rationalize spend and
prove return on investment, Influencer Marketing will become more
measureable with the growing presence of new tools and vendors.

• Well-known measurement institutions and technology vendors will evolve

their tools and offerings to better measure and get in the game. Nielsen has
already started participating in this space. With ad dollars shifting into
influencer marketing, we anticipate additional technology in the space.

• Custom measurement models will be created using a combination of big

data, predictive analytics and technology. These algorithms will be
implemented against specific business objectives to determine how

brands, based on KPIs, should spend against specific programs.

Earned media will play a new role in influencer marketing measurement.

Specifically, earned will be used to justify total impression, share of
voice and sentiment impact. For innovative collaborations between
brands and influencers, earned will also play a central role.

MARKETING How Brands Should Respond

TRENDS AND When identifying influencer programs, look for partners with a combination of:

• Influencer management experience

IMPLICATIONS • Technology tools for identification

• Automation, measurement and CRM

Platforms are limited right now, with very few able to solve for all of these.
Brands must find partners who both understand the space and how to apply
layers of technology. This will ensure all influencer programs are executed
flawlessly across strategy, identification, contracting, execution, promotion
2017 DIGITAL TRENDS and measurement.
2. The “mass influencer” deal becomes more
complex than ever
As the fame of mass influencers increases, the approach to influencer deals
will need more precision than ever before. Dealing with influencers who are in
pursuit of fulfilling their star fame will be a challenging endeavor for brands.

• As brands pursue influencers with several million subscribers, it will be

important to align the values of the business and the influencer. Social
cause and purpose will become priority deals for these influencers looking
to use their mass reach for good.

• Deals with mass influencers will need to be presented with incremental

promotion packages inclusive of earned media strategies, paid media
support and, in some cases, event appearances.

• Advancing the fame of these influencers will be top of mind for their talent
agents. Deals will be evaluated based on alignment and exposure.

• Complexities around legal and business affairs will increase. As talent

agents get more involved with influencers, points such as usage,
exclusivity and content ownership will be key elements of the contracts.

How Brands Should Respond

Brands should consider the value of the overall program when evaluating an
expensive influencer partnership.

• With return on investment being a top consideration, brands should

weigh the total cost of talent, production and promotion against
specific deliverables including total engagement, conversation volume
and conversion.

• In some cases, brands should consider leading their offers with what the
influencer is expected to deliver first and foremost. Brands also need to leverage
internal legal and business affairs for all deals to avoid liability or exposure.


3. The Rise of Micro-Influencers + Engaged
Micro-influencers, classified as social personalities with 1,000 to 100,000
followers, often have higher engagement and influence over their communities
than mass influencers. Micro-influencers “engaged audiences” tend to act
with more passion because they feel more connected to the influencer and
their content.

Deploying scalable programs with many micro-influencers will help brands

extend both their reach and impact. However, in 2017, we will see an increase
in quantity which will make identification more challenging.

• Data verification, contracting and human vetting will be critical to

ensure important KPIs will be delivered.

• Compensation models for micro-influencers will evolve from time and

content to cost per engagement and conversation, with customized KPIs
developed at the initial stages of negotiation.

How Brands Should Respond

Scalability for “always on” programs will be a central strategy to drive sales lift for
micro-influencer campaigns. To ensure success, brands will need to invest in
technology and staff or turn these programs over to agencies to support the
ongoing oversight required to effectively and efficiently manage activations.

4. Strategic amplification will be critical to

the success of influencer programs
Breaking through with influencers, and so many emerging paid agencies,
means that paid promotion of content will become an industry standard.


Paid budgets will be a part of most deals, and brands will become more savvy
by using paid promotion to elevate their content beyond influencer
communities. This will ensure broader reach and better return on investment.

• The model for paid amplification of influencer content will evolve by

taking a page from the paid social playbook.

• Program managers can use real-time optimization to gauge the virility of

content and amplify top performing pieces at precisely the right time.

How Brands Should Respond

Brands will need to understand how content amplification should be applied
and coordinate with agencies to ensure paid promotion targets are aligned
with the demographics of the influencers’ community.

• Brands can increase content exposure by combining paid social’s precision

interest and behavioral targeting with third-party data streams.

• Brands seeking to increase content viewership and, ultimately, performance

should look to target associated mindsets and affinity interests.

5. Influencers will become / create their own

With the increase in fame and exposure, many influencers will recognize
money making opportunities and establish brands of their own in the
coming year. While some influencers will use their personality to create a
brand and publishing ecosystem, others will pursue ventures ranging from
clothing and make-up lines, to technology ventures and apps, to socially and
caused-based businesses. Some influencers might even use their community to
crowdfund projects.

• With the increase in exposure and visibility, we anticipate agencies and

publishers will look to “acquire” influencers to act as media brands. Having
started in 2016, we anticipate this trend to gain momentum with media
companies like Hearst, Mic, Vox and Complex as the ones to watch.


• Co-collaborations may also increase, where brands give an influencer
additional stake in a product or service.

How Brands Should Respond

Understand the motivations of your influencer partner. If they have a

true interest in your business and want to partner with your brand because
of that, offering them a bigger seat at the table will encourage vested
engagements and collaboration.


U.S. Managing Director of Strategic

Growth and Development




A Renaissance in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is upon us,
where brands need to fundamentally change the way they think
about search to reach consumers in such a significantly changed
The first web page

In 1990 the Internet was born and with it came a slew of Directories or “search engines” created to organize
companies trying to help organize how content on the Internet was 1993 web pages
organized, catalogued, searched and, eventually, found. From the
very early launch of search engines like Excite in 1993 to Yahoo in 1997 Google born
1994 to Google, the eventual King of Search, in 1997, search has
had its share of ups and downs through the last two decades. The heyday of spam tactics such as keyword stuffing,
2003 domain buying & spam link building begins
Over the years, as with any technology that makes it easier for
First major algorithm targeting spam links are
consumers to find information, brands and agencies have sought
ways to take advantage of the technology. From the very early
2005 launched – Jagger and BigDaddy

days of keyword stuffing to the dark days of spam link building to

Google introduces the suggestion box – giving a peak
the era of building domain after domain after domain, everyone 2008 at how Google looks at searches
has tried to “crack the code” on making sure their site ranks No. 1
in search results.
2011 Panda 1.0 released

Yet whenever brands think they’ve figured it out, search engines

White hat SEOs focus on content and site health in a
completely change the rules again. Back when social media came 2013 new era of SEO
into the mix, Google tried to make a very clear connection between
social and Search Engine Optimization by launching Google+ which
Google introduces RankBrain machine learning
then introduced the concept of personalized search. 2015 Panda, Penguin and mobile are officially integrated into the
search algorithm as ranking signals

2017 The search renaissance

Trends three times more likely to Despite all these significant changes,
be localized. [Today] brands and agencies are still well behind.
Packaged Solutions, Packaged Search agencies in particular have been
voice search makes up
Thinking the most stagnant. Borne of digital
25% of searches.1 shops who built practices around search
Nearly every company, large or small, that eventually broke off into standalone
has a website thanks to solutions like Change is the Only Constant
agencies in the early 2000s, many search
WordPress that make it easy to launch a agencies are still not only keyword-
website in as little as a day. Many of Search engines have responded to these
focused versus consumer-focused, but
these solutions come with their own tremendous shifts in consumer behavior the
treat SEO and SEM as wholly separate.
built-in SEO plugins — just pick a way they usually do; significant changes to
keyword, write a title tag and a catchy their algorithms, ranking factors and what
Even the way these agencies report has
meta description and voilà, the site is appears in search results.
become outdated. For example, tactics
now SEO’d. like reporting on keyword positions or
Over the last five years alone, Google
reporting on only awareness metrics
And therein lies the crux of the problem. has had nearly 50 confirmed algorithm
(e.g. traffic) and bottom of funnel
Search, and (by connection) the updates (three of them incredibly
metrics (e.g. revenue) are completely
consumers that conduct these disruptive – Panda, Penguin and
obsolete. They don’t truly explain how a
searches, have been reduced to nothing Hummingbird) and changed the design
consumer came to the site, what they
more than keywords by the companies of search results nearly a dozen times
did or, most importantly, if the
and agencies trying to reach them. Never with additions like sitelinks, auto-
consumer’s needs were met and what
mind that with the advent of mobile suggest, the “Knowledge Graph” and
the impact was on the brand’s business.
devices, voice search and devices like Alexa, “Near me” map results. Google has even
If impact can’t be answered then what
consumers no longer even need a keyboard decreased organic real estate by
was the point of the search program to
or desktop screen to conduct searches. increasing the number of paid search ads
begin with?
on the top of the results from three to
four in February 2016, and decreasing the
In two years, voice search
amount of indexed content to get rid of
has surged and those
low quality content in May 2016.
searches – averaging
about five words – are
1. “The Continuing Rise of Voice Search and How You Can Adapt to It.” Search Engine Watch. (2016). Retrieved from:
Google is Challenging Brands

Google wants brands to become more accountable in their roles as

information providers to the consumer, as was evident with their earnings
report in August 2015 where they revealed details about RankBrain.

RankBrain is Google’s latest venture into artificial intelligence and is their

third most important ranking factor now. RankBrain was built to add a
human element into the algorithm to create a better correlation between
search intent and search results for consumers. Google has gone so far to
humanize RankBrain that in May 2016 it was reported the tool was reading
through thousands of romance novels to learn more conversational

If search engines are humanizing the way they are serving up search results,
agencies and brands will follow suit by focusing on the human conducting
the search and not just the keyword.

How Brands Should Respond Finally, brands more than likely need to redo their websites. Often,
websites were done with a developer who might have done “SEO”
Truly Know Who Is Being Targeted but actually just updated title tags. Conduct user testing to find
any disconnect between site design and user experience for target
Brands need to keep their customer segmentation fresh. It can be consumers, and then use the data to build a better site. Keep in
tempting to let the data lapse because customer research can be mind that mobile search outnumbers desktop (and operates
expensive and hard to tie back to ROI. However, not knowing the completely differently than desktop) so take a mobile-first
various customer segments just isn’t an option anymore. With the approach.
amount of data available from analytics and CRM tools, there really
isn’t much of an excuse anymore to not know everything brands can Ask the Tough Questions Internally and Externally
about their consumers. For example, it is important to know:
• Are they actually searching? Whether brands manage search internally or through a search
• What are they searching for? agency, they should take an honest look at how they approach
• Where do they search and what actions are they hoping to take search and whether or not it’s the right approach.
at the end of their search?
• How many times do they search before they make an action? If a brand is using a search agency and they:
• Keep SEO and SEM separate
Know What Customers Are Finding About the Brand Online • Aren’t helping solve complicated business problems
• Aren’t being proactive and bringing creative ideas and blowing
Since how consumers search has fundamentally changed, brands the brand’s mind every day
can no longer just care about their websites when they think about Then it’s probably time to find a new agency. And if a brand is
search. Brands need to catalog their entire online presence of choosing search agencies based on the lowest price provider versus
owned and social channels, as well as any knowledge graph or those that are actually going to help them solve their business
auto-complete data that shows in search for the brand. Brands problems, it’s time to rethink that strategy and find a true partner
need to know exactly where they’re showing up (e.g. could be that does not view search as a commodity.
other non-traditional search engines such as Amazon for retail
brands), who is showing up against them and the brand’s general BY ALYSSA ESKER
sentiment online.
Search Engine Optimization and Marketing


OTT WILL CHANGE technology platforms (Samsung TV,
PlayStation Vue, Roku).1
EVERYTHING The migration of TV consumers to a
The TV viewing landscape is changing with predominately ad-free environment, will
the popularity of Internet-based “Over The have brands and advertisers taking notice
Top” (OTT) video systems. This increase will and finding new ways to reach the viewer.
create a shift from traditional ad-supported
linear TV programming to Internet-delivered More Audience Control
The traditional media landscape is shifting
Nowadays, consumers are offered a variety as control moves to the hands of the
of programming consumption choices. audience. The audience now has the ability
Networks are going direct-to-consumer to
and the freedom to decide how, when and
capture cord-cutters and cord-nevers by
where they watch and how much they want
developing OTT platforms and unbundling
paid cable TV programming. to pay for it.

As an example, consumers have been using

Average Weekly OTT TV Viewing
their mobile devices for short form video
(hours/week among U.S. Consumers)


content consumption but those viewing
habits are starting to change. According to
2016 the 2016 State of the Broadcast Industry
Report, appetites for longer-form content
on mobile devices are growing. Thirty


Data: The Diffusion Group
percent of North American smartphone
owners now watch full-length TV shows on

WHAT THIS Over the next 12 months, more Internet-

based TV platforms will continue to hit the
their smartphones, and 20% watch full-
length movies. 2

market ranging from non-traditional, multi-
channel video programming distributors As OTT services and TV consumption options
(DirecTV Now, Sling TV) to stand-alone increase, audiences can now cycle through

MARKETERS offerings (CBS All Access, HBO NOW) to live

events (NFL Now, Red Bull TV) to
different apps to cherry pick streaming
services for a particular TV show.

1. “Over the Top TV Trends.” L.E.K. (2015 June). Retrieved from:
top-tv-ott-trends-series-part-one 28
2017 DIGITAL TRENDS 2. State of the Broadcast Industry 2016: OTT Moves to Center Stage.” Ooyala. (2016). Retrieved from:
Content producers are feeding into demand more closely with content-makers to promote
by developing over 500 scripted shows their product.
projected to launch in 2017 alone. 3 Content is
TV and movie advertising budgets will
king with Netflix spending an upwards of
increasingly move to social and digital,
$5B and Amazon $2.6B on programming versus traditional media marketing, since
investments.4 Gaming, shopping & socializing tailored ad products on social deliver more
are all finding their way into OTT services. tangible ROI versus traditional ad buys
focused on buzz and awareness.
Despite the popularity and demand for OTT,
traditional linear TV advertising continues to Social platforms are addressing this need by
be the dominate mass market reach vehicle. developing more custom paid ad products
specifically built for entertainment brands.
That being said, as audiences continue to For example, Snap Inc.’s desire to partner
migrate away from traditional TV and with Fandango to build in-app ticket
consume their content via multiple devices in purchasing or Twitter’s flock to unlock
ad-free environments, brands and programs delivering exclusive first-look TV
advertisers must discover new, meaningful and movie trailers.
and integrated ways to connect with them.
We’ll continue to see more live-streaming
Industry Impact opportunities like TV episode sampling and
talent Q&A’s on Facebook Live. Meanwhile,
Advertising budgets shift to social + Twitter will continue to live-stream big TV
digital moments like NFL games and the presidential
debates while Snap Inc. will continue to
As OTT platforms and streaming services look
partner with brands and networks on content
to social media to promote their TV shows
for their Discover platform.
and content, advertisers and brands will start
to see this as an opportunity to create
branded integrated campaigns and partner

3. Framke, Caroline. (2016 August 10). “500 scripted shows in 2017 and 71 Netflix originals: the future of TV is crowded.” Retrieved
from: 29
4. Hopewell, John. (2016 October 15). “Mipcom: Netflix, Amazon Now Rank Among TV’s Giants, HIS Markit Says (EXCLUSIVE).”
Retrieved from:
HOW BRANDS “The traditional media landscape
SHOULD RESPOND is shifting and control is moving
into the hands of the audience…”
With so many consumers using ad-free streaming services as their
source for TV content, it’s impossible for brands to not take notice.
Predictive thinking sheds light on a few opportunities:

U.S. cord-cutters cancelled their paid TV
TV shows with a large, passionate fan base could partner with companies subscription due to lack of affordability
to monetize their social channels, giving brands and advertisers real estate
and the ability to create integrated subversive branded content.

Brands can create their own OTT platform to attract consumers. Red
Bull TV has an OTT platform, inclusive of original programming, for its Number of hours of original programming
niche audiences, and the HSN OTT service with an integrated live feed are 8
Netflix will produce in 2017
just two examples. 5

A natural migration of an already proven tactic.6 Even though the majority
of TV viewing is still consumed in the form of traditional ad-supported
Number of years it would take to watch of all
linear programming, the migration of consumers to OTT systems has the original programming Netflix offers
brands and advertisers taking notice.

2. “State of the Broadcast Industry 2016: OTT Moves to Center

BY TOBI KULUKJIAN | Senior Vice President of Digital Entertainment
Stage.” Ooyala. (2016). Retrieved from:
5. “OTT: What the Living Room Revolution Means to Brands.” IPG Media Lab. (2014). Retrieved from: 7. “Video-on-Demand Services Used by Cord-Cutters, Aug 2016.” (2016 August) eMarketer.
6. Bloxham, Mark. (2016 March 3). “The Future for Brands is in the OTT Space.” Media Daily News. Retrieved 8. Csathy, Peter D. (2016). “[FEARLESS] MEDIA 2.0(17): An Insider’s
from: Guide to Today’s Key Trends & Players in Digital Media (And
Journey of How We Got Here & Predictions For Where We’re
Going)”. CREATV Media. 30

Conversational technologies, like chatbots, are reaching a maturity level that
enables marketers to deliver a quality, one-to-one marketing experience at
scale on popular social messaging apps, including Facebook Messenger and
Twitter. Having been around since the 1990s, today these technologies enable
automated, engaging conversations and can be as smart/advanced or
simple/scripted as needed.

Messaging Apps Are Becoming The New 2nd Home Screen

This evolution is primarily being fueled by the adoption of chatbots by major

social and messaging platforms including Facebook Messenger, Google,
Microsoft Skype, Salesforce, Slack, Twitter DM, WeChat, Kik and Line. Now
that billions of people use messaging platforms daily, and are used to
engaging with brands on their feeds, these platforms hope that they will
enable marketers the ability to scale creative one-to-one engagement
opportunities called “Conversational experiences.”

Conversational experiences will foster a new marketing era of personalized

and engaging experiences with virtually any type of content, from images
and video to polls, forms and much more.


Major Platforms Have Embraced and Enabled Conversational

Facebook Messenger (“Messenger”) has over one billion users and is nearly
globally available. Previously, the only way for brands to interact with a person on
Messenger was when they reached out through customer service or when
someone sent you a direct message. The conversations were only able to be
controlled by humans. Now, anyone who sends you a message can be
automatically be directed to the bot experience within Messenger.


There are over 30,000 bots already on the Messenger platform
alone. Brands are taking advantage of these technologies in
many ways including:

1. Broadcasts/alerts (via 7. Interactive text and photos

subscriptions) campaigns

2. Contests 8. Knowledgebase and product

3. Coupons
9. Lead generation
4. Customer Service
10. Polls
5. E-commerce and donations
11. UGC campaigns
6. Games

Explore these messenger bots from brands:

• 1-800 Flowers (e-commerce) • eBay ShopBot (product

• Absolut US (coupons)
• NFL (alerts/subscription)
• Burberry (behind the scenes
and product info) • Trolli USA (choose your own
• Charity:Water (donations)

THE • Domino’s (ordering)

• Whole Foods (recipes)

Previously launched campaign bots includes:


Activision’s Call of Duty

Disney’s Judy Hopps (of Zootopia film)


Now is the Time sense to pilot (e.g. customer service, Marketing a bot is similar to marketing
social, product launch). Look to target content but with a unique call to action
It is early days (we estimate about 50 –
areas that both add value to customers that varies depending on the
100 large brands with Messenger bots that
and make business impact. conversational experience. Remember, a
are live) but that means there is an
advantage. As we’ve seen with all social new audience must be built from scratch
• Determine how these experiences fit in
and messaging platforms, those who are as only those who opt-in to the
the overall mix of platforms and touch
there early grow the largest audience. experience can engage with a new bot.
points with target customers – what
Now is the time to test and learn with does it create, replace or complement? 1. Post to social channels to let current
audiences. Now is the time to garner followers know that the bot has launched
• Develop the concept through
earned media from unique never-been-
done-before executions. Starting now discussions and brainstorms. Use 2. Use targeted paid media to amplify those
gives brands a chance to learn and scale current examples or examples from posts to current & new target audiences.
conversational experiences to larger technology partners to get started.
3. Facebook and Twitter have specific
audiences before the competition.
• Testing is key to success. Like websites “click to message” ad units that can
Getting Started and apps, bots should always be be leveraged to promote a message
thoroughly tested before going public. via their platforms.
• Start small and use a test and learn
approach to inform strategy. Getting the Word Out 4. Seek to promote off-platform on
company websites, via search, display
• Take the customer’s needs and Brands should have a comprehensive and TV ads or even on product packaging.
expectations into consideration. understanding of where bots fit into
overall channel strategy and the target
• Choose which platforms resonate
customers’ journey. Bots, like content,
most with target customers.
are not just found.
• Identify which areas make the most

Study + Learn: WeChat • Transfer money to friends, split bills Looking Ahead: Beyond 2017
amongst friends
Platform innovation in China, led by • Conversational experiences will
WeChat, is providing a strong indicator of • Follow a brands’ official accounts continue to rapidly evolve and get
how global messaging platforms like better over the next few years,
• Order and have food & drinks delivered
Facebook Messenger are evolving beyond especially as forms of AI-like machine
apps into ecosystems. • Send instructions to virtual concierge learning continue to mature.
services, book daily deals, scan barcodes
If you are looking for an indication as to • Expect more integrations into home and
in-store for instant showrooming
where Facebook is headed as it builds auto devices following on the heels of
automated conversations and engagement • Send bitcoin to a friend technology like the Amazon Echo or
through bot technology, look no further Google Home
than Tencent’s WeChat. For consumers not • Manage a personal wealth fund, make
charitable donations 1 • Bots will enter the larger consumer
familiar with how ubiquitous WeChat has
environment through integrations of
become into Chinese lives, its easy to hold
• Developers now build their services within conversational experiences on iMessage
onto the long-held belief that China isn’t
WeChat, instead of building standalone and Android messaging platforms.
innovating. The reality is quite the opposite.
apps, with all the chat app’s features at
their fingertips. Global players like • Bots will permeate the workplace via
Without ever leaving the WeChat ecosystem,
Facebook are following suit. integrations into internal business
here is a taste of what users can do from
platforms like Microsoft Office,
WeChat, which now has more than 800M
Salesforce and Oracle.
users in China:
• Conversational experiences will go mainstream.
• 1-1 and group messaging

• Share their lives in their Moments feed

and share real-time locations 1. “The Amazing Ways WeChat is Used in
China.” Tech in Asia (2015 December).
• Make in-store payments, shop online, Retrieved from:
pay utility bills, play games really-used-in-china

• Access a personal WiFi hotspot

• Hail a taxi


Suggested Reading:
“The Upcoming Social Media Evolution of ChatBots and Conversational Apps”

“Facebook Messenger for Business: Six Ways Brands Can Use Chatbots”

“Why bots are the ultimate marketing tool” -

“Conversational Marketing: A New Paradigm for Brands”

BY ADAM HIRSCH I Executive Vice President of Partnerships

and Emerging Technology

ANDREW RYDER I Strategy Director of Asia-Pacific Region

As CMOs are on the hook to drive revenue, the sophistication of customer journey mapping to reach target
opportunity for—and responsibility of—B2B audiences at key touch points for pipeline impact.
marketers has never been greater.
In the past few years, CMOs have found themselves more
In the not-too-distant past, CMOs had ultimate responsibility squarely in a position where their efforts must be seen within
for building and driving a company’s brand, ensuring that the organization as driving revenue. Fortunately, the
customers maintained a set of positive associations with the continued maturity of data platforms and sales management
company’s products and services. This, it was assumed, would technology makes sales and lead attribution much easier than
inevitably result in higher levels of customer acquisition and even just a few years ago.
retention—in other words, revenue.
To successfully become a revenue-driver at an organization,
This is almost certainly true—most customers do business however, CMOs will have to adopt mindsets that look a lot
with companies that inspire positive association. However, more like management consulting, both from a systems
it lacks a degree of specificity and measurability in times that integration and organizational improvement perspective. This
demand certainty, particularly when it comes to attributing requires a new set of concerns and necessary decisions that
marketing efforts to revenue generation. CMOs typically have not had to address before. Welcome to
the era of “CMO as Integrator.”
Whereas a B2C marketer may demand “Get me in front of
at least 500,000 Hispanic males between the ages of 35 and
45 in the American southeast,” a B2B marketer may say “I
need to talk to the purchasing manager at Acme
Sprockets.” Examination of this fundamental difference has
resulted in companies adopting account-based marketing
(ABM) approaches, exploring any one of hundreds of
marketing automation technologies and increasing the


quest for attribution will drive B2B experiences will struggle to fully capitalize
The End of Vanity marketing leaders to connect identity, on marketing technologies.
Metrics attention metrics and low funnel activity
to understand how marketing results in For marketing to be effective and
customer actions. meaningful, it needs to exist in the same
First and foremost, a CMO has to re-
range-of-motion as the customers’
examine the presumed key performance
indicators related to digital engagement. A Move to Cross- everyday activity. It also needs to behave
Functional Alignment like the kind of content that the
customer would naturally consume.
In the earlier days of the social web,
It seems almost trite to assert that a Anything else is more or less a parasitic
business and trade media tended to
multitude of corporate inefficiencies can element on a customer’s attention.
frame social media as a consumer
marketing platform rather than a be solved if only the different silos in an
organization would just talk to one Considering that many major advances in
business-focused one. This resulted in
another. Obviously, uniting these groups media-consumption technology—from
B2B marketers initially inheriting B2C KPI
around a common purpose and shared DVRs to ad-blocking—have enabled
schemes, which were ill-suited to the task
goals is not an easy task. Further, even people to avoid marketing messages, the
of establishing attribution and, therefore,
the most savvy marketers, by idea of relying solely on interruption to
served as blunt tools for assessing the
themselves, may not necessarily have capture attention is to go against
overall economic value of online
the skills and framework to succeed in decades of media consumption habits.
this capacity—internal partnership is

Over the next 12 months, essential. Marketing leaders have the This expands the
opportunity to lead here; those who do will
the most important goals integration topic to
elevate the role of marketing within their
for B2B content marketers organizations and be rewarded for it.
include a group that is
will be lead generation rarely mentioned in such
(85%) and sales (84%).1 The Science of Marketing discussions: creatives.
Needs More Art
Digital engagement has to possess every 1. “B2B Content Marketing: 2016 Benchmarks, Budgets,
bit of rigor as a company’s back office and Trends – North America.” Content Marketing
Marketers that rely solely on tools at the Institute. (2016). Retrieved from:
general ledger and ERP systems. The expense of creativity and personalized


Despite wide adoption of technologies A cross-functional initiative to support a
such as marketing automation, account stronger bond between marketing
based marketing and predictive data, activities and revenue will have to
creating powerful content that resonates empower champions within each group.
with audiences remains a significant Since they’re all invested in the success of
challenge—one that does not have an the organization and can provide the
elegant technical solution. To say nothing expertise that the CMO needs to capture
of integrating creative thinking across leads from myriad sources, they can also
other functional silos in an organization, identify their provenance, convert them,
even the composition of the creative team and ultimately drive revenue.
itself will also demand examination.
Focus on Key Integration Partners
In addition to producers, copywriters,
and visual communicators, companies Sales: They are focused on engaging
will need to seek out professionals from customers and qualified prospects that
the worlds of journalism, design & art. represent revenue potential. In most B2B
organizations, these customers are likely
How Brands Should tiered and segmented by a variety of
Respond attributes such as size, industry, needs, etc.

Embrace the Integrator Role Marketing should adopt a similar

framework to focus resources, tailor efforts
One expects an integrator to not only
synthesize systems but organizational skills to key segments and effectively create
as well. This starts with identifying demand with qualified prospects. Moreover,
champions within each functional group the sales force has a wealth of valuable in-
that will help marketing tie efforts to the-trenches insights that are often
revenue. This kind of accountability is vital, underutilized by marketers. Sales needs to
since any effort that is everybody’s job feel support from and partnership with
eventually becomes nobody’s job. marketing, and to share ownership in the
demand generation strategy.


IT: This group can provide the necessary Awareness metrics like impressions, clicks
glue between customer facing marketing and basic engagement with content are
assets and back-office systems that can useful for diagnosing the day-to-day
assist with lead-tracking, customer health of tactical executions, but those
history, revenue forecasts, and so on. metrics ultimately should be viewed in
This could include taking a tweet, support of KPIs that are more closely tied
checking it against a customer database to demand generation.
and determining whether sales or
customer support should investigate. When you identify outside-the-firewall
Also, very often, it is IT rather than behaviors that indicate progress toward
marketing that manages the company’s sales-readiness, that data should
web site. This alone makes the internal somehow be made useful inside the
partnership essential. firewall. This requires aligning the
organization around how marketing

SiriusDecisions research qualified leads (MQL) and sales qualified

leads (SQL) are defined and measured.
shows that highly Some organizations may have a single
qualified lead metric depending on the
aligned B2B type and depth of interaction that must
organizations achieve occur to obtain the level of customer
information needed to qualify as ready for
19% faster revenue direct engagement by the sales force.
growth and 15% higher
We recommend B2B brands move beyond
these basic awareness metrics toward
deeper metrics that indicate identity
and desired behaviors, such as the
frequency and depth of interactions.


directly to revenue. Therefore, audience
Bring It Back to Marketing to insights should be the foundation for all BY JOE KINGSBURY
Develop Content and marketing and communications Executive Vice President of U.S.
Syndication that Drives Results efforts. This means attaining a deep Digital B2B
It’s difficult to capture a prospect’s understanding of their needs,
interest when the marketing content motivations, and challenges.
doesn’t look anything like what potential
customers would want to interact with in This is where the participation of creative
the first place. talent is essential, since they can not
only help ensure quality tactical
Ultimately, your target audiences are execution, but alignment on brand
drowning in information just like values, tone of voice, key messages, and
everyone else; the ability to core themes. Syndicating this content
communicate with compelling content through paid, earned, and owned
will be critical to breaking through the channels, tied to your new revenue-
noise and drive meaningful engagement focused KPI scheme, will ensure that it
that leads to action. has the “surround sound” necessary to
reach your audience where and when it
will hold the most mutual value.
A 2016 Content
Marketing Institute Finally, think about why any B2B
customer goes on the Internet when not
survey indicated that explicitly in the market to purchase
only 30% of marketers something. Typically speaking, they are
described their content looking for insights and information
that will help them do what they do
marketing as effective. better—to get ahead, be competitive,
and shine in front of those who evaluate
Note that much of the success in the them. Content that helps that buyer
publishing world relies upon a deep accomplish this will bind him or her more
understanding of an audience, especially closely to your company.
since repeat behavior translates more


With the advent of blockchain technology,
it has become possible for a group of
stakeholders to operate from a single,
immutable version of “digital truth.” In a
few years, this will be more impactful than
“Web 2.0” was in the early-2000s.
People probably don’t want to think Not only must there be a single
about it too hard, but many of the version of digital truth, but the facts
important systems we rely on every day and records that comprise that truth
exist as several versions of “digital must be immutable, that is, resistant
truth” that are periodically reconciled to tampering.
but nevertheless differ at any one time.
As it turns out, the primary innovation
For example, even in today’s fast- that supports Bitcoin, called a
paced world, trading certain financial “blockchain,” allows organizations and
instruments sometimes takes up to consortia to build a shared “digital
three days from the time the trade is truth” in a way that solves some of the
initiated to its eventual settlement. This issues described above. In essence,
is because there are versions of digital what many approach as a financial
truth at every step in that process that, technology can, with a little
one hopes, square with each other at imagination, hold great potential as a
the end. The same is true of the health storytelling technology.
records at your hospital, sometimes
To comprehend this potential, however,
within the same building to say nothing
requires understanding Bitcoin and core
of the gaps between the hospital and
blockchain concepts.
your insurance provider.
There are many species of “blockchain,” Each group of records is grouped into a
even at this nascent stage of the “block” and each block is timestamped and
technology. In the most general terms, unbreakably tied to its predecessor. This SECURE
though, a blockchain is an ever-growing, makes the data within a blockchain
sequential list of digital records, written and economically infeasible for attackers to
maintained by consensus and distributed corrupt or delete. (See sidebar: “’But What
across its participants. It’s therefore About…’: A Note On Security.”) NOT SECURE

decentralized, meaning there’s no single-

In the case of Bitcoin, funds move from user
point-of-failure, while still serving as a
to user without necessarily requiring trust in
shared ledger.
other individuals or institutions. What is
required is trust in the system itself, which is FIGURE 1:
Blockchain technology “open source” and, therefore, open to
In traditional media and communications, publishing
inspection. (Think about the systems we
makes true, shared trust every day that aren’t open.)
was “secure” (that is, the content was relatively
immutable) but not “open” (major publishing

digital permanence While sound digital money is truly an companies and services owned the means of
production and distribution). With the advent of the
important invention—as much of a
possible & allows breakthrough as the Web itself, even—it is Web—and, more dramatically, social media—
publishing was open (anyone could do it) but not
this core blockchain technology itself that
stakeholders to merits consideration by marketers and
really secure (the content could change, often with
little indication of having done so). With the advent
communicators. This technology makes
of blockchain technology, companies can now
operate from a single, true, shared digital permanence possible
explore publishing that is both open and secure,
and allows stakeholders to operate from a which is vital in communications around supply
immutable version of single, immutable version of digital truth. chain and social responsibility. (The average mailbox
This will someday enable digital storytelling is neither open—only the mail carrier can legally
digital truth. that is both open and secure (Fig. 1). place mail there—nor particularly secure—as this
author’s occasionally disappearing Amazon deliveries
may indicate.)
Perhaps given
blockchain technology’s in VC money in last three years.

anti-authoritarian roots
in hacker culture, the
communications 24 COUNTRIES
investing in blockchain technology for government services
industry has been
reluctant to explore it.
We’ve seen this posture 90+ CENTRAL BANKS
from the industry engaged in related discussions

before. After all, we

observed similar
attitudes during the to be traded via blockchain technology by 2025-2027.

advent of the World

Wide Web and, later,
social media. (Source: World Economic Forum)


Blockchain Tech in • Uncensorable Social Networking: to combat trolling. It would also
Borne of violent protests and a fear feature a forgiveness algorithm
Action: Implications of censorship, a decentralized since, well, everyone has a bad day.
Beyond Financial Twitter-like service is conceived in (
Brazil. No post can be taken down,
even if the network’s creator wanted
Consider the following applications of to do so. (
blockchain technology, all of which rely
on the concept of secure digital truth: • Micropayment-based Social
Network: A physics Ph.D. candidate
• Ethical, Secure Supply Chain: A
drops his studies to develop a social
fishing company works with an NGO
and a technology provider to assure networking idea that is not only
shippers, retailers, and consumers uncensorable but allows members to
that its catch does not rely on slave encourage quality participation
labor, providing a complete, though micropayments.
unbreakable digital provenance (
record. (
Also, Walmart is working with IBM • Anti-trolling: In this speculative
and Tsinghua University to secure whitepaper, reputation would be
pork from China.
tied to a blockchain identity record.
• Loyalty programs: One company Sites could use such a service to gate
seeks to defragment and integrate access to the commenting feature—
customer loyalty programs using
only people with four-out-of-five-
blockchain technology, proposing
star reputation scores need
that such an approach creates
attempt, for example. This approach
higher interoperability, redemption,
and customer value. also makes managing multiple
( identities infeasible and world serve

How Brands Should At this very early stage, Edelman recommends: to the Web, to social media, influence
has flattened while companies’ reliance
Respond Ask the fundamental question: Explore
on hierarchies has remained relatively
the benefits that can be attained if you
unchanged. Blockchain technology will
Perhaps given blockchain technology’s or your stakeholders could operate from
be a part of The Next Great Flattening,
anti-authoritarian roots in hacker a single, immutable version of “digital
where the only way to exert influence is
culture, the communications industry truth.” Those are the use cases for which
to participate meaningfully.
has been reluctant to explore it. We’ve blockchain technology is uniquely suited.
(See sidebar “Blockchain Tech in Action.”) Finally: A blockchain doesn’t magically
seen this posture from the industry
deliver absolute “truth” any more than
before. After all, we observed similar Talk to trade bodies, universities,
publishing a blog in 2002 conjured
attitudes during the advent of the World technology providers, relevant NGOs,
“transparency.” A blockchain-based
Wide Web and, later, social media. and other stakeholders: Only through
solution is only as good as the
wide and diverse collaboration can any
information fed into it, which means
It’s easier to make a prediction based on blockchain effort be successful & credible.
that collaboration and openness—lots of
a five-year horizon, versus one year. And
Prepare to do a lot of explaining: If your sets of eyeballs—are the sine qua non to
though some observers may place
efforts are meant to benefit consumers a successful deployment. That said, even
blockchain technology at the “inflated
or others outside of the business-to- a shared, permanent truth among
expectations” peak of the Gartner
business or technology arena, explore stakeholders—such as partners,
Group “hype cycle,” now is the time to
ways that they can be made to value a customers, and even regulators—has
start understanding core blockchain
truly permanent digital record. immense value.
concepts and think about applying them
to stakeholder management.
Wean your communications marketing
function from hierarchies: From print,
Senior Vice President of Digital


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