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Faustinus Ajawara

Dr. Slaughter
History 463
May 25, 2018

Observation 2

On Friday i chose to observe Mr. Yourstone. He was another history teacher at Katella
High School who was an alumni of Cal Poly Pomona. For the day’s objective, he wanted to make sure
the students were ready to move up in their educational learning. Students really seemed to be
involved because they were not afraid to raise their hands to ask questions. Mr. Yourstone was always
ready to answer their questions. He made sure he went into deep description as if he was having a
regular conversation with them about the topic. He was very hands on when he taught the class. He
was always walking around to make sure the students understood the work that was given to them.
Rather than lecturing throughout the class he got students involved with giving their input on the topic.
His kind demeanor made the students more eager to participate in class because of the level of
engagement they were receiving back. He had a very serious rule oriented classroom to make sure
everyone was on track with paying attention, allowed for no cell phone use or tardiness while he’s
lecturing. The teacher made them do group work as well in order for them to get different viewpoints
from their peers, rather than just his viewpoint and the book’s content. The pacing for the lesson i
would say was well balanced because he was not teaching at a rapid pace. He made sure everyone
was caught up with notes from the slides and his writing on the board before he continued to the next
lesson. From the participation of the class, it seemed as if the students were getting the content
standards. I did feel as if the lesson was effective because it made the students curious about the
course material and want to learn more. Although it was their last week of school, they still kept an
interested look about the material rather than checking out of the class completely.

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