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CS 391 Ethics

Prepare to Succeed#Project
Isak Foshay
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#Move to page 2 where you’ll find general instructions.

More and more students are turning to crowdsourced learning. Learning from various
#online sources, students are learning more and preferring the crowdsourced
learning#approach. Mark Glander mentions how there were 478 online schools in the
United States in the years# 2013-2014 in the article Virtual schools: Measuring
access to elementary and secondary education in online environments. In a research
study titled Virtual Schools in the U.S 2017 conducted on the 2015-2016 year it was
determined that there were 528 virtual schools. That is a 10.4% growth in 1 years
In the article How to Learn in this Course Van Londen mentions that she helps
students discover things for themselves through research. Learning in an online
based course such as CS 391, or any online course, students need to be able to find
information online for themselves. This eliminates the need for college textbooks
and listening to long lectures that try and feed the students the needed
information. If students research information for themselves before class the class
is able to have real discussions that helps solidify and challenge the knowledge
students gathered before class.
Synthesize what you read about methods of learning in the How to Learn in this
Course article.
Use the Explore area to locate at least one other article related to modern methods
of learning. ⬊
Summarize the article.
Cite the sources as per instructions in step 1.c of page 2.
#Move to Page 5.

Safety & Cyberbullying

Cyber bullying is a real, major, problem facing the #world these days. The internet
makes it easier for people
to bully, and be bullied. Most cyber bullies are sad people who often abuse
alcohol. In the article Understanding Cyber Bullying in College Claire Hall says
“if the cyberbullying is a result of harassment based on a protected class (i.e,
race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression,
etc.) then the behavior will constitute a violation of federal law.” Some people
aren’t able to get rid of their cyber bullies becauses of anonymization and other
reasons such as needing the online account for work or connecting with family who
don’t use any other sites. In the article Cyber Bullying Laws the author mentions
that in california, “The use of ‘an electronic communication device’ to cause
someone to fear for their life is charged as a misdemeanor.” This is punishable by
up to one year in jail with the possible bonus of a one thousand dollar fine.
In the article Online Harassment 2017 Maeve Duggin states that 41% of
americans have experienced some form of online harassment. In the article Maeve
talks about the differences in gender when asked whether the internet should feel
safe and welcome, or if people should be able to freely speak their minds. The
article states that men are more likely (7% more likely) to have been called
offensive names or recieved physical threats. On the other hand, women are
extremely more likely to recieve sexual harassment online (21% vs 9%).
Synthesize what you read about in the Creating a Safe Space, Cyberbullying, and
Online Harassment 2017 articles.
Use the Explore area to locate at least 1 other article related to safe online
Summarize the article.
Cite the sources as per instructions in step 1.c of page 2.
#Move to Page 6.

Library Services
In her article Library Services, Van Londen advises#students to have a specific
question rather than a vague
question when consulting a librarian. She also advises
students to “not ask two different librarians to answer the same question”.
Included in the article are several links to different campus resources such as a
texting number and a phone calling number. There are also links to several
librarians contact information.
authors talk about the benefits of an RFID system replacing the old barcode system.
They talk about gluing RFID tags onto each book that contains information on the
book. By having an RFID tag on the book libraries would be able to track movement
of books throughout the library by implementing the use of RFID scanners throughout
the library. Another benefit of RFID technology is not having to scan each book
when they are returned. Instead of scanning each book by hand, the process would be
automated by RFID sensors and a server database. The RFID scanners would sense when
the book was brought back into the library and would automatically add the book
back into the libraries list of books available for checkout. By using RFID
scanners throughout the room it would also allow the library to track where the
physical location of the books are in the library. For example, if someone takes a
book and places it back in the wrong spot, the library would be able to locate the
book quickly and efficiently instead of blindly searching around until they found
Synthesize what you read about in the Library Services article.
Use one of the Library Services to locate at least 1 other article related to
modern library technologies.
Summarize the article.
Cite the sources as per instructions in step 1.c of page 2.
#Move to Page 7.

Evaluate Sources of News

In the article Evaluating Sources, Van Londen mentions
the article Evaluating Information: The CornerStone of
Civic Online Reasoning. In this article they found that
students from middle school to college level were unable to tell apart opinionated
stories, advertisements, and real, concrete, stories. Van Londen states, “Our
ability to differentiate fact from fiction gets harder as new sources of varying
quality crop of overnight.” It is difficult for people to analyze news articles
thoroughly and critically when there is hundreds of more articles for them to read
that are seemingly, by the titles, just as important as the day before’s articles.
In Max Stearns article The Viral Media Graphic (with special thanks to Vanessa
Otero) he critically analyzes Otero’s chart and mentions that one of the good
things about the chart is the fact that it resembles a bell curve which is
intuitive to readers. Stearns also mentions the fact the Otero had a moderate-left
bias. Otero mentions that her moderate-left tendencies, “might have encouraged
tilting the graphic in favor of elevating some conservative media and discounting
some liberal media to compensate, at least in the initial graphic.”
Synthesize what you read in the Evaluating Sources article and the Media Bias
Chart (Otero 2017). Cite the articles.
Also, hover to zoom in on each colored section of the chart.
Make note of the sources in the Green section. You’ll use some of them on the next
#Move to page 8.

Google News Feed

I added the interests “Computer ethics” and
“Ethics of technology”. I then added the sites AFP,#Reuters, Associated Press, and
A 2018 article written by Leonid Bershidsky Ask Voters If They Want More Driverless
Cars discusses the split in U.S drivers opinions on whether or not they would ride
in an autonomous car. And focuses in on the accident that resulted in the death of
a 49 year old homeless woman names Elaine Herzberg. Herzberg had stepped out of the
darkness right in front of the driverless uber and was struck and killed.
Bershidsky discusses the ethics of the situation. He mentions that the uber was
going 38 in a 35, and also the fact that the driver who was supervising the uber
had stated that she wouldn’t have been able to avoid the woman either. In contrast
to the news of the autonomous car striking a pedestrian Bershidsky mentions that
“crash statistics show that autonomous vehicles get into fewer crashes than those
driven by humans”. In a Pew Research Center article titled Americans’ attitudes
toward driverless vehicles, the authors conducted a survey on whether or not
respondents would ride in a driverless car if offered a ride. There was a split
with the response of not wanting to ride beating out wanting a ride by 12% (56% to
44%). However Bershidsky also mentions that another survey conducted by the
American Automobile Association concluded that 49% of millennials would refuse a
ride in a driverless car. This suggests that younger generations are more open to
the idea of driverless cars. Bershidsky concludes with his opinion that every city
should vote on whether or not to allow driverless car tests and kind of service the
driverless car tests could perform such as taxis or delivery vehicles.
View the Liberal, Neutral, Conservative Sources chart.
Set up Google News to include at least 1 new category called Technology Ethics.
To that new category, add at least 3 neutral sources as noted in the chart.
Describe the three sources added to the Personalized Google News Feed.
Describe at least one ethics in technology article which you found displayed in
your news feed.
Cite the sources as per instructions in step 1.c of page 2.
#Move to page 8.

Avoiding Plagiarism
When directly duplicating another company or #Persons work an individual is
violating USA copyright #law. An individual can possibly use copyrighted material
#under Fair Use. The article More Information on Fair Use gives examples of the
attributes that may qualify a work for Fair Use protections to be a work that uses
attributes such as, “criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and
research.” If a work uses copyrighted material and is found to not constitute Fair
Use then the author of the work could be sued for copyright infringement.
In the article What is Plagiarism? they state “According to the Merriam-Webster
online dictionary, to ‘plagiarize’ means to steal and pass off (the ideas or words
of another) as one's own”, as well as other, similar, definitions. Plagiarism is
copying someone's work and not giving them credit. This can happen deliberately if
someone copies an entire paper and passes it off as their own. However; there can
also be unintentional plagiarism such as when a person forgets to put quotes around
a piece of text they were trying to use in their own original paper.
After reading the Writing Requirements article...
Discuss how copying someone else’s writing or imagery may be a criminal offense.
Discuss ways to avoid plagiarism.
Cite the sources.
#Move to page 9.

Bibliograpy Tools
I remember the first time I used a bibliography#generating tool it felt like I was
cheating. I am highly#relieved that using bibliography tools has become the #norm
in classes. The cite tool that I have always used is a tool called KnightCite. I
will be trying out Apogee this term and will most likely move on from KnightCite in
favor of a more automated tool. But, I have used KnightCite on and off for years.
With KnightCite I am able to select what the type of media I am citing is
such as: webpage, book, newspaper, magazine, or a video, to name a few. I am also
able to select MLA or APA as a format for the citations. As I write this I realize
that KnightCite is quite dated compared to the new tools that people are using.
I’ve been using KnightCite for upwards of 8 years though, so it’s more of a
nostalgia type of love. There are some pros to KnightCite, in that it is highly
customizable. Because I have to input almost everything manually it allows me to
make changes when the automated script screws something up.
Discuss your previous use of bibliography tools to track sources of research.
If you have never used a tool, then:
Set up at least one to test. Refer to these options.
Discuss it here.
#Move to page 10.

This Project’s Bibliography

. "NCES Blog | Virtual schools: Measuring access to elementary and secondary

education in online environments." n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2018.
elementary-and-secondary-education-in-online-environments>#Aaron Smith And Monica
Anderson. "3. Americans’ attitudes toward driverless vehicles." Pew Research
Center: Internet, Science & Tech. 4 Oct. 2017. Web. 8 Apr. 2018.
vehicles/>#Albert R. Hunt. "The Two Faces of Lindsey Graham." 8 Apr.
2018. Web. 8 Apr. 2018. <
08/lindsey-graham-has-a-decision-to-make-about-trump>#Array М. Дрозд. "СОВРЕМЕННОЙ
БИБЛИОТЕКЕ – СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ | Дрозд | Информатика." 1 Oct. 2016. Web. 8 Apr. 2018.
<>#Findlaw. "Cyberbullying Laws -
FindLaw." Findlaw. 4 Apr. 2018. Web. 8 Apr. 2018.
<>#Maeve Duggan.
"Online Harassment 2017." Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech. 11 Jul.
2017. Web. 8 Apr. 2018. <
2017/>#Max Stearns. "The Viral Media Graphic (with special thanks to Vanessa Otero)
| blindspot." blindspot. 18 Nov. 2017. Web. 8 Apr. 2018.
Using your bibliography tool of choice, add a bibliography for this project.
Each entry should include these items:
Author name
Title of the article
Publish date
Move to Page 11.

This Project’s Bibliography

Molnar, Alex. "Virtual Schools in the U.S. 2017." National Education Policy Center.
11 Apr. 2017. Web. 8 Apr. 2018. <
schools-annual-2017> #N.a. "Cyberbullying: Awareness & Prevention in College &
Social Media." n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2018.
awareness/>#N.a. "How to Learn in this Course | Social and Ethical Issues in
Computer Science ~ CS 391 | Oregon State University College of Engineering." n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2018.
<> #N.a.
"Research | Social and Ethical Issues in Computer Science ~ CS 391 | Oregon State
University College of Engineering." n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2018.
<>#N.a. "Research
| Social and Ethical Issues in Computer Science ~ CS 391 | Oregon State University
College of Engineering." n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 2018.
"What is Plagiarism? -" 26 May 2017. Web. 8 Apr.
2018. <>#Office, U.s.
Copyright. "More Information on Fair Use | U.S. Copyright Office."
23 Mar. 2018. Web. 8 Apr. 2018. <
Using your bibliography tool of choice, add a bibliography for this project.
Each entry should include these items:
Author name
Title of the article
Publish date
Move to Page 11.

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