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CS271 Graded by

Project #6A Jia Guo

Due 11:59 pm, 10th Sunday
Name: Isak Foshay
Possible Points Comments
Preliminaries (2 pts)
Files correctly submitted 1 1
Program assembles and links 1 1
Documentation (6 pts)
Identification block
Name, date, etc. 1 0
Program description 1 0
Procedure header blocks 2 2
In-line comments 2 0
Verification (18 pts) You only display a line with "This will be where the intro is".
Executes 2 0
Gets / validates user numbers 3 0
Displays sum 1 0
Displays average 1 0
Test program gets 10 integers from user 1 0
Converts string to numeric correctly 3 0
Converts numeric to string correctly (sum and average) 3 0
Calculation are correct 2 0
getString macro works correctly 1 0
displayString macro works correctly 1 0
Requirements (21 pts)
Main procedure calls subprocedures and controls main loop 1 0
Required procedures implemented with good logical hierarchy 4 0
User input is read as string and converted to numeric (with error checking) 5 0
Output is converted from numeric to string (sum and average) 4 0
Used registers saved and restored by called procedures 2 0
Parameters passed on system stack, and cleaned up by the called procedure 4 0
Implements and uses macro to display strings 1 0
Coding Style (3 pts)
Uses appropriately named identifiers 1 1
Uses readable indentation, white-space, etc. 1 1
Output is well-formatted 1 0
1 pt Numbers each line of user input / displays running subtotal of user’s numbers.
2 pts Handles signed integers
3 pts ReadVal and WriteVal procedures are recursive
4 pts implements ReadVal / WriteVal for floating point values, using the FPU
5 pts handles input / output with interrupts instead of ReadString and WriteString
? pts Something amazing …
Total Score Possible | Achieved 50 6

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