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` Tonometri 89.

Echocardiografi 88.72
Ods. PDR ( proliferative diabetic retinopathy ) E 11.3 Tampon hidung (Control of epistaxis by other 21.09
VBI (Vertebro-basilar artery syndrome ) G 45.0 means )
Tinea corporis B 35.4 USG Abdomen 88.76
Tumor bronchus D 14.3 Funduscopy ( mata ) 95.02
PPOK (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease J 44.1 Excision of chalazion 08.21
with (acute) exacerbation ) USG Vasculer 88.77
TKR ( total knee replacement unspecified ) Z 96.6
Injection of therapeutic substance into joint or 81.92
CRS ( Cervical root disorders, not elsewhere G 54.2 ligament
classified ) Excision of chalazion 08.21
AMP (Other specified arthritis, multiple sites ) M 13.9
Optalmoscopy 16.21
Dysphagia R 13
Os. Faco 13.41
CTS (Carpal tunnel syndrome ) G 56.0
Caustic 18.29
Floating head O 32.4
Injection Intra vascular 81.92
Delivery by caesarean section, unspecified O 82.9
DSG ( Vaginal delivery following previous O 75.7 Debridement 86.28
caesarean section ) Nebul 93.94
Foreign body in ear ( benda asing telinga ) T 16 Continuous positive airway pressure 93.90
TTH ( Tension-type headache ) G 44.2 [CPAP]
Condiloma acuminata ( A 63.0 USG Thorax 88.73
AF (Atrial fibrillation and flutter ) I 48 Sutur Skin 86.59
Epistaxis R 04.0 O2 93.96
Post AMP G 83.3 SC 74.4
Lateral epicondylitis M 77.1 ekstirpasi 86.3
tinea corporis B 35.4 GIPS 93.53
neurogenic bladder N 31.9
Unspecified right bundle-branch block ( RBBB ) I 45.1
Deep concept O 63.4
hipokondriasis F 45.2
Plantar Fascitis M 72.2
Trigger finger M 65.3
Ekstraksi telinga / Mata / hidung 98.11/ 98.21/ 98.12
Spoeling / Ear Toilet 96.52

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